Retrieve, compare and vote for ideas, NOT documents or people. WebKB refers to the knowledge base (KB) servers WebKB-1 and WebKB-2. KB servers are not Web search engines ... [More]
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To search and add to the public KB of this WebKB-2 server, you can use: - The frame-based interface (two resizable frames: one for the menus and one for the results). - The following "simple category search" or pop-up menus for additional features. They are proposed after each list of results if you do not change that "default formatting option". For a category search, enter an English noun for an object you are interested in, for example "flight" or "person". You may use the wildcards '?' (for 0 or 1 unknown character) and '*' (for any unkown sequence of characters). You may also directly enter a category identifier if you know it. Change the default formatting options if you find the results too complex to read or if you want more formal knowledge representation notations to be used. You can also access WebKB-2's documentation, some examples of executable knowledge files and some alternative menus.
If you need more document element indexation features or more script features than those provided by WebKB-2, and wish to store your knowledge within Web files only (that is, if you are ok with the fact that the knowledge in those files will not also be in a large public knowledge base and hence will be difficult to retrieve and compare or relate with knowledge from other users), use this WebKB-1 server. Hopefully in the future all the features of WebKB-1 will be integrated into WebKB-2.
If the server of this site does not respond, try this other WebKB server.