Indexation file of an interview retranscription

      Language: CG;
      Ontology: ../../kb/webkb1/nit/accidentOntology.html;
      Repr_author: phmartin; Creation_date: Wed May 21 17:22:10 CST 1997;
      Indexed_doc: ../../kb/webkb1/interview.html;

   (DE: {section title: Abstract} )
         TC for Road_accident_analysis (x) are
         { (First_subtask)->[Gathering_of_information_on_an_accident]->(Task_Succ)->[Road_accident_reconstruction:*a];

the first thing I do when I arrive on the accident area is to get a general view on the accident, its causes, its severity . Then I take the maximum of notes and photos on everything that will quickly diseapear.
         TC for Gathering_of_information_on_an_accident (x) are
         { (First_subtask)->[Getting_a_general_view_on_an_accident]->(Task_Succ)->[Gathering_important_transcient_information_on_an_accident:*g];

When I think that a later collecting phase will not be possible, I do a quick technical collecting phase on the vehicle, that is, I look for defaults in the suspension, the brakes, the tires and the driving axle.
         name #IntervJL_L1103_phmartin_AnyView
          { (Object)->[WN_suspension__suspension_system];
TC for Quick_technical_collection_of_information_on_an_accident (x) are
          { (Subtask)<-[Gathering_of_information_on_an_accident];

   (DE: {9th occurence} vehicle )
   (Repr: [Vehicle: {*}] )


      //Document: ../../kb/webkb1/interview.html;
      Repr_author: phmartin;  Creation_date: Wed May 21 17:22:10 CST 1997;
   (DE: {Document: ../../kb/webkb1/interview.html}

Knowledge Engineer (KE): What about the collecting phase ?

JEAN-LOUIS: Well, the first thing I do when I arrive on the accident area is to get a general view on the accident, its causes, its severity. Then I take the maximum of notes and photos on everything that will quickly diseapear. For each vehicle involved in the accident, I note for instance its final position, the locations of its debris, its trails, its loading, the position of its gear lever, the condition of its tires, and if possible the lighting condition and the electric circuit.

KE: Do you have a check-list ?

JEAN-LOUIS: Yes, I have a check-list but I use it mainly in a later collecting phase. In the first collecting phase, I note the important information that will be lost afterwards. When I think that a later collecting phase will not be possible, I do a quick technical collecting phase on the vehicle, that is, I look for defaults in the suspension, the brakes, the tires and the driving axle.

KE: Do you do use instruments ?

JEAN-LOUIS: If the vehicle is still functionning, I ask people to do a breaking test, and I record the breaking with a "systeme a mascotte".

Fig. 1.  A car crash (source: INRETS)

   (Relation: Summary
   (DE: {Document: ../../kb/webkb1/interview.html}
Jean-Louis is an expert in road accident analysis (INRETS, France). In this interview excerpt, he explains which information to collect on an accident area for enabling a later reconstruction of this accident.