The “Sub” Ontology ________________________________________________________________________________________


The purposes of the Sub ontology is explained in this article about "Ontology Intrinsic Completeness".
The types (from Sub) that are in bold characters below are mentionned in this article
via the identifiers used below or using natural language expressions.

This document embeds knowledge representations (KRs) within “<div class="KR">...</div>” HTML tags.
The KRs are shown in the preformatted text font and are in the FL language.
The FL parser discards i) what is not within “<div class="KR">...</div>” HTML tags, and
ii) comments and HTML tags within KRs.
Thus, this file is both an ontology storage file (or KR engine input file) and
a way to document and structure the stored about the stored KRs.

In this document, "/^" is used for supertype relations instead of the more common "<" symbol, because 
i) it looks like "" (in 2D representations, e.g. in UML, more or less upward arrows are often used for generalizations), 
ii) it is ASCII, and  iii) "<" causes problems in HTML files and for some basic checks in
some editors (e.g. parenthesis balancing in emacs).
By analogy, "\." is used for subtype relations instead of the more common ">" symbol,
"|." is used for "instance", "|^" for "type", and "!" for "exclusion" (disjointness).

Table of Contents

1. Basic Types 1.1. Some Top-Level Basic Relation Types 1.2. Generalization, Specialization, Comparability And Definitions 1.2.1. Strict Generalization And Specialization 1.3. Parts, Members and Their Inverses 1.3.1. Strict Parts/Members and Their Inverses 1.4. Contextualizing Or Negating Relations 2. Definition Elements In OWL 3. Some Relation Types Equivalent To Some CN Queries 3.1. For “{==>, <==>}” As Second Parameter

1. Basic Types

owl#Thing //has for subtype partition {sub#Individual sub#Type}: \. p{ //p{...} delimits a subtype partition, //e{...} delimits an incomplete set of exclusive subtypes (sub#Type = sub#Higher-order_type_instance, \. p{ rdf#Property (rdfs#Class \. owl#Class) } ) (sub#Non-type_thing = sub#First-order-type_instance, \. p{ sub#Individual (sub#Statement \. (rdf#Statement \. (owl#NegativePropertyAssertion .(?ns) := [?ns <=> [ [a rdf#statement ?s] [?ns <=> ! ?s] ]] ) ) (sub#Statement_with_only_one_relation = sub#relation) //Section 1.1 p{ sub#Anonymous_statement (sub#Named_statement \. (sub#Statement_named_via_rdfs-label = ^(sub#Statement rdfs#label: a owl#Thing) ) (sub#Statement_with_id = ^(sub#Statement sub#id: a owl#Thing)) ) } (Statement_for_inferences .(?p) :=> [a rdf#statement ?s <=> [?p => an owl#Thing] ] ) ) } (sub#Contextualization \. (sub#Contextualizing_value |. sub#False sub#True) ) ) }.

1.1. Some Top-Level Basic Relation Types

sub#relation .(*) \. p{ sub#non-binary_relation (sub#binary_relation = owl#topObjectProperty .(owl#Thing, owl#Thing)) //|^ rdf#Property } p{ owl#sameAs (owl#differentFrom \. p{ sub#different_but_equivalent sub#different_and_non-equivalent } ) } p{ (sub#equivalent = sub#"<==>", \. p{ (sub#equivalent_type, \. p{ (sub#equivalent_property = sub#eqP owl#equivalentProperty) (sub#equivalent_class = sub#eqC owl#equivalentClass) }) (sub#equivalent_non-type_thing \. p{ (sub#equivalent_statement .(sub#Statement, sub#Statement) = sub#"<=>") sub#equivalent_individual }) } p{ owl#sameAs sub#different_but_equivalent } ) (sub#non-equivalent = sub#"!<==>" \. (sub#non-equivalent_nor_entailing ! sub#extended-entailed_thing_or_equivalent, \. p{ (sub#non-equivalent_type .(sub#Type, sub#Type) \. p{ (sub#non-equivalent_property \. p{ owl#propertyDisjointWith (sub#non-equivalent_nor_exclusive_property = sub#neP) }) (sub#non-equivalent_class .(rdfs#Class, rdfs#Class) \. p{ owl#disjointWith (sub#non-equivalent_nor_exclusive_class = sub#not-disjoint_and_not-equivalent_class sub#neC) } (sub#non-equivalent_nor_subClassOf ! rdfs#subClassOf ) ) }) sub#non-equivalent_non-type_thing } //next type: the destination is a set and its members are not <==> to the source // nor to each other (sub#non-equivalent_things .(owl#Thing ?t, .{2..* owl#Thing} ?ts) = sub#neTs, := [ [?ts sub#member: ^t1 (^t2 != ^t1)] => [^t1 sub#non-equivalent: ^t2 ?t] ], \. p{ (sub#non-equivalent_exclusive_things :=> [ [?ts sub#member: ^t1 (^t2 != ^t1)] => [^t1 sub#exclusion: ^t2, ?t] ], \. (sub#counted-contextualizing-relation-types .(rdf:Statement, .{0..* rdf:Property}) \. sub#mandatory-contextualizing-relation-types ) ) (sub#non-equivalent_nor_exclusive_things .(owl#Thing ?t, .{2..* owl#Thing} ?ts) = sub#neTs, := [ [?ts sub#member: ^t1 (^t2 != ^t1)] => [^t1 sub#non-equivalent_nor_exclusive_thing: ^t2 ?t] ], \. p{ (sub#non-equivalent_nor_exclusive_types .(sub#Type, sub#Type) \. p{ (sub#non-equivalent_nor_exclusive_classes .(rdfs#Class, .{2..* rdfs#Class}) = sub#neCs) (sub#non-equivalent_nor_exclusive_properties .(rdf#Property, .{2..* rdf#Property}) = sub#nePs) }) sub#non-equivalent_nor_exclusive_non-types }) }) //each of the next subtypes is specialized in a next (sub-)section sub#strict_semantic_generalization_or_specialization sub#strict_extended_part_or_part-of sub#contextualizing-or-negating_relation ) ) } //each of the next subtypes is specialized in a next (sub-)section sub#definition_or_semantic_generalization_or_specialization_or_comparability sub#extended_part_or_part-of sub#relation_equivalent_to_a_CN_query .

1.2. Generalization, Specialization, Comparability And Definitions

sub#definition_or_semantic_generalization_or_specialization_or_comparability \. (sub#semantic_generalization_or_equivalent \. p{ sub#equivalent (sub#strict_semantic_generalization \. e{ (sub#type .(?, sub#Type) owl#inverseOf: sub#instance) sub#strict_extended-entailed_thing //specialized in the next subsection }) } c{ (sub#type_or_equivalent = rdf#type, //e.g. in Turtle: "owl:Class rdf:type owl:Class" \. p{ sub#equivalent_type sub#type } ) (sub#semantic_core-generalization_or_equivalent \. (sub#extended-entailed_thing_or_equivalent = sub#"==>", \. p{ sub#equivalent sub#strict_extended-entailed_thing } e{ (sub#supertype_or_equivalent = sub#supertype, \. p{ sub#equivalent_type sub#strict_supertype } p{ (sub#superProperty_or_equivalent = owl#subPropertyOf, \. p{ sub#equivalent_property sub#strict_superProperty } ) (sub#superClass_or_equivalent = rdfs#subClassOf, //e.g. in Turtle: owl:Class rdfs#subClassOf owl:Class \. p{ sub#equivalent_class sub#strict_superClass } ) } ) (sub#entailed_statement_or_equivalent = sub#"=>", \. p{ sub#equivalent_statement sub#strict_entailed_statement } sub#owl2_implication ) (sub#superIndividual_or_equivalent \. p{ sub#equivalent_individual sub#strict_superIndividual } ) })) }) (sub#semantic_specialization_or_equivalent owl#inverseOf: sub#semantic_generalization_or_equivalent, \. p{ sub#equivalent (sub#strict_semantic_specialization \. e{ (sub#instance owl#inverseOf: sub#type) sub#strict_extended-entailed-by_thing }) } (sub#semantic_core-specialization_or_equivalent owl#inverseOf: sub#semantic_core-generalization_or_equivalent, \. (sub#extended-entailed-by_thing_or_equivalent = sub#"<==", \. p{ sub#equivalent sub#strict_extended-entailed-by_thing } e{ (sub#entailed-by_statement_or_equivalent \. p{ sub#equivalent_statement sub#strict_entailed-by_statement } ) (sub#subIndividual_or_equivalent \. p{ sub#equivalent_individual sub#strict_subIndividual } ) (sub#subtype_or_equivalent = sub#subtype, owl#inverseOf: sub#supertype_or_equivalent, \. p{ sub#equivalent_type sub#strict_subtype } p{ (sub#subProperty_or_equivalent = sub#subProperty sub#superPropertyOf owl#inverseOf: sub#superProperty_or_equivalent, \. p{ sub#equivalent_property sub#strict_subProperty } ) (sub#subClass_or_equivalent = sub#subClass sub#superClassOf, owl#inverseOf: sub#superClass_or_equivalent, \. p{ sub#equivalent_class sub#strict_subClass } ) }) (sub#subtypes_or_equivalent-types .(sub#Type, .{2..* sub#Type ?t}) \. sub#strict_subtypes //details in next subsection (sub#complete_set_of_subtypes \. p{ (sub#complete_set_of_subClasses .(rdfs#Class, .{2..* rdfs#Class}) = sub#uoC owl#unionOf, \. sub#complete_set_of_strict_subClasses ) (sub#complete_set_of_subProperties = sub#uoP, \. sub#complete_set_of_strict_subProperties ) })) })) p{ sub#object_not_known_to_be_comparable_or_uncomparable_via_extended-entailment (sub#object_known_to_be_comparable_or_uncomparable_via_extended-entailment = sub#object_known_to_be_comparable_or_uncomparable, \. p{ (sub#comparable_via_extended-entailment \. p{ sub#equivalent sub#strict_generalization sub#strict_specialization } (sub#comparable_class .(rdfs#Class, rdfs#Class) //hence: \. p{ sub#equivalent_class sub#strict_superClass sub#strict_subClass } //or: \. p{ rdfs:subClassOf sub#strict_subClass) )) (sub#uncomparable_via_extended-entailment \. p{ sub#extended-entailment_exclusion (sub#known_to_be_uncomparable_but_not_exclusive_via_extended-entailment \. (sub#uncomparable-but-not-disjoint_type .(sub#Type, sub#Type) \. (sub#uncomparable-but-not-disjoint_class .(rdfs#Class, rdfs#Class) ! owl#disjointWith ) ) ) } p{ (sub#uncomparable_type .(sub#Type, sub#Type) \. (sub#uncomparable_class .(rdfs#Class, rdfs#Class) \. sub#uncomparable-but-not-disjoint_class ) ) sub#uncomparable_non-type }) } p{ (sub#type_known_to_be_comparable_or_uncomparable .(sub#Type, sub#Type) \. p{ (sub#class_known_to_be_comparable_or_uncomparable .(rdfs#Class, rdfs#Class) //hence: \. p{ sub#comparable_class sub#uncomparable_class } // or: \. p{ sub#comparable_class owl#disjointWith // sub#non-equivalent_class_nor_subClassOf } ) sub#property_known_to_be_comparable_or_uncomparable }) sub#non-type_known_to_be_comparable_or_uncomparable } ) } p{ sub#object_not_known_to_be_SUP-comparable-or-uncomparable_via_extended-entailment (sub#object_known_to_be_SUP-comparable-or-uncomparable_via_extended-entailment = sub#object_known_to_be_SUP-comparable_or_SUP-uncomparable, \. sub#object_known_to_be_comparable_or_uncomparable_via_extended-entailment p{ (sub#SUP-comparable_via_extended-entailment \. p{ sub#equivalent sub#strict_generalization } sub#comparable_via_extended-entailment (sub#SUP-comparable_class .(rdfs#Class, rdfs#Class) //hence: \. p{ sub#equivalent_class sub#strict_superClass } //or: = rdfs:subClassOf )) sub#not_known_to_be_SUP-comparable-or-uncomparable_via_extended-entailment (sub#SUP-uncomparable_via_extended-entailment \. p{ (sub#SUP-uncomparable_type .(sub#Type, sub#Type) \. (sub#SUP-uncomparable_class .(rdfs#Class, rdfs#Class) = sub#non-equivalent_class_nor_subClassOf \. sub#SUP-uncomparable-but-not-disjoint_class ) ) sub#SUP-uncomparable_non-type } sub#uncomparable_via_extended-entailment ) } p{ (sub#type_known_to_be_SUP-comparable-or-uncomparable .(sub#Type, sub#Type) \. p{ (sub#class_known_to_be_SUP-comparable-or-uncomparable .(rdfs#Class, rdfs#Class) = sub#class_known_to_be_SUP-comparable_or_exclusive_or_SUP-uncomparable //hence: \. p{ sub#comparable_class sub#uncomparable_class } // or: \. p{ sub#comparable_class owl#disjointWith // sub#non-equivalent_class_nor_subClassOf } ) sub#property_known_to_be_SUP-comparable-or-SUP-uncomparable }) sub#non-type_known_to_be_comparable_or_uncomparable } ) } (sub#definition \. c{ sub#"<==" sub#"==>" }, :=> "a full definition of a statement is equivalent to this statement" ).

1.2.1. Strict Generalization And Specialization

sub#strict_generalization_or_specialization \. p{ (sub#strict_semantic_generalization \. (sub#strict_extended-entailed_thing \. e{ sub#strict_entailed_statement .(sub#Statement, sub#Statement) sub#strict_superIndividual .(sub#Individual, sub#Individual) (sub#strict_supertype .(sub#Type, sub#Type) \. p{ (sub#strict_superProperty .(rdf#Property, rdf#Property) = sub#proper-subPropertyOf ) (sub#strict_superClass = sub#proper-subClassOf) }) })) (sub#strict_semantic_specialization owl#inverseOf: sub#strict_generalization, \. (sub#strict_extended-entailed-by_thing \. e{ (sub#strict_entailed-by_statement .(sub#Statement, sub#Statement) owl#inverseOf: sub#strict_entailed_statement) (sub#strict_subIndividual owl#inverseOf: sub#strict_superIndividual) (sub#strict_subtype .(sub#Type, sub#Type) owl#inverseOf: sub#strict_supertype, \. p{ (sub#strict_subProperty .(rdf#Property, rdf#Property) = sub#proper-superPropertyOf, \. sub#sP sub#sP_ ) //although "sub#sP \. sub#sP_" is tempting //sP (sub#strict_subClass = sub#proper-subClass sub#proper-superClassOf, \. sub#sC sub#sC_ )//though "sub#sC \. sub#sC_" is tempting //sC } (sub#s .(sub#Type ?t, sub#Type ?st) := "strict subtype that is uncomparable but not disjoint to its siblings except for those which are connected by subtype relations or by exclusion relations (and hence already known to be non-equivalent)", := //the following definition use kif#"=>>" and kif#consis; see // "Knowledge Interchange Format, Version 3.0, Reference Manual" // (1992), pages 54-56, for their definitions; the FL parser // know these types [ [?t sub#strict-subtype: (^st2 != ?st)] => [kif#consis _([^st2 sub#uncomparable-but-not-disjoint_type ?st]) kif#=>> [^st2 sub#uncomparable-but-not-disjoint_type ?st] ] ], \. p{ sub#sP sub#sC } ) (sub#strict_subtype_uncomparable_but_not_disjoint_to_its_siblings .(sub#Type ?t, sub#Type ?st) = sub#s_, := //nearly as above but without requiring kif#consis and kif#=>> [ [?t sub#strict-subtype: (^st2 != ?st)] => [ [^st2 sub#uncomparable-but-not-disjoint_type ?st] => [^st2 sub#uncomparable-but-not-disjoint_type ?st] ] ], \. p{ (sub#sP_ .(rdf#Property, rdf#Property) = sub#sP_) (sub#sC_ = sub#proper-superClassOf_a-subclass-uncomparable-but-not-disjoint-with-its-siblings) }) ) }) (sub#strict_semantic_core_specializations \. (sub#strict_subtypes .(sub#Type ?t, .{2..* sub#Type ?st}) \. p{ (sub#strict_subProperties .(rdf#Property, .{2..* rdf#Property}) \. (sub#exclusive_strict_subProperties \. p{ (sub#property_partition = sub#pP) //pP (sub#incomplete_set_of_exclusive_subProperties = sub#eP) //eP }) (sub#complete_set_of_strict_subProperties \. p{ sub#property_partition (sub#complete_set_of_non-exclusive_strict_subProperties = sub#cP ) //cP }) ) (sub#strict_subClasses .(rdfs#Class, .{2..* rdfs#Class}) \. (sub#exclusive_strict_subClasses \. p{ (sub#class_partition = owl#disjointUnionOf sub#pP) //pC (sub#incomplete_set_of_exclusive_subClasses = sub#eC) //eC }) (sub#complete_set_of_strict_subClasses \. p{ sub#class_partition (sub#complete_set_of_non-exclusive_strict_subClasses = sub#cC ) //cC }) ) } e{ (sub#exclusive_strict_subtypes .(sub#Type ?t, .{2..* sub#Type}) = sub#eT, := [ [?t \. ^st1 (^st2 != ^st1)] => [^st1 sub#disjoint_type ^st2] ], \. p{ sub#exclusive_strict_subProperties sub#exclusive_strict_subClasses .(rdfs#Class, .{2..* rdfs#Class}) }) (sub#non-exclusive_strict_subtypes .(sub#Type ?t, .{2..* sub#Type}) := [ [?t \. ^st1 (^st2 != ^st1)] => [^st1 !sub#disjoint_type ^st2] ], \. p{ (sub#non-exclusive_strict_subProperties .(rdf#Property, .{2..* rdf#Property}) \. p{ sub#complete_set_of_non-exclusive_strict_subProperties sub#incomplete_set_of_non-exclusive_strict_subProperties }) (sub#non-exclusive_strict_subClasses .(rdfs#Class, .{2..* rdfs#Class}) \. p{ sub#complete_set_of_non-exclusive_strict_subClasses sub#incomplete_set_of_non-exclusive_strict_subClasses }) }) } p{ (sub#complete_set_of_strict_subtypes .(sub#Type ?t, .{2..* sub#Type} ?sTs) = sub#cT, := [ [?t \. ^st1] => [^st1 /^ (a sub#Type sub#member of: stTs)] ], \. p{ sub#complete_set_of_strict_subProperties sub#complete_set_of_strict_subClasses }) sub#incomplete_set_of_strict_subtypes } )) ) }.

1.3. Parts, Members and Their Inverses

sub#extended_part_or_part-of sub#type: owl#TransitiveProperty, \. p{ sub#equivalent sub#strict_extended_part_or_part-of } p{ sub#extended_part_or_part-of_directly_between_individuals .(sub#Individual, sub#Individual) (sub#extended_part_or_part-of_between_types_but_for_their_instances .(sub#Type, sub#Type) \. (sub#part_or_part-of_between_types_but_for_their_instances \. c{ sub#part_between_types_but_for_their_instances //see next subsection sub#part-of_between_types_but_for_their_instances //see next subsection })) } (sub#extended_part \. p{ sub#equivalent sub#strict_extended_part } e{ (sub#member_or_equivalent \. p{ sub#equivalent sub#member }) (sub#part_or_equivalent = sub#part, \. p{ sub#equivalent sub#strict_part }) (sub#c_part_or_equivalent \. p{ sub#eqC sub#c_part }) }) (sub#extended_part-of owl#inverseOf: sub#part-of_or_equivalent, \. p{ sub#equivalent sub#strict_extended_part-of } ) p{ sub#object_not_known_to_be_comparable-or-uncomparable_via_part (sub#object_known_to_be_comparable-or-uncomparable_via_part = sub#object_known_to_be_part-comparable-or-uncomparable, \. p{ (sub#comparable_via_part \. p{ owl#sameAs sub#part sub#part_of } ) (sub#uncomparable_via_part \. p{ sub#part_exclusion sub#part-uncomparable_but_not_part-exclusive }) }) } p{ sub#object_not_known_to_be_c_comparable-or-uncomparable_via_part (sub#object_known_to_be_c_comparable-or-uncomparable_via_part = sub#object_known_to_be_c_part-comparable-or-uncomparable, \. p{ (sub#comparable_via_c_part \. p{ sub#eqC sub#c_part sub#c_part_of } ) (sub#uncomparable_via_c_part \. p{ sub#c_part_exclusion sub#c_part-uncomparable_but_not_c_part-exclusive }) }) }.

1.3.1. Strict Parts/Members and Their Inverses

sub#strict_extended_part_or_part-of \. (sub#strict_extended_part \. (sub#strict_part = sub#part, \. sub#sPart) (sub#part_between_types_but_for_their_instances .(sub#Type ?t1, sub#Type ?t2) = c_part, := [ [^i sub#type: ?t1] => [^i sub#part: a ?t2] ], \. c_sPart ) (sub#member .(owl#Thing, owl#Thing) \. (sub#statement_member .(sub#Statement, owl#Thing) \. (sub#definition_member \. sub#definition_member_via_OWL ) //see Section 3 //just another example: (sub#relation_member .(sub#Statement, owl#Thing) \. (sub#relation_type .(sub#Statement, owl#Thing) \. (sub#relation_type_of_an_RDF_reified_statement = rdf#predicate))))) (sub#"==>-element" = sub#extended-entailment_element, \. p{ (sub#"=>-element" .(sub#Statement ?X, sub#Statement ?y) = sub#entailment_element, := "∀X,y  =>-element(X,y) <=> (∃y2,Y (X=>Y) ∧ (Y <=> (y ∧ y2)))", := [?X => (a sub#Statement ?Y <=> [?y. (?y2 != ?y)])], \. (sub#"<=>-element" .(sub#Statement ?X, sub#Statement ?y) = sub#equivalent-statement_element, := [?X <=> [?y. (?y2 != ?y)] ] ) ) (sub#NC-definition_element .(owl#Thing ?t, owl#Thing ?e) := [?t sub#"==>": (a sub#Statement sub#statement_member: ?e)], \. (sub#NSC-definition_element .(owl#Thing ?t, owl#Thing ?e) := [?t <=> (a sub#Statement sub#statement_member: ?e)] ) ) }) (sub#"<==-element" = sub#extended-reverse-entailment_element, \. p{ (sub#"<=-element" .(sub#Statement ?X, sub#Statement ?y) = sub#reverse-entailment_element, := [?X <= (a sub#Statement ?Y <=> [?y. (?y2 != ?y)])], \. sub#"<=>-element" ) (sub#SC-definition_element .(owl#Thing ?t, owl#Thing ?e) := [?t sub#"<==": (a sub#Statement sub#statement_member: ?e)], \. sub#NSC-definition_element ) }) (sub#definition-element .(owl#Thing ?t, owl#Thing ?e) |^ owl#TransitiveProperty, \. c{ sub#NC-definition_element sub#SC-definition_element } p{ sub#def_necessary-element sub#def_non-necessary_element }, sub#definition-element_via_OWL //defined in Section 2 ) (sub#part-exclusive_parts .( sub#Individual ?i, .{2..* sub#Individual} ?pIs ) = sub#non-overlapping_parts, := [[?pIs sub#member: ^pI1 (^pI2 != ^pI1)] => [^pI1 sub#part_exclusion ^pI2]], \. p{ (sub#part_partition = sub#partPartition sub#pParts) //pParts (sub#incomplete_set_of_part-exclusive_parts = sub#eParts) //eParts }) (sub#c_part-exclusive_parts .( sub#Type ?t, .{2..* sub#Type} ?pTs ) := [ [^i sub#type: ?t, sub#part-exclusive_parts: ?pIs] [ [^pI sub#member of: ?pIs] => [^pI sub#type: (a sub#Type sub#member of: ?pTs)] ] ], \. p{ (sub#c_part_partition = sub#c_pParts) //c_pParts (sub#incomplete_set_of_part-exclusive_parts = sub#c_eParts) //c_eParts }) (sub#complete_set_of_parts .( sub#Individual ?i, .{2..* sub#Individual} ?pIs ) := [ [^e sub#part of: ?i] => [^e sub#part of: (a owl#Thing sub#member of: ?pIs)] ], \. p{ sub#part_partition (sub#complete_set_of_non-part-exclusive_parts = sub#cParts) //cParts }) (sub#c_complete_set_of_parts .( sub#Type ?t, .{2..* sub#Type} ?pTs ) := [ [^i sub#type: ?t, sub#union_of_parts: ?pIs] [ [^pI sub#member of: ?pIs] => [^pI sub#type: (a sub#Type sub#member of: ?pTs)] ] ], \. p{ sub#c_part_partition (sub#complete_set_of_c_non-part-exclusive_parts = sub#c_cParts) //c_cParts }) ) (sub#strict_extended_part-of \. (sub#strict_part-of = sub#part_of sub#partOf sub#superPart, owl#inverseOf: sub#strict_part) (sub#part-of_between_types_but_for_their_instances = sub#c_part_of sub#c_partOf, owl#inverseOf: sub#part_between_types_but_for_their_instances ) (sub#"elementOf-==>" = sub#elementOf-extended-entailment, \. p{ (sub#"elementOf-=>" .(sub#Statement ?x, sub#Statement ?Y) = sub#elementOf-entailment, := "∀x,Y  elementOf-=>(x,Y) <=> (∃X,x2!=x (X=>Y) ∧ (X <=> (x ∧ x2)))", := [a sub#Statement ?X => ?Y, <=> [?x. (?x2 != ?x)] ], \. (sub#"elementOf-<=>" .(sub#Statement ?x, sub#Statement ?Y) = sub#elementOf-equivalent-statement, := [?Y <=> [?x. (?x2 != ?x)] ] ) ) (sub#elementOf-NC-definition owl#inverseOf: sub#NC-definition-element) }) (sub#"elementOf-<==" = sub#elementOf-extended-reverse-entailment, \. p{ (sub#"elementOf-<=" .(sub#Statement ?x, sub#Statement ?Y) := [a sub#Statement ?X <= ?Y, <=> [?x. (?x2 != ?x)] ], \. sub#"elementOf-<=>" ) (sub#elementOf-SC-definition owl#inverseOf: sub#SC-definition-element) }) ).

1.4. Contextualizing Or Negating Relations

sub#contextualizing-or-negating_relation \. p{ (sub#statement_contextualizing-or-negating_relation = sub#aboutness-relation \. (sub#statement_contextualizing-or-negating_binary-relation = sub#contextualization ) ) sub#non-statement_contextualizing-or-negating_relation } p{ (sub#pure_contextualizing_relation \. sub#time) (sub#extended_negation = sub#"!", \. p{ (sub#statement_negation = sub#negation) sub#non-statement_negation } //also derivable from signatures (sub#extended_exclusion \. (sub#extended-entailment_exclusion .(owl#Thing ?t1, owl#Thing ?t2) = sub#"==>!" sub#exclusion, sub#propertySymmetricNegation: sub#"==>",//so: //:= [ [ [^t sub#"==>": ?t1] => ![^t sub#"==>": ?t2] ] // [ [^t sub#"==>!" ?t2] => ![^t sub#"==>!": ?t1] ] ], \. e{ (sub#disjoint_type .(sub#Type, sub#Type) \. p{ (sub#disjoint_class = owl#disjointWith sub#disjC, \. owl#complementOf) (sub#disjoint_property .(rdf#Property, rdf#Property) = owl#propertyDisjointWith sub#disjP, \. (sub#propertySymmetricNegation .(?rt1, ?rt2) := [[[^x ?rt1: ^y]=>[ ![^x ?rt2: ^y] ![^y ?rt2: ^x]]] [[^x ?rt2: ^y]=>[ ![^x ?rt1: ^y] ![^y ?rt1: ^x]]]], \. sub#propertyFullExclusion ) ) }) sub#exclusive_non-type_thing }) (sub#propertySymmetricNegationOrExclusion .(?rt1, ?rt2) \. sub#propertySymmetricNegation (sub#propertySymmetricExclusion_of .(?rt1, ?rt2) := [ [^x ?rt1: ^y] <=> [ [[^e ?rt2: ^x] => ![^e ?rt2: ^y]] [[^e ?rt2: ^y] => ![^e ?rt2: ^x]] ] ], \. sub#propertyFullExclusion ) (sub#propertySymmetricExclusion_of .(?rt1, ?rt2) owl#inverseOf: sub#propertySymmetricExclusion \. sub#propertyFullExclusion ) ) (sub#extended-part_exclusion \. (sub#"==>-element_exclusion" = sub#extended-entailment-element_exclusion, sub#propertyFullExclusion of: sub#"==>-element", \. (sub#"==>-element_exclusion" sub#propertyFullExclusion of: sub#"==>-element", \. (sub#"<=>-element_exclusion" = sub#equivalent-statement-element_exclusion, sub#propertyFullExclusion of: sub#"<=>-element" ))) (sub#"<==-element_exclusion" = sub#extended-reverse-entailment-element_exclusion, sub#propertyFullExclusion of: sub#"<==-element", \. (sub#"<=-element_exclusion" sub#propertyFullExclusion of: sub#"<=-element", \. sub#"<=>-element_exclusion" )) (sub#definition-element_exclusion .(owl#Thing ?t1, owl#Thing ?t2) \. c{ (sub#NC-definition-element_exclusion sub#propertyFullExclusion of: sub#NC-definition-element ) (sub#SC-definition-element_exclusion sub#propertyFullExclusion of: sub#SC-definition-element ) } p{ (sub#def_necessary-element_exclusion sub#propertyFullExclusion of: sub#def_necessary-element ) (sub#def_non-necessary_element_exclusion sub#propertyFullExclusion of: sub#def_non-necessary_element ) }, sub#propertyFullExclusion: sub#definition-element ) (sub#part_exclusion .(sub#Individual ?i1, sub#Individual ?i2) = sub#part-disjointWith, sub#propertySymmetricNegation: sub#part, := "no shared part", := [no owl#Thing sub#part of: ?i1 ?i2], := [ [^e sub#part of: ^i1] => ![^e sub#part of: ^i2] [^e sub#part of: ^i2] => ![^e sub#part of: ^i1] ] ) (sub#c_part_exclusion .(sub#Type ?t1, sub#Type ?t2) , sub#propertySymmetricNegation: sub#c_part, := [ [ [^i1 sub#type: ?t1] [^i2 sub#type: ?t2] ] => [^i1 sub#part_exclusion: ^i2] ] ) ) (sub#extended-part-of_exclusion \. (sub#"elementOf-<==_exclusion" sub#propertyFullExclusion of: sub#"elementOf-<==" ) (sub#"elementOf-=>_exclusion" sub#propertyFullExclusion of: sub#"elementOf-==>" ) ) (sub#type_exclusion .(owl#Thing ?t1, owl#Thing ?t2) sub#propertyFullExclusion of: sub#type_or_equivalent ) /* negation: ![?t1 type: ?t2], ![?t2 type: ?t1] exclusion: [ [ [^i sub#type: ?t1] => ![^i sub#type: ?t2] ] [ [^i sub#type: ?t2] => ![^i sub#type: ?t1] ] ] */ )) }.

2. Definition Elements In OWL

sub#definition_element_via_OWL \. p{ sub#class-definition_element sub#datatype-definition_element sub#property-definition_element (sub#instance-definition_element \. sub#instance owl#hasKey) }. sub#class-definition_element \. sub#proper-superClassOf owl#complementOf (sub#class-def_union_part .(?t, ?p) := [?t rdfs#subClassOf: (a owl#Thing owl#unionOf: ?p)] ) (sub#class-def_intersection_part .(?t, ?p) := [?t rdfs#subClassOf: (a owl#Thing owl#intersectionOf: ?p)] ) (sub#class-def_onProperty_part .(?t, ?p) := [?t rdfs#subClassOf: (a owl#Thing owl#onProperty: ?p)] ) (sub#class-def_onClass_part .(?t, ?p) := [?t rdfs#subClassOf: (a owl#Thing owl#onClass: ?p)] ) (sub#class-def_someValuesFrom_part .(?t, ?p) := [?t rdfs#subClassOf: (a owl#Thing owl#someValuesFrom: ?p)] ) (sub#class-def_allValuesFrom_part .(?t, ?p) := [?t rdfs#subClassOf: (a owl#Thing owl#allValuesFrom: ?p)] ) (sub#class-def_hasValue_part .(?t, ?p) := [?t rdfs#subClassOf: (a owl#Thing owl#hasValue: ?p)] ) (sub#class-def_hasSelf_part .(?t, ?p) := [?t rdfs#subClassOf: (a owl#Thing owl#hasSelf: ?p)] ) (sub#class-def_oneOf_part .(?t, ?p) := [?t rdfs#subClassOf: (a owl#Thing owl#oneOf: ?p)] ) (sub#class-def_cardinality_part .(?t, ?p) := [?t rdfs#subClassOf: (a owl#Thing owl#cardinality: ?p)] ) (sub#class-def_minCardinality_part .(?t, ?p) := [?t rdfs#subClassOf: (a owl#Thing owl#minCardinality: ?p)] ) (sub#class-def_maxCardinality_part .(?t, ?p) := [?t rdfs#subClassOf: (a owl#Thing owl#maxCardinality: ?p)] ) (sub#class-def_qCardinality_part .(?t, ?p) := [?t rdfs#subClassOf: (a owl#Thing owl#qualifiedCardinality: ?p)] ) (sub#class-def_maxCard_part .(?t, ?p) := [?t rdfs#subClassOf: (a owl#Thing owl#minQualifiedCardinality: ?p)] ) (sub#class-def_minCard_part .(?t, ?p) := [?t rdfs#subClassOf: (a owl#Thing owl#maxQualifiedCardinality: ?p)] ). sub#datatype-definition_element \. (sub#datatype-def_minRestr_part .(?t, ?p) := [?t owl#withRestrictions: (a owl#Thing xsd#minInclusive : ?p)] ) (sub#datatype-def_maxRestr_part .(?t, ?p) := [?t rdfs#subClassOf: (a owl#Thing owl#unionOf: ?p)] ). sub#property-definition_element \. sub#proper-superPropertyOf owl#inverseOf rdfs#domain rdfs#range (sub#propertyChainAxiom_member \. (sub#chain_member1 .(?t, ?p) := [?t owl#propertyChainAxiom: (a owl#Thing rdf#first: ?p)] ) (sub#chain_member2 .(?t, ?p) := [?t owl#propertyChainAxiom: (a owl#Thing rdf#rest: (a owl#Thing rdf#first: ?p))]) (sub#chain_member3 .(?t, ?p) := [?t owl#propertyChainAxiom: (a owl#Thing rdf#rest: (a owl#Thing rdf#rest: (a owl#Thing rdf#first: ?p)))] )). //and so on, as many as needed

3. Some Relation Types Equivalent To Some CN Queries

Each of the following sub-sections has a title which mentions a specification via CN (with the notation used in the above cited article). For each of these specifications, there exists a relation type that generalizes all the types of the checked relations. In each sub-section this type is given.

3.1. For “{==>, <==>}” As Second Parameter

/* With the notation used in the article: - CN({every owl:Thing}, {==>, <==>}) checks that every object in the evaluated KB is sub:object_known_to_be_comparable_or_uncomparable to every object in this KB. - CN({every rdfs:Class}, {rdfs:subClassOf, owl:equivalentClass, owl:sameAs}) checks that every class in the KB is sub#class_known_to_be_comparable_or_uncomparable to every object in this KB. - CN({every owl:Thing}, {==>, <==>},{"every object to some other object"}) checks that every object is sub:object_known_to_be_SUP-comparable-or-SUP-uncomparable to some other object in this KB. - CN({every rdfs:Class}, {rdfs:subClassOf, owl:equivalentClass, owl:sameAs}, {"every object to some other object"}) checks that every class is sub:class_known_to_be_SUP-comparable-or-SUP-uncomparable some other object in this KB. */