Warnings and hints

Warnings about JavaScript

The interface of the WebKB set of tools use HTML and JavaScript. Hence, you can easily adapt their layout or their behaviour. JavaScript also presently seems more secure than Java applets and is quicker to load.

However, JavaScript is presently only implemented on the WWW browsers Netscape (from 2.0) and Microsoft's Internet Explorer (from 3.0).
Hence, to use the above tools, you have to use one of these browsers and the use of JavaScript must be allowed (cf. the "Network Preference" - "Languages" menu). This is presently the case in your browser.

Besides, JavaScript is still a new language and its implementation is not the same on all platforms or on all browsers. There should be no JavaScript problem except may be for the hierarchy navigation tools which work well with Netscape 2.0 and 3-01 on IRIX and Solaris but have led to different kinds of errors on other platforms. Otherwise, if you encounter mild problems, they may often be solved by reloading the tool (use the "Reload" button or the "View - Reload" menu).


Note that Netscape does not pop up a window for a tool if this window already exists. Hence, when you do not use a window of the WebKB set of tools, it's better to close it than to iconify it or to put it in background.

Sometimes Netscape do not open windows any more. In that case you have to exit Netscape and start it again.

Use the mouse middle button if you want the tool menu to appear in a different window.

The hierarchy navigation tool is slow (you should save the document which countains it on your local disk to really use it). Do not click again on an hyperlink before a new window appears, otherwise the second click will also be taken into account but for an hyperlink in the new window.


The WebKB set of tool is free software for research purpose only (cf. copyright).

Philippe A. MARTIN, Griffith University, School of Information Technology, Australia
E-mail: pm .@. phmartin dot info