> ? [some is#publisher_in_IS] [km#graph2_on_article [an #article, dc#Coverage: km#knowledge_translation, pm#title: "Relationships with other formalisms", dc#Creator: "D. Nardi, U. Sattler, D. Calvanese, R. Molitor", pm#part of: (a #book, pm#title: "Relationships with other formalisms", pm#object of: (a #publishing, pm#time: 2002 , pm#agent: is#Cambridge_University_Press)), pm#url: http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/~comp4001/dlbackground2.pdf] ](06/05/2024); [km#graph1_on_book [a #book, dc#Coverage: km#knowledge_extraction_from_databases, pm#title: "Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining", dc#Creator: "U.M. Fayyad, G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, P. Smyth, R. Uthurusamy (eds)", pm#object of: (a #publishing, pm#time: 1996 , pm#agent: is#AAAI/MIT_Press)] ](06/05/2024); [km#graph23_on_article [an #article, dc#Coverage: km#FCA_domain, pm#title: "Formal Concept Analysis: Mathematical Foundations", dc#Creator: "Bernhard Ganter, Rudolf Wille", pm#object of: (a #publishing, pm#time: 1999 , pm#agent: is#Springer_Verlag), pm#url: http://www.math.tu-dresden.de/~ganter/FCAbooks.html] ](06/05/2024); [km#graph24_on_article [an #article, dc#Coverage: km#FCA_based_KDD, pm#title: "Conceptual Knowledge Discovery in Databases Using Formal Concept Analysis Methods", dc#Creator: "Gerd Stumme, Rudolf Wille", pm#object of: (a #publishing, pm#time: 1998 , pm#agent: is#Springer_Verlag)] ](06/05/2024); [km#graph25_on_article [an #article, dc#Coverage: {km#FCA_attribute_exploration,km#FCA_concept_exploration}, pm#title: "Explorations tools in Formal Concept Analysis", dc#Creator: "Gerd Stumme", pm#object of: (a #publishing, pm#time: 1996 , pm#agent: is#Springer_Verlag), pm#url: http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/WBS/gst/publications.shtml] ](06/05/2024); //Search time: 0.0004 s, printing time: 0.004 s (according to the Unix function gettimeofday())