#weather_condition__weathercondition__weather__atmospheric_condition__atmosphericcondition  the meteorological conditions: temperature and wind and clouds and precipitation; "they were hoping for good weather"; "every day we have weather conditions and yesterday was no exception"
  supertype:  atmospheric_phenomenon__atmosphericphenomenon  a physical phenomenon associated with the atmosphere
  subtype:  cold_weather__cold_snap__cold_wave__cold_spell  a period of unusually cold weather
     subtype:  frost__freeze  weather cold enough to cause freezing
  subtype:  fair_weather__sunshine__temperateness__temperatenes  moderate weather; suitable for outdoor activities
  subtype:  hot_weather__hotweather__heat_wave__hot_spell__hotspell  a period of unusually hot weather
     subtype:  scorcher  an extremely hot day
     subtype:  sultriness  oppressively hot and humid weather
  subtype:  thaw__thawing__warming  warm weather following a freeze; snow and ice melt; "they welcomed the spring thaw"
  subtype:  precipitation__downfall  the falling to earth of rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist
     subtype:  fine_spray  precipitation in very small drops
     subtype:  hail  precipitation of ice pellets when there are strong rising air currents
     subtype:  rainfall__rain  water falling in drops from vapor condensed in the atmosphere
        subtype:  monsoon.wind  any wind that changes direction with the seasons
        subtype:  rainstorm  a storm with rain
           subtype:  line_storm__equinoctial_storm__equinoctialstorm  a violent rainstorm near the time of an equinox
           subtype:  thundershower  a short rainstorm accompanied by thunder and lightning
        subtype:  downpour__cloudburst__deluge__waterspout__torrent__soaker  a heavy rain
        subtype:  drizzle  very light rain; stronger than mist but less than a shower
        subtype:  rain_shower__shower  a brief period of precipitation; "the game was interrupted by a brief shower"
           subtype:  scattering.rain_shower__sprinkle__sprinkling  a light shower that falls in some locations and not others nearby
     subtype:  sleet  partially melted snow (or a mixture of rain and snow)
     subtype:  snowfall__snow  precipitation falling from clouds in the form of ice crystals
        subtype:  snow_flurry__flurry  a light brief snowfall and gust of wind (or something resembling that); "he had to close the window against the flurries"; "there was a flurry of chicken feathers"
        subtype:  whiteout  an arctic atmospheric condition with clouds over snow produce a uniform whiteness and objects are difficult to see; occurs when the light reflected off the snow equals the light coming through the clouds
     subtype:  virga  light wispy precipitation that evaporates before it reaches the ground (especially when the lower air is low in humidity)
  subtype:  elements  violent or severe weather (viewed as caused by the action of the four elements); "they felt the full fury of the elements"
  subtype:  wind  air moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure; "trees bent under the fierce winds"; "when there is no wind, row"
     subtype:  airstream  a relatively well-defined prevailing wind
        subtype:  jet_stream__jetstream  a high-speed high-altitude airstream blowing from west to east near the top of the troposphere; has important effects of the formation of weather fronts
     subtype:  calm_air  wind moving at less than 1 knot; 0 on the Beaufort scale
     subtype:  zephyr__breeze__gentle_wind__air  a slight wind (usually refreshing); "the breeze was cooled by the lake"; "as he waited he could feel the air on his neck"
        subtype:  sea_breeze__seabreeze  a cooling breeze from the sea (during the daytime)
        subtype:  breath.zephyr  a slight movement of the air; "there wasn't a breath of air in the room"
        subtype:  light_air__lightair  wind moving 1-3 knots; 1 on the Beaufort scale
        subtype:  light_breeze__lightbreeze  wind moving 4-7 knots; 2 on the Beaufort scale
        subtype:  gentle_breeze  wind moving 8-12 knots; 3 on the Beaufort scale
        subtype:  moderate_breeze  wind moving 13-18 knots; 4 on the Beaufort scale
        subtype:  fresh_breeze__freshbreeze  wind moving 19-24 knots; 5 on the Beaufort scale
        subtype:  strong_breeze  wind moving 25-31 knots; 6 on the Beaufort scale
     subtype:  chinook_wind__chinookwind__chinook__snoweater  a warm dry wind blowing down the E slopes of the Rockies
     subtype:  harmattan  a dusty wind from the Sahara that blows toward the W coast of Africa during the winter
     subtype:  crosswind  wind blowing across the path or a ship or aircraft
     subtype:  fohn__foehn  a warm dry wind that blows down the northern slopes of the Alps
     subtype:  Santa_Ana.wind__santaana  a strong hot dry wind that blows in winter from the deserts of southern California toward the Pacific Coast
     subtype:  high_wind  a very strong wind; "rain and high winds covered the region"
     subtype:  headwind  wind blowing opposite to the path of a ship or aircraft
     subtype:  tailwind  wind blowing in the same direction as the path of a ship or aircraft
     subtype:  the_doldrums__doldrums  a belt of calms and light winds between the northern and southern trade winds of the Atlantic and Pacific
     subtype:  east_wind__easter__easterly  a wind from the east
        subtype:  levanter  an easterly wind in the western Mediterranean area
     subtype:  northwest_wind__northwestwind__northwester  a wind from the northwest
     subtype:  southwester__sou'wester  a strong wind from the southwest
     subtype:  southeaster__sou'easter  a strong wind from the southeast
     subtype:  gale  a strong wind moving 45-90 knots; force 7 to 10 on Beaufort scale
        subtype:  moderate_gale__near_gale  wind moving 32-38 knots; 7 on the Beaufort scale
        subtype:  fresh_gale__freshgale  wind moving 39-46 knots; 8 on the Beaufort scale
        subtype:  strong_gale  wind moving 47-54 knots; 9 on the Beaufort scale
        subtype:  whole_gale__wholegale  wind moving 55-63 knots; 10 on the Beaufort scale
     subtype:  gust__blast__blow  a strong current of air; "the tree was bent almost double by the gust"
        subtype:  bluster.gust  a violent gusty wind
        subtype:  sandblast  a blast of wind laden with sand
        subtype:  puff_of_air__puff__whiff  a short light gust of air
     subtype:  monsoon  a seasonal wind in S Asia; blows from the SW (bringing rain) in summer and from the NE in winter
     subtype:  monsoon.wind  any wind that changes direction with the seasons
     subtype:  north_wind__northwind__norther__boreas  a wind from the north
        subtype:  bise__bize  a dry cold north wind in SE France
        subtype:  mistral  a strong north wind that blows in France during the winter
        subtype:  tramontane__tramontana  a cold dry wind that blows south out of the mountains into Italy and the western Mediterranean
     subtype:  prevailing_wind  the predominant wind direction; "the prevailing wind is from the southwest"
        subtype:  antitrades  wind in the upper atmosphere blowing above but in the opposite direction from the trade winds
        subtype:  trade_wind__tradewind__trade  steady winds blowing from east to west above and below the equator; "they rode the trade winds going west"
        subtype:  antitrade_wind__antitradewind__antitrade  winds blowing from west to east and lying above the trade winds in the tropics
     subtype:  simoom__simoon__samiel  a violent hot sand-laden wind on the deserts of Arabia and North Africa
     subtype:  south_wind__southwind__souther__southerly  a wind from the south
     subtype:  squall  sudden violent winds; often accompanied by precipitation
        subtype:  line_squall  a squall advancing along a front that forms a definite line
     subtype:  air_current__aircurrent__draft__draught  a current of air (usually coming into a room or vehicle)
        subtype:  thermal  rising current of warm air
        subtype:  updraft  an strong upward air current
        subtype:  downdraft  a strong downward air current
     subtype:  west_wind__wester  wind that blows from west to east
        subtype:  prevailing_westerly__westerly  the west-to-east winds that occur in the temperate zones of the Earth
  subtype:  atmospheric_state__atmosphericstate__atmosphere  the weather or climate at some place; "the atmosphere was thick with fog"
     subtype:  air_mass  a large body of air with uniform characteristics horizontally
        subtype:  high_pressure__high  an air mass of higher than normal pressure; "the east coast benefits from a Bermuda high"
        subtype:  low_pressure__lowpressure__low__depression  an air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation; "a low moved in over night bringing sleet and snow"
     subtype:  anticyclone  (meteorology) winds spiraling outward from a high-pressure center; circling clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counter-clockwise in the southern
     subtype:  cyclone.atmospheric_state  (meteorology) rapid inward circulation of air masses about a low-pressure center; circling counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern
     subtype:  fogginess__foggines__murk__murkiness  an atmosphere in which visibility is reduced because of a cloud of some substance
        subtype:  fug  (British informal) an airless smoky smelly atmosphere
  subtype:  good_weather  weather suitable for outdoor activities
     subtype:  calmness.good_weather  an absence of strong winds or rain
        subtype:  stillness__stillnes__windlessnes  calmness without winds
        subtype:  lull__quiet  a period of calm weather; "there was a lull in the storm"
     subtype:  mildness__clemency  good weather with comfortable temperatures
  subtype:  bad_weather__inclemency__inclementness__inclementnes  weather unsuitable for outdoor activities
     subtype:  raw_weather__rawweather  unpleasantly cold and damp weather
     subtype:  storminess  the state of being stormy; "he dreaded the storminess of the North Atlantic in winter"
        subtype:  boisterousness.storminess  a turbulent and stormy state of the sea
        subtype:  windiness__windines__breezines  a mildly windy state of the air
        subtype:  tempestuousness__tempestuousnes  a state of wild storminess
        subtype:  choppiness__roughness__roughnes__roughwater  used of the sea
     subtype:  cloud_cover__cloudcover__cloudiness__overcast  the state of the sky when it is covered by clouds
     subtype:  turbulence  instability in the atmosphere
        subtype:  clear-air_turbulence__clearairturbulence  strong turbulence in an otherwise cloudless region that subjects aircraft to violent updrafts or downdrafts

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