#tree  a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms
  supertype:  woody_plant__woodyplant__ligneous_plant  a plant having hard lignified tissues or woody parts especially stems
  substance:  sapwood  heartwood
  part:  tree_stump  treetop  tree_branch  tree_trunk  burl
  member of:  forest
  subtype:  yellowwood_tree__yellowwood  any of various trees having yellowish wood or yielding a yellow extract
     subtype:  gymnospermous_yellowwood__gymnospermousyellowwood  any of various gymnospermous trees having yellow wood
        subtype:  South-African_yellowwood__Podocarpus_latifolius  erect or shrubby tree of Africa having ridged dark gray bark and rigid glossy medium to long leaves
        subtype:  common_yellowwood__bastard_yellowwood__bastardyellowwood__Afrocarpus_falcata  medium-sized tree of South Africa
     subtype:  angiospermous_yellowwood__angiospermousyellowwood  any of various angiospermous trees having yellow wood
        subtype:  osage_orange__osageorange__bowwood__mockorange__Maclura_pomifera  small shrubby deciduous yellowwood tree of south central United States having spines, glossy dark green leaves and an inedible fruit that resembles an orange; its hard orange-colored wood used for bows by native Americans; frequently planted as boundary hedge
        subtype:  Kentucky_yellowwood__gopherwood__Cladrastis_lutea__Cladrastis_kentukea__yellowwood  small handsome round-headed deciduous tree having showy white flowers in terminal clusters and heavy hardwood yielding yellow dye
        subtype:  West_Indian_satinwood__satinwood__zanthoxylumflavum  West Indian tree with smooth lustrous and slightly oily wood
        subtype:  Australian_sumac__Rhodosphaera_rhodanthema__Rhus_rhodanthema  evergreen of Australia yielding a dark yellow wood
        subtype:  sweetleaf__Symplocus_tinctoria  small yellowwood tree of southern United States having small fragrant white flowers; leaves and bark yield a yellow dye
  subtype:  lancewood_tree__lancewoodtree__Oxandra_lanceolata  source of most of the lancewood of commerce
  subtype:  Guinea_pepper__negro_pepper__negropepper__Xylopia_aethiopica  tropical west African evergreen tree bearing pungent aromatic seeds used as a condiment and in folk medicine
  subtype:  anise_tree__anisetree  any of several evergreen shrubs and small trees of the genus Illicium
     subtype:  purple_anise__Illicium_floridanum  small shrubby tree with purple flowers; found in wet soils of southeastern United States
     subtype:  Illicium_anisatum__star_anise  small shrubby tree of Japan and Taiwan; flowers are not fragrant
     subtype:  star_anise__Chinese_anise__Illicium_verum  small tree of China and Vietnam bearing anise-scented star-shaped fruit used in food and medicinally as a carminative
  subtype:  winter's_bark_tree__winter's_bark__Drimys_winteri  South American evergreen tree yielding winter's bark and a light soft wood similar to basswood
  subtype:  zebrawood_tree__zebrawoodtree__zebrawood  any of various trees or shrubs having mottled or striped wood
     subtype:  Connarus_guianensis  tropical American and east African tree with strikingly marked hardwood used in cabinetwork
     subtype:  arariba__Centrolobium_robustum  Brazilian tree with handsomely marked wood
     subtype:  Eugenia_dicrana__nakedwood  tree of extreme southern Florida and West Indies having thin scaly bark and aromatic fruits and seeds and yielding hard heavy close-grained zebrawood
     subtype:  goncalo_alves__goncaloalve__Astronium_fraxinifolium  tall tropical American timber tree especially abundant in eastern Brazil; yields hard strong durable zebrawood with straight grain and dark strips on a pinkish to yellowish ground; widely used for veneer and furniture and heavy construction
     subtype:  marblewood  hard marbled wood
  subtype:  granadilla_tree__granadillo__Brya_ebenus  West Indian tree yielding a fine grade of green ebony
  subtype:  acacia  any of various spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Acacia
     subtype:  shittah_tree__shittahtree__shittah  source of a wood mentioned frequently in the Bible; probably a species of Acacia
     subtype:  black_wattle__blackwattle__Acacia_auriculiformis  Australian tree that yields tanning materials
     subtype:  gidgee__stinking_wattle__Acacia_cambegei  scrubby Australian acacia having extremely foul-smelling blossoms
     subtype:  Acacia_catechu__catechu__Jerusalem_thorn  East Indian spiny tree having twice-pinnate leaves and yellow flowers followed by flat pods; source of black catechu
     subtype:  silver_wattle__mimosa__Acacia_dealbata  evergreen Australasian tree having white or silvery bark and young leaves and yellow flowers
     subtype:  huisache__cassie__mimosa_bush__sweet_wattle__sweetwattle__sweet_acacia__sweetacacia__scented_wattle__scentedwattle__flame_tree__flametree__Acacia_farnesiana  tropical American thorny shrub or small tree; fragrant yellow flowers used in making perfumery
     subtype:  golden_wattle__Acacia_pycnantha  shrubby Australian tree having clusters of fragrant golden yellow flowers; widely cultivated as an ornamental
     subtype:  Acacia_xanthophloea__fever_tree__fevertree  African tree supposed to mark healthful regions
  subtype:  coralwood__red_sandalwood__redsandalwood__Barbados_pride__peacock_flower_fence__Adenanthera_pavonina  East Indian tree with racemes of yellow-white flowers; cultivated as an ornamental
  subtype:  albizzia__albizia  any of numerous trees of the genus Albizia
     subtype:  silk_tree__Albizia_julibrissin__Albizzia_julibrissin  attractive domed or flat-topped Asiatic tree having bipinnate leaves and flowers with long silky stamens
     subtype:  siris_tree__siristree__siris__siri__Albizia_lebbeck__Albizzia_lebbeck  large spreading Old World tree having large leaves and globose clusters of greenish-yellow flowers and long seed pods that clatter in the wind
     subtype:  rain_tree__saman__monkey_pod__zaman__zamang__Albizia_saman  large ornamental tropical American tree with bipinnate leaves and globose clusters of flowers with crimson stamens and sweet-pulp seed pods eaten by cattle
  subtype:  conacaste__elephant's_ear__Enterolobium_cyclocarpa  tropical South American tree having a wide-spreading crown of bipinnate leaves and coiled ear-shaped fruits; grown for shade and ornament as well as valuable timber
  subtype:  inga  any tree or shrub of the genus Inga having pinnate leaves and showy usually white flowers; cultivated as ornamentals
  subtype:  ice-cream_bean__icecreambean__Inga_edulis  ornamental evergreen tree with masses of white flowers; tropical and subtropical America
  subtype:  guama__Inga_laurina  tropical tree of Central America and West Indies and Puerto Rico having spikes of white flowers; used as shade for coffee plantations
  subtype:  lead_tree__white_popinac__whitepopinac__Leucaena_glauca__Leucaena_leucocephala  low scrubby tree of tropical and subtropical North America having white flowers tinged with yellow resembling mimosa and long flattened pods
  subtype:  wild_tamarind__Lysiloma_latisiliqua__Lysiloma_bahamensis  a tree of the West Indies and Florida and Mexico; resembles tamarind and has long flat pods
  subtype:  nitta_tree__nittatree  any of several Old World tropical trees of the genus Parkia having heads of red or yellow flowers followed by pods usually containing edible seeds and pulp
     subtype:  Parkia_javanica  tall evergreen rain forest tree with wide-spreading crown having yellow-white flowers; grown as an ornamental in parks and large gardens
  subtype:  manila_tamarind__camachile__huamachil__wild_tamarind__Pithecellobium_dulce  common thorny tropical American tree having terminal racemes of yellow flowers followed by sickle-shaped or circinate edible pods and yielding good timber and a yellow dye and mucilaginous gum
  subtype:  dita_bark__dita__devil_tree__deviltree__Alstonia_scholaris  evergreen tree of eastern Asia and Philippines having large leathery leaves and small green-white flowers in compact cymes; bark formerly used medicinally
  subtype:  ivory_tree__ivorytree__conessi__kurchi__kurchee__Holarrhena_pubescens__Holarrhena_antidysenterica  tropical Asian tree with hard white wood and bark formerly used as a remedy for dysentery and diarrhea
  subtype:  Meryta_sinclairii__puka  small round-headed New Zealand tree having large resinous leaves and panicles of green-white flowers
  subtype:  cockspur__Pisonia_aculeata  small spiny West Indian tree
  subtype:  screw_pine__screwpine__pandanus  any of various Old World tropical palmlike trees having huge prop roots and edible conelike fruits and leaves like pineapple leaves
     subtype:  textile_screw_pine__textilescrewpine__lauhala__pandanustectoriu  Polynesian screw pine
  subtype:  lacebark__ribbonwood__houhere__Hoheria_populnea  small tree or shrub of New Zealand having a profusion of axillary clusters of honey-scented paper-white flowers and whose bark is used for cordage
  subtype:  ribbon_tree__ribbonwood__Plagianthus_regius__Plagianthus_betulinus  deciduous New Zealand tree whose inner bark yields a strong fiber that resembles flax and is called New Zealand cotton
  subtype:  tulipwood_tree__tulipwoodtree  any of various trees yielding variously colored woods similar to true tulipwood
     subtype:  portia_tree__bendy_tree__bendytree__seaside_mahoe__seasidemahoe__Thespesia_populnea  pantropical tree of usually seacoasts sometimes cultivated as an ornamental for its rounded heart-shaped leaves and showy yellow and purple flowers; yields valuable pink to dark red close-grained wood and oil from its seeds
     subtype:  harpullia  any of various tree of the genus Harpullia
        subtype:  harpulla__Harpullia_cupanioides  fast-growing tree of India and East Indies yielding a wood used especially for building
        subtype:  Moreton_Bay_tulipwood__Harpullia_pendula  Australian tree yielding a variegated tulipwood
  subtype:  red_silk-cotton_tree__simal__Bombax_ceiba__Bombax_malabarica  East Indian silk cotton tree yielding fibers inferior to kapok
  subtype:  Montezuma  evergreen tree with large leathery leaves and large pink to orange flowers; considered a link plant between families Bombacaceae and Sterculiaceae
  subtype:  shaving-brush_tree__shavingbrushtree__Pseudobombax_ellipticum  tree of Mexico to Guatemala having densely hairy flowers with long narrow petals clustered at ends of branches before leaves appear
  subtype:  silver_quandong_tree__quandong__quandong_tree__Brisbane_quandong__blue_fig__Elaeocarpus_grandis  Australian tree having hard white timber and glossy green leaves with white flowers followed by one-seeded glossy blue fruit
  subtype:  Jamaican_cherry__calabur_tree__calaburtree__silkwood__Muntingia_calabura  a fast-growing tropical American evergreen having white flowers and white fleshy edible fruit; bark yields a silky fiber used in cordage and wood is valuable for staves
  subtype:  breakax__breakaxe__Sloanea_jamaicensis  West Indian timber tree having very hard wood
  subtype:  bottletree  an Australian tree of the genus Brachychiton
     subtype:  flame_durrajong__flamedurrajong__flame_tree__flametree__Brachychiton_acerifolius__Sterculia_acerifolia  south Australian tree having panicles of brilliant scarlet flowers
     subtype:  broad-leaved_bottletree__flame_tree__flametree__Brachychiton_australis  north Australian tree having white flowers and broad leaves
     subtype:  kurrajong__currajong__brachychitonpopulneu  widely distributed tree of eastern Australia yielding a tough durable fiber and soft light attractively grained wood; foliage is an important emergency food for cattle
     subtype:  Queensland_bottletree__narrow-leaved_bottletree__Brachychiton_rupestris__Sterculia_rupestris  large tree of Queensland Australia having cream-colored flowers blotched with red inside; sometimes placed in genus Sterculia
  subtype:  Chinese_parasol_tree__Chinese_parasol__Japanese_varnish_tree__phoenix_tree__phoenixtree__firmianasimplex  deciduous tree widely grown in southern United States as an ornamental for its handsome maplelike foliage and long racemes of yellow-green flowers followed by curious leaflike pods
  subtype:  mayeng__maple-leaved_bayur__Pterospermum_acerifolium  Indian tree having fragrant nocturnal white flowers and yielding a reddish wood used for planking; often grown as an ornamental or shade tree
  subtype:  Tarrietia_argyrodendron__silver_tree  Australian timber tree
  subtype:  obechi__obeche__arere__samba__Triplochiton_scleroxcylon  large west African tree having large palmately lobed leaves and axillary cymose panicles of small white flowers and one-winged seeds; yields soft white to pale yellow wood
  subtype:  linden_tree__linden__basswood__lime__lime_tree  any of various deciduous trees of the genus Tilia heart-shaped leaves and drooping cymose clusters of yellowish often fragrant flowers; several yield valuable timber
     subtype:  American_basswood__American_lime__Tilia_americana  large American shade tree with large dark green leaves and rounded crown
     subtype:  small-leaved_linden__small-leaved_lime__Tilia_cordata  large spreading European linden with small dark green leaves; often cultivated as an ornamental
     subtype:  white_basswood__whitebasswood__cottonwood__Tilia_heterophylla  American basswood of the Allegheny region
     subtype:  Japanese_linden__Japanese_lime__Tilia_japonica  medium-sized tree of Japan used as an ornamental
     subtype:  silver_lime__silver_linden__Tilia_tomentosa  large tree native to eastern Europe and Asia Minor having leaves with white tomentum on the under side; widely cultivated as an ornamental
  subtype:  silver_tree__Leucadendron_argenteum  small South African tree with long silvery silky foliage
  subtype:  Orites_excelsa__prickly_ash__pricklyash  Australian tree having alternate simple leaves (when young they are pinnate with prickly toothed margins) and slender axillary spikes of white flowers
  subtype:  wheel_tree__wheeltree__firewheel_tree__firewheeltree__Stenocarpus_sinuatus  eastern Australian tree widely cultivated as a shade tree and for its glossy leaves and circular clusters of showy red to orange-scarlet flowers
  subtype:  scrub_beefwood__scrubbeefwood__beefwood__Stenocarpus_salignus  tree or tall shrub with shiny leaves and umbels of fragrant creamy-white flowers; yields hard heavy reddish wood
  subtype:  casuarina  any of various trees and shrubs of the genus Casuarina having jointed stems and whorls of scalelike leaves; some yield heavy hardwood
     subtype:  she-oak__sheoak  any of several Australian trees of the genus Casuarina
     subtype:  beefwood  any of several Australian trees of the genus Casuarina yielding heavy hard red wood used in cabinetwork
        subtype:  Australian_pine__Casuarina_equisetfolia  common Australian tree widely grown as an ornamental in tropical regions; yields heavy hard red wood
  subtype:  beech_tree__beechtree__beech  any of several large deciduous trees with rounded spreading crowns and smooth gray bark and small sweet edible triangular nuts enclosed in burs; north temperate regions
     subtype:  common_beech__European_beech__Fagus_sylvatica  large European beech with minutely-toothed leaves; widely planted as an ornamental in North America
     subtype:  copper_beech__purple_beech__Fagus_sylvatica_atropunicea__Fagus_purpurea__Fagus_sylvatica_purpurea  variety of European beech with shining purple or copper-colored leaves
     subtype:  American_beech__white_beech__red_beech__redbeech__Fagus_grandifolia__Fagus_americana  North American forest tree with light green leaves and edible nuts
     subtype:  weeping_beech__weepingbeech__Fagus_pendula__Fagus_sylvatica_pendula  variety of European beech with pendulous limbs
     subtype:  Japanese_beech  a beech native to Japan having soft light yellowish-brown wood
  subtype:  chestnut_tree__chestnut  any of several attractive deciduous trees yellow-brown in autumn; yield a hard wood and edible nuts in a prickly bur
     subtype:  American_chestnut__American_sweet_chestnut__Castanea_dentata  large tree found from Maine to Alabama
     subtype:  European_chestnut__sweet_chestnut__sweetchestnut__Spanish_chestnut__Castanea_sativa  wild or cultivated throughout southern Europe, northwestern Africa and southwestern Asia
     subtype:  Chinese_chestnut__Castanea_mollissima  a small tree with small sweet nuts; wild or naturalized in Korea and China
     subtype:  Japanese_chestnut__Castanea_crenata  a spreading tree of Japan that has a short trunk
     subtype:  Allegheny_chinkapin__eastern_chinquapin__easternchinquapin__chinquapin__dwarf_chestnut__dwarfchestnut__Castanea_pumila  shrubby chestnut tree of southeastern United States having small edible nuts
     subtype:  Ozark_chinkapin__Ozark_chinquapin__chinquapin__Castanea_ozarkensis  shrubby tree closely related to the Allegheny chinkapin but with larger leaves; southern midwest United States
  subtype:  oak_chestnut__oakchestnut  a tree of the genus Castanopsis
  subtype:  giant_chinkapin__giantchinkapin__golden_chinkapin__Chrysolepis_chrysophylla__Castanea_chrysophylla__Castanopsis_chrysophylla  small ornamental evergreen tree of Pacific Coast whose glossy yellow-green leaves are yellow beneath; bears edible nuts
  subtype:  tanbark_oak__tanbarkoak__Lithocarpus_densiflorus  evergreen oak of the Pacific coast area having large leathery leaves; yields tanbark
     subtype:  Lithocarpus_glabra__Japanese_oak__Lithocarpus_glaber  small evergreen tree of China and Japan
  subtype:  southern_beech__evergreen_beech__evergreenbeech  any of various beeches of the southern hemisphere having small usually evergreen leaves
     subtype:  myrtle_beech__Nothofagus_cuninghamii  large evergreen tree of Tasmania
     subtype:  Coigue__Nothofagus_dombeyi  Chilean evergreen whose leafy boughs are used for thatching
     subtype:  New-Zealand_beech  any of several tall New Zealand trees of the genus Nothofagus; some yield useful timber
        subtype:  silver_beech__Nothofagus_menziesii  New Zealand beech with usually pale silvery bark
     subtype:  roble_beech__roblebeech__Nothofagus_obliqua  tall deciduous South American tree
     subtype:  rauli_beech__raulibeech__Nothofagus_procera  large Chilean timber tree yielding coarse lumber
     subtype:  black_beech__blackbeech__Nothofagus_solanderi  New Zealand forest tree
     subtype:  hard_beech__Nothofagus_truncata  tall New Zealand tree yielding very hard wood
  subtype:  oak_tree__oaktree__oak  a deciduous tree of the genus Quercus; has acorns and lobed leaves; "great oaks grow from little acorns"
     subtype:  live_oak  any of several American evergreen oaks
        subtype:  coast_live_oak__California_live_oak__Quercus_agrifolia  highly variable often shrubby evergreen oak of coastal zone of western North America having small thick usually spiny-toothed dark-green leaves
        subtype:  canyon_oak__canyon_live_oak__maul_oak__iron_oak__Quercus_chrysolepis  medium-sized evergreen of southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico with oblong leathery often spiny-edged leaves
        subtype:  southern_live_oak__Quercus_virginiana  medium-sized evergreen native to eastern North America to the east coast of Mexico; often cultivated as shade tree for it wide-spreading crown; extremely hard tough durable wood once used in shipbuilding
        subtype:  interior_live_oak__Quercus_wislizenii__Quercus_wizlizenii  medium-small shrubby evergreen tree of western North America similar to the coast live oak but occurring chiefly in foothills of mountain ranges removed from the coast; an important part of the chaparral
     subtype:  white_oak__whiteoak  any of numerous Old World and American oaks having 6 to 8 stamens in each floret, acorns that mature in one year and leaf veins that never extend beyond the margin of the leaf
        subtype:  American_white_oak__Quercus_alba  large slow-growing deciduous tree of the eastern United States having stout spreading branches and leaves with usually 7 rounded lobes; yields strong and durable hard wood
        subtype:  Arizona_white_oak__Quercus_arizonica  semi-evergreen shrub or small tree of Arizona and New Mexico having acorns with hemispherical cups
        subtype:  swamp_white_oak__swampwhiteoak__swamp_oak__swampoak__Quercus_bicolor  large flaky-barked deciduous oak of the eastern United States with leaves having fewer lobes than other white oaks; yields heavy strong wood used in construction; thrives in wet soil
        subtype:  Oregon_white_oak__Oregon_oak__Garry_oak__Quercus_garryana  small deciduous tree of western North America with crooked branches and pale gray bark
        subtype:  California_white_oak__valley_oak__valley_white_oak__roble__Quercus_lobata  tall graceful deciduous California oak having leathery leaves and slender pointed acorns
        subtype:  bur_oak__buroak__burr_oak__mossy-cup_oak__mossycupoak__mossycup_oak__Quercus_macrocarpa  medium to large deciduous oak of central and eastern North America with ovoid acorns deeply immersed in large fringed cups; yields tough close-grained wood
        subtype:  durmast__Quercus_petraea__Quercus_sessiliflora  deciduous European oak valued for its tough elastic wood
        subtype:  common_oak__English_oak__pedunculate_oak__pedunculateoak__Quercus_robur  medium to large deciduous European oak having smooth leaves with rounded lobes; yields hard strong light-colored wood
     subtype:  European_turkey_oak__turkey_oak__Quercus_cerris  large deciduous tree of central and southern Europe and Asia Minor having oblong-lanceolate leaves with spiked lobes
     subtype:  scarlet_oak__scarletoak__Quercus_coccinea  medium-large deciduous tree with a thick trunk found in the eastern United States and southern Canada and having close-grained wood and deeply 7-lobed leaves turning scarlet in autumn
     subtype:  jack_oak__northern_pin_oak__Quercus_ellipsoidalis  small to medium deciduous oak of east central North America; leaves have sharply pointed lobes
     subtype:  red_oak__redoak  any of numerous American oaks having 4 stamens in each floret, acorns requiring two years to mature and leaf veins usually extending beyond the leaf margin to form points or bristles
        subtype:  southern_red_oak__swamp_red_oak__swampredoak__turkeyoak__Quercus_falcata  large round-topped deciduous tree with spreading branches having narrow falcate leaves with deeply sinuate lobes and wood similar to that of northern red oaks; New Jersey to Illinois and southward
        subtype:  northern_red_oak__Quercus_rubra__Quercus_borealis  large symmetrical deciduous tree with rounded crown widely distributed in eastern North America; has large leaves with triangular spiny tipped lobes and coarse-grained wood less durable than that of white oaks
        subtype:  Shumard_oak__Shumard_red_oak__Quercus_shumardii  large deciduous red oak of southern and eastern United States having large 7- to 9-lobed elliptical leaves, large acorns and medium hard coarse-grained wood
     subtype:  holm_tree__holm_oak__holly-leaved_oak__evergreen_oak__evergreenoak__Quercus_ilex  evergreen oak of southern Europe having leaves somewhat resembling those of holly; yields a hard wood
     subtype:  shingle_oak__laurel_oak__Quercus_imbricaria  small deciduous tree of eastern and central United States having leaves that shine like laurel; wood is used in western states for shingles
     subtype:  bluejack_oak__turkey_oak__Quercus_incana  small semi-evergreen shrubby tree of southeastern United States having hairy young branchlets and leaves narrowing to a slender bristly point
     subtype:  California_black_oak__Quercus_kelloggii  large deciduous tree of the Pacific coast having deeply parted bristle-tipped leaves
     subtype:  American_turkey_oak__turkey_oak__Quercus_laevis  small slow-growing deciduous shrubby tree of dry sandy barrens of southeastern United States having leaves with bristle-tipped lobes resembling turkey's toes
     subtype:  laurel_oak__pin_oak__pinoak__Quercus_laurifolia  large nearly semi-evergreen oak of southeastern United States; thrives in damp soil
     subtype:  overcup_oak__overcupoak__Quercus_lyrata  medium-large deciduous timber tree of central and southern United States; acorns deeply immersed in the cup and mature in first year
     subtype:  scrub_oak  any of various chiefly American small shrubby oaks often a dominant form on thin dry soils sometimes forming dense thickets
        subtype:  bear_oak__Quercus_ilicifolia  shrubby oak of southeastern United States usually forming dense thickets
        subtype:  blackjack_oak__blackjackoak__blackjack__jackoak__Quercus_marilandica  a common scrubby deciduous tree of central and southeastern United States having dark bark and broad 3-lobed (club-shaped) leaves; tends to form dense thickets
        subtype:  myrtle_oak__seaside_scrub_oak__seasidescruboak__Quercus_myrtifolia  small evergreen shrub or tree of southeastern United States; often forms almost impenetrable thickets in sandy coastal areas
     subtype:  Japanese_oak__Quercus_mongolica__Quercus_grosseserrata  oak with moderately light fine-grained wood; Japan
     subtype:  chestnut_oak  an oak having leaves resembling those of chestnut trees
        subtype:  swamp_chestnut_oak__Quercus_michauxii  medium to large deciduous tree of moist areas of southeastern United States similar to the basket oak
        subtype:  chinquapin_oak__chinkapin_oak__chinkapinoak__yellow_chestnut_oak__Quercus_muehlenbergii  medium-sized deciduous tree of the eastern United States that yields a strong durable wood
        subtype:  basket_oak__cow_oak__cowoak__Quercus_prinus__Quercus_montana  medium to large deciduous tree of the eastern United States; its durable wood is used as timber or split and woven into baskets or chair seats
        subtype:  dwarf_chinkapin_oak__dwarf_chinquapin_oak__dwarf_oak__dwarfoak__Quercus_prinoides  deciduous shrubby tree of northeastern and central United States having a sweet edible nut and often forming dense thickets
     subtype:  water_oak__wateroak__possum_oak__Quercus_nigra  relatively tall deciduous water oak of southeastern United States often cultivated as a shade tree; thrives in wet soil
     subtype:  Nuttall_oak__Nuttall's_oak__Quercus_nuttalli  similar to the pin oak; grows in damp sites in Mississippi River basin
     subtype:  pin_oak__pinoak__swamp_oak__swampoak__Quercus_palustris  fast-growing medium to large pyramidal deciduous tree of northeastern United States and southeastern Canada having deeply pinnatifid leaves that turn bright red in autumn; thrives in damp soil
     subtype:  willow_oak__Quercus_phellos  medium to large deciduous oak of the eastern United States having long lanceolate leaves and soft strong wood
     subtype:  post_oak__box_white_oak__boxwhiteoak__brash_oak__iron_oak__Quercus_stellata  small deciduous tree of eastern and central United States having dark green lyrate pinnatifid leaves and tough moisture-resistant wood used especially for fence posts
     subtype:  cork_oak__Quercus_suber  medium-sized evergreen oak of southern Europe and northern Africa having thick corky bark that is periodically stripped to yield commercial cork
     subtype:  Spanish_oak__Quercus_texana  small deciduous tree having the trunk branched almost from the base with spreading branches; Texas and southern Oklahoma
     subtype:  Chinese_cork_oak__Quercus_variabilis  medium to large deciduous tree of China, Japan, and Korea having thick corky bark
     subtype:  black_oak__blackoak__yellow_oak__quercitron__quercitron_oak__Quercus_velutina  medium to large deciduous timber tree of the eastern United States and southeastern Canada having dark outer bark and yellow inner bark used for tanning; broad 5-lobed leaves are bristle-tipped
  subtype:  birch_tree__birchtree__birch  any betulaceous tree or shrub of the genus Betula having a thin peeling bark
     subtype:  yellow_birch__Betula_alleghaniensis__Betula_leutea  tree of eastern North America with thin lustrous yellow or gray bark
     subtype:  American_white_birch__paper_birch__paperbirch__canoe_birch__canoebirch__Betula_cordifolia__Betula_papyrifera  small American birch with peeling white bark often worked into e.g. baskets or toy canoes
     subtype:  American_gray_birch__gray_birch__Betula_populifolia  medium-sized birch of eastern North America having white or pale gray bark and valueless wood; occurs often as a second-growth forest tree
     subtype:  silver_birch__common_birch__European_white_birch__Betula_pendula  European birch with silvery white peeling bark and markedly drooping branches
     subtype:  downy_birch__downybirch__white_birch__whitebirch__Betula_pubescens  European birch with dull white to pale brown bark and somewhat drooping hairy branches
     subtype:  black_birch__river_birch__red_birch__redbirch__Betula_nigra  birch of swamps and river bottoms throughout the eastern United States having reddish-brown bark
     subtype:  sweet_birch__cherry_birch__black_birch__Betula_lenta  common birch of the eastern United States having spicy brown bark yielding a volatile oil and hard dark wood used for furniture
     subtype:  Yukon_white_birch__Betula_neoalaskana  Alaskan birch with white to pale brown bark
     subtype:  swamp_birch__water_birch__mountain_birch__Western_paper_birch__Western_birch__Betula_fontinalis  birch of western United States resembling the paper birch but having brownish bark
     subtype:  Newfoundland_dwarf_birch__American_dwarf_birch__Betula_glandulosa  small shrub of colder parts of North America and Greenland
  subtype:  alder_tree__aldertree__alder  north temperate shrubs or trees having toothed leaves and conelike fruit; bark is used in tanning and dyeing and the rot-resistant wood
     subtype:  common_alder__European_black_alder__Alnus_glutinosa__Alnus_vulgaris  medium-sized tree with brown-black bark and woody fruiting catkins; leaves are hairy beneath
     subtype:  gray_alder__Alnus_incana  native to Europe but introduced in America
     subtype:  seaside_alder__seasidealder__Alnus_maritima  shrub or small tree of southeastern United States having soft light brown wood
     subtype:  white_alder__whitealder__mountain_alder__Alnus_rhombifolia  tree of western United States
     subtype:  red_alder__redalder__Oregon_alder__Alnus_rubra  large tree of Pacific coast of North America having hard red wood much used for furniture
     subtype:  speckled_alder__Alnus_rugosa  common shrub of Canada and northeastern United States having shoots scattered with rust-colored down
     subtype:  smooth_alder__hazel_alder__hazelalder__Alnus_serrulata  common shrub of the eastern United States with smooth bark
     subtype:  Alnus_veridis__green_alder__greenalder  shrub of mountainous areas of Europe
     subtype:  green_alder__greenalder__Alnus_veridis_crispa__Alnus_crispa  North American shrub with light green leaves and winged nuts
  subtype:  hornbeam  any of several trees or shrubs of the genus Carpinus
     subtype:  European_hornbeam__Carpinus_betulus  medium-sized Old World tree with smooth gray bark and leaves like beech that turn yellow-orange in autumn
     subtype:  American_hornbeam__Carpinus_caroliniana  tree or large shrub with gray bark and blue-green leaves that turn red-orange in autumn
  subtype:  hop_hornbeam__hophornbeam  any of several trees resembling hornbeams with fruiting clusters resembling hops
     subtype:  Old_World_hop_hornbeam__Ostrya_carpinifolia  medium-sized hop hornbeam of southern Europe and Asia Minor
     subtype:  Eastern_hop_hornbeam__ironwood__ironwood_tree__Ostrya_virginiana  medium-sized hop hornbeam of eastern North America
  subtype:  fringe_tree  any of various small decorative flowering trees or shrubs of the genus Chionanthus
     subtype:  fringe_bush__Chionanthus_virginicus  small bushy tree of southeastern United States having profuse clusters of white flowers
  subtype:  ash_tree__ashtree__ash  any of various deciduous pinnate-leaved ornamental or timber trees of the genus Fraxinus
     subtype:  white_ash__whiteash__Fraxinus_Americana  spreading American ash with leaves pale green or silvery beneath and having hard brownish wood
     subtype:  swamp_ash__swampash__Fraxinus_caroliniana  small ash of swampy areas of southeastern United States
     subtype:  Fraxinus_cuspidata__flowering_ash__floweringash  shrubby ash of southwestern United States having fragrant white flowers
     subtype:  flowering_ash__floweringash__Fraxinus_dipetala  shrubby California ash with showy off-white flowers
     subtype:  common_European_ash__European_ash__Fraxinus_excelsior  tall ash of Europe to the Caucasus having leaves shiny dark-green above and pale downy beneath
     subtype:  Oregon_ash__Fraxinus_latifolia__Fraxinus_oregona  timber tree of western North America yielding hard light wood; closely related to the red ash
     subtype:  black_ash__blackash__basket_ash__brown_ash__brownash__hoop_ash__Fraxinus_nigra  vigorous spreading North American tree having dark brown heavy wood; leaves turn gold in autumn
     subtype:  manna_ash__mannaash__flowering_ash__floweringash__Fraxinus_ornus  southern Mediterranean ash having fragrant white flowers in dense panicles and yielding manna
     subtype:  red_ash__redash__downy_ash__downyash__Fraxinus_pennsylvanica  smallish American tree with velvety branchlets and lower leaf surfaces
        subtype:  green_ash__greenash__Fraxinus_pennsylvanica_subintegerrima  a variety of red ash having glossy branchlets and lower leaf surfaces
     subtype:  blue_ash__Fraxinus_quadrangulata  ash of central and southern United States with bluish-green foliage and hard brown wood
     subtype:  Fraxinus_texensis__mountain_ash  low-growing ash of Texas
     subtype:  pumpkin_ash__pumpkinash__Fraxinus_tomentosa  timber tree of central and southeastern United States having hairy branchlets and a swollen trunk base
     subtype:  Arizona_ash__Fraxinus_velutina  small shrubby ash of southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico
     instance:  Yggdrasil__Ygdrasil
  subtype:  devilwood__American_olive__Osmanthus_americanus  small tree of southern United States having panicles of dull white flowers followed by dark purple fruits
  subtype:  dhawa__dhava  an Indian tree of the family Combretaceae that is a source of timber and gum
  subtype:  button_tree__button_mangrove__Conocarpus_erectus  evergreen tree or shrub with fruit resembling buttons and yielding heavy hard compact wood
  subtype:  Laguncularia_racemosa__white_mangrove__whitemangrove  shrub to moderately large tree that grows in brackish water along the seacoasts of western Africa and tropical America; locally important as a source of tannin
  subtype:  Jamaica_bayberry__bayberry__bay-rum_tree__bayrumtree__wild_cinnamon__Pimenta_acris  West Indian tree; source of bay rum
  subtype:  gum_tree__gumtree  any of various trees of the genera Eucalyptus or Liquidambar or Nyssa that are sources of gum
     subtype:  liquidambar  any tree of the genus Liquidambar
        subtype:  American_sweet_gum__sweet_gum__sweetgum__sweet_gum_tree__sweetgumtree__bilsted__red_gum__redgum__Liquidambar_styraciflua  a North American tree of the genus Liquidambar having prickly spherical fruit clusters and fragrant sap
     subtype:  eucalyptus_tree__eucalyptus__eucalypt  a tree of the genus Eucalyptus
        subtype:  flooded_gum  any of several Australian gum trees growing on moist or alluvial soil
           subtype:  rose_gum__Eucalypt_grandis  very tall tree of Queensland and New South Wales
           subtype:  cider_gum__cidergum__Eucalypt_gunnii  small to medium-sized tree of Tasmania
           subtype:  forest_red_gum__Eucalypt_tereticornis  tall tree of Queensland and New South Wales and Victoria
        subtype:  mallee  any of several low-growing Australian eucalypts
           subtype:  white_mallee__whitemallee__congoo_mallee__Eucalyptus_dumosa  small shrubby mallee
           subtype:  black_mallee__blackmallee__black_sally__blacksally__black_gum__blackgum__Eucalytus_stellulata  small mallee with rough dark-colored bark toward the butt yielding a red eucalyptus kino
        subtype:  stringybark  any of several Australian eucalypts having fibrous inner bark
           subtype:  white_stringybark__whitestringybark__thin-leaved_stringybark__Eucalyptusd_eugenioides  stringybark having white wood
        subtype:  smoothbark  any of several Australian eucalypts having the bark smooth except at or near the base of the trunk
        subtype:  red_gum__redgum__peppermint__peppermint_gum__Eucalyptus_amygdalina  red gum tree of Tasmania
        subtype:  marri__red_gum__redgum__Eucalyptus_calophylla  very large red gum tree
        subtype:  river_red_gum__riverredgum__river_gum__rivergum__Eucalyptus_camaldulensis__Eucalyptus_rostrata  somewhat crooked red gum tree growing chiefly along rivers; has durable reddish lumber used in heavy construction
        subtype:  mountain_swamp_gum__Eucalyptus_camphora  medium-sized swamp gum of New South Wales and Victoria
        subtype:  snow_gum__ghost_gum__ghostgum__white_ash__whiteash__Eucalyptus_coriacea__Eucalyptus_pauciflora  small to medium-sized tree of Australia and Tasmania having smooth white to light-grey bark shedding in patches or strips
        subtype:  alpine_ash__mountain_oak__Eucalyptus_delegatensis  tall timber tree with hard heavy pinkish or light brown wood
        subtype:  white_mountain_ash__Eucalyptus_fraxinoides  large tree with dark compact bark on lower trunk but smooth and white above; yields lumber similar to that of European or American ashes
        subtype:  blue_gum__fever_tree__fevertree__eucalyptusglobulu  tall fast-growing timber tree with leaves containing a medicinal oil; young leaves are bluish
        subtype:  swamp_gum__swampgum__Eucalypt_ovata  medium-sized tree of southern Australia
        subtype:  spotted_gum__spottedgum__Eucalyptus_maculata  large gum tree with mottled bark
        subtype:  lemon-scented_gum__lemonscentedgum__Eucalyptus_citriodora__Eucalyptus_maculata_citriodora  similar to but smaller than the spotted gum and having lemon-scented leaves
        subtype:  Eucalyptus_regnans__mountain_ash  tree having wood similar to the alpine ash; tallest tree in Australia and tallest hardwood in the world
        subtype:  manna_gum__mannagum__Eucalyptus_viminalis  tall tree yielding a false manna
     subtype:  tupelo_tree__tupelo  any of several gum trees of swampy areas of North America
        subtype:  water_gum__watergum__Nyssa_aquatica  columnar swamp tree of southeastern to midwestern North America yielding pale soft easily worked wood
        subtype:  sour_gum__black_gum__blackgum__pepperidge__Nyssa_sylvatica  columnar tree of eastern North America having horizontal limbs and small leaves that emerge late in spring and have brilliant color in early fall
  subtype:  poon  any of several East Indian trees of the genus Calophyllum having shiny leathery leaves and lightweight hard wood
     subtype:  Alexandrian_laurel__Calophyllum_inophyllum  East Indian tree having racemes of fragrant white flowers; coastal areas southern India to Malaysia
  subtype:  Calophyllum_calaba__calaba__Santa_Maria_tree  West Indian tree having racemes of fragrant white flowers and yielding a durable timber and resinous juice
  subtype:  Maria__Calophyllum_longifolium  valuable timber tree of Panama
  subtype:  laurelwood__lancewood_tree__lancewoodtree__calophyllumcandidissimum  tropical American tree; valued for its hard durable wood
  subtype:  clusia  an aromatic tree of the genus Clusia having large white or yellow or pink flowers
  subtype:  wild_fig__Clusia_flava  a West Indies clusia having fig-shaped fruit
  subtype:  rose_chestnut__ironwood__ironwood_tree__Mesua_ferrea  handsome East Indian evergreen tree often planted as an ornamental for its fragrant white flowers that yield a perfume; source of very heavy hardwood used for railroad ties
  subtype:  souari_tree__souari__souari_nut__Caryocar_nuciferum  large South American evergreen tree trifoliate leaves and drupes with nutlike seeds used as food and a source of cooking oil
  subtype:  dipterocarp  tree of the family Dipterocarpaceae
     subtype:  red_lauan_tree__redlauantree__red_lauan__redlauan__Shorea_teysmanniana  valuable Philippine timber tree
  subtype:  ketembilla_tree__ketembilla__kitembilla__kitambilla__Ceylon_gooseberry__Dovyalis_hebecarpa  small shrubby spiny tree cultivated for its maroon-purple fruit with sweet purple pulp tasking like gooseberries; Sri Lanka and India
  subtype:  chaulmoogra_tree__chaulmoogratree__chaulmoogra__chaulmugra__Hydnocarpus_kurzii__Taraktagenos_kurzii__Taraktogenos_kurzii  East Indian tree with oily seeds yield chaulmoogra oil used to treat leprosy
  subtype:  Hydnocarpus_laurifolia__Hydnocarpus_wightiana  leathery-leaved tree of western India bearing round fruits with brown densely-hairy rind enclosing oily pulp that yields hydnocarpus oil
  subtype:  idesia__Idesia_polycarpa  deciduous round-headed Asiatic tree widely grown in mild climates as an ornamental for its heart-shaped leaves and fragrant yellow-green flowers followed by hanging clusters of fleshy orange-red berries
  subtype:  Australian_nettle_tree__Australian_nettle  any of several tall Australian trees of the genus Laportea
  subtype:  fig_tree__figtree  any moraceous tree of the tropical genus Ficus; produces a closed pear-shaped receptacle that becomes fleshy and edible when mature
     subtype:  common_fig_tree__fig__common_fig__Ficus_carica  Mediterranean tree widely cultivated for its edible fruit
        subtype:  caprifig__Ficus_carica_sylvestris  wild variety of the common fig used to facilitate pollination of certain figs
     subtype:  golden_fig__Florida_strangler_fig__strangler_fig__stranglerfig__wild_fig__Ficus_aurea  a strangler tree native to southern Florida and West Indies; begins as an epiphyte eventually developing many thick aerial roots and covering enormous areas
     subtype:  Indian_banyan__banyan__banyan_tree__banian__banian_tree__East_Indian_fig_tree__Ficus_bengalensis  East Indian tree that puts out aerial shoots that grow down into the soil forming additional trunks
     subtype:  pipal_tree__pipaltree__pipal__pipul__peepul__sacred_fig__bo_tree__Ficus_religiosa  fig tree of India noted for great size and longevity; lacks the prop roots of the banyan; regarded as sacred by Buddhists
     subtype:  India-rubber_tree__India-rubber_plant__India-rubber_fig__rubber_plant__Assam_rubber__Ficus_elastica  large tropical Asian tree frequently dwarfed as a houseplant; source of Assam rubber
     subtype:  mistletoe_fig__mistletoefig__mistletoe_rubber_plant__Ficus_diversifolia__Ficus_deltoidea  shrub or small tree often grown as a houseplant having foliage like mistletoe
     subtype:  Port_Jackson_fig__rusty_rig__rustyrig__little-leaf_fig__Botany_Bay_fig__Ficus_rubiginosa  Australian tree resembling the banyan often planted for ornament; introduced into South Africa for brushwood
     subtype:  sycamore_fig__sycamore__mulberry_fig__Ficus_sycomorus  thick-branched wide-spreading tree of Africa and adjacent southwestern Asia often buttressed with branches rising from near the ground; produces cluster of edible but inferior figs on short leafless twigs; the Biblical sycamore
  subtype:  elm_tree__elmtree__elm  any of various trees of the genus Ulmus: important timber or shade trees
     subtype:  winged_elm__wing_elm__Ulmus_alata  North American elm having twigs and young branches with prominent corky projections
     subtype:  American_elm__white_elm__whiteelm__water_elm__waterelm__rock_elm__Ulmus_americana  large ornamental tree with graceful gradually spreading branches common in eastern North America
     subtype:  smooth-leaved_elm__European_field_elm__Ulmus_carpinifolia  European elm with lustrous smooth leaves used as an ornamental
     subtype:  cedar_elm__cedarelm__Ulmus_crassifolia  elm of southern United States and Mexico having spreading pendulous corky branches
     subtype:  witch_elm__witchelm__wych_elm__Ulmus_glabra  Eurasian elm often planted as a shade tree
     subtype:  Dutch_elm__Ulmus_hollandica  any of various hybrid ornamental European shade trees ranging from dwarf to tall
     subtype:  Huntingdon_elm__Ulmus_hollandica_vegetata  erect vigorous hybrid ornamental
     subtype:  water_elm__waterelm__Ulmus_laevis  Eurasian elm closely resembling the American elm; thrives in a moist environment
     subtype:  Chinese_elm__Ulmus_parvifolia  small fast-growing tree native to Asia; widely grown as shelterbelts and hedges
     subtype:  English_elm__European_elm__Ulmus_procera  broad spreading rough-leaved elm common throughout Europe and planted elsewhere
     subtype:  Siberian_elm__Chinewse_elm__dwarf_elm__dwarfelm__Ulmus_pumila  fast-growing shrubby Asian tree naturalized in United States for shelter or ornament
     subtype:  slippery_elm__red_elm__redelm__Ulmus_rubra  North American elm having rough leaves that are red when opening; yields a hard wood
     subtype:  Jersey_elm__guernsey_elm__wheately_elm__Ulmus_sarniensis__Ulmus_campestris_sarniensis__Ulmus_campestris_wheatleyi  a variety of the English elm with erect branches and broader leaves
     subtype:  September_elm__red_elm__redelm__Ulmus_serotina  autumn-flowering elm of southeastern United States
     subtype:  rock_elm__Ulmus_thomasii  tall widely distributed elm of eastern North America
  subtype:  nettle_tree__hackberry  any of various trees of the genus Celtis having inconspicuous flowers and small berrylike fruits
     subtype:  European_hackberry__Mediterranean_hackberry__Celtis_australis  bright green deciduous shade tree of southern Europe
     subtype:  American_hackberry__Celtis_occidentalis  large deciduous shade tree of southern United States with small deep purple berries
     subtype:  Celtis_laevigata__sugarberry  deciduous shade tree with small black berries; southern United States; yields soft yellowish wood
  subtype:  grass_tree__grasstree__cabbage_tree__cabbagetree__cordylineaustrali  elegant tree having either a single trunk or a branching trunk each with terminal clusters of long narrow leaves and large panicles of fragrant white, yellow or red flowers; New Zealand
  subtype:  Caesalpinia_bonduc__bonduc__bonduc_tree__Caesalpinia_bonducella  tropical tree with large prickly pods of seeds that resemble beans and are used for jewelry and rosaries
  subtype:  Caesalpinia_coriaria__divi-divi  small thornless tree or shrub of tropical America whose seed pods are a source of tannin
  subtype:  peachwood__brazilwood__pernambuco_wood__Caesalpinia_echinata  tropical tree with prickly trunk; its heavy red wood yields a red dye and is used for cabinetry
  subtype:  brazilian_ironwood__brazilianironwood__Caesalpinia_ferrea  thornless tree yielding heavy wood
  subtype:  shingle_tree__shingletree__Acrocarpus_fraxinifolius  East Indian timber tree with hard durable wood used especially for tea boxes
  subtype:  msasa__Brachystegia_speciformis  small shrubby African tree having compound leaves and racemes of small fragrant green flowers
  subtype:  cassia  any of various trees or shrubs of the genus Cassia having pinnately compound leaves and usually yellow flowers followed by long seedpods
     subtype:  golden_shower_tree__drumstick_tree__drumsticktree__purging_cassia__purgingcassia__pudding_pipe_tree__canafistola__canafistula__Cassia_fistula  deciduous or semi-evergreen tree having scented sepia to yellow flowers in drooping racemes and pods whose pulp is used medicinally; tropical Asia and Central and South America and Australia
     subtype:  pink_shower_tree__pink_shower__horse_cassia__horsecassia__Cassia_grandis  tropical American semi-evergreen tree having erect racemes of pink or rose-colored flowers; used as an ornamental
     subtype:  rainbow_shower__rainbowshower__Cassia_javonica  deciduous ornamental hybrid of southeastern Asia and Hawaii having racemes of flowers ranging in color from cream to orange and red
     subtype:  horse_cassia__horsecassia__Cassia_roxburghii__Cassia_marginata  East Indian tree having long pods containing a black cathartic pulp used as a horse medicine
  subtype:  locust_tree__locust  any of various hard-wooded trees of the family Leguminosae
     subtype:  Hymenaea_courbaril__courbaril  West Indian locust tree having pinnate leaves and panicles of large white or purplish flowers; yields very hard tough wood
     subtype:  water_locust__waterlocust__swamplocust__gleditsiaaquatica  honey locust of swamps and bottomlands of southern United States having short oval pods; yields dark heavy wood
     subtype:  honey_locust__honeylocust__gleditsiatriacantho  tall usually spiny North American tree having small greenish-white flowers in drooping racemes followed by long twisting seed pods; yields very hard durable reddish-brown wood; introduced to temperate Old World
     subtype:  yellow_locust__black_locust__blacklocust__robiniapseudoacacia  large thorny tree of eastern and central United States having pinnately compound leaves and drooping racemes of white flowers; widely naturalized in many varieties in temperate regions
     subtype:  clammy_locust__Robinia_viscosa  small rough-barked locust of southeastern United States having racemes of pink flowers and glutinous branches and seeds
  subtype:  Kentucky_coffee_tree__bonduc__chicot__Gymnocladus_dioica  handsome tree of central and eastern North America having large bipinnate leaves and green-white flowers followed by large woody brown pods whose seeds are used as a coffee substitute
  subtype:  palo_verde__Parkinsonia_florida__Cercidium_floridum  densely branched spiny tree of southwestern United States having showy yellow flowers and blue-green bark; sometimes placed in genus Cercidium
  subtype:  angelim__andelmin  any of several tropical American trees of the genus Andira
     subtype:  cabbage_bark__cabbagebark__cabbage-bark_tree__cabbage_tree__cabbagetree__andirainermi  tree with shaggy unpleasant-smelling toxic bark and yielding strong durable wood; bark and seeds used as a purgative and vermifuge and narcotic
  subtype:  camwood__African_sandalwood__Baphia_nitida  small shrubby African tree with hard wood used as a dyewood yielding a red dye
  subtype:  dhak__dak__palas__pala__Butea_frondosa__Butea_monosperma  East Indian tree bearing a profusion of intense vermilion velvet-textured blooms and yielding a yellow dye
  subtype:  rosewood_tree__rosewood  any of those hardwood trees of the genus Dalbergia that yield rosewood--valuable cabinet woods of a dark red or purplish color streaked and variegated with black
     subtype:  Indian_blackwood__East_Indian_rosewood__East_India_rosewood__Indian_rosewood__Dalbergia_latifolia  East Indian tree having a useful dark purple wood
     subtype:  Brazilian_rosewood__caviuna_wood__caviunawood__Dalbergia_nigra  an important Brazilian timber tree yielding a heavy hard dark-colored wood streaked with black
     subtype:  Honduras_rosewood__Dalbergia_stevensonii  Central American tree yielding a valuable dark streaked rosewood
  subtype:  Dalbergia_sissoo__sissoo__sissu__sisham  East Indian tree whose leaves are used for fodder; yields a compact dark brown durable timber used in shipbuilding and making railroad ties
  subtype:  kingwood_tree__kingwood__Dalbergia_cearensis  Brazilian tree yielding a handsome cabinet wood
  subtype:  cocobolo__Dalbergia_retusa  a valuable timber tree of tropical South America
  subtype:  blackwood_tree__blackwoodtree__blackwood  any of several hardwood trees yielding very dark-colored wood
     subtype:  lightwood__Acacia_melanoxylon  tall Australian acacia yielding highly valued black timber
     subtype:  logwood_tree__logwoodtree__logwood__campeachy__bloodwood_tree__bloodwoodtree__Haematoxylum_campechianum  spiny shrub or small tree of Central America and West Indies having bipinnate leaves and racemes of small bright yellow flowers and yielding a hard brown or brownish-red heartwood used in preparing a black dye
     subtype:  Avicennia_marina__black_mangrove__blackmangrove  a mangrove of the West Indies and the southern Florida coast; occurs in dense thickets and has numerous short roots that bend up from the ground
  subtype:  coral_tree__coraltree__erythrina  any of various shrubs or shrubby trees of the genus Erythrina having trifoliate leaves and racemes of scarlet to coral red flowers and black seeds; cultivated as an ornamental
     subtype:  Cape_kafferboom__kaffir_boom__Erythrina_caffra  small semi-evergreen broad-spreading tree of eastern South Africa with orange-scarlet flowers and small coral-red seeds; yields a light soft wood used for fence posts or shingles
     subtype:  coral_bean_tree__Erythrina_corallodendrum  deciduous shrub having racemes of deep scarlet-red flowers and black-spotted red seeds
     subtype:  ceibo__crybaby_tree__crybabytree__crybabytree__commoncoraltree__Erythrina_crista-galli  small South American spiny tree with dark crimson and scarlet flowers solitary or clustered
     subtype:  kaffir_boom__Transvaal_kafferboom__Erythrina_lysistemon  small semi-evergreen of South Africa having dense clusters of clear scarlet flowers and red seeds
     subtype:  Indian_coral_tree__Erythrina_variegata__Erythrina_Indica  small to medium-sized thorny tree of tropical Asia and northern Australia having dense clusters of scarlet or crimson flowers and black seeds
     subtype:  Erythrina_vespertilio__cork_tree  prickly Australian coral tree having soft spongy wood
  subtype:  gliricidia  any of several small deciduous trees valued for their dark wood and dense racemes of nectar-rich pink flowers grown in great profusion on arching branches; roots and bark and leaves and seeds are poisonous
  subtype:  millettia  any of several tropical trees or shrubs yielding showy streaked dark reddish or chocolate-colored wood
  subtype:  tolu_tree__tolu_balsam_tree__Myroxylon_balsamum__Myroxylon_toluiferum  medium-sized tropical American tree yielding tolu balsam and a fragrant hard wood used for high-grade furniture and cabinetwork
  subtype:  Peruvian_balsam__Myroxylon_pereirae__Myroxylon_balsamum_pereirae  tree of South and Central America yielding an aromatic balsam
  subtype:  necklace_tree  a tree of the genus Ormosia having seeds used as beads
     subtype:  bead_tree__jumby_bean__jumbybean__jumby_tree__jumbytree__Ormosia_monosperma  small tree of West Indies and northeastern Venezuela having large oblong slender-pointed leaflets and panicles of purple flowers; seeds are black or scarlet with black spots
     subtype:  jumby_bead__jumbybead__jumbie_bead__Ormosia_coarctata  West Indian tree similar to Ormosia monosperma but larger and having smaller leaflets and smaller seeds
  subtype:  Jamaica_dogwood__fish_fuddle__Piscidia_piscipula__Piscidia_erythrina  small tree of West Indies and Florida having large odd-pinnate leaves and panicles of red-striped purple to white flowers followed by decorative curly winged seedpods; yields fish poisons
  subtype:  quira  any of several tropical American trees some yielding economically important timber
     subtype:  roble__Platymiscium_trinitatis  large tree of Trinidad and Guyana having odd-pinnate leaves and violet-scented axillary racemes of yellow flowers and long smooth pods; grown as a specimen in parks and large gardens
     subtype:  Panama_redwood_tree__Panama_redwood__Platymiscium_pinnatum  large erect shrub of Columbia having large odd-pinnate leaves with large leaflets and axillary racemes of fragrant yellow flowers
  subtype:  Indian_beech__Pongamia_glabra  evergreen Asiatic tree having glossy pinnate leaves and racemose creamy-white scented flowers; used as a shade tree
  subtype:  bloodwood_tree__bloodwoodtree__kiaat__Pterocarpus_angolensis  deciduous South African tree having large odd-pinnate leaves and profuse fragrant orange-yellow flowers; yields a red juice and heavy strong durable wood
  subtype:  padauk__padouk__amboyna__Pterocarpus_indicus  tree native to southeastern Asia having reddish wood with a mottled or striped black grain
  subtype:  Burma_padauk__Burmese_rosewood__Pterocarpus_macrocarpus  tree of India and Burma yielding a wood resembling mahogany
  subtype:  kino__Pterocarpus_marsupium  East Indian tree yielding a resin or extract often used medicinally and in e.g. tanning
  subtype:  red_sandalwood__redsandalwood__red_sanders__red_sanderswood__redsanderswood__red_saunders__Pterocarpus_santalinus  tree of India and East Indies yielding a hard fragrant timber prized for cabinetwork and dark red heartwood used as a dyewood
  subtype:  carib_wood__caribwood__Sabinea_carinalis  small Dominican tree bearing masses of large crimson flowers before the fine pinnate foliage emerges
  subtype:  scarlet_wisteria_tree__vegetable_hummingbird__vegetablehummingbird__Sesbania_grandiflora  soft-wooded tree with lax racemes of usually red or pink flowers; tropical Australia and Asia; naturalized in southern Florida and West Indies
  subtype:  Japanese_pagoda_tree__Chinese_scholartree__Chinese_scholar_tree__Sophora_japonica__Sophora_sinensis  handsome round-headed deciduous tree having compound dark green leaves and profuse panicles of fragrant creamy-white flowers; China and Japan
  subtype:  mescal_bean__coral_bean__coralbean__frijolito__frijolillo__Sophora_secundiflora  shrub or small tree having pinnate leaves poisonous to livestock and dense racemes of intensely fragrant blue flowers and red beans
  subtype:  kowhai__Sophora_tetraptera  shrub or small tree of New Zealand and Chile having pendulous racemes of tubular golden-yellow flowers; yields a hard strong wood
  subtype:  tipu_tree__tipu__yellow_jacaranda__pride_of_Bolivia  semi-evergreen South American tree with odd-pinnate leaves and golden yellow flowers cultivated as an ornamental
  subtype:  Virgilia_capensis__keurboom__Virgilia_oroboides  tree with odd-pinnate leaves and racemes of fragrant pink to purple flowers
  subtype:  keurboom__Virgilia_divaricata  fast-growing round-headed tree with fragrant white to deep rose flowers; planted as an ornamental
  subtype:  palm_tree__palm  any plant of the family Palmae having an unbranched trunk crowned by large pinnate or palmate leaves
     subtype:  sago_palm  any of various tropical Asian palm trees the trunks of which yield sago
        subtype:  sugar_palm__sugarpalm__gomuti__gomuti_palm__Arenga_pinnata  Malaysian feather palm with base densely clothed with fibers; yields a sweet sap used in wine and trunk pith yields sago
        subtype:  wine_palm__jaggery_palm__jaggerypalm__kitul__kittul__kitul_tree__kitultree__toddy_alm__toddyalm__Caryota_urens__caryotauren  fishtail palm of India to Malay Peninsula; sap yields a brown sugar (jaggery) and trunk pith yields sago
        subtype:  true_sago_palm__Metroxylon_sagu  Malaysian palm whose pithy trunk yields sago--a starch used as a food thickener and fabric stiffener; Malaya to Fiji
     subtype:  feather_palm__featherpalm  palm having pinnate or featherlike leaves
        subtype:  coyol_palm__coyolpalm__coyol__Acrocomia_vinifera  tropical American palm having edible nuts and yielding a useful fiber
        subtype:  grugru_palm__grugru__gri-gri__grigri__macamba__Acrocomia_aculeata  tropical American feather palm having a swollen spiny trunk and edible nuts
        subtype:  areca  any of several tall tropical palms native to southeastern Asia having egg-shaped nuts
           subtype:  betel_palm__betelpalm__Areca_catechu  southeastern Asian palm bearing betel nuts (scarlet or orange single-seeded fruit with a fibrous husk)
        subtype:  piassava_palm__pissaba_palm__pissabapalm__Bahia_piassava__bahia_coquilla__bahiacoquilla__Attalea_funifera  Brazilian palm yielding fibers used in making ropes, mats, and brushes
        subtype:  wax_palm__waxpalm__ceroxylonandicola__Ceroxylon_alpinum  palm of the Andes yielding a resinous wax which is mixed with tallow to make candles
        subtype:  oil_palm__oilpalm  pinnate-leaved palms of the genus Elaeis having dense clusters of crowded flowers and bright red fruit and yielding high quality palm oils
           subtype:  African_oil_palm__Elaeis_guineensis  oil palm of Africa
           subtype:  American_oil_palm__Elaeis_oleifera  palm of Central and South America
        subtype:  babassu_palm__babassupalm__babassu__coco_de_macao__Orbignya_phalerata__Orbignya_spesiosa__Orbignya_martiana  tall feather palm of northern Brazil with hard-shelled nuts yielding valuable oil and a kind of vegetable ivory
        subtype:  cohune_palm__Orbignya_cohune__cohune  tropical American feather palm whose large nuts yield valuable oil and a kind of vegetable ivory
        subtype:  date_palm__Phoenix_dactylifera  tall tropical feather palm tree native to Syria bearing sweet edible fruit
        subtype:  ivory_palm__ivorypalm__ivory-nut_palm__ivorynutpalm__ivory_plant__ivoryplant__Phytelephas_macrocarpa  a stemless palm tree of Brazil and Peru bearing ivory nuts
     subtype:  fan_palm__fanpalm  palm having palmate or fan-shaped leaves
        subtype:  palmetto  any of several low-growing palms with fan-shaped leaves
           subtype:  cabbage_palmetto__cabbagepalmetto__cabbage_palm__cabbagepalm__sabalpalmetto  low-growing fan-leaved palm of coastal southern United States having edible leaf buds
        subtype:  palmyra_palm__palmyrapalm__palmyra__toddy_palm__toddypalm__wine_palm__lontar__longar_palm__Borassus_flabellifer  tall fan palm of Africa and India and Malaysia yielding a hard wood and sweet sap that is a source of palm wine and sugar; leaves used for thatching and weaving
        subtype:  carnauba_palm__carnauba__wax_palm__waxpalm__coperniciaprunifera__Copernicia_cerifera  Brazilian fan palm having an edible root; source of a useful leaf fiber and a brittle yellowish wax
        subtype:  caranday__caranda__caranda_palm__carandapalm__wax_palm__waxpalm__coperniciaaustrali__Copernicia_alba  South American palm yielding a wax similar to carnauba wax
        subtype:  gebang_palm__Corypha_utan__Corypha_gebanga  large-leaved palm of Malay to Philippines and northern Australia; leaves used for thatching or plaiting into containers
        subtype:  latanier_palm__latanier  fan palms of the southern United States and the Caribbean region
        subtype:  talipot_palm__talipotpalm__talipot__Corypha_umbraculifera  tall palm of southern India and Sri Lanka with gigantic leaves used as umbrellas and fans or cut into strips for writing paper
        subtype:  saw_palmetto__sawpalmetto__scrub_palmetto__scrubpalmetto__Serenoa_repens  small hardy clump-forming spiny palm of southern United States
        subtype:  thatch_palm__thatch_tree__silver_thatch__broom_palm__broompalm__thrinaxparviflora  small palm of southern Florida and West Indies closely resembling the silvertop palmetto
        subtype:  key_palm__keypalm__silvertoppalmetto__silver_thatch__Thrinax_microcarpa__Thrinax_morrisii__Thrinax_keyensis  small stocky fan palm of southern Florida and Cuba
     subtype:  calamus.palm_tree__calamu  any tropical Asian palm of the genus Calamus; light tough stems are a source of rattan canes
        subtype:  rattan_palm__rattan__Calamus_rotang  climbing palm of Sri Lanka and southern India remarkable for the great length of the stems which are used for Malacca canes
        subtype:  lawyer_cane__Calamus_australis  tall scrambling spiny palm of northeastern Queensland Australia
     subtype:  fishtail_palm  attractive East Indian palm having distinctive bipinnate foliage
     subtype:  coconut_palm__coconutpalm__coco_palm__coco__cocoa_palm__cocoapalm__coconut_tree__coconuttree__cocosnucifera  tall palm tree bearing coconuts as fruits; widely planted throughout the tropics
     subtype:  corozo_palm__corozo  any of several tropical American palms bearing corozo nuts
     subtype:  Euterpe_oleracea__cabbage_palm__cabbagepalm  Brazilian palm of genus Euterpe whose leaf buds are eaten like cabbage when young
     subtype:  cabbage_tree__cabbagetree__cabbagepalm__livistonaaustrali  Australian palm with leaf buds that are edible when young
     subtype:  nipa_palm__Nipa_fruticans  any creeping semiaquatic feather palm of the genus Nipa found in mangrove swamps and tidal estuaries; its sap is used for a liquor; leaves are used for thatch; fruit has edible seeds
     subtype:  raffia_palm__Raffia_farinifera__Raffia_ruffia  a large feather palm of Africa and Madagascar having very long pinnatisect fronds yielding a strong commercially important fiber from its leafstalks
        subtype:  jupati_palm__jupati__jupaty__Raffia_taedigera  a tall Brazilian feather palm with a terminal crown of very large leathery pinnatisect leaves rising from long strong stems used for structural purposes
        subtype:  bamboo_palm__Raffia_vinifera  a palm of the genus Raffia
     subtype:  lady_palm  any of several small palms of the genus Rhapis; cultivated as houseplants
        subtype:  miniature_fan_palm__miniaturefanpalm__bamboo_palm__fern_rhapis__Rhapis_excelsa  small graceful palm with reedlike stems and leaf bases clothed with loose coarse fibers
        subtype:  reed_rhapis__slender_lady_palm__Rhapis_humilis  Chinese lady palm with more slender stems and finer sheath fibers than Rhapis excelsa
     subtype:  royal_palm__royalpalm__Roystonea_regia  tall feather palm of southern Florida and Cuba
     subtype:  cabbage_palm__cabbagepalm__roystoneaoleracea  West Indian palm with leaf buds that are edible when young
  subtype:  dagame__lemonwood_tree__lemonwoodtree__Calycophyllum_candidissimum  source of a tough elastic wood
  subtype:  coffee_tree__coffee  any of several small trees and shrubs native to the tropical Old World yielding coffee beans
     subtype:  Arabian_coffee__Coffea_arabica  shrubby tree of northeastern tropical Africa widely cultivated in tropical or near tropical regions for its seed which form most of the commercial coffee
     subtype:  Liberian_coffee__Coffea_liberica  small tree of West Africa
     subtype:  robusta_coffee__robustacoffee__Rio_Nunez_coffee__Coffea_robusta__Coffea_canephora  native to West Africa but grown in Java and elsewhere; resistant to coffee rust
  subtype:  cinchona__chinchona  any of several trees of the genus Cinchona
     subtype:  Cartagena_bark__Cinchona_cordifolia__Cinchona_lancifolia  Colombian tree; source of Cartagena bark (a cinchona bark)
     subtype:  Cinchona_calisaya__calisaya__Cinchona_officinalis__Cinchona_ledgeriana  Peruvian shrub or small tree having large glossy leaves and cymes of fragrant yellow to green or red flowers; cultivated for its medicinal bark
     subtype:  cinchona_tree__Cinchona_pubescens  small tree of Ecuador and Peru having very large glossy leaves and large panicles of fragrant pink flowers; cultivated for its medicinal bark
  subtype:  opepe__Nauclea_diderrichii__Sarcocephalus_diderrichii  large African forest tree yielding a strong hard yellow to golden brown lumber; sometimes placed in genus Sarcocephalus
  subtype:  lemonwood_tree__lemonwoodtree__lemonwood__psychotriacapensi  South African evergreen having hard tough wood
  subtype:  wild_medlar_tree__wild_medlar__medlar__Vangueria_infausta  small deciduous tree of southern Africa having edible fruit
  subtype:  Spanish_tamarind__Vangueria_madagascariensis  shrubby tree of Madagascar occasionally cultivated for its edible apple-shaped fruit
  subtype:  incense_tree__incensetree  any of various tropical trees of the family Burseraceae yielding fragrant gums or resins that are burned as incense
     subtype:  elephant_tree__Bursera_microphylla  small tree or shrub of the southwestern United States having a spicy odor and odd-pinnate leaves and small clusters of white flowers
     subtype:  gumbo-limbo__gumbolimbo__Bursera_simaruba  tropical American tree yielding a reddish resin used in cements and varnishes
     subtype:  Boswellia_carteri  tree yielding an aromatic gum resin burned as incense
     subtype:  salai__Boswellia_serrata  East Indian tree yielding a resin used medicinally and burned as incense
     subtype:  balm_of_gilead__Commiphora_meccanensis  small evergreen tree of Africa and Asia; leaves have a strong aromatic odor when bruised
     subtype:  myrrh_tree__myrrhtree__Commiphora_myrrha  tree of eastern Africa and Asia yielding myrrh
     subtype:  Protium_heptaphyllum  tropical American tree
     subtype:  Protium_guianense  tropical American tree
  subtype:  mahogany_tree__mahogany  any of various tropical timber trees of the family Meliaceae especially the genus Swietinia valued for their hard yellowish- to reddish-brown wood that is readily worked and takes a high polish
     subtype:  Spanish_cedar_tree__Spanish_cedar__Cedrela_odorata  tropical American tree yielding fragrant wood used especially for boxes
     subtype:  African_scented_mahogany__cedar_mahogany__cedarmahogany__sapele_mahogany__Entandrophragma_cylindricum  African tree having rather lightweight cedar-scented wood varying in color from pink to reddish brown
     subtype:  African_mahogany  African tree having hard heavy odorless wood
     subtype:  true_mahogany__Cuban_mahogany__Dominican_mahogany__Swietinia_mahogani  mahogany tree of West Indies
     subtype:  Honduras_mahogany__Swietinia_macrophylla  an important Central American mahogany tree
     subtype:  Philippine_cedar__Philippine_mahogany__kalantas__Toona_calantas__Cedrela_calantas  Philippine timber tree having hard red fragrant wood
     subtype:  hardtack  a mountain mahogany
  subtype:  chinaberry_tree__chinaberry__China_tree__Persian_lilac__pride-of-India__azederach__azedarach__Melia_azederach__Melia_azedarach  tree of northern India and China having purple blossoms and small inedible yellow fruits; naturalized in the southern United States as a shade tree
  subtype:  neem_tree__neem__nim_tree__nimtree__margosa__arishth__Azadirachta_indica__Melia_Azadirachta  large semi-evergreen tree of East India; trunk exudes a tenacious gum; bitter bark used as a tonic; seeds yield an aromatic oil; sometimes placed in genus Melia
  subtype:  satinwood_tree__satinwoodtree__satinwood__chloroxylonswietenia  East Indian tree with valuable hard lustrous yellowish wood;
  subtype:  silver_ash  any of various timber trees of the genus Flindersia
     subtype:  native_beech__flindosa__flindosy__Flindersia_australis  tall Australian timber tree yielding tough hard wood used for staves etc
     subtype:  bunji-bunji__bunjibunji__Flindersia_schottiana  Australian timber tree whose bark yields a poison
  subtype:  lanseh_tree__langsat__langset__Lansium_domesticum  East Indian tree bearing an edible yellow berry
  subtype:  African_walnut__Lovoa_klaineana  tropical African timber tree with wood that resembles mahogany
  subtype:  turreae  any of numerous trees and shrubs grown for their beautiful glossy foliage and sweetly fragrant starry flowers
  subtype:  lepidobotrys  African tree often classified in other families; similar to the Costa Rican caracolito in wood structure as well as in fruit and flowers and leaves and seeds
  subtype:  Ruptiliocarpon_caracolito__caracolito  large Costa Rican tree having light-colored wood suitable for cabinetry; similar to the African lepidobotrys in wood structure as well as in fruit and flowers and leaves and seeds; often classified in other families
  subtype:  cork_tree__Phellodendron_amurense  deciduous tree of China and Manchuria having a turpentine aroma and handsome compound leaves turning yellow in autumn and deeply fissured corky bark
  subtype:  trifoliate_orange__trifoliata__wild_orange__wildorange__Poncirus_trifoliata  small fast-growing spiny deciduous Chinese orange tree bearing sweetly scented flowers and decorative but inedible fruit: used as a stock in grafting and for hedges
  subtype:  prickly_ash__pricklyash  any of a number of trees or shrubs of the genus Zanthoxylum having spiny branches
     subtype:  toothache_tree__toothachetree__sea_ash__seaash__Zanthoxylum_americanum__Zanthoxylum_fraxineum  small deciduous aromatic shrub (or tree) having spiny branches and yellowish flowers; eastern North America
     subtype:  Hercules'-club__Hercules'-clubs__Hercules-club__Zanthoxylum_clava-herculis  densely spiny ornamental of southeastern United States and West Indies
  subtype:  bitterwood_tree  any of various trees or shrubs of the family Simaroubaceae having wood and bark with a bitter taste
     subtype:  marupa__Simarouba_amara  tree of the Amazon valley yielding a light brittle timber locally regarded as resistant to insect attack
     subtype:  paradise_tree__bitterwood__Simarouba_glauca  medium to large tree of tropical North and South America having odd-pinnate leaves and long panicles of small pale yellow flowers followed by scarlet fruits
     subtype:  Picrasma_excelsa__Jamaica_quassia__bitterwood__Picrasma_excelsum  West Indian tree yielding the drug Jamaica quassia
     subtype:  bitterwood__quassia__Quassia_amara  handsome South American shrub or small tree having bright scarlet flowers and yielding a valuable fine-grained yellowish wood; yields the bitter drug quassia from its wood and bark
  subtype:  Kirkia_wilmsii__pepper_tree  small African deciduous tree with spreading crown having leaves clustered toward ends of branches and clusters of creamy flowers resembling lilacs
  subtype:  willow_tree__willow  any of numerous deciduous trees and shrubs of the genus Salix
     subtype:  osier  any of various willows having pliable twigs used in basketry and furniture
        subtype:  golden_willow__Salix_alba_vitellina__Salix_vitellina  European willow having grayish leaves and yellow-orange twigs used in basketry
        subtype:  almond_willow__black_Hollander__Salix_triandra__Salix_amygdalina  Old World willow with light green leaves cultivated for use in basketry
        subtype:  purple_willow__red_willow__redwillow__red_osier__redosier__basket_willow__purple_osier__Salix_purpurea  Eurasian osier having reddish or purple twigs and bark rich in tannin
        subtype:  common_osier__hemp_willow__velvet_osier__Salix_viminalis  willow with long flexible twigs used in basketry
     subtype:  white_willow__whitewillow__huntingdonwillow__Salix_alba  large willow tree of Eurasia and North Africa having grayish canescent leaves and gray bark
     subtype:  silver_willow__silky_willow__silkywillow__salixalbasericea__Salix_sericea  North American willow with grayish silky pubescent leaves that usually blacken in drying
     subtype:  cricket-bat_willow__cricketbatwillow__Salix_alba_caerulea  Eurasian willow tree having grayish leaves and ascending branches
     subtype:  arctic_willow__Salix_arctica  low creeping shrub of Arctic Europe and America
     subtype:  Babylonian_weeping_willow__weeping_willow__weepingwillow__Salix_babylonica  willow with long drooping branches and slender leaves native to China; widely cultivated as an ornamental
     subtype:  Wisconsin_weeping_willow__Salix_pendulina__Salix_blanda__Salix_pendulina_blanda  hybrid willow usually not strongly weeping in habit
     subtype:  pussy_willow__pussywillow__Salix_discolor  small willow of eastern North America having grayish leaves and silky catkins that come before the leaves
     subtype:  sallow  any of several Old World shrubby broad-leaved willows having large catkins; some are important sources for tanbark and charcoal
        subtype:  goat_willow__florist's_willow__florist'swillow__pussy_willow__pussywillow__Salix_caprea  much-branched Old World willow having large catkins and relatively large broad leaves
     subtype:  peachleaf_willow__peachleafwillow__peach-leaved_willow__almond-leaves_willow__Salix_amygdaloides  willow of the western United States with leaves like those of peach or almond trees
     subtype:  hoary_willow__hoarywillow__sage_willow__Salix_candida  North American shrub with whitish canescent leaves
     subtype:  crack_willow__crackwillow__brittle_willow__brittlewillow__snap_willow__Salix_fragilis  large willow tree with stiff branches that are easily broken
     subtype:  prairie_willow__prairiewillow__Salix_humilis  slender shrubby willow of dry areas of North America
     subtype:  dwarf_willow__dwarfwillow__Salix_herbacea  widely distributed boreal shrubby willow with partially underground creeping stems and bright green glossy leaves
     subtype:  gray_willow__Salix_cinerea  Eurasian shrubby willow with whitish tomentose twigs
     subtype:  arroyo_willow__Salix_lasiolepis  shrubby willow of the western United States
     subtype:  shining_willow__shiningwillow__Salix_lucida  common North American shrub with shiny lanceolate leaves
     subtype:  swamp_willow__swampwillow__black_willow__blackwillow__Salix_nigra  North American shrubby willow having dark bark and linear leaves growing close to streams and lakes
     subtype:  bay_willow__baywillow__laurel_willow__Salix_pentandra  European willow tree with shining leathery leaves; widely naturalized in the eastern United States
     subtype:  balsam_willow__Salix_pyrifolia  small shrubby tree of eastern North America having leaves exuding an odor of balsam when crushed
     subtype:  creeping_willow__Salix_repens  small trailing bush of Europe and Asia having straggling branches with silky green leaves of which several varieties are cultivated
     subtype:  Sitka_willow__silky_willow__silkywillow__salixsitchensi  small shrubby tree of western North America (Alaska to Oregon)
     subtype:  dwarf_gray_willow__sage_willow__Salix_tristis  willow shrub of dry places in the eastern United States having long narrow leaves canescent beneath
     subtype:  bearberry_willow__bearberrywillow__Salix_uva-ursi  dwarf prostrate mat-forming shrub of arctic and alpine regions of North America and Greenland having deep green elliptic leaves that taper toward the base
  subtype:  sandalwood_tree__true_sandalwood__Santalum_album  parasitic tree of Indonesia and Malaysia having fragrant close-grained yellowish heartwood with insect-repelling properties and used, e.g., for making chests
  subtype:  quandong_tree__quandong__quandang__Eucarya_acuminata__Fusanus_acuminatus  Australian tree with edible flesh and edible nutlike seed
  subtype:  soapberry_tree__soapberrytree__soapberry  a tree of the genus Sapindus whose fruit is rich in saponin
     subtype:  wild_China_tree__Sapindus_drumondii__Sapindus_marginatus  deciduous tree of southwestern United States having pulpy fruit containing saponin
     subtype:  China_tree__false_dogwood__falsedogwood__jaboncillo__chinaberry__Sapindus_saponaria  evergreen of tropical America having pulpy fruit containing saponin which was used as soap by native Americans
  subtype:  aroeira_blanca__aroeirablanca__Schinus_chichita  small resinous tree or shrub of Brazil
  subtype:  pepper_tree__molle__Peruvian_mastic_tree__Schinus_molle  small Peruvian evergreen with broad rounded head and slender pendant branches with attractive clusters of greenish flowers followed by clusters of rose-pink fruits
  subtype:  Brazilian_pepper_tree__Schinus_terebinthifolius  small Brazilian evergreen resinous tree or shrub having dark green leaflets and white flowers followed by bright red fruit; used as a street tree and lawn specimen
  subtype:  Diospyros_ebenum__ebony  tropical tree of southern Asia having hard dark-colored heartwood used in cabinetwork
  subtype:  Andaman_marble__marblewood__Diospyros_kurzii  large Asiatic tree having hard marbled zebrawood
  subtype:  balata_tree__balata__beefwood__bully_tree__bullytree__Manilkara_bidentata  a hard-wooded tropical tree yielding balata gum and heavy red timber
  subtype:  Palaquium_gutta__gutta-percha_tree  East Indian tree yielding gutta-percha
  subtype:  gutta-percha_tree  East Indian tree yielding gutta-percha
  subtype:  marmalade_tree__marmaladetree__mammee__sapote__Pouteria_zapota__Calocarpum_zapota  tropical American tree having wood like mahogany and sweet edible egg-shaped fruit; in some classifications placed in the genus Calocarpum
  subtype:  Christmas_bush__Christmas_tree__Ceratopetalum_gummiferum  Australian tree or shrub with red flowers; often used in Christmas decoration
  subtype:  plane_tree__planetree__sycamore__platan  any of several trees of the genus Platanus having thin pale bark that scales off in small plates and lobed leaves and ball-shaped heads of fruits
     subtype:  London_plane__Platanus_acerifolia  very large fast-growing tree much planted as a street tree
     subtype:  American_sycamore__American_plane__buttonwood__Platanus_occidentalis  very large spreading plane tree of eastern and central North America to Mexico
     subtype:  oriental_plane__Platanus_orientalis  large tree of southeastern Europe to Asia Minor
     subtype:  California_sycamore__Platanus_racemosa  tall tree of Baja California having deciduous bark and large alternate palmately lobed leaves and ball-shaped clusters of flowers
     subtype:  Arizona_sycamore__Platanus_wrightii  medium-sized tree of Arizona and adjacent regions having deeply lobed leaves and collective fruits in groups of 3 to 5
  subtype:  calabash_tree__calabash__Crescentia_cujete  tropical American evergreen that produces large round gourds
  subtype:  princewood__Spanish_elm__Cordia_gerascanthus  tropical American timber tree
  subtype:  white_mangrove__whitemangrove__Avicennia_officinalis  a small to medium-sized tree growing in brackish water especially along the shores of the southwestern Pacific
  subtype:  black_mangrove__blackmangrove__Aegiceras_majus  an Australian tree resembling the black mangrove of the West Indies and Florida
  subtype:  Tectona_grandis__teak  tall East Indian timber tree now planted in western Africa and tropical America for its hard durable wood
  subtype:  treelet  a small tree
  subtype:  arbor  tree (as opposed to shrub)
  subtype:  bean_tree  any of several trees having seedpods as fruits
     subtype:  tonka_bean_tree__tonka_bean__tonkabean__Coumarouna_odorata__Dipteryx_odorata  tall tropical South American tree having pulpy egg-shaped pods of fragrant black almond-shaped seeds used for flavoring
     subtype:  carob_bean_tree__carob__carob_tree__carobtree__algarroba__Ceratonia_siliqua  evergreen Mediterranean tree with edible pods; the biblical carob
     subtype:  tamarind_tree__tamarind__tamarindo__Tamarindus_indica  long-lived tropical evergreen tree with a spreading crown and feathery evergreen foliage and fragrant flowers yielding hard yellowish wood and long pods with edible chocolate-colored acidic pulp
     subtype:  Moreton_Bay_chestnut__Australia_chestnut  Australian tree having pinnate leaves and orange-yellow flowers followed by large woody pods containing 3 or 4 seeds that resemble chestnuts; yields dark strong wood
     subtype:  catalpa__Indian_bean  tree of the genus Catalpa with large leaves and white flowers followed by long slender pods
        subtype:  Catalpa_bignioides  catalpa tree of southern United States
        subtype:  Catalpa_speciosa  catalpa tree of central United States
  subtype:  pollard.tree  a tree with limbs cut back to promote a more bushy growth of foliage
  subtype:  sapling  young tree
  subtype:  shade_tree__shadetree  a tree planted or valued chiefly for its shade from sunlight
  subtype:  gymnospermous_tree__gymnospermoustree  any tree of the division Gymnospermophyta
     subtype:  gnetum__Gnetum_gnemon  small tropical tree with tiered branches and divaricate branchlets having broad glossy dark green leaves; exploited for its edible young leaves and seeds that provide a fine flour
     subtype:  ginkgo__gingko__maidenhair_tree__Ginkgo_biloba  deciduous dioecious Chinese tree having fan-shaped leaves and fleshy yellow seeds; exists almost exclusively in cultivation especially as an ornamental street tree
     subtype:  conifer__coniferous_tree  any gymnospermous tree or shrub bearing cones
        subtype:  pine_tree__pine__true_pine  a coniferous tree
           subtype:  pinon__pinyon  any of several low-growing pines of western North America
              subtype:  nut_pine__nutpine  any of several pinons bearing edible nutlike seeds
                 subtype:  pinon_pine__pinonpine__Mexican_nut_pine__Pinus_cembroides  small 2- or 3-needled pinon of Mexico and southern Texas
                 subtype:  Rocky_mountain_pinon__Pinus_edulis  small compact 2-needled pinon of southwestern United States; important as a nut pine
                 subtype:  single-leaf_pinyon__single-leaf__single-leaf_pine__Pinus_monophylla  pinon of southwestern United States having solitary needles and often many stems; important as a nut pine
              subtype:  bishop_pine__bishop's_pine__Pinus_muricata  2- or 3-needled pinon mostly of northwestern California coast
              subtype:  California_single-leaf_pinyon__Pinus_californiarum  very small tree similar to Rocky mountain pinon but having a single needle per fascicle; similar to Parry's pinyon in range
              subtype:  Parry's_pinyon__Pinus_quadrifolia__Pinus_parryana  5-needled pinon of southern California and northern Baja California having (sometimes 3- or 4-needled showing hybridization from Pinus californiarum)
           subtype:  spruce_pine__Pinus_glabra  large 2-needled pine of southeastern United States with light soft wood
           subtype:  black_pine__blackpine__Pinus_nigra  large 2-needled timber pine of southeastern Europe
           subtype:  northern_pitch_pine__pitch_pine__pitchpine__Pinus_rigida  large 3-needled pine of the eastern United States and southeastern Canada; closely related to the pond pine
           subtype:  pond_pine__Pinus_serotina  large 3-needled pine of sandy swamps of southeastern United States; needles longer than those of the northern pitch pine
           subtype:  stone_pine__stonepine__umbrella_pine__European_nut_pine__Pinus_pinea  medium-sized 2-needled pine of southern Europe having a spreading crown; widely cultivated for its sweet seeds that resemble almonds
           subtype:  Swiss_pine__Swiss_stone_pine__arolla_pine__cembra_nut_tree__Pinus_cembra  large 5-needled European pine; yields cembra nuts and a resinous exudate
           subtype:  Swiss_mountain_pine__mountain_pine__dwarf_mountain_pine__mugho_pine__mughopine__mugo_pine__Pinus_mugo  low shrubby pine of central Europe with short bright green needles in bunches of two
           subtype:  ancient_pine__ancientpine__Pinus_longaeva  small slow-growing pine of western United States similar to the bristlecone pine; chocolate brown bark in plates and short needles in bunches of 5; crown conic but becoming rough and twisted; oldest plant in the world growing to 5000 years in cold semi-desert mountain tops
           subtype:  white_pine__whitepine  any of several 5-needled pines with white wood and smooth usually light gray bark when young; especially the eastern white pine
              subtype:  American_white_pine__eastern_white_pine__easternwhitepine__weymouth_pine__Pinus_strobus  tall-growing pine of eastern North America; bark is brown with longitudinal fissures when mature; valued as a timber tree
              subtype:  western_white_pine__westernwhitepine__silver_pine__mountain_pine__Pinus_monticola  tall pine of western North America with stout blue-green needles; bark is gray-brown with rectangular plates when mature
              subtype:  southwestern_white_pine__Pinus_strobiformis  medium-size pine of northwestern Mexico; bark is dark brown and furrowed when mature
              subtype:  limber_pine__Pinus_flexilis  western North American pine with long needles and very flexible limbs and dark-gray furrowed bark
              subtype:  whitebark_pine__whitebarkpine__whitebarked_pine__whitebarkedpine__Pinus_albicaulis  small pine of western North America; having smooth gray-white bark and soft brittle wood; similar to limber pine
           subtype:  yellow_pine  any of various pines having yellow wood
              subtype:  Pinus_ponderosa__ponderosa__ponderosa_pine__ponderosapine__western_yellow_pine__bull_pine  common and widely distributed tall timber pine of western North America having dark green needles in bunches of 2 to 5 and thick bark with dark brown plates when mature
              subtype:  longleaf_pine__pitch_pine__pitchpine__southern_yellow_pine__Georgia_pine__Pinus_palustris  large 3-needled pine of southeastern United States having very long needles and gnarled twisted limbs; bark is red-brown deeply ridged; an important timber tree
              subtype:  shortleaf_pine__shortleafpine__short-leaf_pine__shortleaf_yellow_pine__Pinus_echinata  large pine of southern United States having short needles in bunches of 2-3 and red-brown bark when mature
           subtype:  Jeffrey_pine__Jeffrey's_pine__black_pine__blackpine__Pinus_jeffreyi  tall symmetrical pine of western North America having long blue-green needles in bunches of 3 and elongated cones on spreading somewhat pendulous branches; sometimes classified as a variety of ponderosa pine
           subtype:  shore_pine__shorepine__lodgepole__lodgepole_pine__lodgepolepine__spruce_pine__Pinus_contorta  shrubby 2-needled pine of coastal northwestern United States; red to yellow-brown bark fissured into small squares
           subtype:  Sierra_lodgepole_pine__Pinus_contorta_murrayana  tall subspecies of lodgepole pine
           subtype:  loblolly_pine__frankincense_pine__Pinus_taeda  tall spreading 3-needled pine of southeastern United States having reddish-brown fissured bark and a full bushy upper head
           subtype:  jack_pine__Pinus_banksiana  slender medium-sized 2-needled pine of eastern North America; with yellow-green needles and scaly gray to red-brown fissured bark
           subtype:  swamp_pine__swamppine  any of several pines that prefer or endure moist situations such as loblolly pine or longleaf pine
           subtype:  Canadian_red_pine__red_pine__redpine__Pinus_resinosa  pine of eastern North America having long needles in bunches of two and reddish bark
           subtype:  Scotch_pine__Scots_pine__Scotch_fir__Pinus_sylvestris  medium large 2-needled pine of northern Europe and Asia having flaking red-brown bark
           subtype:  scrub_pine__scrubpine__Virginia_pine__Jersey_pine__Pinus_virginiana  common small shrubby pine of the eastern United States having straggling often twisted or branches and short needles in bunches of 2
           subtype:  Monterey_pine__Pinus_radiata  tall California pine with long needles in bunches of 3, a dense crown, and dark brown deeply fissured bark
           subtype:  Rocky_Mountain_bristlecone_pine__bristlecone_pine__bristleconepine__pinusaristata  small slow-growing upland pine of western United States (Rocky Mountains) having dense branches with fissured rust-brown bark and short needles in bunches of 5 and thorn-tipped cone scales; among the oldest living things some over 4500 years old
           subtype:  table-mountain_pine__prickly_pine__pricklypine__hickorypine__Pinus_pungens  small 2-needled upland pine of the eastern United States (Appalachians) having dark brown flaking bark and thorn-tipped cone scales
           subtype:  knobcone_pine__Pinus_attenuata  medium-sized 3-needled pine of United States Pacific coast having a prominent knob on each scale of the cone
           subtype:  Japanese_red_pine__Japanese_table_pine__Pinus_densiflora  pine native to Japan and Korea having a wide-spreading irregular crown when mature; grown as an ornamental
           subtype:  Japanese_black_pine__black_pine__blackpine__Pinus_thunbergii  large Japanese ornamental having long needles in bunches of 2; widely planted in United States because of its resistance to salt and smog
           subtype:  Torrey_pine__Torrey's_pine__soledad_pine__soledadpine__gray-leaf_pine__sabine_pine__Pinus_torreyana  medium-sized 5-needled pine of southwestern California having long cylindrical cones
        subtype:  larch_tree__larchtree__larch  any of numerous conifers of the genus Larix all having deciduous needlelike leaves
           subtype:  American_larch__tamarack__black_larch__blacklarch__Larix_laricina  medium-sized larch of Canada and northern United States including Alaska having a broad conic crown and rust-brown scaly bark
           subtype:  western_larch__westernlarch__western_tamarack__westerntamarack__Oregon_larch__Larix_occidentalis  tall larch of western North America have pale green sharply pointed leaves and oblong cones; an important timber tree
           subtype:  subalpine_larch__subalpinelarch__Larix_lyallii  medium-sized larch of North American Rocky Mountains; closely related to Larix occidentalis
           subtype:  European_larch__Larix_decidua  tall European tree having a slender conic crown, flat needlelike leaves, and hairy cone scales
           subtype:  Siberian_larch__Larix_siberica__Larix_russica  medium-sized larch of northeastern Russia and Siberia having narrowly conic crown and soft narrow bright-green leaves; used in cultivation
        subtype:  golden_larch__Pseudolarix_amabilis  Chinese deciduous conifer resembling a larch with golden yellow leaves
        subtype:  fir_tree__firtree__fir__true_fir  any of various evergreen trees of the genus Abies; chiefly of upland areas
           subtype:  silver_fir  any of various true firs having leaves white or silvery white beneath
              subtype:  amabilis_fir__white_fir__whitefir__Pacific_silver_fir__red_silver_fir__Christmas_tree__Abies_amabilis  medium to tall fir of western North America having a conic crown and branches in tiers; leaves smell of orange when crushed
              subtype:  European_silver_fir__Christmas_tree__Abies_alba  tall timber tree of central and southern Europe having a regular crown and gray bark
              subtype:  California_white_fir__white_fir__whitefir__Colorado_fir__Abies_concolor__Abies_lowiana  medium to tall fir of central to western United States having a narrow erect crown and soft wood
              subtype:  balsam_fir__balm_of_Gilead__Canada_balsam__Abies_balsamea  medium-sized fir of northeastern North America; leaves smell of balsam when crushed; much used for pulpwood and Christmas trees
              subtype:  Fraser_fir__Abies_fraseri  small fast-growing but short-lived fir of southern Alleghenies similar to balsam fir but with very short leaves
              subtype:  lowland_fir__lowland_white_fir__lowlandwhitefir__giant_fir__giantfir__grand_fir__grandfir__Abies_grandis  lofty fir of the Pacific coast of northwestern America having long curving branches and deep green leaves
              subtype:  Alpine_fir__subalpine_fir__subalpinefir__Abies_lasiocarpa  medium-tall Rocky Mountain timber tree having a narrowly conic to columnar crown
           subtype:  Santa_Lucia_fir__bristlecone_fir__bristleconefir__Abies_bracteata__Abies_venusta  a pyramidal fir of southwestern California having spiny pointed leaves and cone scales with long spines
        subtype:  true_cedar__cedar__cedar_tree__cedartree  any cedar of the genus Cedrus
           subtype:  cedar_of_Lebanon__Cedrus_libani  cedar of Lebanon and northwestern Syria that attains great age and height
           subtype:  deodar_cedar__deodar__Himalayan_cedar__himalayancedar__Cedrus_deodara  tall East Indian cedar having spreading branches with nodding tips; highly valued for its appearance as well as its timber
           subtype:  Atlas_cedar__Cedrus_atlantica  tall Algerian evergreen of Atlas mountains with blue-green leaves; widely planted as an ornamental
        subtype:  spruce  any coniferous tree of the genus Picea
           subtype:  Norway_spruce__Picea_abies  tall pyramidal spruce native to northern Europe having dark green foliage on spreading branches with pendulous branchlets and long pendulous cones
           subtype:  weeping_spruce__weepingspruce__Brewer's_spruce__Picea_breweriana  medium-sized spruce of California and Oregon having pendulous branches
           subtype:  Engelmann_spruce__Engelmann's_spruce__Picea_engelmannii  tall spruce of Rocky Mountains and British Columbia with blue-green needles and acutely conic crown; wood used for rough lumber and boxes
           subtype:  white_spruce__whitespruce__Picea_glauca  medium-sized spruce of northeastern North America having short blue-green leaves and slender cones
           subtype:  black_spruce__blackspruce__piceamariana__spruce_pine  small spruce of boggy areas of northeastern North America having spreading branches with dense foliage; inferior wood
           subtype:  Siberian_spruce__Picea_obovata  tall spruce of northern Europe and Asia; resembles Norway spruce
           subtype:  oriental_spruce__Picea_orientalis  evergreen tree of the Caucasus and Asia Minor used as an ornamental having pendulous branchlets
           subtype:  Colorado_spruce__Colorado_blue_spruce__silver_spruce__Picea_pungens  tall spruce with blue-green needles and dense conic crown; older trees become columnar with lower branches sweeping downward
           subtype:  red_spruce__redspruce__easternspruce__yellow_spruce__Picea_rubens  medium-sized spruce of eastern North America; chief lumber spruce of the area; source of pulpwood
        subtype:  hemlock_tree__hemlocktree  an evergreen tree
           subtype:  eastern_hemlock__Canadian_hemlock__spruce_pine__Tsuga_canadensis  common forest tree of the eastern United States and Canada; used especially for pulpwood
           subtype:  Carolina_hemlock__Tsuga_caroliniana  medium-sized evergreen of southeastern United States having spreading branches and widely diverging cone scales
           subtype:  mountain_hemlock__black_hemlock__blackhemlock__Tsuga_mertensiana  large evergreen of western United States; wood much harder than Canadian hemlock
           subtype:  western_hemlock__westernhemlock__Pacific_hemlock__west_coast_hemlock__Tsuga_heterophylla  tall evergreen of western North America; commercially important timber tree
        subtype:  douglas_fir  tall evergreen timber tree of western North America having resinous wood and short needles
           subtype:  green_douglas_fir__greendouglasfir__douglas_spruce__douglasspruce__douglas_pine__douglaspine__douglas_hemlock__douglashemlock__Oregon_fir__Oregon_pine__Pseudotsuga_menziesii  lofty douglas fir of northwestern North America having short needles and egg-shaped cones
           subtype:  big-cone_spruce__big-cone_douglas_fir__Pseudotsuga_macrocarpa  douglas fir of California having cones 4-8 inches long
        subtype:  Cathaya  Chinese evergreen conifer discovered in 1955; not yet cultivated elsewhere
        subtype:  cedar_tree__cedartree__cedar  any of numerous trees of the family Cupressaceae that resemble cedars
           subtype:  Chilean_cedar__Austrocedrus_chilensis  small well-shaped South American evergreen having coppery bark and pretty foliage
           subtype:  Calocedrus_decurrens__incense_cedar__incensecedar__red_cedar__Libocedrus_decurrens  tall tree of North American Pacific coast having foliage like cypress and cinnamon-red bark
           subtype:  southern_white_cedar__coast_white_cedar__coastwhitecedar__atlanticwhitecedar__white_cypress__whitecypres__whitecedar__Chamaecyparis_thyoides  slow-growing medium-sized cedar of east coast of the United States; resembles American arborvitae
           subtype:  Oregon_cedar__Port_Orford_cedar__Lawson's_cypress__Lawson's_cedar__Chamaecyparis_lawsoniana  large timber tree of western North America with trunk diameter to 12 feet and height to 200 feet
           subtype:  yellow_cypress__yellow_cedar__Nootka_cypress__Alaska_cedar__Chamaecyparis_nootkatensis  tall evergreen of North American Pacific coast often cultivated for ornament
           subtype:  Japanese_cedar__Japan_cedar__sugi__Cryptomeria_japonica  tall evergreen of Japan and China yielding valuable soft wood
           subtype:  incense_cedar__incensecedar  any of several attractive trees of southwestern South America and New Zealand and New Caledonia having glossy evergreen leaves and scented wood
           subtype:  kawaka__Libocedrus_plumosa  New Zealand timber tree resembling the cypress
           subtype:  pahautea__Libocedrus_bidwillii__mountain_pine  evergreen tree of New Zealand resembling the kawaka
        subtype:  cypress_tree__cypresstree__cypress__cypres  any of numerous evergreen conifers of the genus Cupressus of north temperate regions having dark scalelike leaves and rounded cones
           subtype:  gowen_cypress__gowencypres__Cupressus_goveniana  small sometimes shrubby tree native to California; often used as an ornamental; in some classification systems includes the Pygmy cypress and the Santa Cruz cypress
           subtype:  pygmy_cypress__pygmycypres__Cupressus_pigmaea__Cupressus_goveniana_pigmaea  rare small cypress native to northern California; sometimes considered the same species as gowen cypress
           subtype:  Santa_Cruz_cypress__Cupressus_abramsiana__Cupressus_goveniana_abramsiana  rare California cypress taller than but closely related to gowen cypress and sometimes considered the same species
           subtype:  Arizona_cypress__Cupressus_arizonica  Arizona timber tree with bluish silvery foliage
           subtype:  Guadalupe_cypress__Cupressus_guadalupensis  relatively low wide-spreading endemic on Guadalupe Island; cultivated for its bluish foliage
           subtype:  Monterey_cypress__Cupressus_macrocarpa  tall California cypress endemic on Monterey Bay; widely used for ornament as well as reforestation and shelterbelt planting
           subtype:  Mexican_cypress__cedar_of_Goa__Portuguese_cypress__Cupressus_lusitanica  tall spreading evergreen found in Mexico having drooping branches; believed to have been introduced into Portugal from Goa
           subtype:  Italian_cypress__Mediterranean_cypress__Cupressus_sempervirens  tall Eurasian cypress with thin gray bark and ascending branches
        subtype:  King_William_pine__Athrotaxis_selaginoides  evergreen of Tasmanian mountains having sharp-pointed leaves the curve inward
        subtype:  metasequoia__dawn_redwood__Metasequoia_glyptostrodoides  large fast-growing Chinese monoecious tree having flat bright-green deciduous leaves and small globular cones; commonly cultivated in United States as an ornamental; known as a fossil before being discovered in China
        subtype:  arborvitae  any of several Asian and North American conifers of the genera Thuja and Thujopsis
           subtype:  western_red_cedar__red_cedar__canoe_cedar__canoecedar__Thuja_plicata  large valuable arborvitae of northwestern United States
           subtype:  American_arborvitae__northern_white_cedar__white_cedar__Thuja_occidentalis  small evergreen of eastern North America having tiny scalelike leaves on flattened branchlets
           subtype:  Oriental_arborvitae__Thuja_orientalis__Platycladus_orientalis  Asiatic shrub or small tree widely planted in United States and Europe; in some classifications assigned to its own genus
           subtype:  hiba_arborvitae__Thujopsis_dolobrata  slow-growing medium-large Japanese evergreen used as an ornamental
        subtype:  keteleeria  Asiatic conifers resembling firs
        subtype:  Wollemi_pine  newly discovered (1994) pine thought to have been long extinct; Australia; genus and species names not yet assigned
        subtype:  araucaria  any of several tall South American or Australian trees with large cones and edible seeds
           subtype:  monkey_puzzle__chile_pine__chilepine__Araucaria_araucana  large Chilean evergreen conifer having intertwined branches and bearing edible nuts
           subtype:  norfolk_island_pine__Araucaria_heterophylla__Araucaria_excelsa  evergreen of Australia and Norfolk Island in the South Pacific
           subtype:  new_caledonian_pine__Araucaria_columnaris  very tall evergreen of New Caledonia and the New Hebrides similar to norfolk island pine
           subtype:  bunya_bunya_tree__bunyabunyatree__bunya_bunya__bunyabunya__Araucaria_bidwillii  Australian conifer bearing two-inch seeds tasting like roasted chestnuts; among the aborigines the tree is hereditary property protected by law
           subtype:  hoop_pine__moreton_bay_pine__moretonbaypine__Araucaria_cunninghamii  pine of Australia and New Guinea; yields a valuable light even-textured wood
        subtype:  kauri_pine__kauripine__dammar_pine  any of various trees of the genus Agathis; yield dammar resin
           subtype:  kaury__kauri__Agathis_australis  tall timber tree of New Zealand having white straight-grained wood
           subtype:  amboina_pine__amboinapine__amboyna_pine__amboynapine__Agathis_dammara__Agathis_alba  native to the Moluccas and Philippines; a source of dammar resin
           subtype:  dundathu_pine__queensland_kauri__smooth_bark_kauri__Agathis_robusta  Australian timber tree resembling the kauri but having wood much lighter in weight and softer
           subtype:  red_kauri__redkauri__Agathis_lanceolata  New Zealand tree with glossy leaves and scaly reddish-brown bark
        subtype:  plum-yew  any of several evergreen trees and shrubs of eastern Asia resembling yew and having large seeds enclosed in a fleshy envelope; sometimes cultivated as ornamentals
        subtype:  celery_pine  Australasian evergreen conifer having a graceful head of foliage resembling celery that is composed of phyllodes borne in the axils of scalelike leaves
           subtype:  celery_top_pine__celery-topped_pine__Phyllocladus_asplenifolius  medium tall celery pine of Tasmania
           subtype:  tanekaha__Phyllocladus_trichomanoides  medium tall celery pine of New Zealand
           subtype:  Alpine_celery_pine__Phyllocladus_alpinus  small shrubby celery pine of New Zealand
        subtype:  podocarp  any evergreen in the southern hemisphere of the genus Podocarpus having a pulpy fruit with one hard seed
        subtype:  yacca_podocarp__yaccapodocarp__yacca__Podocarpus_coriaceus  West Indian evergreen with medium to long leaves
        subtype:  brown_pine__brownpine__Rockingham_podocarp__Podocarpus_elatus  large Australian tree with straight-grained yellow wood that turns brown on exposure
        subtype:  cape_yellowwood__African_yellowwood__Podocarpus_elongatus  South African tree or shrub having a rounded crown
        subtype:  Podocarpus_totara__totara  valuable timber tree of New Zealand yielding hard reddish wood used for furniture and bridges and wharves
        subtype:  kahikatea__New_Zealand_Dacryberry__New_Zealand_white_pine__Dacrycarpus_dacrydioides__Podocarpus_dacrydioides  New Zealand evergreen valued for its light easily worked wood
        subtype:  rimu__imou_pine__red_pine__redpine__Dacrydium_cupressinum  tall New Zealand timber tree
        subtype:  Dacrydium_colensoi__tarwood  New Zealand silver pine of conical habit with long slender flexuous branches; adapted to cold wet summers and high altitudes
        subtype:  common_sickle_pine__Falcatifolium_falciforme  small tropical rain forest tree of Indonesia and Malaysia
        subtype:  yellow-leaf_sickle_pine__Falcatifolium_taxoides  a rain forest tree or shrub of New Caledonia having a conic crown and pale green sickle-shaped leaves; host species for the rare parasite yew
        subtype:  tarwood__newzealandmountainpine__Halocarpus_bidwilli__Dacrydium_bidwilli  New Zealand shrub
        subtype:  westland_pine__silver_pine__Lagarostrobus_colensoi  timber tree of New Zealand having shiny white wood
        subtype:  huon_pine__Lagarostrobus_franklinii__Dacrydium_franklinii  Tasmanian timber tree with yellow aromatic wavy-grained wood used for carving and ship building; sometimes placed in genus Dacrydium
        subtype:  Nageia_nagi__nagi  medium-sized tree having glossy lanceolate leaves; southern China to Taiwan and southern Japan
        subtype:  miro__black_pine__blackpine__Prumnopitys_ferruginea__Podocarpus_ferruginea  New Zealand conifer
        subtype:  matai__black_pine__blackpine__Prumnopitys_taxifolia__Podocarpus_spicata  New Zealand conifer
        subtype:  plum-fruited_yew__Prumnopitys_andina__Prumnopitys_elegans  South American evergreen tree or shrub
        subtype:  Prince_Albert_yew__Prince_Albert's_yew__Saxe-gothea_conspicua  small yew having attractive foliage and partially weeping branches cultivated as an ornamental; mountains of southern Chile
        subtype:  Sundacarpus_amara__Prumnopitys_amara__Podocarpus_amara  a large fast-growing monoecious tropical evergreen tree having large glossy lanceolate leaves; of rain forests of Sumatra and Philippines to northern Queensland
        subtype:  Japanese_umbrella_pine__Sciadopitys_verticillata  tall evergreen having a symmetrical spreading crown and needles growing in whorls that resemble umbrellas at ends of twigs
        subtype:  yew  any of numerous evergreen trees or shrubs having red cup-shaped berries and flattened needlelike leaves
           subtype:  California_nutmeg__nutmeg-yew__Torreya_californica  California evergreen having a fruit resembling a nutmeg but with a strong turpentine flavor
           subtype:  stinking_cedar__stinking_yew__Torrey_tree__Torreya_taxifolia  rare small evergreen of northern Florida; its glossy green leaves have an unpleasant fetid smell when crushed
           subtype:  Old_World_yew__English_yew__Taxus_baccata  predominant yew in Europe; extraordinarily long-lived and slow growing; one of the oldest species in the world
           subtype:  Pacific_yew__California_yew__western_yew__westernyew__Taxus_brevifolia  small or medium irregularly branched tree of the Pacific coast of North America; yields fine hard close-grained wood
           subtype:  Japanese_yew__Taxus_cuspidata  shrubby hardy evergreen of China and Japan having lustrous dark green foliage; cultivated in the eastern United States
           subtype:  Florida_yew__Taxus_floridana  small bushy yew of northern Florida having spreading branches and very narrow leaves
           subtype:  New_Caledonian_yew__Austrotaxus_spicata  large yew native to New Caledonia; cultivated in eastern Australia and New Zealand and Hawaii
           subtype:  white-berry_yew__whiteberryyew__pseudotaxuschienii  yew of southeastern China, differing from the Old World yew in having white berries
  subtype:  angiospermous_tree__angiospermoustree__flowering_tree__floweringtree  any tree having seeds and ovules contained in the ovary
     subtype:  ylang-ylang__ilang-ilang__Cananga_odorata  evergreen Asian tree with aromatic greenish-yellow flowers yielding a volatile oil; widely grown in the tropics as an ornamental
     subtype:  katsura_tree__katsuratree__Cercidiphyllum_japonicum  rapidly growing deciduous tree of low mountainsides of China and Japan; grown as an ornamental for its dark blue-green candy-scented foliage that becomes yellow to scarlet in autumn
     subtype:  laurel  any of various aromatic trees of the laurel family
        subtype:  true_laurel__bay__bay_laurel__baylaurel__bay_tree__baytree__Laurus_nobilis  small Mediterranean evergreen tree with small blackish berries and glossy aromatic leaves used for flavoring in cooking; also used by ancient Greeks to crown victors
        subtype:  camphor_tree__camphortree__cinnamomumcamphora  large evergreen tree of warm regions whose aromatic wood yields camphor
        subtype:  Ceylon_cinnamon_tree__cinnamon__Ceylon_cinnamon__Cinnamomum_zeylanicum  tropical Asian tree with aromatic yellowish-brown bark; source of the spice cinnamon
        subtype:  Cinnamomum_cassia__cassia__cassia-bark_tree  Chinese tree with aromatic bark; yields a less desirable cinnamon than Ceylon cinnamon
        subtype:  Saigon_cinnamon__Cinnamomum_loureirii  tropical southeast Asian tree with aromatic bark; yields a bark used medicinally
        subtype:  laurel-tree__red_bay__redbay__Persea_borbonia  small tree of southern United States having dark red heartwood
        subtype:  sassafras_tree__sassafrastree__sassafras__sassafra__Sassafras_albidum  yellowwood tree with brittle wood and aromatic leaves and bark; source of sassafras oil; widely distributed in eastern North America
        subtype:  California_laurel__California_bay_tree__Oregon_myrtle__pepperwood__spice_tree__spicetree__sassafras_laurel__sassafraslaurel__California_olive__mountain_laurel__Umbellularia_californica  Pacific coast tree having aromatic foliage and small umbellate flowers followed by olivelike fruit; yields a hard tough wood
     subtype:  magnolia  any shrub or tree of the genus Magnolia; valued for their longevity and exquisite fragrant blooms
        subtype:  southern_magnolia__evergreen_magnolia__evergreenmagnolia__largefloweringmagnolia__bull_bay__Magnolia_grandiflora  evergreen tree of southern United States having large stiff glossy leaves and huge white sweet-smelling flowers
        subtype:  umbrella_magnolia__umbrella_tree__elkwood__Magnolia_tripetala  small deciduous open-crowned tree of eastern North America having creamy white flowers and large leaves in formations like umbrellas at the ends of branches
        subtype:  earleaved_umbrella_tree__Magnolia_fraseri  small erect deciduous tree with large leaves in coiled formations at branch tips
        subtype:  cucumber_tree__Magnolia_acuminata  American deciduous magnolia having large leaves and fruit like a small cucumber
        subtype:  large-leaved_magnolia__large-leaved_cucumber_tree__great-leaved_macrophylla__Magnolia_macrophylla  large deciduous shrub or tree of southeastern United States having huge leaves in dense false whorls and large creamy flowers tinged purple toward the base
        subtype:  saucer_magnolia__Chinese_magnolia__Magnolia_soulangiana  large deciduous shrub or small tree having large open rosy to purplish flowers; native to Asia; prized as an ornamental in eastern North America
        subtype:  star_magnolia__Magnolia_stellata  deciduous shrubby magnolia from Japan having fragrant white starlike flowers blooming before leaves unfold; grown as an ornamental in United States
        subtype:  sweet_bay__sweetbay__swamp_bay__swampbay__swamp_laurel__swamplaurel__Magnolia_virginiana  shrub or small tree having rather small fragrant white flowers; abundant in southeastern United States
     subtype:  genus_manglietia__genusmanglietia  a genus of flowering tree of the family Magnoliaceae found from Malay to southern China
     subtype:  tulip_tree__tuliptree__tulip_poplar__tulippoplar__yellow_poplar__canary_whitewood__Liriodendron_tulipifera  tall North American deciduous timber tree having large tulip-shaped greenish yellow flowers and conelike fruit; yields soft white woods used especially for cabinet work
     subtype:  bocconia__tree_celandine__Bocconia_frutescens  small Central American tree having loose racemes of purple-tinted green flowers
     subtype:  cream-of-tartar_tree__sour_gourd__Adansonia_gregorii  Australian tree having an agreeably acid fruit that resembles a gourd
     subtype:  baobab__monkey-bread_tree__Adansonia_digitata  African tree having an exceedingly thick trunk and fruit that resembles a gourd and has an edible pulp called monkey bread
     subtype:  ceiba_tree__ceibatree__kapok__silk-cotton_tree__white_silk-cotton_tree__Bombay_ceiba__God_tree__Ceiba_pentandra  massive tropical tree with deep ridges on its massive trunk and bearing large pods of seeds covered with silky floss; source of the silky kapok fiber
     subtype:  balsa__Ochroma_lagopus  forest tree of lowland Central America having a strong very light wood; used for making floats and rafts and in crafts
     subtype:  sterculia  any tree of the genus Sterculia
        subtype:  Panama_tree__Sterculia_apetala  large deciduous tree native to Panama and from which the country takes its name; having densely leafy crown and naked trunk
        subtype:  kalumpang__Java_olives__Sterculia_foetida  large tree of Old World tropics having foul-smelling orange-red blossoms followed by red pods enclosing oil-rich seeds sometimes used as food
     subtype:  red_beech__redbeech__brown_oak__brownoak__booyong__crow's_foot__stave_wood__stavewood__silky_elm__silkyelm__Heritiera_trifoliolata__Terrietia_trifoliolata  large tree of Australasia
     subtype:  looking_glass_tree__lookingglasstree__Heritiera_macrophylla  large evergreen tree of India and Burma whose leaves are silvery beneath
     subtype:  looking-glass_plant__lookingglassplant__Heritiera_littoralis  small tree of coastal regions of Old World tropics whose leaves are silvery beneath
     subtype:  Theobroma_cacao__theobromacacao__cacao__cacao_tree__cacaotree__chocolate_tree__chocolatetree  tropical American tree producing cacao beans
        subtype:  cacao__cocoa_bean__cocoabean  seed of the cacao tree; ground roasted beans are source of chocolate
     subtype:  rewa-rewa__New-Zealand_honeysuckle  slender elegant tree of New Zealand having racemes of red flowers and yielding valuable mottled red timber
     subtype:  sorrel_tree__sourwood__titi__Oxydendrum_arboreum  deciduous shrubby tree of eastern North America having deeply fissured bark and sprays of small fragrant white flowers and sour-tasting leaves
     subtype:  irontree__ironwood__ironwood_tree  a small slow-growing deciduous tree of northern Iran having a low domed shape
     subtype:  Combretum_appiculatum__bush_willow  small deciduous tree of the Transvaal having spikes of yellow flowers
     subtype:  bush_willow__Combretum_erythrophyllum  small South African tree having creamy yellow fragrant flowers usually growing on stream banks
     subtype:  Queen's_crape_myrtle__pride-of-India__Lagerstroemia_speciosa  native to Asia, Australia, and East Indies, where it provides timber called pyinma; used elsewhere as an ornamental for its large showy flowers
     subtype:  myrtaceous_tree  trees and shrubs
     subtype:  myrtle  any evergreen shrub or tree of the genus Myrtus
        subtype:  common_myrtle__Myrtus_communis  European shrub with white or rosy flowers followed by black berries
     subtype:  mangrove__Rhizophora_mangle  a tropical tree or shrub bearing fruit that germinates while still on the tree and having numerous prop roots that eventually form an impenetrable mass and are important in land building
     subtype:  dillenia  any of several evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Dillenia grown for their foliage and nodding flowers resembling magnolias which are followed by fruit that is used in curries and jellies and preserves
     subtype:  gamboge_tree__gambogetree__Garcinia_hanburyi__Garcinia_cambogia__Garcinia_gummi-gutta  low spreading tree of Indonesia yielding an orange to brown gum resin (gamboge) used as a pigment when powdered
     subtype:  Pipturus_albidus  Hawaiian tree of genus Pipturus having a bark (tapa) from which tapa cloth is made
     subtype:  paper_mulberry__papermulberry__Broussonetia_papyrifera  shrubby Asiatic tree having bark (tapa) that resembles cloth; grown as a shade tree in Europe and America; male flowers are pendulous catkins and female are urn-shaped followed by small orange-red aggregate berries
     subtype:  trumpetwood__trumpettree__snakewood__Cecropia_peltata  tropical American tree with large peltate leaves and hollow stems
     subtype:  mountain_ebony__orchid_tree__Bauhinia_variegata  small East Indian tree having orchidlike flowers and hard dark wood
     subtype:  royal_poinciana__royalpoinciana__flamboyant__flame_tree__flametree__peacock_flower__peacockflower__Delonix_regia__Poinciana_regia  showy tropical tree or shrub native to Madagascar; widely planted in tropical regions for its immense racemes of scarlet and orange flowers; sometimes placed in genus Poinciana
     subtype:  Judas_tree__love_tree__Circis_siliquastrum  small tree of the eastern Mediterranean having abundant purplish-red flowers growing on old wood directly from stems and appearing before the leaves: widely cultivated in mild regions; wood valuable for veneers
     subtype:  redbud__Cercis_canadenis  small shrubby tree of eastern North America similar to the Judas tree having usually pink flowers; found in damp sheltered underwood
     subtype:  mock_orange__mockorange__cherry_laurel__laurel_cherry__wild_orange__wildorange__Prunus_caroliniana  small flowering evergreen tree of southern United States
     subtype:  fruit_tree__fruittree  tree bearing edible fruit
        subtype:  custard_apple_tree__custardappletree__custard_apple__custardapple  any of several tropical American trees bearing fruit with soft edible pulp
           subtype:  cherimoya_tree__cherimoyatree__cherimoya__Annona_cherimola  small tropical American tree bearing round or oblong fruit
           subtype:  ilama_tree__ilamatree__ilama__Annona_diversifolia  tropical American tree grown in southern United States having a whitish pink-tinged fruit
           subtype:  soursop_tree__soursoptree__soursop__pricklycustardapple__Annona_muricata  small tropical American tree bearing large succulent slightly acid fruit
           subtype:  bullock's_heart_tree__bullock'shearttree__bullock's_heart__bullock_heart__bullockheart__Annona_reticulata  small tropical American tree bearing a bristly heart-shaped acid tropical fruit
           subtype:  sweetsop_tree__sweetsop__Annona_squamosa  tropical American tree bearing sweet pulpy fruit with thick scaly rind and shiny black seeds
           subtype:  pond-apple_tree__pond_apple__Annona_glabra  small evergreen tree of tropical America with edible fruit; used chiefly as grafting stock
           subtype:  papaw_tree__papawtree__pawpaw__papaw__Asimina_triloba  small tree native to the eastern United States having oblong leaves and fleshy fruit
        subtype:  avocado_tree__avocadotree__Persea_Americana  tropical American tree bearing large pulpy green fruits
        subtype:  durian_tree__durian__durion__Durio_zibethinus  tree of southeastern Asia having edible oval fruit with a hard spiny rind
        subtype:  toothbrush_tree__mustard_tree__mustardtree__Salvadora_persica  glabrous or pubescent evergreen shrub or tree of the genus Salvadora; twigs are fibrous and in some parts of the world are bound together in clusters and used as a toothbrush; shoots are used as camel fodder; plant ash provides salt
        subtype:  olive_tree__olivetree  a tree of the genus Olea cultivated for its fruit
           subtype:  European_olive_tree__olive__Olea_europaea  evergreen tree cultivated in the Mediterranean region since antiquity and now elsewhere; has edible shiny black fruits
           subtype:  black_maire__blackmaire__Olea_cunninghamii  northern Zealand tree having dense hard light-brown wood
           subtype:  white_maire__whitemaire__Olea_lanceolata  small New Zealand tree having red pulpy one-seeded fruit
        subtype:  anchovy_pear_tree__anchovy_pear__anchovypear__Grias_cauliflora  West Indian tree bearing edible fruit resembling mango
        subtype:  Eugenia_corynantha__sour_cherry  Australian tree with sour red fruit
        subtype:  pitanga__Surinam_cherry__Eugenia_uniflora  Brazilian tree with spicy red fruit; often cultivated in California and Florida
        subtype:  rose-apple_tree__rose_apple__jambosa__Eugenia_jambos  tropical tree of the East Indies cultivated for its edible fruit
        subtype:  jaboticaba_tree__jaboticaba__Myrciaria_cauliflora  small evergreen tropical tree native to Brazil and West Indies but introduced into southern United States; grown in Brazil for its edible tough-skinned purple grapelike fruit that grows all along the branches
        subtype:  true_guava__guava__guava_bush__guavabush__Psidium_guajava  small tropical American shrubby tree; widely cultivated in warm regions for its sweet globular yellow fruit
        subtype:  yellow_cattley_guava__guava__strawberry_guava__Psidium_littorale  small tropical shrubby tree bearing small yellowish fruit
        subtype:  cattley_guava__cattleyguava__purple_strawberry_guava__Psidium_cattleianum__Psidium_littorale_longipes  small tropical shrubby tree bearing deep red oval fruit
        subtype:  Brazilian_guava__Psidium_guineense  South American tree having fruit similar to the true guava
        subtype:  pomegranate_tree__pomegranatetree__pomegranate__punicagranatum  shrub or small tree native to southwestern Asia having large red many-seeded fruit
        subtype:  mangosteen_tree__mangosteen__Garcinia_mangostana  East Indian tree with thick leathery leaves and edible fruit
        subtype:  mammee_tree__mammee_apple__mammee__mamey__mammeaamericana  tropical American tree having edible fruit with a leathery rind
        subtype:  Carica_papaya__papaya__papaia__pawpaw__papaya_tree__melon_tree__melontree  tropical American shrub or small tree having huge deeply palmately cleft leaves and large oblong yellow fruit
        subtype:  mulberry_tree__mulberry  any of several trees of the genus Morus having edible fruit that resembles the blackberry
           subtype:  white_mulberry__whitemulberry__Morus_alba  Asiatic mulberry with white to pale red fruit; leaves used to feed silkworms
           subtype:  black_mulberry__blackmulberry__Morus_nigra  European mulberry having dark foliage and fruit
           subtype:  red_mulberry__redmulberry__Morus_rubra  North American mulberry having dark purple edible fruit
        subtype:  breadfruit_tree__breadfruit__Artocarpus_communis__Artocarpus_altilis  native to Pacific Islands and having edible fruit with a texture like bread
        subtype:  jackfruit_tree__jackfruittree__jackfruit__Artocarpus_heterophyllus  East Indian tree cultivated for its immense edible fruit and seeds
        subtype:  marang_tree__marang__Artocarpus_odoratissima  Philippine tree similar to the breadfruit tree bearing edible fruit
        subtype:  coco_plum_tree__coco_plum__cocoa_plum__cocoaplum__icaco__Chrysobalanus_icaco  small tropical American tree bearing edible plumlike fruit
        subtype:  quince_bush__quince__Cydonia_oblonga  small Asian tree with pinkish flowers and pear-shaped fruit; widely cultivated
        subtype:  loquat_tree__loquat__Japanese_medlar__Japanese_plum__Eriobotrya_japonica  evergreen tree of warm regions having fuzzy yellow olive-sized fruit with a large free stone; native to China and Japan
        subtype:  apple_tree__appletree  any tree of the genus Malus especially those bearing firm rounded edible fruits
           subtype:  orchard_apple_tree__orchardappletree__apple__Malus_pumila  native Eurasian tree widely cultivated in many varieties for its firm rounded edible fruits
           subtype:  wild_apple__crab_apple__crabapple  any of numerous wild apple trees usually with small acid fruit
              subtype:  wild_crab__Malus_sylvestris  wild crab apple native to Europe; a chief ancestor of cultivated apples
              subtype:  American_crab_apple__garland_crab__garlandcrab__maluscoronaria  medium-sized tree of the eastern United States having pink blossoms and small yellow fruit
              subtype:  Oregon_crab_apple__Malus_fusca  small tree or shrub of western United States having white blossoms and tiny yellow or red fruit
              subtype:  Iowa_crab__Uowa_crab_apple__prairie_crab__prairiecrab__western_crab_apple__Malus_ioensis  wild crab apple of western United States with fragrant pink flowers
                 subtype:  Bechtel_crab__flowering_crab__floweringcrab  derived from the Iowa crab and cultivated for its large double pink blossoms
           subtype:  cultivated_crab_apple__crab_apple__crabapple  any of numerous varieties of crab apples cultivated for their small acid (usually bright red) fruit used for preserving or as ornamentals for their blossoms
              subtype:  Siberian_crab_apple__Siberian_crab__cherry_apple__cherry_crab__Malus_baccata  Asian wild crab apple cultivated in many varieties for it small acid usually red fruit used for preserving
              subtype:  Southern_crab_apple__flowering_crab__floweringcrab__Malus_angustifolia  small tree or shrub of southeastern United States; cultivated as an ornamental for its rose-colored blossoms
        subtype:  medlar_tree__medlar__Mespilus_germanica  small deciduous Eurasian tree cultivated for its fruit that resemble crab apples
        subtype:  plum_tree__plum  any of several trees producing edible oval smooth-skinned fruit with a single hard stone
           subtype:  wild_plum_tree__wild_plum  an uncultivated plum tree or shrub
              subtype:  Allegheny_plum__Alleghany_plum__sloe__Prunus_alleghaniensis  wild plum of northeastern United States having dark purple fruits with yellow flesh
              subtype:  American_red_plum__August_plum__goose_plum__gooseplum__Prunus_americana  wild plum trees of eastern and central North America having red-orange fruit with yellow flesh
              subtype:  chickasaw_plum__chickasawplum__hog_plum__hogplum__hog_plum_bush__Prunus_angustifolia  small native American shrubby tree bearing small edible yellow to reddish fruit
              subtype:  beach_plum_bush__beach_plum__beachplum__Prunus_maritima  seacoast shrub of northeastern North America having showy white blossoms and edible purple fruit
              subtype:  holly-leaved_cherry__holly-leaf_cherry__evergreen_cherry__evergreencherry__Prunus_ilicifolia  California evergreen wild plum with spiny leathery leaves and white flowers
           subtype:  common_plum__Prunus_domestica  any of various widely distributed plums grown in the cooler temperate areas
           subtype:  bullace__Prunus_insititia  small wild or half-domesticated Eurasian plum bearing small ovoid fruit in clusters
              subtype:  damson_plum_tree__damson_plum__Prunus_domestica_insititia  plum tree long cultivated for its edible fruit
           subtype:  big-tree_plum__Prunus_mexicana  small tree of southwestern United States having purplish-red fruit sometimes cultivated as an ornamental for its large leaves
           subtype:  Canada_plum__Prunus_nigra  small tree native to northeastern North America having oblong orange-red fruit
           subtype:  cherry_plum__myrobalan__myrobalanplum__Prunus_cerasifera  small Asiatic tree bearing edible red or yellow fruit; used in Europe as budding stock
           subtype:  Japanese_plum__Prunus_salicina  small tree of China and Japan bearing large yellow to red plums usually somewhat inferior to European plums in flavor
           subtype:  Sierra_plum__Pacific_plum__Prunus_subcordata  shrub of United States Pacific coast bearing small red insipid fruit
        subtype:  plumcot_tree__plumcottree__plumcot  hybrid produced by crossing Prunus domestica and Prunus armeniaca
        subtype:  apricot_tree__apricottree__apricot  Asian tree having clusters of usually white blossoms and edible fruit resembling the peach
           subtype:  Japanese_apricot__mei__Prunus_mume  Japanese ornamental tree with fragrant white or pink blossoms and small yellow fruits
           subtype:  common_apricot__Prunus_armeniaca  temperate zone tree bearing downy yellow to rosy fruits
           subtype:  purple_apricot__black_apricot__blackapricot__Prunus_dasycarpa  small hybrid apricot of Asia and Asia Minor having purplish twigs and white flowers following by inferior purple fruit
        subtype:  cherry_tree__cherry  any of numerous trees and shrubs producing a small fleshy round fruit with a single hard stone; many also produce a valuable hardwood
           subtype:  wild_cherry_tree__wild_cherry  an uncultivated cherry tree
              subtype:  bird_cherry_tree__bird_cherry  any of several small-fruited cherry trees frequented or fed on by birds
                 subtype:  hagberry_tree__European_bird_cherry__common_bird_cherry__Prunus_padus  small European cherry tree closely resembling the American chokecherry
                 subtype:  pin_cherry__pincherry__Prunus_pensylvanica  small shrubby North American wild cherry with small bright red acid fruit
              subtype:  black_cherry_tree__black_cherry__blackcherry__rumcherry__prunusserotina  large North American wild cherry with round black sour edible fruit
           subtype:  sweet_cherry__sweetcherry__prunusavium  large Eurasian tree producing small dark bitter fruit in the wild but edible sweet fruit under cultivation
              subtype:  oxheart_cherry__oxheartcherry__heart_cherry__heartcherry  any of several cultivated sweet cherries having sweet juicy heart-shaped fruits
              subtype:  gean__mazzard__mazzard_cherry__mazzardcherry  wild or seedling sweet cherry used as stock for grafting
           subtype:  capulin_tree__capulintree__capulin__Prunus_capuli  Mexican black cherry tree having edible fruit
           subtype:  sour_cherry_tree__sour_cherry__Prunus_cerasus  rather small Eurasian tree producing red to black acid edible fruit
              subtype:  Prunus_cerasus_caproniana__amarelle  any of several cultivated sour cherry trees bearing pale red fruit with colorless juice
              subtype:  Prunus_cerasus_austera__morello  any of several cultivated sour cherry trees bearing fruit with dark skin and juice
              subtype:  Prunus_cerasus_marasca__marasca__marasca_cherry__marascacherry__maraschino_cherry  Dalmatian bitter wild cherry tree bearing fruit whose juice is made into maraschino liqueur
           subtype:  Catalina_cherry__Prunus_lyonii  evergreen shrub or small tree found on Catalina Island (California)
           subtype:  flowering_cherry__floweringcherry  any of several shrubs or trees of the genus Prunus cultivated for their showy white or pink single or double blossoms
              subtype:  fuji_cherry__fuji__Prunus_incisa  shrubby Japanese tree having pale pink blossoms
              subtype:  oriental_cherry__Japanese_cherry__Japanese_flowering_cherry__Prunus_serrulata  ornamental tree with inedible fruits widely cultivated in many varieties for its white blossoms
              subtype:  Japanese_flowering_cherry__Prunus_sieboldii  ornamental tree with inedible fruit widely cultivated in many varieties for its pink blossoms
              subtype:  rosebud_cherry__rosebudcherry__winter_flowering_cherry__Prunus_subhirtella  shrub or tree native to Japan cultivated as an ornamental for its rose-pink flowers
           subtype:  chokecherry_tree__chokecherrytree__chokecherry__Prunus_virginiana  a common wild cherry of eastern North America having small bitter black berries favored by birds
              subtype:  western_chokecherry__westernchokecherry__Prunus_virginiana_demissa__Prunus_demissa  chokecherry of western United States
        subtype:  almond_tree  any of several small bushy trees having pink or white blossoms and usually bearing nuts
           subtype:  sweet_almond__sweetalmond__almond__Prunus_dulcis__Prunus_amygdalus__Amygdalus_communis  small bushy deciduous tree native to Asia and North Africa having pretty pink blossoms and highly prized edible nuts enclosed in a hard green hull; cultivated in southern Australia and California
              subtype:  jordan_almond  variety of large almond from Malaga, Spain; used in confectionery
           subtype:  bitter_almond__Prunus_dulcis_amara__Amygdalus_communis_amara  almond trees having white blossoms and poisonous nuts yielding an oil used for flavoring and for medicinal purposes
           subtype:  dwarf_flowering_almond__dwarffloweringalmond__Prunus_glandulosa  small Chinese shrub with smooth unfurrowed dark red fruit grown especially for its red or pink or white flowers
           subtype:  oriental_bush_cherry__flowering_almond__floweringalmond__Prunus_japonica  woody oriental plant with smooth unfurrowed red fruit grown especially for its white or pale pink blossoms
           subtype:  dwarf_Russian_almond__Russian_almond__Prunus_tenella  Asiatic shrub cultivated for its rosy red flowers
           subtype:  flowering_almond__floweringalmond__Prunus_triloba  deciduous Chinese shrub or small tree with often trilobed leaves grown for its pink-white flowers
        subtype:  peach_tree__peachtree__peach__Prunus_persica  cultivated in temperate regions
        subtype:  nectarine_tree__nectarinetree__nectarine__Prunus_persica_nectarina  variety or mutation of the peach bearing smooth-skinned fruit with usually yellow flesh
        subtype:  pear_tree__pear__Pyrus_communis  Old World tree having sweet gritty-textured juicy fruit; widely cultivated in many varieties
        subtype:  genipa  any tree of the genus Genipa bearing yellow flowers and edible fruit with a thick rind
           subtype:  genipap_fruit__genipapfruit__jagua__marmalade_box__marmaladebox__Genipa_Americana  tree of the West Indies and northern South America bearing succulent edible orange-sized fruit
        subtype:  Averrhoa_carambola__carambola__carambola_tree__carambolatree  East Indian tree bearing deeply ridged yellow-brown fruit
        subtype:  Averrhoa_bilimbi__bilimbi  East Indian evergreen tree bearing very acid fruit
        subtype:  citrus_tree__citrus  any of numerous tropical usually thorny evergreen trees of the genus Citrus having leathery evergreen leaves and widely cultivated for their juicy edible fruits having leathery aromatic rinds
           subtype:  orange_tree__orange  any citrus tree bearing oranges
              subtype:  bitter_orange_tree__sour_orange__Seville_orange__bitter_orange__bigarade__marmalade_orange__marmaladeorange__Citrus_aurantium  any of various common orange trees yielding sour or bitter fruit; used as grafting stock
              subtype:  bergamot_orange__bergamot__Citrus_bergamia  small tree with pear-shaped fruit whose oil is used in perfumery; Italy
              subtype:  sweet_orange_tree__sweet_orange__sweetorange__Citrus_sinensis  probably native to southern China; widely cultivated as source of table and juice oranges
              subtype:  temple_orange_tree__temple_orange__tangor__king_orange__Citrus_nobilis  large citrus tree having large sweet deep orange fruit that is easily peeled; widely cultivated in Florida
           subtype:  pomelo_tree__pomelo__pummelo__Citrus_maxima__Citrus_grandis__Citrus_decumana  southeastern Asian tree producing large fruits resembling grapefruits
           subtype:  citron_tree__citron__Citrus_medica  thorny evergreen small tree or shrub of India widely cultivated for its large lemonlike fruits that have thick warty rind
           subtype:  Citrus_paradisi__grapefruit  citrus tree bearing large round edible fruit having a thick yellow rind and juicy somewhat acid pulp
           subtype:  mandarin_orange_tree__mandarin__mandarin_orange__Citrus_reticulata  shrub or small tree having flattened globose fruit with very sweet aromatic pulp and thin yellow-orange to flame-orange rind that is loose and easily removed; native to southeastern Asia
              subtype:  tangerine_tree__tangerinetree__tangerine  a variety of mandarin orange
              subtype:  clementine_tree__clementine  a variety of mandarin orange
              subtype:  satsuma_tree__satsumatree__satsuma  a variety of mandarin orange
           subtype:  Citrus_tangelo__tangelo__tangelotree__ugli_fruit  hybrid between grapefruit and mandarin orange; cultivated especially in Florida
           subtype:  rangpur_lime__rangpurlime__rangpur__lemanderin__Citrus_limonia  hybrid between mandarin orange and lemon having very acid fruit with orange peel
           subtype:  lemon_tree__lemontree__lemon__Citrus_limon  a small evergreen tree that originated in Asia but is widely cultivated for its fruit
              subtype:  sweet_lemon__sweet_lime__sweetlime__Citrus_limetta  lemon tree having fruit with a somewhat insipid sweetish pulp
           subtype:  lime_tree__lime__Citrus_aurantifolia  any of various related trees bearing limes
           subtype:  citrange_tree__citrange__Citroncirus_webberi  more aromatic and acidic than oranges
           subtype:  kumquat_tree__kumquattree__kumquat__cumquat  any of several trees or shrubs of the genus Fortunella bearing small orange-colored edible fruits with thick sweet-flavored skin and sour pulp
              subtype:  marumi_kumquat__marumi__round_kumquat__roundkumquat__Fortunella_japonica  shrub bearing round-fruited kumquats
              subtype:  nagami_kumquat__nagami__oval_kumquat__Fortunella_margarita  shrub bearing oval-fruited kumquats
        subtype:  wild_mango_tree__wild_mango__dika__Irvingia_gabonensis  African tree with edible yellow fruit resembling mangos; valued for its oil-rich seed and hardy green termite-resistant wood
        subtype:  akee_tree__akee__Blighia_sapida  widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions for its fragrant flowers and colorful fruits; introduced in Jamaica by Captain Bligh of HMS Bounty
        subtype:  Dimocarpus_longan__longan__lungen__longanberry__euphorialitchi__Nephelium_longana  tree of southeastern Asia to Australia grown primarily for its sweet edible fruit resembling litchi nuts; sometimes placed in genera Euphoria or Nephelium
        subtype:  Nephelium_litchi__litchi__lichee__litchi_tree__Litchi_chinensis  Chinese tree cultivated especially in Philippines and India for its edible fruit; sometimes placed in genus Nephelium
        subtype:  Spanish_lime_tree__Spanish_lime__honey_berry__honeyberry__mamoncillo__genip__ginep__Melicocca_bijuga__Melicocca_bijugatus  tropical American tree bearing a small edible fruit with green leathery skin and sweet juicy translucent pulp
        subtype:  rambutan_tree__rambutan__rambotan__Nephelium_lappaceum  Malayan tree bearing spiny red fruit
        subtype:  pulasan_tree__pulasantree__pulasan__pulassan__Nephelium_mutabile  East Indian fruit tree bearing fruit similar to but sweeter than that of the rambutan
        subtype:  mango_tree__mangotree__mango__Mangifera_indica  large evergreen tropical tree cultivated for its large oval smooth-skinned fruit
        subtype:  yellow_mombin_tree__hog_plum__hogplum__yellow_mombin__Spondias_mombin  tropical American tree having edible yellow fruit
        subtype:  mombin_tree__mombin__jocote__Spondias_purpurea  common tropical American shrub or small tree with purplish fruit
        subtype:  persimmon_tree__persimmontree__persimmon  any of several tropical trees of the genus Diospyros
           subtype:  Japanese_persimmon__kaki__Diospyros_kaki  small deciduous Asiatic tree bearing large red or orange edible astringent fruit
           subtype:  American_persimmon__possumwood__Diospyros_virginiana  medium-sized tree of dry woodlands in the southern and eastern United States bearing yellow or orange very astringent fruit that is edible when fully ripe
           subtype:  date_plum__Diospyros_lotus  an Asiatic persimmon tree cultivated for its small yellow or purplish-black edible fruit much valued by Afghan tribes
        subtype:  star_apple__caimito__Chrysophyllum_cainito  evergreen tree of West Indies and Central America having edible purple fruit star-shaped in cross section and dark green leaves with golden silky undersides
        subtype:  sapodilla_tree__sapodillatree__sapodilla__Manilkara_zapota__Achras_zapota  large tropical American evergreen yielding chicle gum and edible fruit; sometimes placed in genus Achras
        subtype:  canistel_tree__canistel__Pouteria_campechiana_nervosa  tropical tree of Florida and West Indies yielding edible fruit
     subtype:  mountain_ash  any of various trees of the genus Sorbus
        subtype:  rowan_tree__rowantree__rowan__europeanmountainash__Sorbus_aucuparia  Eurasian tree with orange-red berrylike fruits
        subtype:  American_mountain_ash__Sorbus_americana  a variety of mountain ash
        subtype:  Western_mountain_ash__Sorbus_sitchensis  an ash of the Western coast of North America
        subtype:  service_tree__servicetree__sorb_apple__sorb_apple_tree__Sorbus_domestica  medium-sized European tree resembling the rowan but bearing edible fruit
           subtype:  wild_service_tree__Sorbus_torminalis  European tree bearing edible small speckled brown fruit
     subtype:  ailanthus__ailanthu  any of several deciduous Asian trees of the genus Ailanthus
        subtype:  tree_of_heaven__tree_of_the_gods__Ailanthus_altissima  deciduous rapidly growing tree of China with foliage like sumac and sweetish fetid flowers; widely planted in United States as a street tree because of its resistance to pollution
     subtype:  palo_santo__Bulnesia_sarmienti  South American tree of dry interior regions of Argentina and Paraguay having resinous heartwood used for incense
     subtype:  Guaiacum_officinale__lignum_vitae  small evergreen tree of Caribbean and southern Central America to northern South America; a source of lignum vitae wood, hardest of commercial timbers, and a medicinal resin
     subtype:  bastard_lignum_vitae__Guaiacum_sanctum  small evergreen tree of the southern United States and West Indies a source of lignum vitae wood
     subtype:  poplar_tree__poplar  any of numerous trees of north temperate regions having light soft wood and flowers borne in catkins
        subtype:  balsam_poplar__hackmatack__tacamahac__populusbalsamifera  poplar of northeastern North America with broad heart-shaped leaves
        subtype:  white_poplar__whitepoplar__whiteaspen__abele__aspen_poplar__aspenpoplar__silver-leaved_poplar__Populus_alba  a poplar that is widely cultivated in the United States; has white bark and leaves with whitish undersurfaces
        subtype:  gray_poplar__Populus_canescens  large rapidly growing poplar with faintly lobed dentate leaves gray on the lower surface; native to Europe but introduced and naturalized elsewhere
        subtype:  black_poplar__blackpoplar__Populus_nigra  large European poplar
           subtype:  Lombardy_poplar__lombardypoplar__Populus_nigra_italica  distinguished by its columnar fastigiate shape and erect branches
        subtype:  cottonwood  any of several North American trees of the genus Populus having a tuft of cottony hairs on the seed
           subtype:  Eastern_cottonwood__necklace_poplar__Populus_deltoides  a common poplar of eastern and central United States; cultivated in United States for its rapid growth and luxuriant foliage and in Europe for timber
           subtype:  black_cottonwood__blackcottonwood__Western_balsam_poplar__Populus_trichocarpa  cottonwood of western North America with dark green leaves shining above and rusty or silvery beneath
           subtype:  swamp_cottonwood__swampcottonwood__black_cottonwood__blackcottonwood__downy_poplar__downypoplar__swamp_poplar__swamppoplar__Populus_heterophylla  North American poplar with large rounded scalloped leaves and brownish bark and wood
        subtype:  aspen  any of several trees of the genus Populus having leaves on flattened stalks so that they flutter in the lightest wind
           subtype:  European_quaking_aspen__quaking_aspen__quakingaspen__Populus_tremula  Old World aspen with a broad much-branched crown; northwestern Europe and Siberia to North Africa
           subtype:  American_quaking_aspen__American_aspen__Populus_tremuloides  slender aspen native to North America
           subtype:  Canadian_aspen__bigtooth_aspen__bigtoothed_aspen__big-toothed_aspen__bigtoothedaspen__large-toothed_aspen__largetoothedaspen__large_tooth_aspen__largetoothaspen__Populus_grandidentata  aspen with a narrow crown; eastern North America
     subtype:  titi__buckwheat_tree__buckwheattree__Cliftonia_monophylla  tree of low-lying coastal areas of southeastern United States having glossy leaves and racemes of fragrant white flowers
     subtype:  maple  any of numerous trees or shrubs of the genus Acer bearing winged seeds in pairs; north temperate zone
        subtype:  silver_maple__Acer_saccharinum  a common North American maple tree; 5-lobed leaves are light green above and silvery white beneath; source of hard close-grained but brittle light-brown wood
        subtype:  sugar_maple__rock_maple__Acer_saccharum  maple of eastern and central North America having 3- to 5-lobed leaves and hard close-grained wood much used for cabinet work especially the curly-grained form; sap is chief source of maple syrup and maple sugar; many subspecies
        subtype:  red_maple__redmaple__scarlet_maple__scarletmaple__swamp_maple__swampmaple__Acer_rubrum  maple of eastern and central America; 5-lobed leaves scarlet and yellow in autumn
        subtype:  moosewood__stripedmaple__striped_dogwood__goosefoot_maple__Acer_pennsylvanicum  maple of eastern North America with striped bard and large 2-lobed leaves clear yellow in autumn
        subtype:  Oregon_maple__big-leaf_maple__Acer_macrophyllum  maple of western North America having large 5-lobed leaves orange in autumn
        subtype:  dwarf_maple__dwarfmaple__Rocky-mountain_maple__Acer_glabrum  small maple of northwestern North America
        subtype:  mountain_maple__mountain_alder__Acer_spicatum  small shrubby maple of eastern North America; scarlet in autumn
        subtype:  vine_maple__Acer_circinatum  small maple of northwestern North America having prostrate stems that root freely and form dense thickets
        subtype:  hedge_maple__hedgemaple__field_maple__fieldmaple__Acer_campestre  shrubby Eurasian maple often used as a hedge
        subtype:  Norway_maple__Acer_platanoides  a large Eurasian maple tree naturalized in North America; 5-lobed leaves yellow in autumn; cultivated in many varieties
        subtype:  great_maple__greatmaple__sycamore__scottish_maple__Acer_pseudoplatanus  Eurasian maple tree with pale gray bark that peels in flakes like that of a sycamore tree; leaves with five ovate lobes yellow in autumn
        subtype:  box_elder__boxelder__ash-leaved_maple__Acer_negundo  common shade tree of eastern and central United States
           subtype:  California_box_elder__Acer_negundo_Californicum  maple of the United States Pacific coast; fruits are white when mature
        subtype:  pointed-leaf_maple__Acer_argutum  small shrubby Japanese plant with leaves having 5 to 7 acuminate lobes; yellow in autumn
        subtype:  full_moon_maple__Japanese_maple__Acer_japonicum  leaves deeply incised and bright red in autumn; Japan
        subtype:  Japanese_maple__Acer_palmatum  ornamental shrub or small tree of Japan and Korea with deeply incised leaves; cultivated in many varieties
     subtype:  holly  any tree or shrub of the genus Ilex having red berries and shiny evergreen leaves with prickly edges
        subtype:  possum_haw__bearberry__winterberry__Ilex_decidua  deciduous shrub of southeastern and central United States
        subtype:  inkberry__gallberry__evergreenwinterberry__Ilex_glabra  evergreen holly of eastern North America with oblong leathery leaves and small black berries
        subtype:  Paraguay_tea__mate__Ilex_paraguariensis  South American holly; leaves used in making a drink like tea
        subtype:  American_holly__Christmas_holly  an evergreen tree
        subtype:  low_gallberry_holly__lowgallberryholly  an evergreen shrub
        subtype:  tall_gallberry_holly  an evergreen shrub
        subtype:  yaupon_holly  an evergreen shrub
        subtype:  deciduous_holly  a holly tree
        subtype:  juneberry_holly__juneberryholly  a holly shrub
        subtype:  largeleaf_holly  a holly tree
        subtype:  Geogia_holly  a holly shrub
        subtype:  common_winterberry_holly  a holly shrub
        subtype:  smooth_winterberry_holly  a holly shrub
     subtype:  terebinth__Pistacia_terebinthus  a Mediterranean tree yielding Chian turpentine
     subtype:  Aesculus_hippocastanum__horse_chestnut__horsechestnut__buckeye  tree having palmate leaves and large clusters of white to red flowers followed by brown shiny inedible seeds
        subtype:  sweet_buckeye__sweetbuckeye  a tall and often cultivated buckeye of the central United States
        subtype:  Ohio_buckeye  a buckeye with scaly gray bark that is found in the central United States
        subtype:  dwarf_buckeye__dwarfbuckeye__bottlebrush_buckeye__bottlebrushbuckeye  a spreading shrub with pink flowers; found in southeastern United States
        subtype:  red_buckeye  a shrub buckeye of southern United States
        subtype:  particolored_buckeye  a buckeye marked by different colors or tints
     subtype:  satinleaf__satin_leaf__satinleaf__caimitillo__damson_plum__Chrysophyllum_oliviforme  tropical American timber tree with dark hard heavy wood and small plumlike purple fruit
     subtype:  silver_bell  any of various deciduous trees of the genus Halesia having white bell-shaped flowers
        subtype:  silver-bell_tree__silverbell_tree__snowdrop_tree__opossum_wood__opossumwood__Halesia_carolina__Halesia_tetraptera  medium-sized tree of West Virginia to Florida and Texas
     subtype:  Equador_laurel__Spanish_elm__salmwood__cypre__princewood__Cordia_alliodora  large tropical American tree of the genus Cordia grown for its abundant creamy white flowers and valuable wood
     subtype:  physic_nut__Jatropha_curcus  small tropical American tree yielding purple dye and a tanning extract and bearing physic nuts containing a purgative oil that is poisonous in large quantities
     subtype:  para_rubber_tree__caoutchouc_tree__Hevea_brasiliensis  deciduous tree of the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers having leathery leaves and fragrant yellow-white flowers; the rubber tree usually cultivated in plantations; chief source of Para rubber
     subtype:  varnish_tree__varnishtree__Aleurites_moluccana  large tree native to southeastern Asia; the nuts yield oil used in varnishes; nut kernels strung together are used locally as candles
     subtype:  tung_tree__tung__tung-oil_tree__Aleurites_fordii  Chinese tree bearing seeds that yield tung oil
     subtype:  dogwood_tree__dogwoodtree__cornel  a tree of shrub of the genus Cornus often having showy bracts resembling flowers
        subtype:  common_white_dogwood__eastern_flowering_dogwood__easternfloweringdogwood__Cornus_florida  deciduous tree; celebrated for its large white or pink bracts and stunning autumn color that is followed by red berries
        subtype:  red_osier_dogwood__redosierdogwood__red_osier__redosier__red_dogwood__reddogwood__American_dogwood__redbrush__Cornus_stolonifera  common North American shrub with reddish purple twigs and white flowers
        subtype:  silky_dogwood__silkydogwood__Cornus_obliqua  shrub of eastern North America closely resembling silky cornel
        subtype:  silky_cornel__silkycornel__silky_dogwood__silkydogwood__Cornus_amomum  shrub of eastern North America having purplish stems and blue fruit
        subtype:  common_European_dogwood__red_dogwood__reddogwood__blood-twig__bloodtwig__pedwood__Cornus_sanguinea  European deciduous shrub turning red in autumn having dull white flowers
        subtype:  bunchberry__dwarf_cornel__dwarfcornel__crackerberry__pudding_berry__puddingberry__Cornus_canadensis  creeping red-berried perennial herb distinguished by clustered leaf whorls at tips of shoots; Greenland to Alaska
        subtype:  cornelian_cherry__corneliancherry__cornusma  deciduous European shrub or small tree having bright red fruit
     subtype:  nut_tree__nuttree  tree bearing edible nuts
        subtype:  kola_nut_tree__kola__kola_nut__goora_nut__gooranut__Cola_acuminata  tree bearing large brown nuts containing e.g. caffeine; source of cola extract
        subtype:  macadamia_tree__macadamiatree__macadamia  any tree of the genus Macadamia
           subtype:  Macadamia_integrifolia  medium-sized tree of eastern Australia having creamy-white flowers
           subtype:  macadamia_nut_tree__macadamianuttree__macadamia_nut__macadamianut__Macadamia_ternifolia  small Australian tree with racemes of pink flowers; widely cultivated (especially in Hawaii) for its sweet edible nuts
           subtype:  Queensland_nut__Macadamia_tetraphylla  bushy tree with pink to purple flowers
        subtype:  hazelnut_tree__hazelnut__hazel  any of several shrubs or small trees of the genus Corylus bearing edible nuts enclosed in a leafy husk
           subtype:  American_hazel__Corylus_americana  nut-bearing shrub of eastern North America
           subtype:  cobnut__filbert__Corylus_avellana__Corylus_avellana_grandis  small nut-bearing tree much grown in Europe
           subtype:  beaked_hazelnut__Corylus_cornuta  hazel of western United States with conspicuous beaklike involucres on the nuts
        subtype:  walnut_tree__walnut  any of various trees of the genus Juglans
           subtype:  California_black_walnut__Juglans_californica  medium-sized tree with somewhat aromatic compound leaves and edible nuts
           subtype:  butternut_tree__butternuttree__butternut__white_walnut__whitewalnut__juglanscinerea  North American walnut tree having light-brown wood and edible nuts; source of a light-brown dye
           subtype:  black_walnut_tree__black_walnut__blackwalnut__black_hickory__blackhickory__Juglans_nigra  North American walnut tree with hard dark wood and edible nut
           subtype:  English_walnut_tree__English_walnut__Circassian_walnut__Persian_walnut__Juglans_regia  Eurasian walnut valued for its large edible nut and its hard richly figured wood; widely cultivated
        subtype:  hickory_tree__hickorytree__hickory  American hardwood tree bearing edible nuts
           subtype:  water_hickory__waterhickory__bitter_pecan__water_bitternut__waterbitternut__Carya_aquatica  hickory of southern United States having many narrow leaflets and rather bitter nuts
           subtype:  pignut_hickory__pignut__brown_hickory__brownhickory__black_hickory__blackhickory__Carya_glabra  an American hickory tree having bitter nuts
           subtype:  bitternut_hickory__bitternuthickory__bitternut__bitter_hickory__bitter_pignut__swamp_hickory__swamphickory__Carya_cordiformis  hickory of the eastern United States having a leaves with 7 or 9 leaflets and thin-shelled very bitter nuts
           subtype:  big_shellbark_hickory__bigshellbarkhickory__big_shellbark__bigshellbark__big_shagbark__bigshagbark__king_nut__king_nut_hickory__Carya_laciniosa  hickory of the eastern United States resembling the shagbark but having a much larger nut
           subtype:  nutmeg_hickory__Carya_myristicaeformis__Carya_myristiciformis  hickory of southern United States and Mexico having hard nutmeg-shaped nuts
           subtype:  shagbark_hickory__shagbark__shellbark__shellbark_hickory__shellbarkhickory__Carya_ovata  North American hickory having loose gray shaggy bark and edible nuts
           subtype:  mockernut_hickory__mockernuthickory__mockernut__black_hickory__blackhickory__white-heart_hickory__whitehearthickory__big-bud_hickory__bigbudhickory__Carya_tomentosa  smooth-barked North American hickory with 7 to 9 leaflets bearing a hard-shelled edible nut
        subtype:  pecan_tree__pecantree__pecan__Carya_illinoensis__Carya_illinoinsis  tree of southern United States and Mexico cultivated for its nuts
        subtype:  wingnut  any tree of the genus Pterocarya; fruit is a small winged nutlet; Caucasus to southeastern Asia
           subtype:  Caucasian_walnut__Pterocarya_fraxinifolia  medium-sized Caucasian much-branched tree distinguished from other walnut trees by its winged fruit
        subtype:  brazil_nut__brazil-nut_tree__Bertholletia_excelsa  tall South American tree bearing brazil nuts
        subtype:  cashew_tree__cashew__Anacardium_occidentale  tropical American evergreen tree bearing kidney-shaped nuts that are edible only when roasted
        subtype:  pistachio_tree__pistachiotree__pistachio__Pistacia_vera  small tree of southern Europe and Asia Minor bearing small hard-shelled nuts
     subtype:  spice_tree__spicetree  tree bearing aromatic bark or berries
        subtype:  nutmeg_tree__nutmeg__Myristica_fragrans  East Indian tree widely cultivated in the tropics for its aromatic seed; source of two spices: nutmeg and mace
        subtype:  allspice_tree__allspice__pimento_tree__pimentotree__pimentadioica  aromatic West Indian tree that produces allspice berries
        subtype:  Pimenta_officinalis__allspice_tree  tropical American tree having small white flowers and aromatic berries
        subtype:  clove_tree__clovetree__clove__Syzygium_aromaticum__Eugenia_aromaticum__Eugenia_caryophyllatum  moderate sized very symmetrical red-flowered evergreen widely cultivated in the tropics for its flower buds which are source of cloves
  subtype:  fever_tree__fevertree  any of several trees having leaves or barks used to allay fever or thought to indicate regions free of fever
  subtype:  bonsai  a dwarfed ornamental tree or shrub grown in a tray or shallow pot
     subtype:  ming_tree  a dwarfed evergreen conifer or shrub shaped to have flat-topped asymmetrical branches and grown in a container
     subtype:  ming_tree.bonsai__mingtree  an artificial plant resembling a bonsai
  subtype:  nakedwood  any of several small to medium-sized trees of Florida and West Indies with thin scaly bark and heavy dark heartwood
  subtype:  hazel_tree__hazeltree__hazel__Pomaderris_apetala  Australian tree grown especially for ornament and its fine-grained wood and bearing edible nuts
  subtype:  tree_of_knowledge  the biblical tree in the Garden of Eden whose forbidden fruit was tasted by Adam and Eve

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