#psychological_state__psychologicalstate__mental_state  a mental condition in which the qualities of a state are relatively constant even though the state itself may be dynamic; "a manic state"
  supertype:  condition.state__status  a condition or state at a particular time: "a condition (or state) of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations"
  subtype:  state_of_mind__frame_of_mind  a temporary psychological state
     subtype:  case.state_of_mind  a specific state of mind that is temporary; "a case of the jitters"
     subtype:  thinking_cap  a state in which one thinks
  subtype:  abulia__aboulia  a loss of will power
  subtype:  anhedonia  an inability to experience pleasure
  subtype:  depersonalization__depersonalisation  (existentialism) a loss of personal identity; a feeling of being an anonymous cog in a stupid social machine
  subtype:  hypnosis  a state that resembles sleep but that is induced by suggestion
     subtype:  self-hypnosis__self-suggestion__autosuggestion  hypnosis induced by yourself
  subtype:  fugue.psychological_state  a dreamlike state of altered consciousness that may last for hours or days
  subtype:  trauma  an emotional wound or shock often having long-lasting effects
  subtype:  morale  a state of individual psychological well-being based upon a sense of confidence and usefulness and purpose
  subtype:  anxiousness__anxiety  a relatively permanent state of anxiety occurring in a variety of mental disorders
     subtype:  castration_anxiety  (psychoanalysis) anxiety resulting from real or imagined threats to your sexual functions; originally applied only to men but can in principal apply to women
     subtype:  hypochondria__hypochondriasis__hypochondriasi  chronic and abnormal anxiety about imaginary symptoms and ailments
     subtype:  overanxiety  excessive anxiety
     subtype:  scare__panic  sudden mass fear and anxiety over anticipated events; "panic in the stock market"; "a war scare"
        subtype:  red_scare__redscare  a period of general fear of communists
  subtype:  hallucinosis  a mental state in which the person has continual hallucinations
  subtype:  identity_crisis  distress and disorientation (especially in adolescence) resulting from conflicting pressures and uncertainty about and one's self and one's role in society
  subtype:  jitters__jitter__nervousness__nervousnes__nerve__screaming_meemies__screamingmeemie  an uneasy state; "he suffered an attack of nerves"
     subtype:  nervous_strain__nervousstrain__strain__mental_strain  nervousness resulting from mental stress; "his responsibilities were a constant strain"; "the mental strain of staying alert hour after hour was too much for him"
        subtype:  tenseness__tensenes__stress  a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense; "he suffered from fatigue and emotional tension"; "stress is a vasoconstrictor"
           subtype:  breaking_point.tenseness__breakingpoint  stress at which a person breaks down or a situation becomes crucial
  subtype:  psychotic_belief__psychoticbelief__delusion  an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary
     subtype:  delusions_of_grandeur  a delusion (common in paranoia) that you are much greater and more powerful and influential than you really are
     subtype:  delusions_of_persecution  a delusion (common in paranoia) that others are out to get you and frustrate and embarrass you or inflict suffering on you; a complicated conspiracy is frequently imagined
     subtype:  hallucination  illusory perception; a common symptom of severe mental disorder
        subtype:  auditory_hallucination__acousma  illusory auditory perception of strange nonverbal sounds
        subtype:  pseudohallucination  an image vivid enough to be a hallucination but recognized as unreal
        subtype:  trip.hallucination  a hallucinatory experience induced by drugs; "an acid trip"
        subtype:  visual_hallucination  illusory visual perception
           subtype:  chromatism.visual_hallucination  hallucinatory perception of colored lights
           subtype:  pink_elephants  any visual hallucination arising from heavy drinking
           subtype:  zoopsia  visual hallucination of animals; sometimes occurring in delirium tremens
     subtype:  nihilistic_delusion__nihilism  the delusion that things (or everything, including the self) do not exist; a sense that everything is unreal
     subtype:  somatic_delusion__somaticdelusion  an delusion concerning the body image or parts of the body
     subtype:  zoanthropy  the delusion that you have assumed the form of an animal
  subtype:  mental_health  the psychological state of someone who is functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioral adjustment
     subtype:  mental_soundness__mental_balance  the healthy psychological state of someone with good judgment
     subtype:  sanity__saneness  normal or sound powers of mind
        subtype:  lucidity  a lucid state of mind; not confused
        subtype:  rationality__reasonableness  the state of having good sense and sound judgment; "his rationality may have been impaired"; "he had to rely less on reason than on rousing their emotions"
  subtype:  mental_illness__mental_disease__psychopathy  any disease of the mind; the psychological state of someone who has emotional or behavioral problems serious enough to require psychiatric intervention
     subtype:  megalomania  a psychological state characterized by delusions of grandeur
     subtype:  insanity  relatively permanent disorder of the mind
        subtype:  lunacy__madness__insaneness  obsolete terms for legal insanity
        subtype:  dementia__dementedness  mental deterioration of organic or functional origin
           subtype:  alcoholic_dementia__alcoholicdementia__alcohol_amnestic_disorder__Korsakoff's_psychosis__Korsakoff's_syndrome__Korsakov's_psychosis__Korsakov's_syndrome__polyneuritic_psychosis  dementia observed during the last stages of severe chronic alcoholism; involves loss of memory for recent events although long term memory is intact
           subtype:  presenile_dementia__preseniledementia  dementia with onset before the age of 65
              subtype:  Alzheimer's_disease__Alzheimer's__Alzheimers  a progressive form of presenile dementia that is similar to senile dementia except that it usually starts in the 40s or 50s; first symptoms are impaired memory which is followed by impaired thought and speech and finally complete helplessness
              subtype:  Pick's_disease  a progressive form of presenile dementia found most often in middle-aged and elderly women and characterized by degeneration of the frontal and temporal lobes with loss of intellectual ability and transitory aphasia
           subtype:  senile_dementia__senile_psychosis  dementia of the aged; results from degeneration of the brain in the absence of cerebrovascular disease
        subtype:  irrationality__unreason  the state of being irrational; lacking powers of understanding
        subtype:  mental_unsoundness__derangement__unbalance  a state of mental disturbance and disorientation
        subtype:  daftness__craziness__crazines__flakines  informal terms for insanity
     subtype:  psychosis__psychosi  any severe mental disorder in which contact with reality is lost or highly distorted
        subtype:  delirium_tremens__DTs__blue_devils  acute delirium caused by alcohol poisoning
        subtype:  paranoia  a psychological disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur
        subtype:  schizophrenia__schizophrenic_disorder__schizophrenicdisorder__schizophrenic_psychosis__dementia_praecox  any of several psychotic disorders characterized by distortions of reality and disturbances of thought and language and withdrawal from social contact
           subtype:  borderline_schizophrenia__latent_schizophrenia  schizophrenia characterized by mild symptoms or by some preexisting tendency to schizophrenia
           subtype:  catatonic_schizophrenia__catatonicschizophrenia__catatonic_type_schizophrenia__catatonia  a form of schizophrenia characterized by a tendency to remain in a fixed stuporous state for long periods; the catatonia may give way to short periods of extreme excitement
           subtype:  hebephrenia__hebephrenic_schizophrenia__hebephrenicschizophrenia__disorganized_schizophrenia__disorganized_type_schizophrenia  a form of schizophrenia characterized by severe disintegration of personality including erratic speech and childish mannerisms and bizarre behavior; usually becomes evident during puberty; the most common diagnostic category in mental institutions
           subtype:  paranoid_schizophrenia__paranoic_type_schizophrenia__paraphrenic_schizophrenia__paraphrenicschizophrenia__paraphrenia  a form of schizophrenia characterized by delusions (of persecution or grandeur or jealousy); symptoms may include anger and anxiety and aloofness and doubts about gender identity; unlike other types of schizophrenia the patients are usually presentable and (if delusions are not acted on) may function in an apparently normal manner
           subtype:  acute_schizophrenic_episode__acuteschizophrenicepisode__reactive_schizophrenia  schizophrenia of abrupt onset and relatively short duration (a few weeks or months)
  subtype:  agitation.psychological_state  a mental state of extreme emotional disturbance
     subtype:  disturbance.agitation__perturbation__upset  an unhappy and worried mental state; "there was too much anger and disturbance"; "she didn't realize the upset she caused me"
     subtype:  swither__fret__stew__sweat__lather  agitation resulting from active worry; "don't get in a stew"; "he's in a sweat about exams"
     subtype:  dither__pother__fuss__tizzy__flap  an excited state of agitation; "he was in a dither"; "there was a terrible flap about the theft"
     subtype:  tailspin  loss of emotional control often resulting in emotional collapse
  subtype:  depression.psychological_state  a mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity
     subtype:  melancholia  extreme depression characterized by tearful sadness and irrational fears
     subtype:  megrims__megrim__blues__blue  an informal term for a state of depression; "he had a bad case of the blues"
     subtype:  blue_funk__funk  a state of nervous depression; "he was in a funk"
     subtype:  melancholy.depression  a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depressed
     subtype:  slough_of_despond  (formal) extreme depression
     subtype:  low_spirits__lowspirit  a state of mild depression
        subtype:  dumps__dump__mopes__mope  (informal) "in the dumps"; "have the mopes"
     subtype:  dejection  a state of melancholy depression
  subtype:  elation  an exhilarating psychological state of pride and optimism; an absence of depression
     subtype:  bliss__blis__blissfulnes__cloud_nine__cloudnine__seventh_heaven__seventhheaven__walking_on_air  a state of extreme happiness
        subtype:  ecstasy  a state of elated bliss
     subtype:  high_induced_by_drug_or_alcohol__high  a state of altered consciousness induced by alcohol or narcotics; "they took drugs to get a high on"
     subtype:  high.elation  a state of sustained elation; "I'm on a permanent high these days"
  subtype:  vexation__irritation__annoyance  the psychological state of being irritated or annoyed
     subtype:  botheration  the state of being bothered
     subtype:  huff__miff__seeing_red  a state of irritation or annoyance
     subtype:  pinprick.vexation  a minor annoyance
     subtype:  restlessness.vexation__impatience  a lack of patience; irritation with anything that causes delay
     subtype:  snit  a state of agitated irritation; "he was in a snit"
  subtype:  enchantment__trance  a psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation
     subtype:  possession.enchantment  being controlled by passion or the supernatural
     subtype:  fascination  the state of being intensely interested (as by awe or terror)
  subtype:  disassociation__dissociation  a state in which some integrated part of a person's life becomes separated from the rest of the personality and functions independently
     subtype:  compartmentalization__compartmentalisation  a mild state of dissociation
     subtype:  dissociative_disorder  dissociation so severe that the usually integrated functions of consciousness and perception of self break down
        subtype:  depersonalization_disorder__depersonalizationdisorder__depersonalization__depersonalisation__depersonalisation_disorder__depersonalisationdisorder__depersonalization_neurosis__depersonalisation_neurosis  emotional dissociative disorder in which there is loss of contact with your own personal reality accompanied by feelings of unreality and strangeness
        subtype:  psychogenic_fugue__psychogenicfugue__fugue  dissociative disorder in which a person forgets who who they are and leaves home to creates a new life; during the fugue there is no memory of the former life; after recovering there is no memory for events during the dissociative state
        subtype:  split_personality__splitpersonality__multiple_personality  a relatively rare dissociative disorder in which the usual integrity of the personality breaks down and two or more independent personalities emerge

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