#plant_family__plantfamily  a family of plants
  supertype:  #family  (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera; "sharks belong to the fish family"
  member of:  #kingdom_Plantae
  subtype:  #gymnosperm_family  a family of gymnosperms
     subtype:  #family_Gnetaceae__Gnetaceae  plants having small unisexual flowers and fleshy or winged fruit: in some classifications includes the genera Ephedra and Welwitschia as well as Gnetum
     subtype:  #family_Ephedraceae__Ephedraceae  ephedras: in some classifications included in the Gnetaceae
     subtype:  #family_Welwitschiaceae__Welwitschiaceae  in some classifications included in the Gnetaceae
     subtype:  #family_Cycadaceae__Cycadaceae__cycad_family__cycadfamily  ancient palmlike plants closely related to ferns in that fertilization is by means of spermatozoids
     subtype:  #family_Zamiaceae__Zamiaceae__zamia_family__zamiafamily  a family of cycads often included in the family Cycadaceae: zamias
     subtype:  #family_Bennettitaceae__Bennettitaceae  a family of fossil gymnospermous plants of the Carboniferous
     subtype:  #family_Cordaitaceae__Cordaitaceae  chiefly Paleozoic plants; Cordaites is the chief and typical genus
     subtype:  #family_Pinaceae__Pinaceae__pine_family  a family of Pinaceae
     subtype:  #family_Cupressaceae__Cupressaceae__cypress_family__cypressfamily  cypresses and junipers and many cedars
     subtype:  #subfamily_Taxodiaceae__Taxodiaceae__redwood_family__redwoodfamily  coniferous trees; traditionally considered an independent family though recently included in Cupressaceae in some classification systems
     subtype:  #family_Araucariaceae__Araucariaceae__araucaria_family__araucariafamily  tall evergreen cone-bearing trees of South America and Australia with broad leathery leaves; in some classifications included in the Pinaceae
     subtype:  #family_Cephalotaxaceae__Cephalotaxaceae__plum-yew_family  a family of Cephalotaxaceae
     subtype:  #family_Phyllocladaceae__Phyllocladaceae  a family of Phyllocladaceae
     subtype:  #family_Podocarpaceae__Podocarpaceae__podocarpus_family  gymnosperms with simple persistent needlelike or scalelike leaves
     subtype:  #family_Sciadopityaceae__Sciadopityaceae  family comprising a single genus that until recently was considered part of Taxodiaceae
     subtype:  #family_Taxaceae__Taxaceae__yew_family__yewfamily  sometimes classified as member of order Taxales
     subtype:  #family_Ginkgoaceae__Ginkgoaceae__ginkgo_family  constituting the order Ginkgoales; includes the genus Ginkgo and extinct forms
  subtype:  #family_Campanulaceae__Campanulaceae__bellflower_family  family of plants of the order Campanulales; in some classifications includes Lobeliaceae
  subtype:  #family_Dioscoreaceae__Dioscoreaceae__yam_family__yamfamily  yams
  subtype:  #family_Erythroxylaceae__Erythroxylaceae  a family of plants of order Geraniales; have drupaceous fruit
  subtype:  #family_Crassulaceae__Crassulaceae__stonecrop_family__stonecropfamily  succulent shrubs and herbs
  subtype:  #family_Grossulariaceae__Grossulariaceae__gooseberry_family  in some classifications considered a part of the family Saxifragaceae: plants whose fruit is a berry
  subtype:  #family_Boraginaceae__Boraginaceae__borage_family  a widely distributed family of plants distinguished by circinate flowers and nutlike fruit
  subtype:  #family_Lentibulariaceae__Lentibulariaceae__bladderwort_family__bladderwortfamily  carnivorous aquatic or bog plants: genera Utricularia; Pinguicula; Genlisea
  subtype:  #family_Martyniaceae__Martyniaceae  in most classifications not considered a separate family but included in the Pedaliaceae
  subtype:  #family_Pedaliaceae__Pedaliaceae__sesame_family  the family of plants of order Polemoniales

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