#phylum_Arthropoda__Arthropoda  jointed-foot invertebrates: arachnids; crustaceans; insects; millipedes; centipedes
  supertype:  phylum  (biology) the major taxonomic group of animals and plants; contains classes
  member of:  kingdom_Animalia
  member:  arthropod  invertebrate having jointed limbs and a segmented body with an exoskeleton made of chitin
  member:  superclass_Chelicerata__Chelicerata  spiders; scorpions; horseshoe crabs
     member:  class_Arachnida__Arachnida  a large class of arthropods including spiders and ticks and scorpions and daddy longlegs; have four pairs of walking legs and no wings
        member:  arachnid__arachnoid  air-breathing arthropods characterized by simple eyes and four pairs of legs
        member:  order_Phalangida__Phalangida__Opiliones__order_Opiliones  harvestmen
           member:  family_Phalangiidae__Phalangiidae  a family of Phalangida
              member:  genus_Phalangium__Phalangium  type genus of the family Phalangiidae
                 member:  harvestman__daddy_longlegs__Phalangium_opilio  spider-like arachnid with a small rounded body and very long thin legs
        member:  order_Scorpionida__Scorpionida  true scorpions
           member:  scorpion  arachnid of warm dry regions having a long segmented tail ending in a venomous sting
        member:  order_Chelonethida__Chelonethida__Pseudoscorpionida__order_Pseudoscorpionida__Pseudoscorpiones__order_Pseudoscorpiones  false scorpions
           member:  false_scorpion__falsescorpion__pseudoscorpion  small nonvenomous arachnid resembling a tailless scorpion
           member:  genus_Chelifer__Chelifer  a genus of Chelonethida
              member:  book_scorpion__Chelifer_cancroides  minute arachnid sometimes found in old papers
        member:  order_Pedipalpi__Pedipalpi__Uropygi__order_Uropygi  whip scorpions
           member:  whipscorpion__whip_scorpion  nonvenomous arachnid that resembles a scorpion and that has a long thin stingless tail
           member:  genus_Mastigoproctus__Mastigoproctus  giant whip scorpions
              member:  vinegarroon__mastigoproctusgiganteu  large whipscorpion of Mexico and southern United States that emits a vinegary odor when alarmed
        member:  order_Araneae__Araneae__Araneida__order_Araneida  spiders
           member:  spider  predatory arachnid that usually has silk-spinning organs at the back end of the body; they spin silk to make cocoons for eggs or traps for prey
           member:  family_Argiopidae__Argiopidae  orb-weaving spiders; cosmopolitan
              member:  genus_Argiope__Argiope  the type genus of Argiopidae; small genus of orb-weaving spiders
                 member:  black_and_gold_garden_spider__Argiope_aurantia  a widely distributed North American garden spider
              member:  genus_Aranea__Aranea__Araneus__araneu__genus_Araneus  a genus of orb-weaving spiders including common garden spiders and barn spiders
                 member:  barn_spider__Araneus_cavaticus  an orange and tan spider with darkly banded legs that spins an orb web daily; "the barn spider was made famous in E. B. White's book `Charlotte's Web'"
                 member:  garden_spider__Aranea_diademata  a common European garden spider
           member:  family_Theridiidae__Theridiidae  a family of comb-footed spiders
              member:  comb-footed_spider__theridiid  spider having a comb-like row of bristles on each hind foot
              member:  genus_Latrodectus__Latrodectus  venomous spiders
                 member:  black_widow__blackwidow__Latrodectus_mactans  venomous New World spider; the female is black with an hourglass-shaped red mark on the underside of the abdomen
           member:  family_Theraphosidae__Theraphosidae  large tropical spiders; tarantulas
              member:  tarantula  large hairy tropical spider that can inflict painful but not highly venomous bites
           member:  family_Lycosidae__Lycosidae  wolf spiders
              member:  wolf_spider__hunting_spider__huntingspider  ground spider that hunts its prey instead of using a web
              member:  genus_Lycosa__Lycosa  type genus of the family Lycosidae
                 member:  European_wolf_spider__tarantula__Lycosa_tarentula  large southern European spider once thought to be the cause of tarantism (uncontrollable bodily movement)
           member:  family_Ctenizidae__Ctenizidae  large burrowing spiders
              member:  trap-door_spider  American spider that constructs a silk-lined nest with a hinged lid
        member:  order_Acarina__Acarina  mites and ticks
           member:  acarine  mite or tick
           member:  tick  any of two families of small parasitic arachnids with barbed proboscis; feed on blood of warm-blooded animals
           member:  family_Ixodidae__Ixodidae  hard ticks
              member:  hard_tick__ixodid  ticks having a hard shield on the back and mouth parts that project from the head
              member:  genus_Ixodes__Ixodes  type genus of the family Ixodidae
                 member:  Ixodes_dammini__deer_tick  a northeastern tick now recognized as same species as Ixodes scapularis
                 member:  Ixodes_neotomae  a tick that usually does not bite humans; transmits Lyme disease spirochete to dusky-footed woodrats
                 member:  Ixodes_pacificus__western_black-legged_tick  feeds on dusky-footed woodrat and bites humans; principal vector for Lyme disease in western United States especially northern California
                 member:  Ixodes_scapularis__black-legged_tick  parasitic on mice of genus Peromyscus and bites humans; principal vector for Lyme disease in eastern United States (especially New England); northern form was for a time known as Ixodes dammini (deer tick)
                 member:  sheeptick__ixodesricinu  parasitic on sheep and cattle as well as humans; can transmit looping ill in sheep (acute viral disease of the nervous system); a vector for Lyme disease spirochete
                 member:  Ixodes_persulcatus  bites humans; a vector for Lyme disease spirochete
                 member:  Ixodes_dentatus  usually does not bite humans; transmits Lyme disease spirochete to cottontail rabbits and woodrats
                 member:  Ixodes_spinipalpis  usually does not bite humans; transmits Lyme disease spirochete to cottontail rabbits and wood rats
              member:  genus_Dermacentor__Dermacentor  vectors of important diseases of man and animals
                 member:  wood_tick__American_dog_tick__Dermacentor_variabilis  common tick that can transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia
           member:  family_Argasidae__Argasidae  soft ticks
              member:  soft_tick__argasid  tick lacking a dorsal shield and having mouth parts on the under side of the head
           member:  mite  any of numerous very small to minute arachnids often infesting animals or plants or stored foods
           member:  family_Acaridae__Acaridae  mites
              member:  acarid  very small free-living arachnid that is parasitic on animals or plants; related to ticks
           member:  family_Trombidiidae__Trombidiidae  mites
              member:  trombidiid  mite that in all stages feeds on other arthropods
           member:  family_Trombiculidae__Trombiculidae  mites
              member:  trombiculiid  mite that as nymph and adult feeds on early stages of small arthropods but whose larvae are parasitic on terrestrial vertebrates
              member:  genus_Trombicula__Trombicula  type genus of the family Trombiculidae
                 member:  harvest_mite__harvestmite__jigger__redbug  larval mite that sucks the blood of vertebrates including human beings causing intense irritation
           member:  family_Sarcoptidae__Sarcoptidae  small whitish mites
              member:  genus_Sarcoptes__Sarcoptes  type genus of the family Sarcoptidae: itch mites
                 member:  itch_mite__sarcoptid  whitish mites that attack the skin of humans and other animals; "itch mites cause scabies"
           member:  acarus  a mite of the genus Acarus
           member:  family_Tetranychidae__Tetranychidae  plant-feeding mites
              member:  spider_mite__tetranychid  web-spinning mite that attacks garden plants and fruit trees
              member:  genus_Panonychus__Panonychus  a genus of Tetranychidae
                 member:  red_spider_mite__red_spider__redspider__Panonychus_ulmi  small web-spinning mite; a serious orchard pest
     member:  order_Pycnogonida__Pycnogonida  sea spiders
        member:  sea_spider__seaspider__pycnogonid  any of various small spider-like marine arthropods having small thin bodies and long slender legs
     member:  class_Merostomata__Merostomata  used in some classifications; includes the orders Xiphosura and Eurypterida
        member:  order_Xiphosura__Xiphosura  horseshoe crabs and extinct forms
           member:  family_Limulidae__Limulidae  horseshoe crabs
              member:  genus_Limulus__Limulus  type genus of the family Limulidae
                 member:  horseshoe_crab__horseshoecrab__king_crab__Limulus_polyphemus__Xiphosurus_polyphemus  large marine arthropod of the American Atlantic coast having a domed horseshoe-shaped carapace and stiff pointed tail; a living fossil related to the wood louse
              member:  genus_Tachypleus__Tachypleus  a genus of Limulidae
                 member:  Asian_horseshoe_crab  horseshoe crab of the coast of eastern Asia
        member:  order_Eurypterida__Eurypterida  extinct aquatic arthropods of the Paleozoic
           member:  eurypterid  large extinct scorpion-like arthropod considered related to horseshoe crabs
  member:  superclass_Myriapoda  used in some classifications to encompass the millipedes (Diplopoda) and centipedes (Chilopoda); formerly a large taxon including also the Pauropoda and Symphyla; the term Myriapoda now usually used synonymously with Diplopoda and limited to the millipedes
  member:  class_Pauropoda__Pauropoda  an obscure class of minute arthropods with branched antennae and 8 to 10 pairs of legs
  member:  class_Symphyla__Symphyla  small class of minute arthropods; unimportant except for the garden centipede
     member:  genus_Scutigerella__Scutigerella  garden centipedes
        member:  garden_centipede__garden_symphilid__symphilid__scutigerellaimmaculata  minute arthropod often infesting the underground parts of truck-garden and greenhouse crops
  member:  class_Tardigrada__Tardigrada  in some classifications considered a separate phylum: microscopic arachnid-like invertebrates living in water or damp moss having 4 pairs of legs and instead of a mouth a pair of stylets or needle-like piercing organs connected with the pharynx
     member:  tardigrade  an arthropod of the division Tardigrada
  member:  class_Chilopoda__Chilopoda  arthropods having the trunk composed of numerous somites each bearing one pair of legs: centipedes
     member:  centipede  chiefly nocturnal predacious arthropod having a flattened body of 15 to 173 segments each with a pair of legs the foremost being modified into poison fangs
     member:  family_Scutigeridae__Scutigeridae  a family of Chilopoda
        member:  genus_Scutigera__Scutigera  a genus of Scutigeridae
           member:  house_centipede__housecentipede__Scutigera_coleoptrata  long-legged centipede common in damp places as e.g. cellars
     member:  order_Geophilomorpha__Geophilomorpha  small elongate centipedes living in soil and under stones and having more than 30 pairs of legs
        member:  family_Geophilidae__Geophilidae  small extremely elongate earth-living centipedes
           member:  genus_Geophilus__Geophilus  type genus of the Geophilidae: cosmopolitan genus of centipedes sometimes called earwigs
  member:  class_Diplopoda__Diplopoda__Myriapoda__class_Myriapoda  arthropods having the body composed of numerous double somites each with two pairs of legs: millipedes
     member:  millipede__milliped  any of numerous herbivorous nonpoisonous arthropods having a cylindrical body of 20 to 100 or more segments most with two pairs of legs
  member:  subphylum_Pentastomida__Pentastomida  tongue worms
     member:  tongue_worm__pentastomid  wormlike arthropod having two pairs of hooks at the sides of the mouth; parasitic in nasal sinuses of mammals
  member:  class_Crustacea__Crustacea  class of mandibulate arthropods including: lobsters; crabs; shrimps; woodlice; barnacles; decapods; water fleas
     member:  crustacean  any mainly aquatic arthropod usually having a segmented body and chitinous exoskeleton
     member:  subclass_Malacostraca__Malacostraca  largest subclass of Crustacea including most of the well-known marine, freshwater, and terrestrial crustaceans: crabs; lobsters; shrimps; sow bugs; beach flies
        member:  malacostracan_crustacean__malacostracancrustacean  a major subclass of crustaceans
        member:  Decapoda__order_Decapoda  lobsters; crayfish; crabs; shrimps; prawns
           member:  decapod_crustacean__decapodcrustacean__decapod  crustaceans characteristically having five pairs of locomotor appendages each joined to a segment of the thorax
           member:  suborder_Reptantia__Reptantia  lobsters; crabs
              member:  suborder_Brachyura__Brachyura  an order of crustaceans (including true crabs) having a reduced abdomen folded against the ventral surface
                 member:  brachyuran  typical crabs
                 member:  crab  decapod having eyes on short stalks and a broad flattened carapace with a small abdomen folded under the thorax and pincers
                 member:  genus_Menippe__Menippe  stone crabs
                    member:  Menippe_mercenaria__stone_crab__stonecrab  large edible crab of S coat of United States especially Florida
                 member:  family_Cancridae__Cancridae  many of the best known edible crabs
                    member:  genus_Cancer__Cancer  type genus of the family Cancridae
                       member:  Cancer_magister__Dungeness_crab  small edible crab of Pacific coast of North America
                       member:  rock_crab__Cancer_irroratus  crab of eastern coast of North America
                       member:  Jonah_crab__Cancer_borealis  large red deep-water crab of the eastern coast of North America
                 member:  family_Portunidae__Portunidae  swimming crabs
                    member:  swimming_crab  marine crab with some legs flattened and fringed for swimming
                    member:  genus_Portunus__Portunus  type genus of the family Portunidae
                       member:  English_lady_crab__Portunus_puber  crab of the English coasts
                    member:  genus_Ovalipes__Ovalipes  a genus of Portunidae
                       member:  American_lady_crab__lady_crab__calico_crab__Ovalipes_ocellatus  brightly spotted crab of sandy beaches of the United States Atlantic coast
                    member:  genus_Callinectes__Callinectes  New World blue crabs
                       member:  Callinectes_sapidus__blue_crab  bluish edible crab of Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America
                 member:  genus_Uca__Uca  fiddler crabs
                    member:  fiddler_crab__fiddlercrab  burrowing crab of American coastal regions having one claw much enlarged in the male
                 member:  family_Pinnotheridae__Pinnotheridae  tiny soft-bodied crabs
                    member:  genus_Pinnotheres__Pinnotheres  type genus of the family Pinnotheridae: pea crabs
                       member:  pea_crab__peacrab  tiny soft-bodied crab living commensally in the mantles of certain bivalve mollusks
                       member:  oyster_crab__Pinnotheres_ostreum  tiny soft-bodied crab living within the mantle cavity of oysters
                 member:  family_Lithodidae__Lithodidae  deep-sea crabs of cold waters
                    member:  genus_Paralithodes__Paralithodes  a genus of Lithodidae
                       member:  Paralithodes_camtschatica__king_crab__Alaska_crab__Alaskan_king_crab__Alaska_king_crab  large edible crab of North Pacific waters especially along the coasts of Alaska and Japan
                 member:  family_Majidae__Majidae  spider crabs
                    member:  spider_crab  any of numerous crabs with very long legs and small triangular bodies
                    member:  genus_Maja__Maja__Maia__genus_Maia  type genus of the Majidae; nearly cosmopolitan
                       member:  European_spider_crab__king_crab__Maja_squinado  large European spider crab
                    member:  genus_Macrocheira__Macrocheira  giant crabs of Japan
                       member:  giant_crab__giantcrab__Macrocheira_kaempferi  very large deep-water Japanese crab
              member:  lobster  any of several edible marine crustaceans of the families Homaridae and Nephropsidae and Palinuridae
              member:  family_Homaridae__Homaridae  large-clawed lobsters
                 member:  true_lobster  large edible marine crustaceans having large pincers on the first pair of legs
                 member:  genus_Homarus__Homarus  type genus of the family Homaridae: common edible lobsters
                    member:  Homarus_americanus__American_lobster__Northern_lobster__Maine_lobster  lobster of Atlantic coast of America
                    member:  Homarus_vulgaris__European_lobster  lobster of Atlantic coast of Europe
                       member:  European_lobster  similar to but smaller than American lobsters
                    member:  Cape_lobster__Homarus_capensis  small lobster of southern Africa
           member:  family_Nephropsidae__Nephropsidae  in some classifications coextensive with the Homaridae
              member:  genus_Nephrops__Nephrops  a genus of Nephropsidae
           member:  family_Palinuridae__Palinuridae  spiny lobsters
              member:  genus_Palinurus__Palinurus  type genus of the family Palinuridae
                 member:  crawfish__spiny_lobster__spinylobster__langouste__rock_lobster__crayfish__sea_crawfish__seacrawfish  large edible marine crustacean having a spiny carapace but lacking the large pincers of true lobsters
           member:  family_Astacidae__Astacidae__Astacura  crayfish
              member:  crawdaddy__crayfish__crawfish__crawdad  small freshwater decapod crustacean that resembles a lobster
              member:  genus_Astacus__Astacus  type genus of the family Astacidae; Old World crayfish
                 member:  Old_World_crayfish__ecrevisse  small crayfish of Europe and Asia and western North America
              member:  genus_Cambarus__Cambarus  a genus of Astacidae
                 member:  American_crayfish  common large crayfishes of eastern North America
           member:  family_Paguridae__Paguridae  hermit crabs
              member:  genus_Pagurus__Pagurus  type genus of the family Paguridae
                 member:  hermit_crab  small soft-bodied marine crustaceans living in cast-off shells of gastropods
           member:  suborder_Natantia__Natantia  shrimp; prawns; etc.
              member:  family_Crangonidae__Crangonidae  shrimps
                 member:  genus_Crangon__Crangon  type genus of the family Crangonidae
                 member:  shrimp  small slender-bodied chiefly marine decapod crustaceans with a long tail and single pair of pincers; many species are edible
              member:  family_Palaemonidae__Palaemonidae  prawns
                 member:  genus_Palaemon__Palaemon  type genus of the family Palaemonidae; widely distributed genus
                    member:  prawn  shrimp-like decapod crustacean having two pairs of pincers; most are edible
                    member:  long-clawed_prawn__river_prawn__Palaemon_australis  large (a foot or more) edible freshwater prawn common in Australian rivers
              member:  family_Peneidae__Peneidae  tropical prawns
                 member:  genus_Peneus__Peneus  type genus of the family Peneidae
                    member:  tropical_prawn  edible tropical and warm-water prawn
        member:  order_Euphausiacea__Euphausiacea  small commonly luminescent crustaceans; important element of marine plankton: krill
           member:  krill  shrimp-like planktonic crustaceans; major source of food for e.g. baleen whales
           member:  Euphausia_pacifica  food for jellyfish
        member:  order_Mysidacea__Mysidacea  opossum shrimp
           member:  family_Mysidae__Mysidae  small shrimp-like crustaceans
              member:  genus_Mysis__Mysis  type genus of the family Mysidae
                 member:  opossum_shrimp__opossumshrimp  shrimp-like crustaceans whose females carry eggs and young in a pouch between the legs
              member:  genus_Praunus__Praunus  a genus of Mysidae
                 member:  opossum_shrimp__opossumshrimp  shrimp-like crustaceans whose females carry eggs and young in a pouch between the legs
        member:  order_Isopoda__Isopoda  woodlice
           member:  isopod  any of various small terrestrial or aquatic crustaceans with seven pairs of legs adapted for crawling
           member:  family_Armadillidiidae__Armadillidiidae  pill bugs
              member:  genus_Armadillidium__Armadillidium  type genus of the Armadillidiidae
                 member:  pill_bug  small terrestrial isopod with a convex segmented body that can roll up into a ball
           member:  family_Oniscidae__Oniscidae  a family of Isopoda
              member:  genus_Oniscus__Oniscus  type genus of the Oniscidae; woodlice that cannot roll into a ball
                 member:  sow_bug__sowbug  terrestrial isopod having an oval segmented body (a shape like a sow)
           member:  family_Porcellionidae__Porcellionidae  sow bugs
              member:  genus_Porcellio__Porcellio  Old World genus of isopod crustaceans
                 member:  sow_bug__sowbug  terrestrial isopod having an oval segmented body (a shape like a sow)
        member:  order_Amphipoda__Amphipoda  small flat-bodied semi-terrestrial crustaceans: whale lice; sand-hoppers; skeleton shrimp
           member:  amphipod  a kind of malacostracan crustacean
           member:  family_Orchestiidae__Orchestiidae  beach fleas
              member:  genus_Orchestia__Orchestia  type genus of the family Orchestiidae
                 member:  beach_flea__beachflea__sand_hopper__sand_flea  small amphipod crustaceans that hop like fleas; common on ocean beaches
           member:  genus_Caprella__Caprella  skeleton shrimp
              member:  skeleton_shrimp  small amphipod crustacean having a grotesque form suggestive of the praying mantis; found chiefly on seaweed
           member:  genus_Cyamus__Cyamus  whale lice
              member:  whale_louse__whalelouse  amphipod crustacean parasitic on cetaceans
     member:  order_Stomatopoda__Stomatopoda  mantis shrimps
        member:  stomatopod_crustacean__stomatopod  a kind of crustacean
        member:  mantis_shrimp__mantis_crab  tropical marine burrowing crustaceans with large grasping appendages
        member:  family_Squillidae__Squillidae  crustaceans that burrow in mud or under stones in shallow water along the seashore
           member:  genus_Squilla  type genus of the family Squillidae
              member:  squilla__mantis_prawn  a kind of mantis shrimp
     member:  subclass_Entomostraca__Entomostraca  in some older classifications includes the Branchiopoda and Copepoda and Ostracoda and Cirripedia; no longer in technical use
     member:  subclass_Branchiopoda__Branchiopoda  primitive aquatic mainly freshwater crustaceans: fairy shrimps; brine shrimps; tadpole shrimps; can shrimps; water fleas
        member:  genus_Daphnia  water fleas
           member:  daphnia__water_flea__waterflea  minute freshwater crustacean having a round body enclosed in a transparent shell; moves about like a flea by means of hairy branched antennae
        member:  order_Anostraca__Anostraca  small aquatic crustaceans lacking a carapace: fairy shrimps; brine shrimps
           member:  genus_Artemia__Artemia__Chirocephalus__genus_Chirocephalus  fairy shrimp; brine shrimp
              member:  fairy_shrimp__fairyshrimp  small freshwater branchiopod having a transparent body with many appendages; swims on its back
              member:  brine_shrimp__brineshrimp__Artemia_salina  common to saline lakes
        member:  order_Notostraca__Notostraca  small freshwater crustaceans with a shield-shaped carapace
           member:  family_Triopidae__Triopidae  a family of Notostraca
        member:  genus_Triops__Triops  type genus of the family Triopidae: small crustaceans with a small third median eye
           member:  tadpole_shrimp__tadpoleshrimp  a kind of branchiopod crustacean
     member:  subclass_Copepoda__Copepoda  minute planktonic or parasitic crustaceans
        member:  copepod_crustacean__copepodcrustacean__copepod  minute marine or fresh-water crustaceans usually having six pairs of limbs on the thorax; some abundant in plankton and others parasitic on fish
        member:  genus_Cyclops  copepod water fleas
           member:  cyclops__cyclop__water_flea__waterflea  minute free-swimming freshwater copepod having a large median eye and pear-shaped body and long antennae used in swimming; important in some food chains and as intermediate hosts of parasitic worms that affect man e.g. Guinea worms
        member:  order_Branchiura__Branchiura  copepods with suctorial mouthparts; parasitic on fishes
           member:  fish_louse  a kind of copepod
     member:  subclass_Ostracoda__Ostracoda  seed shrimps
        member:  seed_shrimp__mussel_shrimp__ostracod  tiny marine and freshwater crustaceans with a shrimp-like body enclosed in a bivalve shell
     member:  subclass_Cirripedia__Cirripedia  barnacles
        member:  barnacle__cerriped__cerripede  marine crustaceans with feathery food-catching appendages; free-swimming as larvae; as adults form a hard shell and live attached to submerged surfaces
        member:  family_Balanidae__Balanidae  stalkless barnacles
           member:  genus_Balanus__Balanus  type genus of the family Balanidae
              member:  acorn_barnacle__acornbarnacle__rock_barnacle__Balanus_balanoides  barnacle that attaches to rocks especially in intertidal zones
        member:  family_Lepadidae__Lepadidae  goose barnacles
           member:  genus_Lepas__Lepas  type genus of the family Lepadidae
              member:  goose_barnacle__goosebarnacle__lepasfasciculari  stalked barnacle that attaches to ship bottoms or floating timbers
  member:  class_Onychophora__Onychophora  enigmatic small elongated wormlike terrestrial invertebrates of damp dark habitats in warm regions; distinct from the phylum Annelida; resemble slugs with legs and are sometimes described as the missing link between arthropods and annelids
     member:  onychophoran__velvet_worm__peripatus__peripatu  any of numerous velvety-skinned wormlike carnivorous animals common in tropical forests having characteristics of both arthropods and annelid worms
     member:  family_Peripatidae__Peripatidae  a family of Onychophora
        member:  genus_Peripatus  type genus of Peripatidae; onychophorans of chiefly New World tropical regions
        member:  genus_Plicatoperipatus__Plicatoperipatus  a genus of Peripatidae
           member:  Plicatoperipatus_jamaicensis  a kind of onychophoran
     member:  family_Peripatopsidae__Peripatopsidae  a family of Onychophora
        member:  genus_Peripatopsis__Peripatopsis  type genus of Peripatopsidae; onychophorans of chiefly Asiatic and African tropical regions
  member:  class_Insecta__Insecta__Hexapoda__class_Hexapoda  insects; about five-sixths of all known animal species
     member:  order_Mecoptera__Mecoptera  an order of carnivorous insects usually having long membranous wings and long beaklike heads with chewing mouths at the tip
        member:  mecopteran  any of various carnivorous insects of the order Mecoptera
        member:  family_Panorpidae__Panorpidae  a family of insects of the order Mecoptera
           member:  scorpion_fly  any of various mecopterous insects of the family Panorpidae of the northern hemisphere having a long beak and long antennae; males have a tail like that of a scorpion except it is not venomous
        member:  family_Bittacidae__Bittacidae  a family of predacious tropical insects of the order Mecoptera
           member:  hanging_fly__hangingfly  any of various mecopterous insects of the family Bittacidae
     member:  order_Collembola__Collembola  minute wingless arthropods: springtails
        member:  collembolan__springtail  any of numerous minute wingless primitive insects possessing a special abdominal appendage that allows the characteristic nearly perpetual springing pattern; found in soil rich in organic debris or on the surface of snow or water
     member:  order_Protura__Protura  minute wingless arthropods: telsontails
        member:  proturan__telsontail  any of several minute primitive wingless and eyeless insects having a cone-shaped head; inhabit damp soil or decaying organic matter
     member:  order_Coleoptera__Coleoptera  beetles
        member:  beetle  insect having biting mouthparts and front wings modified to form horny covers overlying the membranous rear wings
        member:  family_Cicindelidae__Cicindelidae  tiger beetles
           member:  tiger_beetle__tigerbeetle  active usually bright-colored beetle that preys on other insects
        member:  family_Coccinellidae__Coccinellidae  the ladybugs
           member:  ladybug__lady_beetle__ladybird__ladybird_beetle  small round bright-colored and spotted beetle that usually feeds on aphids and other insect pests
           member:  genus_Adalia__Adalia  genus of ladybugs
              member:  two-spotted_ladybug__twospottedladybug__Adalia_bipunctata  red ladybug with a black spot on each wing
           member:  genus_Epilachna__Epilachna  genus of ladybugs native to Mexico and Central America; both larvae and adults feed on plants
              member:  Mexican_bean_beetle__bean_beetle__Epilachna_varivestis  introduced into the United States from Mexico; feeds on the foliage of the bean plant
           member:  genus_Hippodamia__Hippodamia  genus of ladybugs
              member:  Hippodamia_convergens  a variety of ladybug
           member:  genus_Rodolia__Rodolia__genus_Vedalia  genus of Australian ladybugs
              member:  vedalia__Rodolia_cardinalis  native to Australia; introduced elsewhere to control scale insects
        member:  family_Carabidae__Carabidae  ground beetles
           member:  ground_beetle__carabid_beetle__carabidbeetle  predacious shining black or metallic terrestrial beetle that destroys many injurious insects
           member:  genus_Brachinus__Brachinus  bombardier beetles
              member:  bombardier_beetle  beetle that ejects audibly a pungent vapor when disturbed
           member:  genus_Calosoma  genus of large predaceous ground beetles that feed on injurious caterpillars
              member:  calosoma  any beetle of the genus Calosoma
        member:  family_Lampyridae__Lampyridae  fireflies
           member:  lightning_bug__lightningbug__firefly  nocturnal beetle common in warm regions having luminescent abdominal organs
        member:  family_Cerambycidae__Cerambycidae  long-horned beetles
           member:  long-horned_beetle__longicorn__longicorn_beetle__longicornbeetle  long-bodied beetle having very long antennae
           member:  genus_Monochamus__Monochamus  sawyer beetles
              member:  sawyer_beetle__sawyer  any of several beetles whose larvae bore holes in dead or dying trees especially conifers
              member:  pine_sawyer  large beetle whose larvae bore holes in pine trees
        member:  family_Chrysomelidae__Chrysomelidae  leaf beetles
           member:  leaf_beetle__chrysomelid  brightly colored beetle that feeds on plant leaves; larvae infest roots and stems
           member:  genus_Leptinotarsa__Leptinotarsa  Colorado potato beetles
              member:  Colorado_potato_beetle__Colorado_beetle__potato_bug__potato_beetle__Leptinotarsa_decemlineata  black-and-yellow beetle that feeds in adult and larval stages on potato leaves; originally of eastern Rocky Mountains; now worldwide
        member:  family_Dermestidae__Dermestidae  carpet beetles
           member:  carpet_beetle__carpet_bug  small beetle whose larvae are household pests feeding on woolen fabrics
        member:  family_Cleridae__Cleridae  beetles that prey on other insects
           member:  clerid_beetle__clerid  predacious on other insects; usually brightly colored or metallic
        member:  superfamily_Lamellicornia__Lamellicornia  scarabaeid beetles and stag beetles
           member:  lamellicorn_beetle__lamellicornbeetle  beetle having antennae with hard platelike terminal segments
           member:  family_Scarabaeidae__Scarabaeidae  scarab or dung beetles
              member:  scarabaeid_beetle__scarabaeid__scarabaean  any of numerous species of stout-bodied beetles having heads with horny spikes
              member:  genus_Scarabaeus  type genus of the Scarabaeidae
                 member:  scarab__scarabaeus__Scarabaeus_sacer  scarabaeid beetle considered divine by ancient Egyptians
              member:  genus_Popillia__Popillia  a genus of Scarabaeidae
                 member:  Japanese_beetle__Popillia_japonica  small metallic green and brown beetle native to eastern Asia; serious plant pest in North America
              member:  genus_Anomala__Anomala  genus of beetles whose grubs feed mainly on roots of plants; includes several pests of cultivated grasses
                 member:  Oriental_beetle__Asiatic_beetle__Anomala_orientalis  introduced into United States from the Orient; larvae feed on roots of sugarcane and other grasses
              member:  subfamily_Melolonthidae__Melolonthidae  considered a separate family in some classification systems
                 member:  genus_Melolontha__Melolontha  a genus of Melolonthidae
                    member:  cockchafer__May_bug__May_beetle__Melolontha_melolontha  any of various large European beetles destructive to vegetation as both larvae and adult
                 member:  genus_Macrodactylus__Macrodactylus  a genus of Melolonthidae
                    member:  rose_bug__rose_chafer__Macrodactylus_subspinosus  common North American beetle: larvae feed on roots and adults on leaves and flowers of e.g. rose bushes or apple trees or grape vines
              member:  subfamily_Cetoniidae__Cetoniidae  considered a separate family in some classification systems
                 member:  genus_Cetonia__Cetonia  a genus of Cetoniidae
                    member:  rose_chafer__rose_beetle__Cetonia_aurata  a common metallic green European beetle: larvae feed on plant roots and adults on leaves and flowers of e.g. roses
           member:  family_Lucanidae__Lucanidae  stag beetles
              member:  stag_beetle  the male has branched mandibles resembling antlers
        member:  family_Elateridae__Elateridae  click beetles and certain fireflies
           member:  elaterid_beetle__elater__elaterid  any of various widely distributed beetles
           member:  genus_Pyrophorus__Pyrophorus  tropical click beetles
              member:  firefly__fire_beetle__Pyrophorus_noctiluca  tropical American click beetle having bright luminous spots
           member:  wireworm  wormlike larva of various elaterid beetles; feeds on roots of many crop plants
        member:  family_Dytiscidae__Dytiscidae  water beetles
           member:  water_beetle__waterbeetle  any of numerous aquatic beetles usually having a smooth oval body and flattened hind legs for swimming
        member:  family_Gyrinidae__Gyrinidae  whirligig beetles
           member:  whirligig_beetle__whirligigbeetle  aquatic beetle that circles rapidly on the water surface
        member:  family_Anobiidae__Anobiidae  deathwatch beetles
           member:  deathwatch_beetle__deathwatch__Xestobium_rufovillosum  bores through wood making a ticking sound popularly thought to presage death
        member:  family_Curculionidae__Curculionidae  true weevils: snout beetles
           member:  snout_beetle__snoutbeetle  small weevil having a prolonged snout; destructive to e.g. grains and nuts
           member:  genus_Anthonomus__Anthonomus  weevils destructive of cultivated plants
              member:  boll_weevil__Anthonomus_grandis  grayish weevil that lays its eggs in cotton bolls destroying the cotton
        member:  family_Meloidae__Meloidae  blister beetles
           member:  blister_beetle__blisterbeetle__meloid  beetle that produces a secretion that blisters the skin
        member:  family_Scolytidae__Scolytidae__Ipidae__family_Ipidae  large family of bark-boring or wood-boring short-beaked beetles; very destructive to forest and fruit trees
           member:  genus_Scolytus__Scolytus  type genus of the Scolytidae comprising numerous small bark beetles
              member:  Dutch-elm_beetle__Scolytus_multistriatus  a vector of the fungus causing Dutch elm disease
           member:  genus_Dendroctonus__Dendroctonus  genus of small bark beetles destructive especially to mature conifers
           member:  bark_beetle  small beetle that bores tunnels in the bark and wood of trees; related to weevils
        member:  family_Staphylinidae__Staphylinidae  rove beetles
           member:  rove_beetle  active beetle typically having predatory or scavenging habits
        member:  family_Tenebrionidae__Tenebrionidae  a family of arthropods including darkling beetles and mealworms
           member:  darkling_beetle__darkling_groung_beetle__tenebrionid  sluggish hard-bodied black terrestrial weevil whose larvae feed on e.g. decaying plant material or grain
           member:  mealworm  the larva of beetles of the family Tenebrionidae
           member:  genus_Tribolium__Tribolium  flour beetles
              member:  flour_beetle__flourbeetle__flour_weevil__flourweevil  infests flour and stored grains
        member:  family_Bruchidae__Bruchidae  seed beetles
           member:  seed_beetle__seed_weevil  infests the seeds of legumes
           member:  genus_Bruchus__Bruchus  type genus of the Bruchidae
              member:  pea_weevil__peaweevil__Bruchus_pisorum  larvae live in and feed on seeds of the pea plant
           member:  genus_Acanthoscelides__Acanthoscelides  a genus of Bruchidae
              member:  bean_weevil__Acanthoscelides_obtectus  larvae live in and feed on growing or stored beans
           member:  genus_Sitophylus__Sitophylus  a genus of Bruchidae
              member:  rice_weevil__black_weevil__blackweevil__Sitophylus_oryzae  brown weevil that infests stored grain especially rice
     member:  order_Embioptera__Embioptera__Embiodea__order_Embiodea  web spinners
        member:  web_spinner__webspinner  any of a small order of slender typically tropical insects that nest in colonies in silken tunnels that they spin
     member:  order_Anoplura__Anoplura  sucking lice
        member:  sucking_louse__suckinglouse__louse  wingless usually flattened blood-sucking insect parasitic on warm-blooded animals
        member:  family_Pediculidae__Pediculidae  true lice: human lice and related forms
           member:  genus_Pediculus__Pediculus  type genus of Pediculidae: true lice infecting humans
              member:  common_louse__Pediculus_humanus  head or body louse
              member:  head_louse__Pediculus_capitis  infests the head and body of humans
              member:  body_louse__cootie__Pediculus_corporis  a parasitic louse that infests the body of human beings
        member:  family_Phthiriidae__Phthiriidae  crab lice
           member:  genus_Phthirius__Phthirius__Phthirus__genus_Phthirus  true lice: crab lice
              member:  crab_louse__pubic_louse__pubiclouse__crab__Phthirius_pubis  infests the pubic region of the human body
     member:  order_Mallophaga__Mallophaga  biting lice
        member:  bird_louse__biting_louse__louse  wingless insect with mouth parts adapted for biting; mostly parasitic on birds
        member:  genus_Menopon__Menopon  chicken lice
           member:  chicken_louse__chickenlouse__shaft_louse__shaftlouse__Menopon_palladum__Menopon_gallinae  parasitic on poultry
     member:  order_Siphonaptera__Siphonaptera  fleas
        member:  flea  any wingless blood-sucking parasitic insect noted for ability to leap
        member:  family_Pulicidae__Pulicidae  many common fleas attacking humans and domestic animals
           member:  genus_Pulex__Pulex  type genus of the Pulicidae
              member:  Pulex_irritans  the most common flea attacking humans
           member:  genus_Ctenocephalides__Ctenocephalides  an arthropod genus of fleas
              member:  dog_flea__dogflea__Ctenocephalides_canis  flea that attacks dogs and cats
              member:  cat_flea__catflea__Ctenocephalides_felis  flea that breeds chiefly on cats and dogs and rats
        member:  genus_Tunga__Tunga  a genus of Siphonaptera
           member:  chigoe_flea__chigoe__chigger__Tunga_penetrans  small tropical flea; the fertile female burrows under the skin of the host including humans
        member:  genus_Echidnophaga__Echidnophaga  a genus of Siphonaptera
           member:  sticktight_flea__sticktight__Echidnophaga_gallinacea  parasitic on especially the heads of chickens
     member:  order_Diptera__Diptera  a large order of insects having a single pair of wings and sucking or piercing mouths; includes true flies and mosquitoes and gnats and crane flies
        member:  dipterous_insect__dipterousinsect__two-winged_insects__dipteran__dipteron  insects having usually a single pair of functional wings (anterior pair) with the posterior pair reduced to small knobbed structures and mouth parts adapted for sucking or lapping or piercing
        member:  family_Cecidomyidae__Cecidomyidae  gall midges
           member:  gall_midge__gallfly__gallgnat  fragile mosquito-like flies that produce galls on plants
           member:  genus_Mayetiola__Mayetiola  a genus of Cecidomyidae
              member:  Hessian_fly__Mayetiola_destructor  small fly whose larvae damage wheat and other grains
        member:  superfamily_Muscoidea__Muscoidea  two-winged flies especially the families: Muscidae; Gasterophilidae; Calliphoridae; Tachinidae
        member:  family_Muscidae__Muscidae  two-winged flies especially the housefly
           member:  genus_Musca__Musca  type genus of the Muscidae: houseflies
              member:  housefly__Musca_domestica  common fly that frequents human habitations and spreads many diseases
        member:  fly  two-winged insects characterized by active flight
        member:  family_Glossinidae__Glossinidae  flies closely related to the Muscidae: tsetse flies
           member:  genus_Glossina  type genus of the Glossinidae: tsetse flies
              member:  tsetse_fly__tsetse__tzetze_fly__tzetze__glossina  blood-sucking African fly; transmits sleeping sickness etc.
        member:  family_Calliphoridae__Calliphoridae  blowflies
           member:  genus_Calliphora__Calliphora  type genus of the Calliphoridae: blowflies
              member:  blowfly__blow_fly  large usually hairy metallic blue or green fly; lays eggs in carrion or dung or wounds
           member:  genus_Lucilia__Lucilia  greenbottle flies
              member:  greenbottle_fly__greenbottle  blowfly with brilliant coppery green body
           member:  genus_Sarcophaga__Sarcophaga  flesh flies
              member:  flesh_fly__fleshfly__Sarcophaga_carnaria  fly whose larvae feed on carrion or the flesh of living animals
        member:  family_Tachinidae__Tachinidae  parasites on other insects
           member:  tachina_fly__tachinafly  bristly fly whose larvae live parasitically in caterpillars and other insects; important in control of noxious insects
        member:  family_Gasterophilidae__Gasterophilidae  horse botflies
           member:  genus_Gasterophilus__Gasterophilus  type genus of the Gasterophilidae: horse botflies
              member:  horse_botfly__horsebotfly__Gasterophilus_intestinalis  parasitic chiefly on horses
        member:  family_Cuterebridae__Cuterebridae  New World botflies
           member:  genus_Cuterebra__Cuterebra  type genus of the Cuterebridae
           member:  genus_Dermatobia__Dermatobia  larvae live under the skin of domestic mammals and humans
              member:  human_botfly__humanbotfly__dermatobiahomini  large tropical American fly; parasitic on humans and other mammals
        member:  family_Oestridae__Oestridae__Hypodermatidae__family_Hypodermatidae  warble flies
           member:  genus_Oestrus__Oestrus  type genus of the Oestridae: sheep botflies
              member:  sheep_botfly__sheepbotfly__sheep_gadfly__sheepgadfly__Oestrus_ovis  larvae are parasitic on sheep
           member:  genus_Hypoderma__Hypoderma  in some classifications considered the type genus of the family Hypodermatidae: warble flies
              member:  warble_fly  hairy bee-like fly whose larvae produce lumpy abscesses (warbles) under the skin of cattle
        member:  family_Tabanidae__Tabanidae  horseflies
           member:  horsefly__cleg__clegg__horse_fly__horsefly  large swift fly the female of which sucks blood of various animals
        member:  family_Bombyliidae__Bombyliidae  bee flies
           member:  bee_fly__beefly  hairy nectar-eating fly that resembles a bee; larvae are parasitic on larvae of bees and related insects
        member:  family_Asilidae__Asilidae  robber flies
           member:  robber_fly__bee_killer__beekiller  swift predatory fly having a strong body like a bee with the proboscis hardened for sucking juices of other insects captured on the wing
        member:  family_Trypetidae__Trypetidae__Trephritidae__family_Trephritidae  fruit flies; some leafminers
           member:  genus_Rhagoletis__Rhagoletis  a genus of Trypetidae
              member:  apple_maggot__applemaggot__railroad_worm__Rhagoletis_pomonella  larvae bore into and feed on apples
           member:  genus_Ceratitis__Ceratitis  Mediterranean fruit flies
              member:  Mediterranean_fruit_fly__medfly__Ceratitis_capitata  small black-and-white fly that damages citrus and other fruits by implanting eggs that hatch inside the fruit
           member:  genus_Philophylla__Philophylla  leaf miners
        member:  family_Drosophilidae__Drosophilidae  fruit flies
           member:  genus_Drosophila  a genus of Drosophilidae
              member:  drosophila__Drosophila_melanogaster  small fly used in studying basic mechanisms of inheritance
              member:  vinegar_fly  flies whose larvae feed on pickles and imperfectly sealed preserves
        member:  family_Hippoboscidae__Hippoboscidae  winged or wingless dipterans: louse flies
           member:  louse_fly__lousefly__hippoboscid  blood-sucking dipterous fly parasitic on birds and mammals
           member:  genus_Hippobosca__Hippobosca  type genus of the Hippoboscidae
              member:  horse_tick__horsetick__horsefly__Hippobosca_equina  winged fly parasitic on horses
           member:  genus_Melophagus__Melophagus  an arthropod genus of wingless flies including the sheep ked
              member:  sheep_ked__sheepked__sheeptick__sheeptick__melophagusovinu  wingless fly that is an external parasite on sheep and cattle
        member:  genus_Haematobia__Haematobia  European genus of bloodsucking flies
           member:  horn_fly__Haematobia_irritans  small black European fly introduced into North America; sucks blood from cattle especially at the base of the horn
        member:  suborder_Nematocera__Nematocera  mosquitoes; fungus gnats; crane flies; gnats; sand flies
           member:  family_Culicidae__Culicidae  mosquitoes
              member:  mosquito  two-winged insect whose female has a long proboscis to pierce the skin and suck the blood of humans and animals
              member:  wiggler__wriggler  larva of a mosquito
              member:  genus_Aedes__Aedes  yellow-fever mosquitos
                 member:  yellow-fever_mosquito__Aedes_aegypti  mosquito that transmits yellow fever and dengue
                 member:  Asian_tiger_mosquito__Aedes_albopictus  striped native of Japan thriving in United States southeast and midwest and spreading to the Caribbean; potential carrier of serious diseases
              member:  genus_Anopheles__Anopheles  malaria mosquitoes; distinguished by the adult's head-downward stance and absence of breathing tubes in the larvae
                 member:  anopheline  any mosquito of the genus Anopheles
                 member:  malarial_mosquito__malaria_mosquito__malariamosquito  transmits the malaria parasite
              member:  genus_Culex__Culex  type genus of the Culicidae: widespread genus of mosquitoes distinguished by holding the body parallel to the resting surface
                 member:  common_mosquito__Culex_pipiens  common house mosquito
                 member:  Culex_quinquefasciatus__Culex_fatigans  widespread tropical mosquito that transmits filarial worms
           member:  family_Ceratopogonidae__Ceratopogonidae  biting midges; sand flies
              member:  punkie__punky__punkey__no-see-um__biting_midge  minute two-winged insect that sucks the blood of mammals and birds and other insects
              member:  genus_Ceratopogon__Ceratopogon  type genus of the Ceratopogonidae
           member:  family_Chironomidae__Chironomidae  midges
              member:  midge  minute two-winged mosquito-like fly lacking biting mouthparts; appear in dancing swarms especially near water
              member:  genus_Chironomus__Chironomus  type genus of the Chironomidae
           member:  Mycetophilidae__family_Mycetophylidae  fungus gnats
              member:  fungus_gnat  mosquito-like insect whose larvae feed on fungi or decaying vegetation
           member:  family_Psychodidae__Psychodidae  very small two-winged flies with hairy wings that develop in moss and damp vegetable matter: sand flies
              member:  psychodid  a fly of the family Psychodidae
              member:  genus_Phlebotomus__Phlebotomus  small blood-sucking sand flies that resemble moths
                 member:  sand_fly__Phlebotomus_papatasii  blood-sucking females can transmit sandfly fever
           member:  family_Sciaridae__Sciaridae  fungus gnats
              member:  genus_Sciara  type genus of the Sciaridae: fungus gnat
                 member:  sciara__fungus_gnat__sciarid  minute blackish gregarious flies destructive to mushrooms and seedlings
           member:  family_Tipulidae__Tipulidae  crane flies
              member:  crane_fly__cranefly__daddy_longlegs  long-legged slender flies that resemble large mosquitoes but do not bite
        member:  family_Simuliidae__Simuliidae  blackflies and sand flies
           member:  genus_Simulium__Simulium  type genus of the Simuliidae: blackflies
              member:  black_fly__blackfly__buffalo_gnat__buffalognat  small blackish stout-bodied biting fly having aquatic larvae; sucks the blood of birds as well as humans and other mammals
     member:  order_Hymenoptera__Hymenoptera  an order of insects including: bees; wasps; ants; ichneumons; sawflies; gall wasps; etc.
        member:  hymenopterous_insect__hymenopterousinsect__hymenopteran__hymenopteron__hymenopter  insects having two pairs of membranous wings and an ovipositor specialized for stinging or piercing
        member:  superfamily_Apoidea__Apoidea  bees
           member:  bee  any of numerous hairy-bodied insects including social and solitary species
           member:  queen_bee__queenbee  fertile egg-laying female bee
           member:  worker_bee  sterile bee specialized to collect food and maintain the hive
           member:  family_Apidae__Apidae  honeybees; carpenter bees; bumblebees
              member:  genus_Apis__Apis  type genus of the Apidae: honeybees
                 member:  honeybee__Apis_mellifera  social bee often domesticated for the honey it produces
              member:  genus_Xylocopa__Xylocopa  carpenter bees
                 member:  carpenter_bee__carpenterbee  large solitary bee that lays eggs in tunnels bored into wood or plant stems
              member:  genus_Bombus__Bombus  bumblebees
                 member:  bumblebee__humblebee  robust hairy social bee of temperate regions
              member:  genus_Psithyrus__Psithyrus  a large bee that resembles the bumblebee but lacks pollen-collecting apparatus and a worker caste
                 member:  cuckoo-bumblebee  a bee that is parasitic in the nests of bumblebees
           member:  family_Andrenidae__Andrenidae  a large family of solitary short-tongued bees most of which burrow in the ground
              member:  genus_Andrena  a solitary burrowing short-tongued bee
                 member:  andrena__andrenid__mining_bee  a bee that is a a member of the genus Andrena
           member:  family_Halictidae__Halictidae  a family of small solitary bees; many are valuable pollinators for agriculture
              member:  nomia__genusnomia  a genus of bee; some are important pollinators of legumes
                 member:  Nomia_melanderi__alkali_bee  a common solitary bee important for pollinating alfalfa in the western United States
           member:  family_Megachilidae__Megachilidae  leaf-cutting and mason bees
              member:  genus_Megachile__Megachile  type genus of the Megachilidae: leaf-cutting bees
                 member:  leaf-cutting_bee__leaf-cutter__leaf-cutter_bee  bee that cuts rounded pieces from leaves and flowers to line its nest
              member:  mason_bee__masonbee  any of numerous solitary bees that build nests of hardened mud and sand
              member:  genus_Anthidium__Anthidium  potter bees
                 member:  potter_bee  solitary bee that builds nests of mud or pebbles cemented together and attached to a plant
        member:  family_Vespidae__Vespidae  an arthropod family of the order Hymenoptera including: yellow jackets; hornets; mason wasps
           member:  vespid_wasp__vespid  mostly social nest-building wasps
           member:  genus_Vespa__Vespa  type genus of the Vespidae: various hornets and yellow jackets
           member:  genus_Vespula__Vespula  sometimes considered a subgenus of Vespa: social wasps
              member:  common_wasp__Vespula_vulgaris  a variety of vespid wasp
              member:  yellow_jacket__yellow_hornet__Vespula_maculifrons  small yellow-marked social wasp commonly nesting in the ground
           member:  genus_Polistes__Polistes  a genus of Vespidae
              member:  Polistes_annularis  a variety of paper wasp
           member:  genus_Eumenes__Eumenes  mason wasps
              member:  mason_wasp__masonwasp  any of various solitary wasps that construct nests of hardened mud for their young
              member:  potter_wasp  any of various solitary wasps that construct vase-shaped cells of mud for their eggs
        member:  superfamily_Sphecoidea__Sphecoidea  families Sphecidae and Stizidae
           member:  sphecoid_wasp__sphecoid  any of various solitary wasps
           member:  family_Sphecidae__Sphecidae  mud daubers; some digger wasps
              member:  genus_Sceliphron__Sceliphron  mud daubers
                 member:  mason_wasp.sphecoid_wasp__masonwasp  solitary wasp that constructs nests of hardened mud or clay for the young
              member:  mud_dauber__muddauber  wasp that constructs mud cells on a solid base in which females place eggs laid in paralyzed insect larvae
           member:  family_Stizidae__Stizidae  cicada killers
              member:  genus_Sphecius__Sphecius  large solitary wasps: cicada killer
                 member:  cicada_killer__Sphecius_speciosis  large black or rust-colored wasp that preys on cicadas
        member:  family_Cynipidae__Cynipidae  a family of Hymenoptera
           member:  cynipid_gall_wasp__gall_wasp__gallfly__cynipidwasp  small solitary wasp that produces galls on oaks and other plants
           member:  genus_Cynips__Cynips  type genus of the Cynipidae: gall wasps
           member:  genus_Amphibolips__Amphibolips  cynipid gall wasps, especially causing oak-apple galls
           member:  genus_Andricus__Andricus  cynipid gall wasps, chiefly affecting oaks
        member:  family_Chalcididae__Chalcididae__Chalcidae__family_Chalcidae  an arthropod family including: chalcidflies
           member:  chalcid_fly__chalcidfly__chalcid__chalcid_wasp__chalcidwasp  any of various tiny insects whose larvae are parasites on eggs and larvae of other insects; many are beneficial in destroying injurious insects
           member:  strawworm__jointworm  larva of chalcid flies injurious to the straw of wheat and other grains
           member:  genus_Chalcis__Chalcis  type genus of the Chalcididae
              member:  chalcis_fly__chalcisfly  a variety of chalcid fly
        member:  family_Ichneumonidae__Ichneumonidae  ichneumon flies
           member:  ichneumon_fly__ichneumonfly  hymenopterous insect that resembles a wasp and whose larvae are parasitic on caterpillars and other insect larvae
        member:  family_Tenthredinidae__Tenthredinidae  sawflies
           member:  sawfly  insect whose female has a saw-like ovipositor for inserting eggs into the leaf or stem tissue of a host plant
           member:  genus-Fenusa__Fenusa  birch leaf miner
        member:  family_Formicidae__Formicidae  ants
           member:  ant__emmet__pismire  social insect living in organized colonies; characteristically the males and fertile queen have wings during breeding season; wingless sterile females are the workers
           member:  genus_Monomorium__Monomorium  a genus of Formicidae
              member:  pharaoh_ant__pharaohant__pharaoh's_ant__pharaoh'sant__Monomorium_pharaonis  small red ant of warm regions; a common household pest
              member:  little_black_ant__Monomorium_minimum  tiny glossy black ant; nests outdoors but invades houses for food
           member:  subfamily_Dorylinae__Dorylinae  army ants
              member:  army_ant__driver_ant__legionary_ant__legionaryant  tropical nomadic ant that preys mainly on other insects
           member:  genus_Camponotus__Camponotus  carpenter ants
              member:  carpenter_ant__carpenterant  ant that nests in decaying wood in which it bores tunnels for depositing eggs
           member:  genus_Solenopsis__Solenopsis  fire ants
              member:  fire_ant  omnivorous ant of tropical and subtropical America that can inflict a painful sting
           member:  genus_Formica__Formica  type genus of the Formicidae
              member:  wood_ant__Formica_rufa  reddish-brown European ant typically living in anthills in woodlands
              member:  Formica_fusca  an ant frequently enslaved
              member:  sanguinary_ant__Formica_sanguinea  slave-making ant widely distributed over the northern hemisphere
           member:  genus_Myrmecia__Myrmecia  bulldog ants
              member:  bulldog_ant__bulldogant  any of the large fierce Australian ants of the genus Myrmecia
           member:  genus_Polyergus__Polyergus  Amazon ants
              member:  Amazon_ant__Polyergus_rufescens  small reddish slave-making ant species
     member:  order_Isoptera__Isoptera  order of social insects that live in colonies, including: termites; often placed in subclass Exopterygota
        member:  family_Termitidae__Termitidae  termites
           member:  genus_Termes__Termes  type genus of the Termitidae
           member:  genus_Reticulitermes__Reticulitermes  includes species highly destructive to structures and living trees
              member:  Reticulitermes_flanipes  destructive United States termite
              member:  Reticulitermes_lucifugus  destructive European termite
        member:  termite__white_ant__whiteant  whitish soft-bodied ant-like social insect that feeds on wood
        member:  family_Rhinotermitidae__Rhinotermitidae  large widely distributed family of termites of temperate to tropical regions
        member:  family_Mastotermitidae__Mastotermitidae  primitive termites
           member:  genus_Mastotermes__Mastotermes  primitive genus of termites; mostly extinct; sometimes considered the most primitive Isoptera
              member:  Mastotermes_darwiniensis  Australian termite; sole living species of Mastotermes; called a living fossil; apparent missing link between cockroaches and termites
              member:  Mastotermes_electromexicus  extinct termite found in amber in S Mexico
              member:  Mastotermes_electrodominicus  extinct termite found in amber in the Dominican Republic
        member:  family_Kalotermitidae__Kalotermitidae  primitive termites of warm regions
           member:  genus_Kalotermes__Kalotermes  type genus of Kalotermitidae; termites destructive of wood and living trees
           member:  genus_Cryptotermes__Cryptotermes  genus of dry wood termites; cosmopolitan; sometimes considered a subgenus of Kalotermes
              member:  powder-post_termite__Cryptotermes_brevis  extremely destructive dry-wood termite of warm regions
     member:  order_Orthoptera__Orthoptera  grasshoppers and locusts; crickets
        member:  orthopterous_insect__orthopteron__orthopteran  any of various insects having leathery forewings and membranous hind wings and chewing mouthparts
        member:  family_Acrididae__Acrididae__Locustidae__family_Locustidae  short-horned grasshoppers; true locusts
           member:  short-horned_grasshopper__acridid  grasshopper with short antennae
           member:  genus_Locusta__Locusta  a genus of Acrididae
              member:  migratory_locust__migratorylocust__Locusta_migratoria  Old World locust that travels in vast swarms stripping large areas of vegetation
           member:  genus_Melanoplus__Melanoplus  New World migratory locusts and common American grasshoppers
              member:  migratory_grasshopper__migratorygrasshopper  serious pest of grain-growing and range areas of central and western United States
        member:  family_Tettigoniidae__Tettigoniidae  long-horned grasshoppers; katydids
           member:  long-horned_grasshopper__tettigoniid  grasshoppers with long threadlike antennae and well-developed stridulating organs on the forewings of the male
           member:  genus_Microcentrum__Microcentrum  katydids
              member:  katydid  large green long-horned grasshopper of North America; males produce shrill sounds by rubbing together special organs on the forewings
           member:  genus_Anabrus__Anabrus  a genus of Tettigoniidae
              member:  mormon_cricket__Anabrus_simplex  large dark wingless cricket-like katydid of arid parts of western United States
        member:  family_Stenopelmatidae__Stenopelmatidae  long-horned grasshoppers
           member:  genus_Stenopelmatus__Stenopelmatus  sand crickets
              member:  sand_cricket__Jerusalem_cricket__Stenopelmatus_fuscus  large wingless nocturnal grasshopper that burrows in loose soil along the United States Pacific coast
        member:  family_Gryllidae__Gryllidae  crickets
           member:  cricket.orthopterous_insect  leaping insect; male makes chirping noises by rubbing the forewings together
           member:  genus_Acheta__Acheta  common house and field crickets
              member:  European_house_cricket__Acheta_domestica  lives in human dwellings; naturalized in parts of America
              member:  field_cricket__fieldcricket__Acheta_assimilis  common American black cricket; attacks crops and also enters dwellings
           member:  genus_Oecanthus__Oecanthus  tree crickets
              member:  tree_cricket  pale arboreal American cricket noted for loud stridulation
     member:  order_Phasmida__Phasmida__Phasmatodea__order_Phasmatodea  in some classifications considered a suborder of Orthoptera: stick insects; leaf insects
        member:  phasmid_insect__phasmidinsect__phasmid  large cylindrical or flattened mostly tropical insects with long strong legs that feed on plants; walking sticks and leaf insects
        member:  family_Phasmidae__Phasmidae__Phasmatidae__family_Phasmatidae  stick insects
           member:  walkingstick__walking_stick__walkingstick__stick_insect__stickinsect  any of various mostly tropical insects having long twiglike bodies
           member:  genus_Diapheromera  a genus of Phasmidae
              member:  diapheromera__Diapheromera_femorata  a variety of stick insect
        member:  family_Phyllidae__Phyllidae__Phillidae__family_Phillidae  leaf insects
           member:  genus_Phyllium__Phyllium  type genus of the Phyllidae
              member:  walking_leaf__walkingleaf__leaf_insect  tropical insect having a flattened leaflike body; common in southern Asia and the East Indies
     member:  subclass_Exopterygota__Exopterygota__Hemimetabola  subclass of insects characterized by gradual and usually incomplete metamorphosis
     member:  order_Dictyoptera__Dictyoptera  in some classifications replaced by the orders (here suborders) Blattodea (cockroaches) and Manteodea (mantids); in former classifications often subsumed under a much broader order Orthoptera
        member:  dictyopterous_insect__dictyopterousinsect  cockroaches and mantids
        member:  suborder_Blattodea__Blattodea__Blattaria__suborder_Blattaria  cockroaches; in some classifications considered an order
           member:  cockroach__roach  any of numerous chiefly nocturnal insects; some are domestic pests
           member:  family_Blattidae__Blattidae  domestic cockroaches
              member:  genus_Blatta__Blatta  type genus of the Blattidae: cockroaches infesting buildings worldwide
                 member:  oriental_cockroach__oriental_roach__Asiatic_cockroach__blackbeetle__Blatta_orientalis  dark brown cockroach originally from orient now nearly cosmopolitan in distribution
              member:  genus_Periplaneta__Periplaneta  cosmopolitan genus of large cockroaches
                 member:  American_cockroach__Periplaneta_americana  large reddish brown free-flying cockroach originally from southern United States but now widely distributed
                 member:  Australian_cockroach__Periplaneta_australasiae  widely distributed in warm countries
              member:  genus_Blattella__Blattella  small cockroaches
                 member:  German_cockroach__Croton_bug__water_bug__waterbug__Blattella_germanica  small light-brown cockroach brought to United States from Europe; a common household pest
              member:  genus_Blaberus__Blaberus  giant cockroaches
                 member:  giant_cockroach__giantcockroach  large tropical American cockroaches
           member:  family_Cryptocercidae__Cryptocercidae  a family of Blattodea
              member:  genus_Cryptocercus__Cryptocercus  cockroaches
        member:  suborder_Manteodea__Manteodea  mantises; in former classifications considered a suborder of Orthoptera
           member:  family_Mantidae__Mantidae__Manteidae__family_Manteidae  mantises
              member:  genus_Mantis  type genus of the Mantidae: mantises
                 member:  mantis__mantid  predacious long-bodied large-eyed insect of warm regions; rests with forelimbs raised as in prayer
     member:  order_Hemiptera__Hemiptera  plant bugs; bedbugs; some true bugs; also includes suborders Heteroptera (true bugs) and Homoptera (e.g. aphids; plant lice; cicadas)
        member:  hemipterous_insect__hemipterousinsect__bug__hemipteran__hemipteron  insects with sucking mouthparts and forewings thickened and leathery at the base; usually show incomplete metamorphosis
        member:  family_Miridae__Miridae__Capsidae__family_Capsidae  leaf bugs
           member:  mirid_bug__miridbug__mirid__capsid  a variety of leaf bug
           member:  genus_Poecilocapsus__Poecilocapsus  a genus of Miridae
              member:  four-lined_plant_bug__four-lined_leaf_bug__Poecilocapsus_lineatus  yellow or orange leaf bug with four black stripes down the back; widespread in central and eastern North America
           member:  genus_Lygus__Lygus  plant-sucking bugs
              member:  lygus_bug__lygusbug  vector of viral plant diseases
        member:  family_Tingidae__Tingidae  lace bugs
           member:  lace_bug  small bug having body and wings covered with a lacy network of raised lines
        member:  family_Lygaeidae__Lygaeidae  lygaeid bugs
           member:  lygaeid_bug__lygaeidbug__lygaeid  a true bug: usually bright-colored; pest of cultivated crops and some fruit trees
           member:  genus_Blissus__Blissus  chinch bugs
              member:  chinch_bug__Blissus_leucopterus  small black-and-white insect that feeds on cereal grasses
        member:  family_Coreidae__Coreidae  squash bugs and leaf-footed bugs
           member:  coreid_bug__coreid  a true bug
           member:  genus_Anasa__Anasa  squash bugs
              member:  squash_bug__Anasa_tristis  large black American bug that sucks sap of vines of the gourd family
           member:  genus_Leptoglossus__Leptoglossus  leaf-footed bugs
              member:  leaf-footed_bug__leaf-foot_bug  large sap-sucking bug with leaflike expansions on the legs
        member:  family_Cimicidae__Cimicidae  wingless flat-bodied blood-sucking insects
           member:  genus_Cimex__Cimex  type genus of the Cimicidae: bedbugs
              member:  bedbug__bed_bug__bedbug__chinch__Cimex_lectularius  bug of temperate regions that infests especially beds and feeds on human blood
        member:  family_Notonectidae__Notonectidae  aquatic carnivorous insects
           member:  genus_Notonecta__Notonecta  type genus of the Notonectidae: backswimmers
              member:  backswimmer__Notonecta_undulata  predaceous aquatic insect that swims on its back and may inflict painful bites
        member:  suborder_Heteroptera__Heteroptera  true bugs
           member:  heteropterous_insect__heteropterousinsect  true bugs: insects whose forewings are membranous but have leathery tips
           member:  family_Belostomatidae__Belostomatidae  water bugs
              member:  giant_water_bug  large water bug with piercing and sucking mouthparts; feeds on young fishes
           member:  family_Nepidae__Nepidae  water scorpions
              member:  water_scorpion__waterscorpion  long-legged aquatic insect having the front legs fitted for seizing and holding prey and the abdomen extended by a long breathing tube
              member:  genus_Nepa__Nepa  type genus of the Nepidae: typical elongate-oval water scorpions
              member:  genus_Ranatra__Ranatra  elongate very slender water scorpions
           member:  family_Corixidae__Corixidae  water bugs
              member:  genus_Corixa__Corixa  type genus of the Corixidae: boat bugs
                 member:  water_boatman__waterboatman__boat_bug  carnivorous aquatic bug having paddle-like hind legs
           member:  family_Gerrididae__Gerrididae__Gerridae__family_Gerridae  an arthropod family that includes water striders
              member:  water_strider__waterstrider__pond-skater__water_skater__waterskater  long-legged bug that skims about on the surface of water
              member:  genus_Gerris__Gerris  type genus of the Gerrididae
                 member:  common_pond-skater__Gerris_lacustris  a variety of water strider
           member:  family_Reduviidae__Reduviidae  assassin bugs
              member:  assassin_bug__reduviid  a true bug: long-legged predacious bug living mostly on other insects; a few suck blood of mammals
              member:  genus_Triatoma__Triatoma  conenoses
                 member:  conenose_bug__conenose__cone-nosed_bug__big_bedbug__bigbedbug__kissing_bug__kissingbug  large bloodsucking bug
              member:  genus_Arilus__Arilus  a genus of Reduviidae
                 member:  wheel_bug__wheelbug__Arilus_cristatus  large predatory North American bug that sucks the blood of other insects
           member:  family_Pyrrhocoridae__Pyrrhocoridae  firebugs
              member:  firebug  a true bug: brightly colored bug that can exude a stain
              member:  genus_Dysdercus__Dysdercus  a genus of slender long-legged bugs that feed on the developing seeds of cotton and stain it
                 member:  cotton_stainer  a true bug: bug that damages and stains the lint of developing cotton
        member:  suborder_Homoptera__Homoptera  plant lice (aphids); whiteflies; cicadas; leafhoppers; plant hoppers; scale insects and mealybugs; spittle insects
           member:  homopterous_insect__homopterousinsect__homopteran  insects having membranous forewings and hind wings
           member:  family_Aleyrodidae__Aleyrodidae  whiteflies
              member:  genus_Aleyrodes__Aleyrodes  type genus of the Aleyrodidae
                 member:  citrus_whitefly__Dialeurodes_citri  whitefly that attacks citrus trees
              member:  whitefly  minute insect that feeds on plant juices; related to scale insects
              member:  genus_Dialeurodes__Dialeurodes  a genus of Aleyrodidae
              member:  genus_Trialeurodes__Trialeurodes  a genus of Aleyrodidae
                 member:  greenhouse_whitefly__Trialeurodes_vaporariorum  whitefly that inhabits greenhouses
              member:  genus_Bemisia__Bemisia  sweet-potato whitefly
                 member:  sweet-potato_whitefly  a variety of whitefly
                 member:  superbug__Bemisia_tabaci__poinsettia_strain  a strain accidentally imported into Florida from the Middle East then spread to California where it is a very serious pest feeding on almost all vegetable crops and poinsettias
           member:  superfamily_Coccoidea__Coccoidea  scale insects and mealybugs
              member:  coccid_insect  scale insects and mealybugs
              member:  family_Coccidae__Coccidae  scale insects
                 member:  soft_scale  an insect active in all stages
                 member:  genus_Coccus  type genus of the Coccidae
                    member:  brown_soft_scale__Coccus_hesperidum  pest on citrus trees
              member:  family_Diaspididae__Diaspididae  armored scales
                 member:  armored_scale__armoredscale  insect having a firm covering of wax especially in the female
                 member:  genus_Aspidiotus__Aspidiotus  a genus of Diaspididae
                    member:  San_Jose_scale__Aspidiotus_perniciosus  small east Asian insect naturalized in the United States that damages fruit trees
              member:  family_Dactylopiidae__Dactylopiidae  cochineal insects
                 member:  genus_Dactylopius__Dactylopius  type genus of the Dactylopiidae
                    member:  cochineal_insect__cochinealinsect__cochineal__Dactylopius_coccus  Mexican red scale insect that feeds on cacti; the source of a red dye
              member:  family_Pseudococcidae__Pseudococcidae  scale-like insects: mealybugs
                 member:  genus_Pseudococcus__Pseudococcus  type genus of the Pseudococcidae
                    member:  citrophilous_mealybug__citrophilus_mealybug__citrophilusmealybug__pseudococcusfragili  destructive especially to citrus
                    member:  Comstock_mealybug__Comstock's_mealybug__Pseudococcus_comstocki  Asiatic insect introduced accidentally into United States; pest on citrus and apple trees
                 member:  mealybug__mealy_bug__mealybug  scale-like plant-eating insect coated with a powdery waxy secretion; destructive especially of fruit trees
                 member:  genus_Planococcus__Planococcus  a genus of Pseudococcidae
                    member:  citrus_mealybug__citrusmealybug__Planococcus_citri  feeds on a wide variety of cultivated plants but especially destructive to citrus
           member:  superfamily_Aphidoidea__Aphidoidea  plant lice
              member:  aphid  any of various small plant-sucking insects
              member:  family_Aphididae__Aphididae  small soft-bodied plant lice
                 member:  genus_Aphis__Aphis  type genus of the Aphididae: injurious to fruit trees and vegetables
                    member:  green_apple_aphid__greenappleaphid__apple_aphid__appleaphid__Aphis_pomi  bright green aphid; feeds on and causes curling of apple leaves
                    member:  blackfly__bean_aphid__Aphis_fabae  blackish aphid that infests e.g. beans and sugar beets
                 member:  genus_Eriosoma__Eriosoma  woolly aphids
                    member:  woolly_apple_aphid__American_blight__Eriosoma_lanigerum  primarily a bark feeder on aerial parts and roots of apple and other trees
                 member:  genus_Prociphilus__Prociphilus  a genus of Aphididae
                    member:  woolly_alder_aphid__Prociphilus_tessellatus  attacks alders
              member:  family_Adelgidae__Adelgidae  plant lice
                 member:  genus_Adelges__Adelges  type genus of the Adelgidae: plant lice
                    member:  balsam_woolly_aphid__Adelges_piceae  a variety of adelgid
                    member:  spruce_gall_aphid__Adelges_abietis  a variety of adelgid
                 member:  adelgid  any of various insects that feed and form galls on conifers
                 member:  genus_Pineus__Pineus  a genus of Adelgidae
                    member:  pine_leaf_aphid__Pineus_pinifoliae  a variety of adelgid
              member:  family_Phylloxeridae__Phylloxeridae  plant lice
                 member:  genus_Phylloxera__Phylloxera  type genus of the Phylloxeridae: plant lice
                    member:  grape_louse__grapelouse__grape_phylloxera__grapephylloxera__Phylloxera_vitifoleae  destructive to various grape plants
           member:  family_Psyllidae__Psyllidae__Chermidae__family_Chermidae  jumping plant lice
              member:  jumping_plant_louse__psylla__psyllid  small active cicada-like insect with hind legs adapted for leaping; feeds on plant juices
           member:  family_Cicadidae__Cicadidae  cicadas
              member:  genus_Cicada  type genus of the Cicadidae: cicadas
              member:  cicada__cicala  stout-bodied insect with large membranous wings; male has drum-like organs for producing a high-pitched drone
              member:  genus_Tibicen__Tibicen  harvest flies
                 member:  dog-day_cicada__dogdaycicada__harvest_fly__harvestfly  its distinctive song is heard during July and August
              member:  genus_Magicicada__Magicicada  seventeen-year locust
                 member:  seventeen-year_locust__periodical_cicada__Magicicada_septendecim  North American cicada; appears in great numbers at infrequent intervals because the nymphs take 13' to 17' years to mature
           member:  family_Cercopidae__Cercopidae  froghoppers or spittlebugs
              member:  spittle_insect__spittleinsect__spittlebug  small leaping herbivorous insect that lives in a mass of protective froth which it and its larvae secrete
              member:  genus_Philaenus__Philaenus  a genus of Cercopidae
                 member:  meadow_spittlebug__Philaenus_spumarius  North American insect that severely damages grasses
              member:  genus_Aphrophora__Aphrophora  a genus of Cercopidae
                 member:  pine_spittlebug  North American insect that attacks pines
                 member:  Saratoga_spittlebug__Aphrophora_saratogensis  feeds on pines in northern United States
           member:  family_Cicadellidae__Cicadellidae  leafhoppers
              member:  leafhopper  small leaping insect that sucks the juices of plants
           member:  family_Jassidae__Jassidae  family of small leafhoppers coextensive with the Cicadellidae and not distinguished from it in some classifications
              member:  leafhopper  small leaping insect that sucks the juices of plants
           member:  family_Membracidae__Membracidae  plant hoppers: treehoppers
              member:  treehopper  small leaping insect that sucks juices of branches and twigs
           member:  family_Fulgoridae__Fulgoridae  plant hoppers: lantern flies
              member:  lantern_fly__lanternfly  large brightly marked tropical insect with a process like a snout that was formerly thought to emit light
     member:  order_Psocoptera__Psocoptera__Corrodentia__order_Corrodentia  an order of insects: includes booklice and barklice
        member:  psocopterous_insect  small soft-bodied insect with chewing mouthparts and either no wings or two pairs
        member:  family_Psocidae__Psocidae  a family of small soft-bodied insects that feed on decaying vegetation; related to booklice
           member:  psocid  small winged insect living on the bark and leaves of trees and feeding on e.g. fungi and decaying plant matter
           member:  genus_Liposcelis__Liposcelis  a genus of Psocidae
              member:  booklouse__Liposcelis_divinatorius  minute wingless psocopterous insects injurious to books and papers
           member:  genus_Trogium__Trogium  a genus of Psocidae
              member:  common_booklouse__Trogium_pulsatorium  a variety of booklouse
        member:  family_Atropidae__Atropidae  booklice
     member:  order_Ephemeroptera__Ephemeroptera__Ephemerida__order_Ephemerida  mayflies
        member:  ephemerid__ephemeropteran  short-lived insect
        member:  family_Ephemeridae__Ephemeridae  mayflies
           member:  mayfly__dayfly__shadfly  slender insect with delicate membranous wings having an aquatic larval stage and terrestrial adult stage usually lasting less than two days
     member:  order_Plecoptera__Plecoptera  stoneflies
        member:  stonefly__stone_fly__stonefly__plecopteran  primitive winged insect with a flattened body; used as bait by fishermen; aquatic gilled larvae are carnivorous and live beneath stones
     member:  order_Neuroptera__Neuroptera  an order of insects including: lacewings; antlions; dobsonflies; alderflies; fishflies; mantispids; spongeflies
        member:  neuropteron__neuropteran__neuropterous_insect  insect having biting mouthparts and four large membranous wings with netlike veins
        member:  family_Myrmeleontidae__Myrmeleontidae  antlions
           member:  genus_Myrmeleon__Myrmeleon  type genus of the Myrmeleontidae: antlions
              member:  antlion_fly__antlionfly__ant_lion__antlion  winged insect resembling a dragonfly; the larvae (doodlebugs) dig conical pits where they wait to catch e.g. ants
              member:  ant_lion__antlion__doodlebug  the larva of an ant lion or of any of several other insects
        member:  family_Chrysopidae__Chrysopidae  green lacewings
           member:  aphid_lion__aphidlion__aphis_lion__aphislion  carnivorous larva of lacewing flies
           member:  green_lacewing__greenlacewing__chrysopid__stink_fly__stinkfly  pale green unpleasant-smelling lacewing fly having carnivorous larvae
        member:  family_Hemerobiidae__Hemerobiidae  brown lacewings
           member:  aphid_lion__aphidlion__aphis_lion__aphislion  carnivorous larva of lacewing flies
           member:  brown_lacewing__brownlacewing__hemerobiid__hemerobiid_fly  small dark-colored lacewing fly
        member:  suborder_Megaloptera__Megaloptera  in some classifications considered a separate order: alderflies; dobsonflies; snake flies
           member:  family_Corydalidae__Corydalidae  dobsons
              member:  genus_Corydalus__Corydalus__Corydalis__genus_Corydalis  type genus of the Corydalidae
                 member:  dobson_fly__dobson__Corydalus_cornutus  large soft-bodied insect having long slender mandibles in the male; aquatic larvae often used as bait
                 member:  hellgrammiate__dobson  large brown aquatic larva of the dobsonfly; used as fishing bait
              member:  fishfly  similar to but smaller than the dobsonfly
           member:  family_Sialidae__Sialidae  an arthropod family including: alderflies
              member:  genus_Sialis__Sialis  type genus of the Sialidae
                 member:  alderfly__alder_fly__alderfly__Sialis_lutaria  dark-colored insect having predaceous aquatic larvae
           member:  family_Raphidiidae__Raphidiidae  a family of arthropods of the suborder Megaloptera, including snakeflies
              member:  snakefly  predatory insect of western North America having a long necklike prothorax
        member:  family_Mantispidae__Mantispidae  mantispids
           member:  mantispid  insect that resembles a mantis; larvae are parasites in the nests of spiders and wasps
        member:  family_Sisyridae__Sisyridae  an arthropod family of the order Neuroptera that includes spongeflies
           member:  spongefly__spongillafly  hairy-bodied insect whose larvae feed on freshwater sponges
     member:  order_Odonata__Odonata  dragonflies and damselflies
        member:  odonate  large primitive predatory aquatic insect having two pairs of membranous wings
        member:  suborder_Anisoptera__Anisoptera  dragonflies
        member:  suborder_Zygoptera__Zygoptera  damselflies
     member:  order_Trichoptera__Trichoptera  an order of insects consisting of caddis flies
        member:  trichopterous_insect__trichopterousinsect__trichopteran__trichopteron  caddis fly
        member:  caddisworm__strawworm  caddisfly larva; constructs a case of silk covered with sand or plant debris
     member:  order_Thysanura__Thysanura  firebrats; silverfish; machilids
        member:  thysanuran_insect__thysanuron  primitive wingless insects: bristletail
        member:  family_Lepismatidae__Lepismatidae  firebrats
           member:  genus_Lepisma__Lepisma  type genus of the Lepismatidae: silverfish
              member:  Lepisma_saccharina__silverfish  silver-gray wingless insect found in houses feeding on book bindings and starched clothing
           member:  genus_Thermobia__Thermobia  a genus of Lepismatidae
              member:  firebrat__Thermobia_domestica  lives in warm moist areas e.g. around furnaces
        member:  family_Machilidae__Machilidae  jumping bristletails
           member:  jumping_bristletail__jumpingbristletail__machilid  wingless insect living in dark moist places as under dead tree trunks; they make erratic leaps when disturbed
     member:  order_Thysanoptera__Thysanoptera  thrips
        member:  thysanopter__thysanopteron__thysanopterous_insect  an insect of the order Thysanoptera
        member:  family_Thripidae__Thripidae  thrips
           member:  thrips__thripid  any of various small to minute sucking insects with narrow feathery wings if any; they feed on plant sap and many are destructive
           member:  genus_Frankliniella__Frankliniella  tobacco thrips
              member:  tobacco_thrips__Frankliniella_fusca  injurious to growing tobacco and peanuts
           member:  genus_Thrips  type genus of the Thripidae
              member:  onion_thrips__onion_louse__onionlouse__Thrips_tobaci  injurious to onion plants and sometimes tobacco
     member:  order_Dermaptera__Dermaptera  earwigs and a few related forms
        member:  earwig  any of numerous insects of the order Dermaptera having elongate bodies and slender many-jointed antennae and a pair of large pincers at the rear of the abdomen
        member:  family_Forficulidae__Forficulidae  typical earwigs
           member:  genus_Forficula__Forficula  type genus of Forficulidae
              member:  common_European_earwig__Forficula_auricularia  sometimes destructive to cultivated bulbs
     member:  order_Lepidoptera__Lepidoptera  moths and butterflies
        member:  lepidopterous_insect__lepidopterousinsect__lepidopteron__lepidopteran  insect that in the adult state has four wings more or less covered with tiny scales
        member:  family_Nymphalidae__Nymphalidae  large beautifully colored butterflies
           member:  nymphalid_butterfly__nymphalid__brush-footed_butterfly__four-footed_butterfly  medium to large butterflies found worldwide typically having brightly colored wings and much-reduced nonfunctional forelegs carried folded on the breast
           member:  genus_Nymphalis__Nymphalis  type genus of the Nymphalidae: mourning cloak butterflies
              member:  mourning_cloak_butterfly__mourning_cloak__Camberwell_beauty__Nymphalis_antiopa  of temperate regions; having dark purple wings with yellow borders
              member:  tortoiseshell_butterfly__tortoiseshell  brilliantly colored; larvae feed on nettles
           member:  genus_Vanessa__Vanessa  painted beauty and red admiral
              member:  painted_beauty__paintedbeauty__Vanessa_virginiensis  American butterfly having dark brown wings with white and golden orange spots
              member:  red_admiral__redadmiral__Vanessa_atalanta  of temperate Europe and Asia; having black wings with red and white markings
           member:  genus_Limenitis__Limenitis  mainly dark northern butterflies with white wing bars
              member:  white_admiral__whiteadmiral__Limenitis_camilla  Eurasian butterfly with brown wings and white markings
              member:  banded_purple__white_admiral__whiteadmiral__Limenitis_arthemis  North American butterfly with blue-black wings crossed by a broad white band
              member:  red-spotted_purple__redspottedpurple__Limenitis_astyanax  similar to the banded purple but with red spots on underwing surfaces
              member:  Limenitis_archippus__viceroy  showy American butterfly resembling the monarch but smaller
           member:  genus_Polygonia__Polygonia  comma butterflies
              member:  comma_butterfly__commabutterfly__comma__Polygonia_comma  anglewing butterfly with a comma-shaped mark on the underside of each hind wing
           member:  genus_Spyeria__Spyeria  fritillaries
              member:  silverspot  butterfly with silver spots on the underside of the hind wings
           member:  genus_Argynnis__Argynnis  fritillaries
           member:  genus_Apatura__Apatura  large Old World butterflies
              member:  emperor_butterfly__emperorbutterfly__emperor  large richly colored butterfly
           member:  genus_Inachis__Inachis  a genus of Nymphalidae
              member:  peacock_butterfly__peacockbutterfly__peacock__Inachis_io  European butterfly having reddish-brown wings each marked with a purple eyespot
        member:  family_Danaidae__Danaidae  small family of usually tropical butterflies: monarch butterflies
           member:  danaid_butterfly__danaid  large tropical butterfly with degenerate forelegs and an unpleasant taste
           member:  genus_Danaus__Danaus  type genus of the Danaidae: monarch butterflies
              member:  monarch_butterfly__monarchbutterfly__monarch__milkweed_butterfly__Danaus_plexippus  large migratory American butterfly having deep orange wings with black and white markings; the larvae feed on milkweed
        member:  family_Pieridae__Pieridae  cabbage butterflies; sulphur butterflies
           member:  pierid_butterfly__pierid  any of numerous pale-colored butterflies having three pairs of well-developed legs
           member:  cabbage_butterfly__cabbagebutterfly  white butterfly whose larvae (cabbageworms) feed on cabbage
           member:  genus_Pieris__Pieris  type genus of the Pieridae
              member:  small_white__Pieris_rapae  small widely distributed form
              member:  large_white__Pieris_brassicae  Old World form
              member:  cabbageworm__pierisrapae  toxic green larva of a cabbage butterfly
           member:  sulphur_butterfly__sulphurbutterfly__sulfur_butterfly  any of numerous yellow or orange butterflies
        member:  family_Lycaenidae__Lycaenidae  family of small usually brilliantly colored butterflies; males have short forelegs
           member:  lycaenid_butterfly__lycaenid  any of various butterflies of the family Lycaenidae
           member:  genus_Lycaena__Lycaena  type genus of the Lycaenidae; small slender butterflies with upper surface of wings usually metallic blue or green or copper
              member:  blue_butterfly__blue  any of numerous small chiefly blue butterflies of the family Lycaenidae
              member:  copper  any of various small butterflies of the family Lycaenidae having copper colored wings
              member:  American_copper__Lycaena_hypophlaeas  common copper butterfly of central and eastern North America
           member:  genus_Strymon__Strymon  large and widely distributed genus of hairstreak butterflies
              member:  hairstreak_butterfly__hairstreak  small butterflies having striped markings under the wings
              member:  Strymon_melinus  larvae are pests of various economic plants
        member:  family_Tortricidae__Tortricidae  leaf rollers and codling moths
           member:  tortricid_moth__tortricidmoth__tortricid  any of numerous small moths having lightly fringed wings; larvae are leafrollers or live in fruits and galls
           member:  genus_Tortrix  type genus of the Tortricidae
              member:  tea_tortrix__teatortrix__tortrix__Homona_coffearia  small Indian moth infesting e.g. tea and coffee plants
              member:  orange_tortrix__tortrix__Argyrotaenia_citrana  California moth whose larvae live in especially oranges
           member:  genus_Homona__Homona  tea tortrix
           member:  genus_Argyrotaenia__Argyrotaenia  orange tortrix
           member:  genus_Carpocapsa__Carpocapsa  codling moths
              member:  codling_moth__codlingmoth__Carpocapsa_pomonella  small moth whose larvae live in apples and English walnuts
        member:  family_Lymantriidae__Lymantriidae  tussock moths
           member:  lymantriid__tussock_moth__tussockmoth  dull-colored moth whose larvae have tufts of hair on the body and feed on the leaves of many deciduous trees
           member:  tussock_caterpillar__tussockcaterpillar  larva of a tussock moth
           member:  genus_Lymantria__Lymantria  type genus of the Lymantriidae; a pest (Lymantria means `destroyer')
              member:  gypsy_moth__gypsymoth__gipsy_moth__gipsymoth__Lymantria_dispar  European moth introduced into North America; a serious pest of shade trees
           member:  genus_Euproctis__Euproctis  a genus of Lymantriidae
              member:  browntail__brown-tail_moth__Euproctis_phaeorrhoea  small brown and white European moth introduced into eastern United States; pest of various shade and fruit trees
              member:  gold-tail_moth__Euproctis_chrysorrhoea  white furry-bodied European moth with a yellow tail tuft
        member:  family_Geometridae__Geometridae  measuring worms
           member:  geometrid_moth__geometridmoth__geometrid  slender-bodied broad-winged moth whose larvae are called measuring worms
           member:  genus_Paleacrita__Paleacrita  geometrid moths
              member:  Paleacrita_vernata  moth whose larvae are spring cankerworms
              member:  spring_cankerworm  variably colored looper; larva of Paleacrita vernata
           member:  genus_Alsophila__Alsophila  geometrid moths
              member:  Alsophila_pometaria  North American moth with gray-winged males and wingless females; larvae are fall cankerworms
              member:  fall_cankerworm  green or brown white-striped looper; larva of Alsophila pometaria
           member:  cankerworm  green caterpillar of a geometrid moth; pest of various fruit and shade trees
        member:  family_Pyralidae__Pyralidae__Pyralididae__family_Pyralididae  bee moths; corn borers; flour moths
           member:  pyralid_moth__pyralidmoth__pyralid  usually tropical slender-bodied long-legged moth whose larvae are crop pests
           member:  genus_Pyralis__Pyralis  type genus of the Pyralidae
           member:  genus_Galleria__Galleria  a genus of Pyralidae
              member:  bee_moth__beemoth__wax_moth__waxmoth__Galleria_mellonella  moth whose larvae live in and feed on bee honeycombs
           member:  genus_Pyrausta__Pyrausta  moths whose larvae are corn borers
              member:  European_corn_borer__corn_borer__corn_borer_moth__Pyrausta_nubilalis  native to Europe; in America the larvae bore into the stem and crown of corn and other plants
           member:  genus_Anagasta__Anagasta  moth whose larvae are flour moths
              member:  Mediterranean_flour_moth__Anagasta_kuehniella  small moth whose larvae damage stored grain and flour
           member:  genus_Ephestia__Ephestia  small moths whose larvae spin silken tunnels and feed on stored food products
              member:  tobacco_moth__tobaccomoth__cacao_moth__cacaomoth__Ephestia_elutella  small moth whose larvae feed on tobacco and other dried plant products
           member:  genus_Cadra__Cadra  a genus of Pyralidae
              member:  almond_moth__fig_moth__figmoth__Cadra_cautella  moth whose larvae feed on and mat together with webbing various stored foods
              member:  raisin_moth__Cadra_figulilella  moth whose larvae attack dried fruits and cereal products
           member:  corn_borer__Pyrausta_nubilalis  larva of the European corn borer moth; a serious pest of maize
        member:  superfamily_Tineoidea__Tineoidea  clothes moths; carpet moths; leaf miners
           member:  tineoid_moth__tineoidmoth  small dull-colored moth with chewing mouthparts
           member:  family_Tineidae__Tineidae  clothes moths
              member:  tineid_moth__tineid  small yellowish moths whose larvae feed on wool or fur
              member:  genus_Tinea__Tinea  type genus of the Tineidae: clothes moths
                 member:  casemaking_clothes_moth__Tinea_pellionella  the larvae live in tubes of its food material fastened with silk that it spins
              member:  genus_Tineola__Tineola  webbing clothes moths
                 member:  webbing_clothes_moth__webbingclothesmoth__webbing_moth__webbingmoth__Tineola_bisselliella  moth that forms a web in which it lives
              member:  genus_Trichophaga__Trichophaga  carpet moths
                 member:  carpet_moth__tapestry_moth__Trichophaga_tapetzella  larvae feed on carpets and other woolens
           member:  family_Gracilariidae__Gracilariidae__Gracillariidae  leaf miners
        member:  family_Gelechiidae__Gelechiidae  important economic pests
           member:  gelechiid_moth__gelechiidmoth__gelechiid  small slender-winged moths whose larvae are agricultural pests
           member:  genus_Gelechia__Gelechia  type genus of the Gelechiidae: pink bollworms
              member:  Gelechia_gossypiella  small brown moth whose larvae bore into flowers and bolls of cotton
           member:  genus_Sitotroga__Sitotroga  grain moths
              member:  angoumois_moth__angoumoismoth__angoumois_grain_moth__angoumoisgrainmoth__Sitotroga_cerealella  small moth whose larvae feed on kernels of stored grains
           member:  genus_Phthorimaea__Phthorimaea  potato moths
              member:  potato_tuberworm__Phthorimaea_operculella  larva of potato moth; mines in leaves and stems of e.g. potatoes and tobacco
           member:  pink_bollworm__Gelechia_gossypiella  larvae of a gelechiid moth introduced from Asia; feeds on the seeds of cotton bolls
        member:  family_Noctuidae__Noctuidae  cutworms; armyworms
           member:  noctuid_moth__noctuidmoth__noctuid__owlet_moth__owletmoth  usually dull-colored medium-sized nocturnal moth; the usually smooth-bodied larvae are destructive agricultural pests
           member:  cutworm  North American moth whose larvae feed on young plant stems cutting them off at the ground
           member:  genus_Noctua__Noctua  type genus of the Noctuidae: moths whose larvae are cutworms
           member:  genus_Catacala__Catacala  moths whose larvae are cutworms: underwings
              member:  underwing  moth having dull forewings and brightly colored hind wings
           member:  genus_Cerapteryx__Cerapteryx  antler moths
              member:  antler_moth__Cerapteryx_graminis  European moth with white antler-like markings on the forewings; the larvae damage pastures and grasslands
           member:  genus_Heliothis__Heliothis  a genus of Noctuidae
              member:  heliothis_moth__heliothismoth__Heliothis_zia  medium-sized moth whose larvae are corn earworms
           member:  genus_Chorizagrotis__Chorizagrotis  moths whose larvae are army cutworms
              member:  army_cutworm__Chorizagrotis_auxiliaris  moth whose larvae destroy grains and forage plants
              member:  Chorizagrotis_auxiliaris__army_cutworm  noctuid moth larvae that travel in large groups and destroy grains and alfalfa in the Plains states
           member:  genus_Pseudaletia__Pseudaletia  moths whose larvae are armyworms
              member:  Pseudaletia_unipuncta__armyworm  moth whose destructive larvae travel in multitudes
              member:  army_worm__Pseudaletia_unipuncta  noctuid moth larvae that travel in multitudes destroying especially grass and grain
           member:  genus_Spodoptera__Spodoptera  moths whose larvae are armyworms
              member:  Spodoptera_exigua  moth whose larvae are beet armyworms
              member:  beet_armyworm__Spodoptera_exigua  moth larva that eats foliage of beets and vegetables
              member:  Spodoptera_frugiperda  moth whose larvae are fall armyworms
           member:  corn_earworm__cotton_bollworm__tomato_fruitworm__tobacco_budworm__tobaccobudworm__vetchworm__heliothiszia  larva of a noctuid moth; highly destructive to especially corn and cotton and tomato crops
        member:  family_Sphingidae__Sphingidae  hawkmoths
           member:  hawkmoth__hawk_moth__sphingid__sphinx_moth__hummingbird_moth__hummingbirdmoth  any of various moths with long narrow forewings capable of powerful flight and hovering over flowers to feed
           member:  genus_Manduca__Manduca  moths whose larvae are tobacco hornworms or tomato hornworms
              member:  Manduca_sexta  moth whose larvae are tobacco hornworms
              member:  tobacco_hornworm__tobaccohornworm__tomato_worm__Manduca_sexta  large green white-striped hawkmoth larva that feeds on tobacco and related plants; similar to tomato hornworm
              member:  Manduca_quinquemaculata  moth whose larvae are tomato hornworms
           member:  genus_Acherontia__Acherontia  death's-head moth
              member:  death's-head_moth__Acherontia_atropos  European hawkmoth with markings on the back resembling a human skull
        member:  family_Bombycidae__Bombycidae  Chinese silkworm moth
           member:  bombycid_moth__bombycid__silkworm_moth  moderate-sized Asiatic moth whose larvae feed on mulberry leaves and produce silk
           member:  genus_Bombyx__Bombyx  type genus of the Bombycidae: Chinese silkworm moth
              member:  domestic_silkworm_moth__Bombyx_mori  stocky creamy-white Asiatic moth found almost entirely under human care; the source of most of the silk of commerce
              member:  silkworm  hairless white caterpillar of the Chinese silkworm moth; source of most commercial silk
        member:  family_Saturniidae__Saturniidae  important and widely distributed family of moths including some of the largest insects known
           member:  saturniid_moth__saturniidmoth__saturniid  large brightly colored and usually tropical moth; larvae spin silken cocoons
           member:  genus_Saturnia__Saturnia  type genus of the Saturniidae: emperor moth
              member:  emperor_moth__emperormoth__emperor__Saturnia_pavonia  large moth of temperate forests of Eurasia having heavily scaled transparent wings
           member:  genus_Eacles__Eacles  imperial moths
              member:  imperial_moth__Eacles_imperialis  large American moth having yellow wings with purplish or brownish markings; larvae feed on e.g. maple and pine trees
           member:  giant_silkworm__giantsilkworm__silkworm__wild_wilkworm  larva of a saturniid moth; spins a large amount of strong silk in constructing its cocoon
           member:  genus_Actias__Actias  luna moths
              member:  luna_moth__Luna_moth__Actias_luna  large pale-green American moth with long-tailed hind wings and a yellow crescent-shaped mark on each fore wing
           member:  genus_Hyalophora__Hyalophora  American silkworm moth
           member:  genus_Samia__Samia  silkworm moths
              member:  cynthia_moth__cynthiamoth__Samia_cynthia__Samia_walkeri  large Asiatic moth introduced into the United States; larvae feed on the ailanthus
              member:  ailanthus_silkworm__ailanthussilkworm__Samia_cynthia  large green silkworm of the cynthia moth
           member:  genus_Automeris__Automeris  io moth
              member:  io_moth__Automeris_io  large yellow American moth having a large eyelike spot on each hind wing; the larvae have stinging spines
           member:  genus_Antheraea__Antheraea  large moths whose larvae produce silk of high quality
              member:  polyphemus_moth__Antheraea_polyphemus  very large yellowish-brown American silkworm moth with large eyespots on hind wings; larvae feed on fruit and shade trees
              member:  pernyi_moth__Antheraea_pernyi  a Chinese moth that produces a brownish silk
              member:  tussah__tusseh__tussur__tussore__tusser__Antheraea_mylitta  oriental moth that produces brownish silk
           member:  genus_Atticus__Atticus  atlas moth
              member:  atlas_moth__atlasmoth__Atticus_atlas  giant saturniid moth widespread in Asia; sometimes cultured for silk
        member:  family_Arctiidae__Arctiidae  tiger moths
           member:  arctiid_moth__arctiidmoth__arctiid  stout-bodied broad-winged moth with conspicuously striped or spotted wings; larvae are hairy caterpillars
           member:  genus_Callimorpha__Callimorpha  cinnabar moths
              member:  cinnabar_moth__cinnabar__Callimorpha_jacobeae  large red-and-black European moth; larvae feed on leaves of ragwort; introduced into United States to control ragwort
           member:  woolly_bear_moth  larva of moth of the family Arctiidae
        member:  family_Lasiocampidae__Lasiocampidae  tent caterpillars; eggars; lappet moths
           member:  lasiocampid_moth__lasiocampidmoth__lasiocampid  medium-sized stout-bodied neutral-colored moths comb-like antennae
           member:  genus_Lasiocampa__Lasiocampa  type genus of the Lasiocampidae: eggars
              member:  eggar__egger  moth having nonfunctional mouthparts as adults; larvae feed on tree foliage and spin egg-shaped cocoons
           member:  genus_Malacosoma__Malacosoma  tent caterpillars
              member:  Malacosoma_americana__tent-caterpillar_moth  moth whose larvae are tent caterpillars
              member:  tent_caterpillar  the larvae of moths that build communal silken webs in orchard and shade trees
              member:  tent-caterpillar_moth__Malacosoma_disstria  moth whose gregarious larvae spin carpets
           member:  lappet_caterpillar  larva of a lappet moth
           member:  webworm  several gregarious moth larvae that spin webs over foliage on which they feed
           member:  genus_Hyphantria__Hyphantria  fall webworms
              member:  Hyphantria_cunea  moth whose larvae are fall webworms
              member:  fall_webworm__Hyphantria_cunea  a variety of webworm
           member:  genus_Loxostege__Loxostege  garden webworms
              member:  Loxostege_similalis  moth whose larvae are garden webworms
              member:  garden_webworm__Loxostege_similalis  a variety of webworm
        member:  caterpillar  a wormlike and often brightly colored and hairy or spiny larva of a butterfly or moth
  member:  insect  small air-breathing arthropod

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