#person_of_color__person_of_colour  (formal) any non-European non-White person
  supertype:  #person__individual__someone__somebody__mortal__human__human_being__humanbeing__soul  a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
  member of:  #people_of_color
  subtype:  #Black__black_person__blackperson__blackamoor__Negro__Negroid  a person with dark skin who comes from Africa (or whose ancestors came from Africa)
     subtype:  #Negress  a Black woman or girl
     subtype:  #Black_man  a man who is Black
        subtype:  #soul_brother  a fellow Black man
     subtype:  #Black_woman  a woman who is Black
     subtype:  #colored_person__coloredperson__colored  a United States term for Blacks that is now considered offensive
     subtype:  #darky__darkie__darkey  offensive term for Black people
     subtype:  #nigger__spade__coon__jigaboo__nigra  (ethnic slur) offensive name for Black person
        subtype:  #boy.nigger  offensive term for Black man; "get out of my way boy"
     subtype:  #Tom__Uncle_Tom  contemptuous name for a Black man who is abjectly servile and deferential to Whites
     subtype:  #pickaninny__piccaninny__picaninny  (offensive) a Black child
  subtype:  #Asian__Asiatic  a native or inhabitant of Asia
     subtype:  #coolie__cooly  an offensive name for an unskilled Asian laborer
     subtype:  #Oriental__oriental_person  a member of an Oriental race
        subtype:  #yellow_man  offensive term for an Oriental man
        subtype:  #yellow_woman  offensive term for an Oriental woman
        subtype:  #slant-eye__slanteye__gook  a disparaging term for an Asian person (especially for North Vietnamese soldiers in the Vietnam War)
        subtype:  #Evenki__Ewenki  a member of the people inhabiting an area of northern Mongolia and eastern Siberia
        subtype:  #Mongol__Mongolian  a member of the nomadic peoples of Mongolia
           subtype:  #Mongol_Tatar__Tatar__Tartar  a member of the Mongolian people of central Asia who invaded Russia in the 13th century
           subtype:  #Khalka__Khalkha__Kalka  the Mongol people living the the central and eastern parts of Outer Mongolia
     subtype:  #Indian  a native or inhabitant of India
        subtype:  #Assamese  native or inhabitant of the state of Assam in NE India
        subtype:  #Dravidian  a member of one of the aboriginal races of India (pushed south by Caucasians and now mixed with them)
           subtype:  #Badaga.Dravidian__badaga  a member of an agricultural people of southern India
           subtype:  #Gadaba.Dravidian__gadaba  a member of an agricultural people in southeastern India
           subtype:  #Gond  a member of a formerly tribal people in south central India
           subtype:  #Kanarese__Canarese  a member of a Kannada-speaking group of people living chiefly in Kanara in southern India
           subtype:  #Kodagu.Dravidian__kodagu  a member of an aboriginal people living in the hills in southeastern India
           subtype:  #Kolam  a member of a formerly tribal people now living in south central India
           subtype:  #Kotar__Kota  a member of the Dravidian people living in the Nilgiri hills in southern India
           subtype:  #Kui.Dravidian__kui  a member of the Dravidian people living in southeastern India
           subtype:  #Malto.Dravidian__malto  a member of the Dravidian people living in northern Bengal in eastern India
           subtype:  #Savara.Dravidian__savara  a member of the Dravidian people living in southern India
           subtype:  #Tamil.Dravidian__tamil  a member of the mixed Dravidian and Caucasoid people of southern India and Sri Lanka
           subtype:  #Telugu.Dravidian__telugu  a member of the people in southeastern India (Andhra Pradesh) who speak the Telugu language
           subtype:  #Toda.Dravidian__toda  a member of a pastoral people living in the Nilgiri hills of southern India
           subtype:  #Tulu.Dravidian__tulu  a member of a Dravidian people living on the southwestern coast of India
        subtype:  #Gujerati__Gujarati  a member of the people of Gujarat
        subtype:  #Kashmiri.Indian__kashmiri  a member of the people of Kashmir
        subtype:  #Oriya.Indian__oriya  a member of a people in India living in Orissa and neighboring areas
        subtype:  #Panjabi__Punjabi  a member of the majority people of Punjab in northwestern India
        subtype:  #Maratha__Mahratta  a member of a people of India living in Maharashtra
     subtype:  #Eurasian  a person of mixed European and Asian descent
     subtype:  #Afghan__Afghanistani__Pashto__Pathan  a native or inhabitant of Afghanistan
        subtype:  #Kafir  a member of the Kafir people in northeastern Afghanistan
     subtype:  #Altaic  any member of the peoples speaking a language in the Altaic language group
        subtype:  #Tungusic  any member of a people speaking a language in the Tungusic family
           subtype:  #Tungus__Evenk  a member of the Tungus speaking people of Mongolian race who are a nomadic people widely spread over eastern Siberia; related to the Manchu
           subtype:  #Manchu.Tungusic__manchu  a member of the Manchu speaking people of Mongolian race of Manchuria; related to the Tungus; conquered China in the 17th century
     subtype:  #Armenian  a native or inhabitant of Armenia
     subtype:  #Bangladeshi  a native or inhabitant of Bangladesh
     subtype:  #Bengali.Asian__bengali  a member of a people living in Bangladesh and West Bengali (mainly Hindus)
     subtype:  #Bhutanese__Bhutani  a native or inhabitant of Bhutan
     subtype:  #Burmese.Asian__burmese  a native or inhabitant of Myanmar
     subtype:  #Cambodian__Kampuchean  a native or inhabitant of Cambodia
     subtype:  #Chinese.Asian__chinese  a native or inhabitant of Communist China or of Nationalist China
        subtype:  #chink.Chinese__Chinaman  offensive terms for a person of Chinese descent
        subtype:  #mandarin  a high public official of the Chinese Empire
     subtype:  #Malayan__Malay  a member of a people inhabiting the northern Malay Peninsula and Malaysia and parts of the western Malay Archipelago
     subtype:  #Hindustani__Hindu__Hindoo  a native or inhabitant of Hindustan or India
        subtype:  #Brahmin.Hindustani__brahmin__Brahman  a member of the highest of the four Hindu castes; "originally all Brahmins were priests"
        subtype:  #Kshatriya.Hindustani__kshatriya  a member of the royal or warrior Hindu caste
        subtype:  #Rajput__Rajpoot  a member of the dominant Hindu military caste in northern India
        subtype:  #Sudra__Shudra  a member of the lowest or worker Hindu caste
        subtype:  #Vaisya.Hindustani__vaisya  a member of the mercantile and professional Hindu caste; the third of the four main castes
     subtype:  #Indonesian  a native or inhabitant of Indonesia
        subtype:  #Sumatran  a native or inhabitant of Sumatra
        subtype:  #Javan__Javanese  a native or inhabitant of Java
     subtype:  #Irani__Iranian__Persian  a native or inhabitant of Iran
        subtype:  #Farsi  a person of Iranian descent; "many Farsi emigrated to India near Bombay"
        instance:  #Artaxerxes_I  #Artaxerxes_II
     subtype:  #Iraqi__Iraki  a native or inhabitant of Iraq
     subtype:  #Israelite  a native or inhabitant of the ancient kingdom of Israel
     subtype:  #Israeli  a native or inhabitant of Israel
        subtype:  #sabra  a native-born Israeli
     subtype:  #Nipponese__Japanese  a native or inhabitant of Japan
        subtype:  #Ryukyuan.Nipponese__ryukyuan  a member of the Japanese people living on the Ryukyu islands southwest of Japan
        subtype:  #Jap__Nip  a person of Japanese descent
        subtype:  #geisha_girl__geisha  a Japanese woman trained to entertain men with conversation and singing and dancing
        subtype:  #shogun  a hereditary military dictator of Japan; the shoguns ruled Japan until the revolution of 1867-68
     subtype:  #Jordanian  a native or inhabitant of Jordan
     subtype:  #Korean  a native or inhabitant of Korea who speaks the Korean language
        subtype:  #North_Korean  a Korean from North Korea
        subtype:  #South_Korean  a Korean from South Korea
     subtype:  #Kuwaiti  a native or inhabitant of Kuwait
     subtype:  #Laotian__Lao  a member of a Buddhist people inhabiting the area of the Mekong River in Laos and Thailand and speaking the Lao language; related to the Thais
     subtype:  #Lebanese  a native or inhabitant of Lebanon
     subtype:  #Malaysian  a native or inhabitant of Malaysia
        subtype:  #Bornean  a native or inhabitant of Borneo
           subtype:  #Bruneian  a native or inhabitant of Brunei
        subtype:  #Sabahan  a Malaysian from Sabah
        subtype:  #Sarawakian  a native or inhabitant of Sarawak
     subtype:  #Maldivian__Maldivan  a native or inhabitant of Maldives
     subtype:  #Nepalese__Nepali  a native or inhabitant of Nepal
        subtype:  #Gurkha  a member of a Hindu people descended from Brahmins and Rajputs who live in Nepal
     subtype:  #Pakistani  a native or inhabitant of Pakistan
        subtype:  #Brahui.Pakistani__brahui  a member of a Dravidian people living in Pakistan
     subtype:  #Parthian  a native or inhabitant of Parthia
     subtype:  #Sinhalese__Singhalese  a native or inhabitant of Sri Lanka
     subtype:  #Sherpa  a member of the Himalayan people living in Nepal and Tibet who are famous for their skill as mountaineers
        instance:  #Tenzing_Norgay
     subtype:  #Syrian  a native or inhabitant of Syria
        subtype:  #Damascene  a native or inhabitant of Damascus
     subtype:  #Taiwanese  a native or inhabitant of Taiwan
     subtype:  #Thai__Tai__Siamese  a native or inhabitant of Thailand
     subtype:  #Turki  any member of the peoples speaking a Turkic language
        subtype:  #Turk  a native or inhabitant of Turkey
           subtype:  #effendi  a former Turkish term of respect; especially for government officials
        subtype:  #Azerbaijani.Turki__azerbaijani  a native or inhabitant of Azerbaijan
        subtype:  #Chuvash.Turki__chuvash  a member of a people of Turkic speech and Mongolian race living in the Volga region in eastern Russia
        subtype:  #Karakalpak.Turki__karakalpak  a member of a Turkic people living near Lake Aral in central Asia
        subtype:  #Kazakh__Kazak  a member of a Muslim Turkic people of western Asia (especially in Kazakstan)
        subtype:  #Kirgiz__Kirghiz__Khirghiz  a member of a people of Turkic speech and Mongolian race inhabiting vast regions of central Siberia
        subtype:  #Turkoman__Turkmen__Turcoman  a member of a Turkic people living in Turkmenistan and neighboring areas
        subtype:  #Uighur__Uigur  a member of a Turkic people of Chinese Turkestan and neighboring areas (formerly of Mongolia and eastern Turkestan)
        subtype:  #Uzbeg__Uzbek__Uzbak__Usbek__Usbeg  a member of a Turkic people of Uzbekistan and neighboring areas
        subtype:  #Yakut.Turki__yakut  a member of a Turkic people of NE Siberia (mainly in the Lena river basin)
     subtype:  #Vietnamese__Annamese  a native or inhabitant of Vietnam
     subtype:  #Singaporean  an inhabitant of Singapore
     subtype:  #Sri_Lankan  a native or inhabitant of Sri Lanka
     subtype:  #Trojan__Dardan__Dardanian  a native of ancient Troy
  subtype:  #Amerindian__Native_American  any member of the peoples living in North or South America before the Europeans arrived
     subtype:  #North_American_Indian__Indian__American_Indian__Red_Indian  a member of the race of people living in North America when Europeans arrived
        subtype:  #Algonquian__Algonquin  a member of any of the North American Indian groups speaking an Algonquian language and originally living in the subarctic regions of eastern Canada; many Algonquian tribes migrated south into the woodlands from the Mississippi River to the Atlantic coast
           subtype:  #Abnaki.Algonquian__abnaki  a member of the Algonquian people of Maine and southern Quebec
           subtype:  #Algonkin__Algonkian  a member of a North American Indian people in the Ottawa river valley of Ontario and Quebec
           subtype:  #Arapahoe__Arapaho  a member of a North American Plains people (now living in Oklahoma and Wyoming)
           subtype:  #Blackfoot.Algonquian__blackfoot  a member of a warlike group of Algonquians living in the northwestern plains
           subtype:  #Cheyenne.Algonquian__cheyenne  a member of a North American Indian people living on the western plains (now living in Oklahoma and Montana)
           subtype:  #Conoy  a member of an Algonquian people formerly living in Maryland between Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac river; allies of the Nanticoke people
           subtype:  #Cree.Algonquian__cree  a member of an Algonquian people living in central Canada
           subtype:  #Delaware.Algonquian__delaware  a member of an Algonquian people formerly living in New Jersey and New York and parts of Delaware and Pennsylvania
           subtype:  #Fox.Algonquian__fox  a member of an Algonquian people formerly living west of Lake Michigan along the Fox River
           subtype:  #Illinois.Algonquian__illinoi  a member of the Algonquian people formerly of Illinois and regions to the west
           subtype:  #Kickapoo.Algonquian__kickapoo  a member of the Algonquian people formerly inhabiting southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois
           subtype:  #Malecite  a member of the Algonquian people of NE Maine and New Brunswick
           subtype:  #Massachusetts.Algonquian__massachusett__Massachuset  a member of the Algonquian people who formerly lived around Massachusetts Bay
           subtype:  #Menominee__Menomini  a member of the extinct Algonquian people formerly living between Lake Michigan and Lake Superior
           subtype:  #Miami.Algonquian__miami  a member of the extinct Algonquian people formerly living in northern Indiana and southern Michigan
           subtype:  #Micmac.Algonquian__micmac  a member of the Algonquian people formerly inhabiting the Maritime Provinces of Canada
           subtype:  #Mahican__Mohican  a member of the Algonquian people formerly living the Hudson valley and eastward to the Housatonic
           subtype:  #Nanticoke.Algonquian__nanticoke  a member of the Algonquian people formerly of Maryland and eastern Delaware
           subtype:  #Ojibway__Ojibwa__Chippewa  a member of an Algonquian people who lived west of Lake Superior
           subtype:  #Ottawa  a member of the Algonquian people of southern Ontario
           subtype:  #Pamlico.Algonquian__pamlico  a member of the Algonquian people formerly of the Pamlico river valley in North Carolina
           subtype:  #Passamaquody  a member of the Algonquian people related to the Malecite and living in NE Maine and New Brunswick
           subtype:  #Penobscot  a member of the Algonquian people belonging to the Abnaki confederacy and living in the Penobscot valley in northern Maine
           subtype:  #Potawatomi.Algonquian__potawatomi  a member of the Algonquian people originally of Michigan and Wisconsin
           subtype:  #Powhatan.Algonquian__powhatan  a member of the Algonquian people who formerly lived in eastern Virginia
              instance:  #Pocahontas__Matoaka__Rebecca_Rolfe
           subtype:  #Sauk  a member of the Algonquian people living in Wisconsin the Fox River valley and the shores of Green Bay
              instance:  #Keokuk
           subtype:  #Shawnee.Algonquian__shawnee  a member of the Algonquian people formerly living along the Tennessee river
              instance:  #Pontiac  #Tecumseh__Tecumtha
           subtype:  #Wampanoag  a member of the Algonquian people of Rhode Island and Massachusetts who greeted the Pilgrims
              instance:  #Massasoit
           instance:  #Wahunsonacock__Powhatan
        subtype:  #Anasazi  a Native American who lived in what is now southern Colorado and Utah and northern Arizona and New Mexico and who built cliff dwellings
           subtype:  #cliff_dweller__cliffdweller  a member of the Anasazi people living in the southwestern United States who built rock or adobe dwellings on ledges in the sides of caves
        subtype:  #Athapaskan__Athapascan__Athabaskan__Athabascan  a member of any of the North American Indian groups speaking an Athapaskan language and living in the subarctic regions of western Canada and central Alaska
           subtype:  #Apache  any member of Athapaskan tribes that migrated to the southwestern desert (from Arizona to Texas and south into Mexico); fought a losing battle from 1861 to 1886 with the United States and were resettled in Oklahoma
              instance:  #Cochise  #Geronimo
           subtype:  #Chipewyan  a member of the Athapaskan people living in western Canada between Great Slave Lake and Hudson Bay
           subtype:  #Hupa.Athapaskan__hupa  a member of the Athapaskan people of the Trinity River valley in California
           subtype:  #Mattole.Athapaskan__mattole  a member of the Athapaskan people living in northwestern California
           subtype:  #Navajo__Navaho  a member of an Athapaskan people that migrated to Arizona and New Mexico and Utah
        subtype:  #Mayan__Maya  a member of an American Indian people of Yucatan and Belize and Guatemala who once had a culture characterized by outstanding architecture and pottery and astronomy
           subtype:  #Cakchiquel.Mayan__cakchiquel  a member of the Mayan people living in south central Guatemala
           subtype:  #Kekchi.Mayan__kekchi  a member of a Mayan people of north central Guatemala
           subtype:  #Mam.Mayan__mam  a member of a Mayan people of southwestern Guatemala
           subtype:  #Quiche.Mayan__quiche  a member of the Mayan people of south central Guatemala
           subtype:  #Yucateco__Yucatec  a member of the Mayan people of the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico
        subtype:  #Nahuatl.North_American_Indian__nahuatl  a member of any of various Indian peoples of central Mexico
           subtype:  #Aztec  a member of the Nahuatl people who established an empire in Mexico that was overthrown by Cortes in 1519
        subtype:  #Plains_Indian__Buffalo_Indian  a member of one of the tribes of American Indians who lived a nomadic life following the buffalo in the Great Plains of North America
           subtype:  #Atakapa__Attacapan  a member of an Indian people formerly living along the Gulf coast of Louisiana and Texas
           subtype:  #Arapahoe__Arapaho  a member of a North American Plains people (now living in Oklahoma and Wyoming)
           subtype:  #Blackfoot.Algonquian__blackfoot  a member of a warlike group of Algonquians living in the northwestern plains
           subtype:  #Caddo  a group of Plains Indians formerly living in what is now North and South Dakota and Nebraska and Kansas and Arkansas and Louisiana and Oklahoma and Texas
              subtype:  #Aricara__Arikara  a member of the Caddo people who formerly lived in the Dakotas west of the Missouri river
              subtype:  #Eyeish  a member of the Caddo people of NE Texas
              subtype:  #Kichai  a member of a Caddo people formerly living in north central Texas
              subtype:  #Pawnee.Caddo__pawnee  a member of the Pawnee nation formerly living in Nebraska and Kansas but now largely in Oklahoma
              subtype:  #Wichita.Caddo__wichita  a member of the Caddo people formerly living between Kansas and central Texas
           subtype:  #Cheyenne.Algonquian__cheyenne  a member of a North American Indian people living on the western plains (now living in Oklahoma and Montana)
           subtype:  #Kiowa.Plains_Indian__kiowa  a member of a Tanoan people living in the southwestern United States
           subtype:  #Ojibway__Ojibwa__Chippewa  a member of an Algonquian people who lived west of Lake Superior
           subtype:  #Pima.Plains_Indian__pima  a member of the North American Indian people living in southern Arizona and northern Mexico
           subtype:  #Sioux__Siouan  a member of a group of North American Indian peoples who spoke a Siouan language and who ranged from Lake Michigan to the Rocky Mountains
              subtype:  #Biloxi.Sioux__biloxi  a member of the Siouan people of southeastern Mississippi
              subtype:  #Catawba.Sioux__catawba  a member of the Siouan people formerly living in the Carolinas
              subtype:  #Crow.Sioux__crow  a member of the Siouan people formerly living in eastern Montana
              subtype:  #Dakota.Sioux__dakota  a member of the Siouan people of the northern Mississippi valley; commonly called the Sioux
              subtype:  #Dhegiha.Sioux__dhegiha  any member of a Siouan people speaking one of the Dhegiha languages
                 subtype:  #Kansas.Sioux__kansa__Kansa  a member of the Siouan people of the Kansas river valley in Kansas
                 subtype:  #Maha__Omaha  a member of the Siouan people formerly living in the Missouri river valley in NE Nebraska
                 subtype:  #Osage.Dhegiha__osage  a member of the Siouan people formerly living in Missouri in the valleys of the Missouri and Osage rivers; oil was found on Osage lands early in the 20th century
                 subtype:  #Ponka__Ponca  a member of the Siouan people of the Missouri river valley in NE Nebraska
                 subtype:  #Quapaw.Dhegiha__quapaw  a member of the Siouan people of the Arkansas river valley in Arkansas
              subtype:  #Gros_Ventre__Hidatsa  a member of the Sioux people formerly inhabiting an area along the Missouri river in western North Dakota
              subtype:  #Hunkpapa.Sioux__hunkpapa  a member of the Siouan people formerly living in the western Dakotas; the were prominent in resisting the white encroachment into the northern Great Plains
                 instance:  #Sitting_Bull
              subtype:  #Ioway__Iowa  a member of the Siouan people formerly living in Iowa and Minnesota and Missouri
              subtype:  #Missouri.Sioux__missouri  a member of the Siouan people formerly inhabiting the valley of the Missouri river in Missouri
              subtype:  #Ofo.Sioux__ofo  a member of the Siouan people living in the Yazoo river valley in Mississippi
              subtype:  #Ogalala__Oglala  a member of the Siouan people formerly inhabiting the Black Hills of western South Dakota
                 instance:  #Red_Cloud
              subtype:  #Otoe__Oto__oto  a member of the Siouan people inhabiting the valleys of the Platte and Missouri rivers in Nebraska
              subtype:  #Santee_Dakota__Santee__Santee_Sioux__Eastern_Sioux  a member of the eastern branch of the Sioux
              subtype:  #Tutelo.Sioux__tutelo  a member of the Siouan people of Virginia and North Carolina
              subtype:  #Winnebago.Sioux__winnebago  a member of the Siouan-speaking people formerly living in eastern Wisconsin south of Green Bay; ally of the Menomini and enemy of the Fox and Sauk people
              instance:  #Crazy_Horse__Tashunca-Uitco
        subtype:  #Chickasaw.North_American_Indian__chickasaw  a member of the Muskhogean people formerly living in northern Mississippi
        subtype:  #Creek  any member of the Creek Confederacy of Muskhogean peoples (especially the Muskogee) formerly living in Georgia and Alabama but now chiefly in Oklahoma
        subtype:  #Haida.North_American_Indian__haida  a member of a seafaring group of North American Indians who lived on the Pacific coast of British Columbia and southwestern Alaska
        subtype:  #Hokan__Hoka  a member of a North American Indian people speaking one of the Hokan language
           subtype:  #Achomawi.Hokan__achomawi  a member of the North American Indian people of the Pit river valley in northern California
           subtype:  #Akwa'ala.Hokan__akwa'ala  a member of a North American Indian people living in Baja California
           subtype:  #Atsugewi.Hokan__atsugewi  a member of the North American Indian people of the Pit river valley in northern California
           subtype:  #Chimariko.Hokan__chimariko  a member of an extinct North American Indian people formerly living in California
           subtype:  #Cochimi.Hokan__cochimi  a member of a North American Indian people living in central Baja California
           subtype:  #Cocopah__Cocopa  a member of a North American Indian people living around the mouth of the Colorado river
           subtype:  #Diegueno.Hokan__diegueno  a member of a North American Indian people of southern California
           subtype:  #Esselen.Hokan__esselen  a member of a North American Indian people living on the California coast near Monterey
           subtype:  #Halchidhoma  a member of a North American Indian people of the Colorado river valley near the mouth of the Gila river; allied to the Maricopa
           subtype:  #Havasupai.Hokan__havasupai  a member of a North American Indian people of Cataract Canyon (a tributary of the Grand Canyon) in Arizona
           subtype:  #Kamia.Hokan__kamia  a member of a North American Indian people of southeastern California and northwestern Mexico
           subtype:  #Karok.Hokan__karok  a member of a North American Indian people of the Klamath river valley in northern California
           subtype:  #Kiliwi__Kiliwa  a member of a North American Indian people living in northern Baja California
           subtype:  #Maricopa.Hokan__maricopa  a member of a North American Indian people of the Gila river valley in Arizona
           subtype:  #Mojave__Mohave  a member of the North American Indian people formerly living in the Colorado river valley in Arizona and Nevada and California
           subtype:  #Pomo.Hokan__pomo  a member of an Indian people of northern California living along the Russian River valley and adjacent Pacific coast
           subtype:  #Shasta.Hokan__shasta  a member of the Indian people of northern California and southern Oregon
           subtype:  #Hualapai__Walapai__Hualpai  a member of a North American people formerly living in the Colorado river valley in Arizona
           subtype:  #Yahi.Hokan__yahi  a member of an extinct North American Indian people who lived in the Pit river valley in northern California
           subtype:  #Yana.Hokan__yana  a member of an extinct North American Indian people who lived in the Pit river valley in northern California
           subtype:  #Yavapai.Hokan__yavapai  a member of a North American Indian people of central Arizona
           subtype:  #Yuma.Hokan__yuma  a member of the North American Indian people of Arizona and adjacent Mexico and California
        subtype:  #Iroquois  any member of the warlike North American Indian peoples formerly living in New York state; the League of Iroquois (or Five Nations) were allies of the British during the American Revolution
           subtype:  #Cayuga.Iroquois__cayuga  a member of an Iroquoian people formerly living around Cayuga Lake in New York state
           subtype:  #Cherokee.Iroquois__cherokee  a member of an Iroquoian people formerly living in the Appalachian Mountains but now chiefly in Oklahoma
              instance:  #Sequoya__Sequoyah__George_Guess
           subtype:  #Erie.Iroquois__erie  a member of an Iroquoian people formerly living on the south shore of Lake Erie in northern Ohio and northwest Pennsylvania and western New York
           subtype:  #Mohawk.Iroquois__mohawk  a member of the Iroquoian people formerly living along the Mohawk River in New York state
           subtype:  #Oneida.Iroquois__oneida  a member of the Iroquoian people formerly living east of Lake Ontario
           subtype:  #Onondaga.Iroquois__onondaga  a member of the Iroquoian people formerly living between Lake Chaplain and the Saint Lawrence River
              instance:  #Hiawatha
           subtype:  #Seneca.Iroquois__seneca  a member of the Iroquoian people formerly living in New York state south of Lake Ontario
           subtype:  #Tuscarora.Iroquois__tuscarora  a member of a Iroquois people who formerly lived in North Carolina and then moved to New York state and joined the Iroquois
        subtype:  #Muskhogean__Muskogean  a member of any of the peoples formerly living in southeastern United States and speaking Muskhogean languages
           subtype:  #Alabama.Muskhogean__alabama  a member of the Muskhogean people formerly living in Alabama; a member of the Creek Confederacy
           subtype:  #Choctaw  a member of the Muskhogean people formerly living in Alabama
           subtype:  #Hitchiti.Muskhogean__hitchiti  a member of the Muskhogean people formerly living in Georgia; a member of the Creek Confederacy
           subtype:  #Koasati.Muskhogean__koasati  a member of the Muskhogean people formerly living in northern Alabama; a member of the Creek Confederacy
           subtype:  #Muskogee.Muskhogean__muskogee  a member of the Muskhogean people formerly living in Georgia and eastern Alabama and constituting the core of the Creek Confederacy
           subtype:  #Seminole.Muskhogean__seminole  a member of the Muskhogean people who moved into Florida in the 18th century
        subtype:  #Penutian.North_American_Indian__penutian  a member of a North American Indian people speaking one of the Penutian languages
           subtype:  #Chinook  a member of an important North American Indian people who controlled the mouth of the Columbia river; they were organized into settlements rather than tribes
           subtype:  #Costanoan.Penutian__costanoan  a member of a North American Indian people living in coastal California between Monterey and San Francisco Bay
           subtype:  #Kalapooia__Kalapuya__Calapooya__Calapuya  a member of the North American Indian people of Oregon
           subtype:  #Kusan.Penutian__kusan  a member of the North American Indian people of Oregon
           subtype:  #Maidu  a member of a North American Indian people living east of the Sacramento river in California
           subtype:  #Miwok  a member of the North American Indian people living in the central Sierra Nevada in California
           subtype:  #Patwin.Penutian__patwin  a member of the North American Indian people living in the Sacramento valley in California
           subtype:  #Sahaptino__Shahaptian__Sahaptin  a member of a North American Indian people who lived in Oregon along the Columbia river and its tributaries in Washington and northern Idaho
              subtype:  #Nez_Perce.Sahaptino__nezperce  a member of a tribe of the Shahaptian people living on the pacific coast
                 instance:  #Chief_Joseph__Joseph
           subtype:  #Takelma  a member of a North American Indian people of southwestern Oregon
           subtype:  #Tsimshian.Penutian__tsimshian  a member of a Penutian people who lived on rivers and a sound in British Columbia
           subtype:  #Wintun.Penutian__wintun  a member of a North American Indian people living in the Sacramento valley in California
           subtype:  #Yokuts  a member of the North American Indian people of the San Joaquin Valley
        subtype:  #Pueblo  a member of any of about two dozen Native American peoples called pueblos by the Spanish because they live in villages built of adobe and rock
           subtype:  #Hopi.Shoshoni__hopi  a member of the Shoshonean people of northeastern Arizona
           subtype:  #Taos.Pueblo__tao  a member of the Pueblo people living in northern New Mexico
           subtype:  #Zuni  a member of the Pueblo people living in western New Mexico
        subtype:  #Redskin__Injun__red_man  offensive terms for Native Americans
        subtype:  #Salish  a member of a group of North American Indians speaking a Salishan language and living on the northwest coast of North America
           subtype:  #Chimakum  a member of the Salishan people living in northwestern Washington
           subtype:  #Skagit.Salish__skagit  a member of the Salish people in northwestern Washington
        subtype:  #Shoshoni__Shoshone  a member of the North American Indian people (related to the Aztecs) of the southwestern United States
           subtype:  #Comanche.Shoshoni__comanche  a member of the Shoshonean people who formerly lived between Wyoming and the Mexican border but are now chiefly in Oklahoma
           subtype:  #Hopi.Shoshoni__hopi  a member of the Shoshonean people of northeastern Arizona
           subtype:  #Piute__Paiute  a member of either of two Shoshonean peoples (Northern Paiute and Southern Paiute) related to the Aztecs and living in southwestern United States
           subtype:  #Ute.Shoshoni__ute  a member of the Shoshonean people of Utah and Colorado and New Mexico
        subtype:  #Taracahitian  a member of a group of peoples of Mexico
           subtype:  #Cahita.Taracahitian__cahita  a member of the Taracahitian people of central Mexico
           subtype:  #Tarahumara  a member of the Taracahitian people of north central Mexico
        subtype:  #Tlingit.North_American_Indian__tlingit  a member of a seafaring group of North American Indians living in southern Alaska
        subtype:  #Wakashan  a member of one of the peoples in British Columbia and Washington who speak the Wakashan language
           subtype:  #Kwakiutl.Wakashan__kwakiutl  a member of the Wakashan people living on Queen Charlotte Sound and northern Vancouver Island
           subtype:  #Nootka.Wakashan__nootka  a member of the Wakashan people living on Vancouver Island and in the Cape Flattery region of northwestern Washington
        subtype:  #Aleutian__Aleut  a member of the people inhabiting the Aleutian Islands and western Alaska
        subtype:  #Inuit__Eskimo__Esquimau  a member of a people inhabiting the Arctic (northern Canada or Greenland or Alaska or eastern Siberia); the Algonquians called them Eskimo (`eaters of raw flesh') but they call themselves the Inuit (`the people')
        subtype:  #sannup  a married male American Indian
        subtype:  #squaw  an American Indian woman
     subtype:  #South_American_Indian  a member of a native Indian group in South America
        subtype:  #Tupi.South_American_Indian__tupi  a member of the South American Indian people living in Brazil and Paraguay
        subtype:  #Guarani.South_American_Indian__guarani  a member of the South American people living in Paraguay and Bolivia
        subtype:  #Maraco  a member of the South American people living in Argentina and Bolivia and Paraguay
        subtype:  #Quechua__Kechua  a member of a South American Indian people in Peru who were formerly the ruling class of the Inca empire
           subtype:  #Inca  a member of the small group of Quechuan people living in the Cuzco valley in Peru who established hegemony over their neighbors to create the great Inca Empire that lasted from about 1100 until the Spanish conquest in the early 1530s
     subtype:  #Carib_Indian__Carib  a member of an American Indian peoples of NE South America and the Lesser Antilles
     subtype:  #Arawakan__Arawak  a member of a widespread group of Amerindians living in northeastern South America

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