#order_Agaricales__Agaricales  typical gilled mushrooms belonging to the subdivision Basidiomycota
  supertype:  #fungus_order  the order of fungi
  member of:  #subdivision_Basidiomycota
  member:  #family_Clavariaceae__Clavariaceae  fleshy fungi: coral fungi
     member:  #coral_fungus  any of numerous fungi of the family Clavariaceae often brightly colored that grow in often intricately branched clusters like coral
  member:  #family_Hydnaceae__Hydnaceae  tooth fungi
     member:  #tooth_fungus  a fungus of the family Hydnaceae
     member:  #genus_Hydnum__Hydnum  type genus of Hydnaceae
  member:  #agaric  a saprophytic fungus of the order Agaricales having an umbrellalike cap with gills on the underside
  member:  #family_Agaricaceae__Agaricaceae  large family including many familiar mushrooms
     member:  #genus_Agaricus__Agaricus  type genus of Agaricaceae; gill fungi having brown spores and including several edible species
        member:  #horse_mushroom__horsemushroom__Agaricus_arvensis  coarse edible mushroom with a hollow stem and abroad white cap
        member:  #meadow_mushroom__field_mushroom__fieldmushroom__Agaricus_campestris  common edible mushroom found naturally in moist open soil; the cultivated mushroom of commerce
     member:  #genus_Amanita__Amanita  genus of widely distributed agarics that have white spores and are poisonous with few exceptions
        member:  #royal_agaric__royalagaric__Caesar's_agaric__Amanita_caesarea  widely distributed edible mushroom resembling the fly agaric
        member:  #false_deathcap__falsedeathcap__Amanita_mappa  agaric often confused with the death cup
        member:  #fly_agaric__flyagaric__Amanita_muscaria  poisonous (but rarely fatal) woodland fungus having a scarlet cap with white warts and white gills
        member:  #death_cap__deathcap__death_cup__death_angel__destroying_angel__Amanita_phalloides  extremely poisonous usually white fungus with a prominent cup-shaped base; differs from edible Agaricus only in its white gills
        member:  #blushing_mushroom__blusher__amanitarubescen  yellowish edible agaric that usually turns red when touched
        member:  #destroying_angel__Amanita_verna  fungus similar to Amanita phalloides
     member:  #genus_Cantharellus__Cantharellus  a well-known genus of fungus; has funnel-shaped fruiting body; includes the chanterelles
        member:  #chanterelle__chantarelle__Cantharellus_cibarius  widely distributed edible mushroom rich yellow in color with a smooth cap and a pleasant apricot aroma
        member:  #floccose_chanterelle__Cantharellus_floccosus  a mildly poisonous fungus with a fruiting body shaped like a hollow trumpet
        member:  #pig's_ears__Cantharellus_clavatus  an edible agaric with a brown fruiting body that is often compound
        member:  #cinnabar_chanterelle__Cantharellus_cinnabarinus  mushroom with a distinctive pink to vermillion fruiting body
     member:  #genus_Coprinus__Coprinus  genus of black-spotted agarics in which the cap breaks down at maturity into an inky fluid; sometimes placed in its own family Coprinaceae
        member:  #inky_cap__inky-cap_mushroom__Coprinus_atramentarius  having a cap that melts into an inky fluid after spores have matured
        member:  #shaggymane_mushroom__shaggymane__shaggycap__Coprinus_comatus  common edible mushroom having an elongated shaggy white cap and black spores
     member:  #genus_Lactarius__Lactarius  large genus of agarics that have white spore and contain a white or milky juice when cut or broken; includes both edible and poisonous species
        member:  #milkcap__Lactarius_delicioso  edible mushroom
     member:  #genus_Marasmius__Marasmius  chiefly small mushrooms with white spores
        member:  #fairy-ring_mushroom__Marasmius_oreades  mushroom that grows in a fairy ring
     member:  #genus_Pleurotus__Pleurotus  agarics with white spores and caps having an eccentric stem; an important mushroom of Japan
        member:  #oyster_mushroom__oyster_fungus__oyster_agaric__Pleurotus_ostreatus  edible agaric with a soft grayish cap growing in shelving masses on dead wood
        member:  #olive-tree_agaric__Pleurotus_phosphoreus  red luminescent mushroom of Europe
     member:  #genus_Russula__Russula  large genus of fungi with stout stems and white spores and neither annulus nor volva; brittle caps of red or purple or yellow or green or blue; differs from genus Lactarius in lacking milky juice
  member:  #family_Coprinaceae__Coprinaceae  used in some classifications for the genus Coprinus
  member:  #family_Russulaceae__Russulaceae  used in some classification systems for the genus Russula
  member:  #family_Strophariaceae__Strophariaceae  sometimes included in family Agaricaceae
     member:  #genus_Pholiota__Pholiota  genus of gilled agarics of Europe and North America having brown spores and an annulus; grows on open ground or decaying wood
        member:  #Pholiota_astragalina  a fungus with a smooth orange cap and yellow gills and pale yellow stalk
        member:  #Pholiota_aurea__golden_pholiota  a beautiful yellow gilled fungus found from Alaska south along the coast
        member:  #Pholiota_destruens  a large fungus with whitish scales on the cap and remnants of the veil hanging from the cap; the stalk is thick and hard
        member:  #Pholiota_flammans  a fungus with a yellow cap covered with fine scales as is the stalk
        member:  #Pholiota_flavida  a fungus that grows in clusters on the ground; cap is brownish orange with a surface that is smooth and slightly sticky; whitish gills and a cylindrical brown stalk
        member:  #Pholiota_nameko__nameko__viscid_mushroom  one of the most important fungi cultivated in Japan
        member:  #Pholiota_squarrosa-adiposa  a gilled fungus having yellow slimy caps with conspicuous tawny scales on the caps and stalks
        member:  #Pholiota_squarrosa__scaly_pholiota__scalypholiota  a gilled fungus with a cap and stalk that are conspicuously scaly with upright scales; gills develop a greenish tinge with age
        member:  #Pholiota_squarrosoides  a pale buff fungus with tawny scales
     member:  #genus_Stropharia__Stropharia__ring-stalked_fungus  genus of gill fungi with brown spores that is closely related to Agaricus; here placed in its own family Strophariaceae
        member:  #Stropharia_ambigua  a gilled fungus with a long stalk and a yellow slimy cap from which fragments of the broken veil hang; gills are initially white but become dark brown as spores are released
        member:  #Stropharia_hornemannii  a gilled fungus with a large slimy purple or olive cap; gills become purple with age; the stalk is long and richly decorated with pieces of the white sheath that extends up to a ring
        member:  #Stropharia_rugoso-annulata  a large gilled fungus with a broad cap and a long stalk; the cap is dark brown; the white gills turn dark purplish brown with age; edible and choice
  member:  #family_Entolomataceae__Entolomataceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
     member:  #genus_Entoloma__Entoloma  agarics with pink spores but lacking both volva and annulus (includes some that are poisonous)
        member:  #Entoloma_lividum__Entoloma_sinuatum  a deadly poisonous agaric; a large cap that is first white (livid or lead-colored) and then turns yellowish or tan
        member:  #Entoloma_aprile  an agaric with a dark brown conical cap; fruits in early spring
  member:  #family_Lepiotaceae__Lepiotaceae  a family of fungi having free gills and a cap that is cleanly separable from the stalk
     member:  #genus_Chlorophyllum  a genus of fungus belonging to the family Lepiotaceae
     member:  #genus_Lepiota  agarics with white spores that includes several edible and poisonous mushrooms: parasol mushrooms
        member:  #lepiota  any fungus of the genus Lepiota
        member:  #parasol_mushroom__parasolmushroom__Lepiota_procera  edible long-stalked mushroom with white flesh and gills and spores; found in open woodlands in autumn
        member:  #poisonous_parasol__poisonousparasol__Lepiota_morgani  an agaric regarded as poisonous
        member:  #Lepiota_naucina  an agaric with grayish white fruiting body and gills that change from pink to dingy red
        member:  #Lepiota_rhacodes  an agaric with a large cap with brown scales and a thick stalk
        member:  #American_parasol__Lepiota_americana  an agaric with a pallid cap and a stalk that is enlarged near the base
        member:  #Lepiota_rubrotincta  an agaric with a relatively small pink to red cap and white gills and stalk
        member:  #Lepiota_clypeolaria  an agaric with a ragged stalk and a soft floccose cap
        member:  #onion_stem__onionstem__Lepiota_cepaestipes  a white agaric that tends to cluster and has a club-shaped base
  member:  #family_Thelephoraceae__Thelephoraceae  fungi having leathery or membranous sporophores
     member:  #genus_Corticium__Corticium  genus of fungi having simple smooth-surfaced sporophores; some are parasitic on wood or economic crops; some species formerly placed in form genus Rhizoctinia
        member:  #pink_disease_fungus__Corticium_salmonicolor  fungus causing pink disease in citrus and coffee and rubber trees etc
        member:  #bottom_rot_fungus__Corticium_solani  fungus causing bottom rot in lettuce
     member:  #genus_Pellicularia__Pellicularia  genus of fungi having the hymenium in the form of a crust; some species formerly placed in the form genus Rhizoctinia
        member:  #potato_fungus__Pellicularia_filamentosa__Rhizoctinia_solani  fungus causing a disease in potatoes characterized by black scurfy spots on the tubers
        member:  #coffee_fungus__Pellicularia_koleroga  fungus causing a disease in coffee and some other tropical plants
  member:  #family_Tricholomataceae__Tricholomataceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
     member:  #genus_Lentinus__Lentinus  a genus of fungus belonging to the family Tricholomataceae
        member:  #shiitake_mushroom__shiitake__Chinese_black_mushroom__golden_oak_mushroom__Oriental_black_mushroom__Lentinus_edodes  edible east Asian mushroom having a golden or dark brown to blackish cap and an inedible stipe
        member:  #scaly_lentinus__Lentinus_lepideus  a fungus with a scaly cap and white flesh and a ring on the stalk (with scales below the ring); odor reminiscent of licorice
     member:  #genus_Omphalotus__Omphalotus  a genus of mushrooms with a depressed disc in the cap
        member:  #jack-o-lantern_fungus__jack-o-lantern__jack-a-lantern__Omphalotus_illudens  a large poisonous agaric with orange caps and narrow clustered stalks; the gills are luminescent
     member:  #genus_Tricholoma__Tricholoma  agarics with white spores and a fleshy stalk and notched gills; of various colors both edible and inedible
        member:  #sandy_mushroom__sandymushroom__Tricholoma_populinum  an edible agaric that fruits in great clusters (especially in sandy soil under cottonwood trees)
        member:  #Tricholoma_pessundatum  a mildly poisonous agaric with a viscid reddish brown cap and white gills and stalk
        member:  #Tricholoma_sejunctum  an agaric with a cap that is coated with dark fibrils in the center and has yellowish margins
        member:  #man-on-a-horse__Tricholoma_flavovirens  an edible agaric with yellow gills and a viscid yellow cap that has a brownish center
        member:  #Tricholoma_venenata  a poisonous white agaric
        member:  #Tricholoma_pardinum  a poisonous agaric having a pale cap with fine gray fibrils
        member:  #Tricholoma_vaccinum  an agaric with a cap that is densely covered with reddish fibrils and pale gills an stalk
        member:  #Tricholoma_aurantium  an orange tan agaric whose gills become brown by maturity; has a strong odor and taste
     member:  #genus_Clitocybe__Clitocybe  a genus of agarics with white to pale yellow spore deposits and fleshy stalks centrally attached to the cap and closely attached gills
        member:  #Clitocybe_clavipes  an agaric with a flat cap that is grayish or yellowish brown with pallid gills and a stalk that bulges toward the base
        member:  #Clitocybe_dealbata  a small poisonous agaric; has a dry white cap with crowded gills and a short stalk
        member:  #Clitocybe_inornata  a fungus with a cap that is creamy gray when young and turns brown with age and a whitish stalk that stains yellow when handled
        member:  #Clitocybe_robusta__Clytocybe_alba  a large white agaric; edible but not palatable
        member:  #Clitocybe_irina__Tricholoma_irinum__Lepista_irina  an edible agaric with large silky white caps and thick stalks
        member:  #Clitocybe_subconnexa  an edible white agaric that fruits in dense clusters; the gills are narrow and crowded and the stalk in fleshy and unpolished
     member:  #genus_Flammulina__Flammulina  a genus of agarics
        member:  #winter_mushroom__Flammulina_velutipes  an edible agaric that is available in early spring or late fall when few other mushrooms are; has a viscid smooth orange to brown cap and a velvety stalk that turns black in maturity and pallid gills; often occur in clusters
     member:  #genus_Armillaria__Armillaria  genus of edible mushrooms having white spores an annulus and blue juice; some are edible; some cause root rot
        member:  #shoestring_fungus  any of several fungi of the genus Armillaria that form brown stringy rhizomorphs and cause destructive rot of the roots of some trees such as apples or maples
        member:  #Armillaria_caligata__booted_armillaria  fungus with a brown cap and white gills and a membranous ring halfway up the stalk
     member:  #genus_Armillariella__Armillariella  a honey-colored diminutive form of genus Armillaria; grows in clusters; edible (when cooked) but most attention has been on how to get rid of it
        member:  #honey_mushroom__honeymushroom__honey_fungus__Armillariella_mellea  a honey-colored edible mushroom commonly associated with the roots of trees in late summer and fall; do not eat raw
  member:  #family_Volvariaceae__Volvariaceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
     member:  #genus_Volvaria__Volvaria  agarics having pink spores and a distinct volva
        member:  #Volvaria_bombycina  a parasite on various trees
  member:  #family_Pluteaceae__Pluteaceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
     member:  #genus_Pluteus__Pluteus__roof_mushroom  a large genus of fungi belonging to the family Pluteaceae; the shape of the cap resembles a roof; often abundant early in the summer
        member:  #Pluteus_aurantiorugosus  an agaric with a brilliant scarlet cap and a slender stalk
        member:  #Pluteus_magnus__swadust_mushroom__swadustmushroom  an edible agaric found in piles of hardwood sawdust; the caps are black and coarsely wrinkled
        member:  #deer_mushroom__Pluteus_cervinus  a small edible agaric with a slender stalk; usually found on rotting hardwoods
     member:  #genus_Volvariella__Volvariella  an important genus of mushrooms in the Orient
        member:  #straw_mushroom__strawmushroom__Chinese_mushroom__Volvariella_volvacea  small tropical and subtropical edible mushroom having a white cap and long stem; an expensive delicacy in China and other Asian countries where it is grown commercially
        member:  #Volvariella_bombycina  a mushroom with a dry yellowish to white fibrillose cap
  member:  #family_Boletaceae__Boletaceae  family of pore-bearing fleshy fungi having the spores easily separating from the cup and often from each other
     member:  #bolete  any fungus of the family Boletaceae
     member:  #genus_Boletus__Boletus  type genus of Boletaceae; genus of soft early-decaying pore fungi; some poisonous and some edible
        member:  #Boletus_chrysenteron  a fungus convex cap and a dingy yellow under surface and a dry stalk
        member:  #Boletus_edulis  a edible and choice fungus; has a convex cap that is slightly viscid when fresh and moist but soon dries and a thick bulbous tan stalk
        member:  #Frost's_bolete__Boletus_frostii  a fungus with a red cap and a red coarsely reticulate stalk
        member:  #Boletus_luridus  a poisonous fungus with a dingy yellow cap and orange red undersurface and a cylindrical reticulate stalk
        member:  #Boletus_mirabilis  a fungus that is edible when young and fresh; has a dark brown convex cap with a yellow to greenish under surface and reddish stalk
        member:  #Boletus_pallidus  a fungus that has an off-white cap when it is young but later becomes dingy brown and a stalk of the same color; the under surface of the cap (the tubes) a pale greenish yellow
        member:  #Boletus_pulcherrimus  a beautiful but poisonous bolete; has a brown cap with a scarlet pore surface and a thick reticulate stalk
        member:  #Boletus_pulverulentus  an edible fungus with a broadly convex blackish brown cap and a pore surface that is yellow when young and darkens with age; stalk is thick and enlarges toward the base
        member:  #Boletus_roxanae  a fungus with a rusty red cap and a white pore surface that becomes yellow with age and a pale yellow stalk
        member:  #Boletus_subvelutipes  a fungus with a velvety stalk and usually a dingy brown cap; injured areas turn blue instantly
        member:  #Boletus_variipes  an edible (but not choice) fungus found on soil under hardwoods; has a dry convex cap with whitish under surface and a reticulate stalk
        member:  #Boletus_zelleri  an edible and choice fungus that has a brown cap with greenish yellow under surface and a stalk that become dull red with age
     member:  #genus_Fuscoboletinus__Fuscoboletinus  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Boletaceae
        member:  #Fuscoboletinus_paluster  an edible fungus with a pinkish purple cap and stalk and a pore surface that is yellow with large angular pores that become like gills in maturity
        member:  #Fuscoboletinus_serotinus  an edible fungus with a broadly convex brown cap and a whitish pore surface and stalk
     member:  #genus_Leccinum__Leccinum  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Boletaceae
        member:  #Leccinum_fibrillosum  an edible fungus with a dark reddish brown cap and a wide light tan stalk that expands toward the base
     member:  #genus_Phylloporus__Phylloporus  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Boletaceae
        member:  #Phylloporus_boletinoides  a fungus with a broadly convex brown cap and pores that extend part way down the stalk
     member:  #genus_Suillus__Suillus  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Boletaceae
        member:  #Suillus_albivelatus__suillusalbivelatu  a short squat edible fungus with a reddish brown cap and white stalk; fruits under pines in the spring
     member:  #genus_Strobilomyces__Strobilomyces  fungi similar to Boletus but with a shaggy scaly cap
        member:  #old-man-of-the-woods__Strobilomyces_floccopus  edible mild-tasting mushroom found in coniferous woodlands of eastern North America
     member:  #genus_Boletellus__Boletellus  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Boletaceae
        member:  #Boletellus_russellii  a fungus with a long coarsely shaggy reticulate stalk and a rimose areolate cap surface
  member:  #family_Hygrophoraceae__Hygrophoraceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales; the gills of these fungi have a clean waxy appearance
     member:  #waxycap  any fungus of the family Hygrophoraceae having gills that are more or less waxy in appearance
     member:  #genus_Hygrocybe__Hygrocybe  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Hygrophoraceae
        member:  #Hygrocybe_acutoconica__conic_waxycap__conicwaxycap  a fungus having an acutely conic cap and dry stalks
     member:  #genus_Hygrophorus__Hygrophorus  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Hygrophoraceae
        member:  #Hygrophorus_borealis  a fungus with a white convex cap and arcuate white gills and a stalk that tapers toward the base
        member:  #Hygrophorus_caeruleus  a fungus with a broadly convex cap that is cream color with a tint of blue over the margin; waxy gills are bluish green to blue-gray; a short stalk tapers abruptly at the base
        member:  #Hygrophorus_inocybiformis  a fungus with a drab squamulose cap and gray-brown squamules over the white background of the stalk and waxy gray-white gills
        member:  #Hygrophorus_kauffmanii  a fungus with a slightly viscid cap; cap and gills are reddish brown nd the stalk is gray
        member:  #Hygrophorus_marzuolus  a gray fungus frequently found near melting snow banks
        member:  #Hygrophorus_purpurascens  a fungus with a viscid purplish red cap and stalk; found under spruce and other conifers
        member:  #Hygrophorus_russula  an edible fungus with a reddish cap and close pale gills and dry stalk; found under hardwoods
        member:  #Hygrophorus_sordidus  an edible fungus with a large white cap and a cry stalk and white gills
        member:  #Hygrophorus_tennesseensis  a fungus having a brownish sticky cap with a white margin and white gills and an odor of raw potatoes
        member:  #Hygrophorus_turundus  a small fungus with orange cap and yellow gills found in sphagnum bogs
     member:  #genus_Hygrotrama__Hygrotrama  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Hygrophoraceae
        member:  #Hygrotrama_foetens  a small gray-brown fungus with an unpleasant odor of mothballs
     member:  #genus_Neohygrophorus__Neohygrophorus  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Hygrophoraceae
        member:  #Neohygrophorus_angelesianus  a fungus with a small brown convex cap with a depressed disc; waxy wine-colored gills and a brown stalk; fruits in or near melting snow banks in the western mountains of North America
  member:  #family_Cortinariaceae__Cortinariaceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
     member:  #genus_Cortinarius__Cortinarius  the largest genus in th Agaricales; agarics having rusty spores and prominent cortinae (cobwebby partial veils)
        member:  #Cortinarius_atkinsonianus  an edible fungus with a slimy viscid cap that is initially yellow but turns olive and then tawny; flesh is lavender
        member:  #Cortinarius_corrugatus  a fungus with a viscid wrinkled tawny cap; the stalk has a basal bulb that diminishes as the stalk elongates; the gills are dark violet at first but soon turn brown
        member:  #Cortinarius_gentilis  a poisonous fungus with a bright yellow brown cap and a long cinnamon colored stalk
        member:  #Cortinarius_mutabilis__purple-staining_Cortinarius  a fungus with a reddish purple cap having a smooth slimy surface; close violet gills; all parts stain dark purple when bruised
        member:  #Cortinarius_semisanguineus  a fungus with a dry brown cap and rusty red gills and a yellowish stalk
        member:  #Cortinarius_subfoetidus  a fungus with a sticky lavender cap and stalk that whitish above and covered with a silky lavender sheath
        member:  #Cortinarius_violaceus  a fungus that is violet over-all with a squamulose cap
     member:  #genus_Gymnopilus__Gymnopilus  a genus of fungus characterized by the orange color of the spore deposit
        member:  #Gymnopilus_spectabilis  a fungus with a brownish orange fruiting body and a ring near the top of the stalk; the taste is bitter and the flesh contains psilocybin and psilocin
        member:  #Gymnopilus_validipes  a poisonous fungus with a dry cap and a cortina that does not leave much of a ring on the robust stalk
        member:  #Gymnopilus_ventricosus  a giant fungus of the Pacific Northwest; has a very thick stalk and the cortina leaves a ring high up on the stalk

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