#medicament__medicine__medication__medicinal_drug__medicinaldrug  something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease
  supertype:  drug  a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic
  substance:  physostigmine
  subtype:  acyclovir__Zovirax  an oral antiviral drug (trade name Zovirax) used to treat genital herpes; does not cure the disease but relieves the symptoms
  subtype:  allopurinol__Zyloprim  a drug (trade name Zyloprim) used to treat gout and other conditions in which there is an excessive buildup of uric acid
  subtype:  amrinone__Inocor  a drug (trade name Inocor) used intravenously in heart failure; increases strength of contraction of myocardium
  subtype:  analgesic__anodyne__painkiller__pain_pill  a medicine used in to relieve pain
     subtype:  acetaminophen__Datril__Tylenol__Panadol__Phenaphen__Tempra__Anacin_III  an analgesic for mild pain; also used as an antipyretic; (Datril and Tylenol and Panadol and Phenaphen and Tempra and Anacin III are trademarks of brands of acetaminophen tablets)
     subtype:  acetanilide__acetanilid__phenylacetamide  a white crystalline compound used as an analgesic and also as an antipyretic
     subtype:  acetophenetidin__phenacetin  a white crystalline compound used as an analgesic and also as an antipyretic
     subtype:  aminopyrine__amidopyrine  a white crystalline substance used as an analgesic and antipyretic
     subtype:  aspirin__acetylsalicylic_acid__acetylsalicylicacid__Bayer__Empirin  the acetylated derivative of salicylic acid; used as an analgesic anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Bayer and Empirin) usually taken in tablet form; used as an antipyretic; slows clotting of the blood by poisoning platelets
        subtype:  aspirin_powder__aspirinpowder__headache_powder  a powdered form of aspirin
        subtype:  buffered_aspirin__Bufferin  aspirin coated with a substance capable of neutralizing acid (trade name Bufferin)
        subtype:  enteric-coated_aspirin  aspirin that is treated to pass through the stomach unaltered and to dissolve in the intestines
     subtype:  codeine  derivative of opium; used as an antitussive (to relieve coughing) and an analgesic (to relive pain)
     subtype:  colchine  an analgesic drug derived from the saffron plant and used to treat gout
     subtype:  hydromorphone_hydrochloride__hydromorphone__Dilaudid  a narcotic analgesic (trade name Dilaudid) used to treat moderate to severe pain
     subtype:  morphine__morphia  an alkaloid narcotic drug extracted from opium; a powerful, habit-forming narcotic used to relieve pain
        subtype:  apomorphine  a morphine derivative that is not as strong as morphine; used as an emetic and in small doses as a sedative
     subtype:  pentazocine__Talwin  analgesic drug (trade name Talwin) that is less addictive than morphine
     subtype:  phenazopyridine__Pyridium  analgesic (trade name Pyridium) used to treat urinary tract infections
     subtype:  propoxyphene_hydrochloride__propoxyphene__Darvon  a mildly narcotic analgesic drug (trade name Darvon) related to methadone but less addictive
     subtype:  sodium_salicylate  a crystalline salt used as an analgesic and antipyretic
  subtype:  angiogenesis_inhibitor  a drug that is designed to prevent the growth of blood vessels that nourish tumors
  subtype:  antiarrhythmic_medication__antiarrhythmic__antiarrhythmic_drug  a drug used to treat an abnormal heart rhythm
     subtype:  amiodarone__Cordarone  an antiarrhythmic drug (trade name Cordarone) that has potentially fatal side effects and is used to control serious heart rhythm problems only when safer agents have been ineffective
     subtype:  encainide__Enkaid  antiarrhythmic drug (trade name Enkaid) used to treat life-threatening arrhythmias but increases the risk of sudden death in heart attack patients
     subtype:  flecainide__Tambocor  oral antiarrhythmic medication (trade name Tambocor) used as a last resort in treating arrhythmias; increases the risk of sudden death in heart attack patients
     subtype:  mexiletine__Mexitil  antiarrhythmic drug (trade name Mexitil) used to treat ventricular arrhythmias
     subtype:  quinidine__Quinidex__Quinora  cardiac drug (trade names Quinidex and Quinora) used to treat certain heart arrhythmias
     subtype:  tocainide__Tonocard  antiarrhythmic drug (trade name Tonocard) used to treat ventricular arrhythmias when less dangerous drugs have failed
  subtype:  antibacterial_drug__antibacterialdrug__antibacterial  any drug that destroys bacteria or inhibits their growth
     subtype:  antibiotic_drug__antibiotic__wonder_drug  a chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that kills microorganisms and cures infections
        subtype:  actinomycin  any of various red antibiotics isolated from soil bacteria
        subtype:  amphotericin  an antibiotic and antifungal agent
        subtype:  antimycin  a crystalline antibiotic active against various fungi
        subtype:  antineoplastic_antibiotic  an antibiotic drug used as an antineoplastic in chemotherapy
           subtype:  mithramycin__Mithracin  an antineoplastic drug (trade name Mithracin) used to treat cancer of the testes
        subtype:  aztreonam__Azactam  an antibiotic (trade name Azactam) used against severe infections; has minimal side effects
        subtype:  bacitracin  a polypeptide antibiotic of known chemical structure effective against several types of Gram-positive organisms; usually applied locally
        subtype:  carbomycin  a colorless basic antibiotic that inhibits the growth of Gram-positive organisms
        subtype:  cephaloglycin__Kafocin  antibiotic related to cephalosporin but no longer in common use
        subtype:  cephaloridine  a broad spectrum semisynthetic antibiotic produced by modifying cephalosporin
        subtype:  cephalosporin__Mefoxin  one of several broad spectrum antibiotic substances obtained from fungi and related to penicillin (trade names Mefoxin); addition of side chains has produced semisynthetic antibiotics with greater antibacterial activity
           subtype:  cefadroxil__Ultracef  a cephalosporin antibiotic (trade name Ultracef)
           subtype:  cefoperazone__Cefobid  a parenteral cephalosporin (trade name Cefobid) used for severe infections
           subtype:  cefotaxime__Claforan  a parenteral cephalosporin (trade name Claforan) used for severe infections of the lungs or throat or ears or urinary tract
           subtype:  ceftazidime__Fortaz__Tazicef  a parenteral cephalosporin (trade names Fortaz and Tazicef) used to treat moderate infections
           subtype:  ceftriaxone__Rocephin  a parenteral cephalosporin (trade name Rocephin) used for severe infection of the lungs or throat or ears or urinary tract
           subtype:  cefuroxime__Ceftin__Zinacef  a cephalosporin that can be given parenterally (trade name Zinacef) or orally by tablets (trade name Ceftin); indicated for infections of the lungs or throat or ears or urinary tract or meninges
           subtype:  cephalexin__Keflex__Keflin__Keftab  an oral cephalosporin (trade names Keflex and Keflin and Keftab) commonly prescribe for mild to moderately severe infections of the skin or ears or throat or lungs or urinary tract
           subtype:  cephalothin  a semisynthetic analogue of cephalosporin
        subtype:  chloramphenicol__Chloromycetin  an oral antibiotic (trade name Chloromycetin) used to treat serious infections (especially typhoid fever)
        subtype:  chloroquine  an antibiotic used to treat malaria and amebic dysentery and systemic lupus erythematosus
        subtype:  chlortetracycline__Aureomycin  a yellow crystalline antibiotic (trade name Aureomycin) used to treat certain bacterial and rickettsial diseases
        subtype:  ciprofloxacin__Cipro  an oral antibiotic (trade name Cipro) used against serious bacterial infections of the skin or respiratory tract of urinary tract or bones or joints
        subtype:  cycloserine  an antibiotic that is especially active against the tubercle bacillus
        subtype:  dihydrostreptomycin  antibiotic consisting of a hydrogenated form of streptomycin; used against tuberculosis and tularemia and Gram-negative organisms
        subtype:  doxorubicin  an antibiotic used as an anticancer drug
        subtype:  doxycycline__Vibramycin  an antibiotic derived from tetracycline that is effective against many infections; "Vibramycin is the trade name of doxycycline"
        subtype:  erythromycin__Erythrocin__E-Mycin__Ethril__Ilosone__Pediamycin  an antibiotic (trade name Erythrocin or E-Mycin or Ethril or Ilosone or Pediamycin) obtained from the actinomycete Streptomyces erythreus; effective against many Gram-positive bacteria and some Gram-negative
        subtype:  gentamicin__Garamycin  an antibiotic (trade name Garamycin) that is derived from an actinomycete; used in treating infections of the urinary tract
        subtype:  gramicidin  an antibiotic produced by a soil bacterium; used chiefly as an antiseptic in treating local infections produced by Gram-positive bacteria
        subtype:  kanamycin__Kantrex__kantrex  antibiotic (trade name Kantrex) used to treat severe infections
        subtype:  lincomycin__Lincocin  antibiotic (trade name Lincocin) obtained from a Streptomyces bacterium and used in the treatment of certain penicillin-resistant infections
        subtype:  mitomycin__Mutamycin  a complex of antibiotic substances obtained from a Streptomyces bacterium; one form (trade name Mutamycin) shows promise as an anticancer drug
        subtype:  mycomycin  a highly unsaturated antibiotic acid obtained from an actinomycete
        subtype:  neomycin__fradicin__Neobiotic  an antibiotic obtained from an actinomycete and used (as a sulphate; trade name Neobiotic) as an intestinal antiseptic in surgery
        subtype:  novobiocin  an antibiotic obtained from an actinomycete and used to treat infections by gram-positive bacteria
        subtype:  nystatin__Mycostatin__Nystan  an antifungal and antibiotic (trade names Mycostatin and Nystan) discovered in New York State; derived from soil fungi actinomycetes
        subtype:  oxytetracycline_hydrochloride__oxytetracyclinehydrochloride__oxytetracycline__hydroxytetracycline__Terramycin  a yellow crystalline antibiotic (trademark Terramycin) obtained from a soil actinomycete; used to treat various bacterial and rickettsial infections
        subtype:  penicillin  any of various antibiotics obtained from penicillium molds (or produced synthetically) and used in the treatment of various infections and diseases
           subtype:  amoxicillin__amoxil__Larotid__Polymox__Trimox__Augmentin  an antibiotic (a semisynthetic oral penicillin (trade names Amoxil and Larotid and Polymox and Trimox and Augmentin)) used to treat bacterial infections
           subtype:  ampicillin__Principen__Polycillin__SK-Ampicillin  semisynthetic penicillin (trade names Principen and Polycillin and SK-Ampicillin)
           subtype:  griseofulvin__Fulvicin  a kind of penicillin (a fungicidal antibiotic with the trade name Fulvicin) produced by molds of the genus Penicillium
           subtype:  methicillin  antibiotic drug of the penicillin family used in the treatment of certain staphylococcal infections
           subtype:  penicillinase-resistant_antibiotic__penicillinaseresistantantibiotic  a form of penicillin that is not rendered inactive by penicillinase
              subtype:  nafcillin__Nafcil  a penicillinase-resistant form of penicillin (trade name Nafcil) used (usually in the form of its sodium salt) to treat infections caused by penicillin-resistant strains of staphylococci
              subtype:  oxacillin  a form of penicillin resistant to penicillinase and effective against penicillin-resistant staphylococci
           subtype:  penicillin_F  the first form of penicillin that was isolated in Great Britain
           subtype:  penicillin_G__benzylpenicillin  the penicillin that constitutes the principal component of many commercial antibiotics
           subtype:  penicillin_O  a penicillin that is similar in antibiotic action to penicillin G but is obtained differently
           subtype:  penicillin_V__phenoxymethyl_penicillin__phenoxymethylpenicillin  a crystalline penicillin similar in action to penicillin G but more resistant to the action of gastric acids
              subtype:  penicillin_V_potassium__Ledercillin_VK  a form of penicillin V (trade name Ledercillin VK)
           subtype:  piperacillin__Pipracil  a synthetic type of penicillin antibiotic (trade name Pipracil) used for moderate to severe infections
        subtype:  polymyxin  any of several toxic antibiotics obtained from a particular soil bacterium
        subtype:  Primaxin  trade name for a parenteral antibiotic
        subtype:  pyocyanase  a yellow-green mixture of antibiotics obtained from the bacillus of green pus
        subtype:  pyocyanin  a toxic blue crystalline antibiotic found in green pus
        subtype:  spectinomycin  an antibiotic used to treat gonorrhea
        subtype:  streptomycin  an antibiotic produced by the actinomycete Streptomyces griseus and used to treat tuberculosis
        subtype:  streptothricin  a basic antibiotic derived from a soil actinomycete
        subtype:  subtilin  a polypeptide antibiotic (similar to bacitracin) obtained from a soil bacterium
        subtype:  tobramycin__Nebcin  an antibiotic (trade name Nebcin) that is especially effective against gram-negative bacteria
        subtype:  tyrocidine__tyrocidin  a basic polypeptide antibiotic derived from a soil bacterium; a major component of tyrothricin
        subtype:  tyrothricin  a mixture of antibiotics applied locally to infections caused by Gram-positive bacteria
        subtype:  vancomycin__Vancocin  an antibiotic (trade name Vancocin) effective against some bacterial infections
        subtype:  viomycin__Viocin  a basic polypeptide antibiotic (trade name Viocin) administered intramuscularly (along with other drugs) in the treatment of tuberculosis
     subtype:  dapsone  antibacterial drug used to treat leprosy and some kinds of skin diseases
     subtype:  dicloxacillin__Dynapen  antibacterial (trade name Dynapen) used to treat staphylococcal infections that are resistant to penicillin
     subtype:  hexachlorophene  antibacterial substance that is a water-soluble powder used in antiseptic soaps and toothpaste
     subtype:  isoniazid__INH__Nydrazid  antibacterial drug (trade name Nydrazid) used to treat tuberculosis
     subtype:  methenamine__Mandelamine__Urex  antibacterial agent (trade names Mandelamine and Urex) that is contained in many products that are used to treat urinary infections
     subtype:  nalidixic_acid__nalidixicacid__NegGram  antibacterial agent used especially to treat genitourinary infections
     subtype:  Neosporin  trade name for a topical drug containing several antibacterials; used as an ointment for skin irritations and in the form of eyedrops for minor eye infections
     subtype:  nitrofurantoin__Macrodantin  derivative of nitrofuran used as an antibacterial medicine (trade name Macrodantin) effective against a broad range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria; used to treat infections of the urinary tract
     subtype:  rifampin__Rifadin__Rimactane  an antibacterial drug (trade names Rifadin and Rimactane) used to treat tuberculosis
     subtype:  sulfa_drug__sulfadrug__sulfa__sulpha__sulfonamide  antibacterial consisting of any of several synthetic organic compounds capable of inhibiting the growth of bacteria that require PABA
        subtype:  sulfacetamide__Sulamyd  a topical sulfonamide (trade name Sulamyd) used to treat eye infections
        subtype:  sulfadiazine  a sulfa drug used in treating meningitis and pneumonia and other infections
        subtype:  sulfamethazine__sulfamezathine  a sulfa drug used like sulfadiazine and also in veterinary medicine
        subtype:  sulfamethoxazole__Gantanol  a sulfonamide (trade name Gantanol) used to treat infections (especially infections of the urinary tract)
        subtype:  sulfanilamide  a white odorless crystalline sulfa drug; the parent compound of most of the sulfa drugs
        subtype:  sulfapyridine  sulfa drug derived from pyridine and sulfanilamide
        subtype:  sulfisoxazole__Gantrisin  a sulfonamide (trade name Gantrisin) used to treat infections of the urinary tract
        subtype:  Thiosulfil  trade name for a sulfonamide antibacterial
     subtype:  tetracycline__Achromycin  an antibiotic (trade name Achromycin) derived from microorganisms of the genus Streptomyces and used broadly to treat infections
        subtype:  demeclocycline_hydrochloride__Declomycin  tetracycline antibacterial (trade name Declomycin) effective in the treatment of some bacterial and rickettsial and other infections
        subtype:  minocycline__Minocin  tetracycline antibiotic (trade name Minocin) used to treat a variety of bacterial and rickettsial infections
     subtype:  gentian_violet__gentianviolet__crystal_violet__crystalviolet  a green crystal (violet in water) used as a dye or stain or bactericide or fungicide or anthelmintic or burn treatment
  subtype:  anticholinergic_drug__anticholinergicdrug  a substance that opposes or blocks the action of acetylcholine
     subtype:  oxyphencyclimine__Daricon__daricon  an anticholinergic drug (trade name Daricon) used in treating peptic ulcers
  subtype:  anticholinesterase  a medicine that inhibits cholinesterase by combining with it and so has a cholinergic effect
     subtype:  neostigmine__Prostigmin  a cholinergic drug (trade name Prostigmin) used to treat some ophthalmic conditions and to treat myasthenia gravis
  subtype:  anticoagulant_medication__anticoagulantmedication__anticoagulant__decoagulant  medicine that prevents or retards the clotting of blood
     subtype:  dicumarol__dicoumarol  an anticoagulant drug that has now been largely replaced by warfarin
     subtype:  heparin__lipohepin__Liquaemin  a polysaccharide produced in basophils (especially in the lung and liver) and that inhibit the activity of thrombin in coagulation of the blood; heparin sodium (trade names Lipo-Hepin and Liquaemin) is used as an anticoagulant in the treatment of thrombosis
     subtype:  warfarin__Coumadin  an anticoagulant (trade name Coumadin) use to prevent and treat a thrombus or embolus
  subtype:  anticonvulsant_drug__anticonvulsant__antiepileptic__antiepileptic_drug__antiepilepticdrug  a drug used to treat or prevent convulsions (as in epilepsy)
     subtype:  ethosuximide__Emeside__Zarontin  an anticonvulsant drug (trade names Emeside and Zarontin) used to treat petit mal epilepsy
     subtype:  hydantoin  any of a group of anticonvulsant drugs used in treating epilepsy
        subtype:  diphenylhydantoin__phenytoin__Dilantin  an anticonvulsant drug (trade name Dilantin) used to treat epilepsy and that is not a sedative
     subtype:  mephenytoin__Mesantoin  a toxic anticonvulsant drug (trade name Mesantoin) used in the treatment of epilepsy when less toxic anticonvulsants have been ineffective
     subtype:  mephobarbital__Mebaral  a long-acting crystalline barbiturate (trade name Mebaral) used as a sedative and as an anticonvulsant in the treatment of epilepsy
     subtype:  metharbital__Gemonil  anticonvulsant drug (trade name Gemonil) used in the treatment of epilepsy
     subtype:  phensuximide__Milontin  anticonvulsant (trade name Milontin) used to treat petit mal
     subtype:  primidone__Mysoline  an anticonvulsant (trade name Mysoline) used to treat grand mal seizures and essential tremor
     subtype:  valproic_acid__Depokene  anticonvulsant (trade name Depokene) used to prevent some kinds of seizures
  subtype:  antidepressant_drug__antidepressant  any of a class of drugs used to treat depression; often have undesirable side effects
     subtype:  monoamine_oxidase_inhibitor__monoamineoxidaseinhibitor__MAOI  any of a group of antidepressant drugs that inhibit the action of monoamine oxidase in the brain and so allow monoamines to accumulate
        subtype:  iproclozid  an antidepressant drug that acts as a monoamine oxidase inhibitor
        subtype:  isocarboxazid__Marplan  a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (trade name Marplan) that is used to treat clinical depression
        subtype:  phenelzine__Nardil  monoamine oxidase inhibitor (trade name Nardil) used to treat clinical depression
        subtype:  tranylcypromine  an antidepressant drug that is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor; administered as a sulfate
     subtype:  nefazodone__Serzone  an antidepressant drug (trade name Serzone)
     subtype:  nontricyclic_antidepressant_drug__nontricyclic__nontricyclic_drug__nontricyclic_antidepressant  a class of antidepressant drugs that are not tricyclic drugs and do not act by inhibiting MAO
        subtype:  trazodone_hydrochloride__trazodone__Desyrel  oral antidepressant (trade name Desyrel) that is a nontricyclic drug used as a sedative
     subtype:  reboxetine__Edronax__edronax  an antidepressant drug that blocks the reuptake of norepinephrine
     subtype:  selective-serotonin_reuptake_inhibitor__SSRI  an antidepressant drug that acts by blocking the reuptake of serotonin so that more serotonin is available to act on receptors in the brain
        subtype:  fluoxetine__Prozac  a selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor commonly prescribed as an antidepressant (trade name Prozac)
        subtype:  paroxetime__Paxil  a selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor commonly prescribed as an antidepressant (trade name Paxil)
        subtype:  sertraline__Zoloft  a selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor commonly prescribed as an antidepressant (trade name Zoloft)
     subtype:  tricyclic_antidepressant_drug__tricyclic__tricyclic_antidepressant__tricyclicantidepressant  an antidepressant drug that acts by blocking the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin and thus making more of those substances available to act on receptors in the brain
        subtype:  amitriptyline_hydrochloride__amitriptylinehydrochloride__amitriptyline__Elavil  a tricyclic antidepressant drug (trade name Elavil) with serious side effects; interacts with many other medications
        subtype:  clomipramine  a tricyclic antidepressant drug
        subtype:  despiramine  a tricyclic antidepressant drug that activates the psychomotor system
        subtype:  doxepin_hydrochloride__doxepinhydrochloride__doxepin__Adapin__Sinequan  a tricyclic antidepressant (trade names Adapin and Sinequan) with numerous side effects (dry mouth and sedation and gastrointestinal disturbances)
        subtype:  imipramine__impramine_hydrochloride__impraminehydrochloride__Imavate__Tofranil  a tricyclic antidepressant (trade names Imavate and Tofranil) used to treat clinical depression
        subtype:  nortriptyline__Pamelor  a tricyclic antidepressant drug (trade name Pamelor) used along with psychotherapy to treat dysthymic depression; may interact dangerously if taken with other drugs
        subtype:  noxiptiline  a tricyclic antidepressant drug
        subtype:  protriptyline  tricyclic antidepressant used to treat clinical depression
        subtype:  trimipramine__Surmontil  tricyclic antidepressant drug (trade name Surmontil) used to treat depression and anxiety and (sometimes) insomnia
     subtype:  maleate  a salt or ester of maleic acid; used as a nontricyclic antidepressant drug for psychomotor activation
  subtype:  antidiabetic_drug__antidiabetic  a drug used to treat diabetes mellitus
     subtype:  glipzide__Glucotrol  an oral antidiabetic drug (trade name Glucotrol) that stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreas
     subtype:  glyburide__DiaBeta__Micronase  an oral antidiabetic drug (trade names DiaBeta and Micronase) that stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreas
     subtype:  sulfonylurea  antidiabetic consisting of any of several drugs that reduce the level of glucose in the blood; used to treat diabetes mellitus
        subtype:  tolazamide__Tolinase  a drug (trade name Tolinase) used in treating stable adult-onset diabetes mellitus
        subtype:  tolbutamide__Orinase  sulfonylurea; an oral antidiabetic drug (trade name Orinase) used in the treatment of adult-onset diabetes mellitus
  subtype:  antidiarrheal_drug__antidiarrhealdrug__antidiarrheal  a drug used to control or stop diarrhea
     subtype:  Kaopectate  trade name for a fixed-combination antidiarrheal drug that use kaolin as the adsorbent and pectin as the emollient
     subtype:  Lomotil  trade name of an antidiarrheal
  subtype:  antidiuretic_drug__antidiuretic  a drug that limits the formation of urine
     subtype:  lypressin  an antidiuretic and vasoconstrictor used to treat diabetes insipidus
  subtype:  antiemetic_drug__antiemetic  a drug that prevents or alleviates nausea and vomiting
     subtype:  dimenhydrinate__Dramamine  antihistamine and antiemetic (trade name Dramamine) used to treat motion sickness
     subtype:  Emetrol  trade name for an antiemetic drug that has a mint flavor
     subtype:  prochlorperazine  antipsychotic and antiemetic drug used to treat schizophrenia and to combat nausea and vomiting
     subtype:  promethazine__Phenergan  antihistamine (trade name Phenergan) used to treat allergies; also an antiemetic used to treat motion sickness
  subtype:  antihistamine  a medicine used to treat allergies and hypersensitive reactions and colds; works by counteracting the effects of histamine on a receptor site
     subtype:  Actifed  trade name for a drug containing an antihistamine and a decongestant; used to treat upper respiratory conditions and minor allergies
     subtype:  brompheniramine_maleate__brompheniraminemaleate__Dimetane  antihistamine (trade name Dimetane) used to treat hypersensitivity reactions (as rhinitis)
     subtype:  chlorpheniramine_maleate__Coricidin__Chlor-Trimeton  an antihistamine (trade names Coricidin and Chlor-Trimeton)
     subtype:  cyproheptadine__Periactin  an antihistamine (trade name Periactin) used to treat some allergic reactions
     subtype:  dimenhydrinate__Dramamine  antihistamine and antiemetic (trade name Dramamine) used to treat motion sickness
     subtype:  Dimetapp  trade name for a drug containing an antihistamine and a decongestant; used to relieve nasal congestion and to treat rhinitis
     subtype:  diphenhydramine__Benadryl  antihistamine (trade name Benadryl) used to treat allergic reactions involving the nasal passages (hay fever) and also to treat motion sickness
     subtype:  meclizine_hydrochloride__meclizinehydrochloride__meclizine__Antivert  an antihistamine (trade name Antivert) used to treat or prevent motion sickness
     subtype:  methapyrilene  antihistamine used to treat allergic responses (as rhinitis or dermatitis or pruritus)
     subtype:  pheniramine  an antihistamine used in preparations to treat allergies and respiratory infections; used to treat rhinitis and skin rashes and pruritus
     subtype:  phenyltoloxamine  antihistamine included in some preparations used to treat coughing and nasal congestion
     subtype:  promethazine__Phenergan  antihistamine (trade name Phenergan) used to treat allergies; also an antiemetic used to treat motion sickness
     subtype:  pyrilamine  antihistamine used to treat rhinitis and pruritus
  subtype:  antihypertensive_drug__antihypertensive  a drug that reduces high blood pressure
     subtype:  ACE_inhibitor__angiotensin_converting_enzyme_inhibitor  antihypertensive drug that blocks the formation of angiotensin in the kidney, leading to relaxation of the arteries; promotes the excretion of salt and water by inhibiting the activity of the angiotensin converting enzyme; also administered after uncomplicated heart attacks
        subtype:  captopril__Capoten  a drug (trade name Capoten) that blocks the formation of angiotensin in the kidneys resulting in vasodilation; used in the treatment of hypertension and congestive heart failure
        subtype:  enalapril__Vasotec  an ACE inhibitor (trade name Vasotec) that blocks the formation of angiotensin in the kidney and so results in vasodilation; administered after heart attacks
        subtype:  lisinopril__Prinivil__Zestril  an ACE inhibiting drug (trade names Prinivil or Zestril) administered as an antihypertensive and after heart attacks
     subtype:  chlorothiazide__Diuril  a diuretic drug (trade name Diuril) used in the treatment of edema and hypertension
     subtype:  clonidine__Catapres  an antihypertensive (trade name Catapres) that can be administered orally or via transdermal patches
     subtype:  guanabenz__Wytensin  antihypertensive drug (trade name Wytensin) that reduces blood pressure by its effect on the central nervous system
     subtype:  hydralazine__Apresoline  an antihypertensive drug (trade name Apresoline) that dilates blood vessels; used (often with a diuretic) to treat hypertension and congestive heart failure
     subtype:  labetalol_hydrochloride__labetalolhydrochloride__labetalol__Trandate__Normodyne  antihypertensive drug (trade names Trandate and Normodyne) that blocks alpha and beta-adrenergic receptors of the sympathetic nervous system (leading to a decrease in blood pressure)
     subtype:  Maxzide  trade name for an antihypertensive drug containing hydrochlorothiazide and another diuretic
     subtype:  methyldopa__alpha_methyl_dopa__Aldomet  antihypertensive drug (trade name Aldomet) used in the treatment of high blood pressure
     subtype:  prazosin__Minipress  antihypertensive drug (trade name Minipress)
     subtype:  reserpine__Raudixin__Rau-Sed__Sandril__Serpasil  antihypertensive consisting of an alkaloid extracted from the plant Rauwolfia serpentina (trade names Raudixin or Rau-Sed or Sandril or Serpasil)
     subtype:  Tenoretic  trade name for an antihypertensive drug consisting of a fixed combination of atenolol and a diuretic
     subtype:  terazosin__Hytrin  antihypertensive drug (trade name Hytrin) used to treat high blood pressure
     subtype:  spironolactone__Aldactone  a synthetic corticosteroid (trade name Aldactone) used to treat hypertension
  subtype:  anti-inflammatory_drug__anti-inflammatory  a medicine intended to reduce inflammation
     subtype:  Cox-2_inhibitor  an anti-inflammatory drug that blocks Cox-2 activity without impeding the activity of Cox-1; "Cox-2 inhibitors reduce the symptoms of arthritis without endangering the stomach and kidneys"
        subtype:  celecoxib__Celebrex  a Cox-2 inhibitor (trade name Celebrex) that relieves pain without harming the digestive tract
        subtype:  rofecoxib__Vioxx  a Cox-2 inhibitor (trade name Vioxx) that relieves pain without harming the digestive tract
     subtype:  hydroxychloroquine__Plaquenil  anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Plaquenil) used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and malaria and lupus erythematosus
     subtype:  nonsteroidal_anti-inflammatory_drug__nonsteroidal_anti-inflammatory__NSAID  an anti-inflammatory drug that does not contain steroids; "NSAIDs inhibit the activity of both Cox-1 and Cox-2 enzymes"
        subtype:  diclofenac_potassium__Cataflam  a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Cataflam)
        subtype:  diclofenac_sodium__Voltaren  a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Voltaren) that is administered only orally
        subtype:  diflunisal__Dolobid  nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (trade name Dolobid) used to treat arthritis and other inflammatory conditions
        subtype:  etodolac__Lodine  a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Lodine)
        subtype:  fenoprofen_calcium__fenoprofen__Nalfon  a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Nalfon) used in the treatment of arthritis and other painful inflammatory disorders
        subtype:  flurbiprofen__Ansaid  a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Ansaid) that is administered only orally
        subtype:  ibuprofen__isobutylphenylpropionicacid__Advil__Motrin__Nuprin  a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine (trade names Advil and Motrin and Nuprin) used to relieve the pain of arthritis and as an analgesic and antipyretic
        subtype:  indomethacin__Indocin__indocin  a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Indocin)
        subtype:  ketoprofen__Orudis__Orudis_KT__Oruvail  nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Orudis or Orudis KT or Oruvail)
        subtype:  ketorolac__Torodal  nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (trade name Torodal) that is given only orally
        subtype:  ketorolac_tromethamine__ketorolactromethamine__Acular__Toradol  nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Acular and Toradol) that is administered only intramuscularly
        subtype:  meclofenamate_sodium__meclofenamatesodium__meclofenamate__Meclomen  a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (trade name Meclomen) used to treat arthritis
        subtype:  mefenamic_acid__mefenamicacid__Ponstel  a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug (trade name Ponstel) used to treat mild pain (especially menstrual cramps)
        subtype:  nabumetone__Relafen  a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Relafen)
        subtype:  naproxen__Naprosyn  a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Naprosyn) used in the treatment of arthritis and musculoskeletal inflammation and moderate pain
        subtype:  naproxen_sodium__Aleve__Anaprox__Aflaxen  a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trademarks Aleve and Anaprox and Aflaxen)
        subtype:  oxaprozin__Daypro  a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Daypro)
        subtype:  piroxicam__Feldene  a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Feldene) used to treat arthritis and other inflammatory conditions
        subtype:  sulindac__Clinoril  a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Clinoril)
        subtype:  tolmetin_sodium__Tolectin  a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Tolectin)
        subtype:  salicylate  a salt of salicylic acid (included in several commonly used drugs)
           subtype:  aspirin__acetylsalicylic_acid__acetylsalicylicacid__Bayer__Empirin  the acetylated derivative of salicylic acid; used as an analgesic anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Bayer and Empirin) usually taken in tablet form; used as an antipyretic; slows clotting of the blood by poisoning platelets
           subtype:  methyl_salicylate__birch_oil__sweet-birch_oil  a liquid ester with a strong odor of wintergreen; applied externally for minor muscle and joint pain
           subtype:  salol__phenylsalicylate  a white powder with a pleasant taste and odor; used to absorb light in sun tan lotions or as a preservative or an antiseptic or a coating for pills in which the medicine is intended for enteric release
     subtype:  oxyphenbutazone__Tandearil  an anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Tandearil) used to treat arthritis and bursitis
     subtype:  phenylbutazone__Butazolidin  anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Butazolidin)
     subtype:  prednisolone__Pediapred__Prelone  a glucocorticoid (trade names Pediapred or Prelone) used to treat inflammatory conditions
     subtype:  prednisone__Orasone__Deltasone__Liquid_pred__Meticorten  a dehydrogenated analogue of cortisol (trade names Orasone or Deltasone or Liquid Pred or Meticorten); used as an anti-inflammatory drug in the treatment of arthritis and as an immunosuppressant
     subtype:  dexamethasone__Decadron__Dexamethasone_Intensol__Dexone__Hexadrol__Oradexon  a corticosteroid drug (trade names Decadron or Dexamethasone Intensol or Dexone or Hexadrol or Oradexon) used to treat allergies or inflammation
  subtype:  antiprotozoal_drug__antiprotozoaldrug__antiprotozoal  a medicinal drug used to fight diseases (like malaria) that are caused by protozoa
     subtype:  antimalarial_drug__antimalarial  a medicinal drug used to prevent or treat malaria
        subtype:  primaquine  synthetic antimalarial drug
        subtype:  quinacrine_hydrochloride__quinacrine__mepacrine__Atabrine  a drug (trade name Atabrine) used to treat certain worm infestations and once used to treat malaria
        subtype:  quinine  a bitter alkaloid extracted from chinchona bark; used in malaria therapy
     subtype:  metronidazole__Flagyl  antiprotozoal medication (trade name Flagyl) used to treat trichomoniasis and giardiasis
  subtype:  antipyretic__febrifuge  any medicine that lowers body temperature to prevent or alleviate fever
  subtype:  antiseptic  a substance that destroys micro-organisms that carry disease without harming body tissues
     subtype:  chloramine-T__chloramine  any of several compounds containing chlorine and nitrogen; used as an antiseptic in wounds
     subtype:  chlorhexidine  a long-lasting liquid antiseptic; used by surgeons to wash their hands before performing surgery
     subtype:  gramicidin  an antibiotic produced by a soil bacterium; used chiefly as an antiseptic in treating local infections produced by Gram-positive bacteria
     subtype:  triiodomethane__iodoform  a yellowish crystalline solid with a penetrating odor; sometimes used as an antiseptic dressing
     subtype:  merbromine__Mercurochrome  a mercurial compound applied topically as an antiseptic; Mercurochrome is the trademark
     subtype:  mild_silver_protein__Argyrol  antiseptic consisting of a compound of protein and silver (trade name Argyrol)
     subtype:  neomycin__fradicin__Neobiotic  an antibiotic obtained from an actinomycete and used (as a sulphate; trade name Neobiotic) as an intestinal antiseptic in surgery
     subtype:  thimerosal__sodium_ethylmercurithiosalicylate__Merthiolate  a light-colored crystalline powder (trade name Merthiolate) used as a surgical antiseptic
     subtype:  tincture_of_iodine__iodine  a tincture consisting of a solution of iodine in ethyl alcohol; applied topically to wounds as an antiseptic
  subtype:  antispasmodic_agent__antispasmodicagent__antispasmodic__spasmolytic  a drug used to relieve or prevent spasms (especially of the smooth muscles)
     subtype:  atropine  a poisonous crystalline alkaloid extracted from the nightshade family; used as an antispasmodic and to dilate the eye pupil
        subtype:  belladonna  an alkaloidal extract or tincture of the poisonous belladonna herb that is used medicinally
  subtype:  antitussive  any medicine used to suppress or relieve coughing
     subtype:  codeine  derivative of opium; used as an antitussive (to relieve coughing) and an analgesic (to relive pain)
  subtype:  antiviral_agent__antiviralagent__antiviral  any drug that destroys viruses
     subtype:  interferon  an antiviral protein produced by cells that have been invaded by a virus; inhibits replication of the virus
     subtype:  ribavirin__Virazole  an inhaled antiviral agent (trade name Virazole) that may be used to treat serious virus infections
  subtype:  APC  a drug combination found in some over-the-counter headache remedies (Aspirin and Phenacetin and Caffeine)
  subtype:  astringent_drug__astringent__styptic  a drug that causes contraction of body tissues and canals
     subtype:  alum  a double sulphate of aluminum and potassium that is used as an astringent (among other things)
  subtype:  atomic_cocktail  an oral dose of radioactive substance used in treatment and diagnosis of cancer
  subtype:  azathioprine__Imuran  an immunosuppressive drug (trade name Imuran) used to prevent rejection of a transplanted organ
  subtype:  azidothymidine__AZT__zidovudine  an antiviral drug used in the treatment of AIDS; adverse side effects include liver damage and suppression of the bone marrow
  subtype:  blocking_agent__blocker  a class of drugs that inhibit (block) some biological process
     subtype:  alpha_blocker__alphablocker__alpha-blocker__alphablocker__alpha-adrenergic_blocker__alpha-adrenergic_blocking_agent  any of various drugs that block alpha-adrenergic receptors; used in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia; relaxes the muscles of the prostate and bladder
        subtype:  prazosin__Minipress  antihypertensive drug (trade name Minipress)
        subtype:  terazosin__Hytrin  antihypertensive drug (trade name Hytrin) used to treat high blood pressure
     subtype:  beta_blocker__beta-adrenergic_blocker__beta-adrenergic_blocking_agent  any of various drugs used in treating hypertension or arrhythmia; decreases force and rate of heart contractions by blocking beta-adrenergic receptors of the autonomic nervous system
        subtype:  acebutolol__Sectral  an oral beta blocker (trade name Sectral) used in treating hypertension
        subtype:  atenolol__Tenormin  an oral beta blocker (trade name Tenormin) used in treating hypertension and angina; has adverse side effects (depression and exacerbation of congestive heart failure etc.)
        subtype:  carvedilol  beta blocker that can reduce the progression of heart failure in individuals whose disease is not advanced
        subtype:  esmolol__Brevibloc  intravenous beta blocker (trade name Brevibloc) that acts for only a short time; used primarily for cardiac arrhythmias
        subtype:  metoprolol__Lopressor  beta blocker (trade name Lopressor) used in treating hypertension and angina and arrhythmia and acute myocardial infarction; has adverse side effects (depression and exacerbation of congestive heart failure etc.)
        subtype:  nadolol__Corgard  a beta-adrenergic blocking agent (trade name Corgard) that is used to treat hypertension and angina
        subtype:  pindolol__Visken  an oral beta blocker (trade name Visken) used in treating hypertension
        subtype:  propanolol__Inderal  the first beta blocker (trade name Inderal) used in treating hypertension and angina pectoris and essential tremor
        subtype:  timolol__Blocadren  a beta blocker (trade name Blocadren) administered after heart attacks
     subtype:  labetalol_hydrochloride__labetalolhydrochloride__labetalol__Trandate__Normodyne  antihypertensive drug (trade names Trandate and Normodyne) that blocks alpha and beta-adrenergic receptors of the sympathetic nervous system (leading to a decrease in blood pressure)
     subtype:  neuromuscular_blocking_agent  a substance that interferes with the neural transmission between motor neurons and skeletal muscles
        subtype:  gallamine__Flaxedil  neuromuscular blocking agent (trade name Flaxedil) used as a muscle relaxant in the administration of anesthesia
        subtype:  tubocurarine__curare  a toxic alkaloid found in certain tropical South American trees that is a powerful relaxant for striated muscles; used by South American indians as an arrow poison; "curare acts by blocking cholinergic transmission at the myoneural junction"
  subtype:  bronchodilator  a drug that relaxes and dilates the bronchial passageways and improves the passages of air into the lungs
     subtype:  albuterol__Ventolin__Proventil  a bronchodilator (trade names Ventolin or Proventil) used for asthma and emphysema and other lung conditions; available in oral or inhalant forms; side effects are tachycardia and shakiness
     subtype:  aminophylline__theophylline__Elixophyllin__Slo-Bid__Theobid  a bronchodilator (trade names Elixophyllin and Slo-Bid and Theobid) used to treat asthma and bronchitis and emphysema
     subtype:  ipratropium_bromide__Atrovent  an inhaled bronchodilator (trade name Atrovent)
     subtype:  metaproterenol__Alupent  a bronchodilator (trade name Alupent) used to treat asthma and emphysema and other lung conditions; available in oral or inhalant forms; side effects include tachycardia and shakiness
     subtype:  ephedrine  white odorless powdered or crystalline alkaloid from plants of the genus Ephedra (especially Ephedra sinica) or made synthetically; used as a bronchodilator to treat bronchitis and asthma
  subtype:  calcium_blocker__calciumblocker__calcium-channel_blocker__calciumchannelblocker  any of a class of drugs that block the flow of the electrolyte calcium (either in nerve cell conduction or smooth muscle contraction (of the heart)); has been used in the treatment of angina or arrhythmia or hypertension or migraine
     subtype:  diltiazem__Cardizem  a calcium blocker (trade name Cardizem) used in treating hypertension or angina or heart failure
     subtype:  nifedipine__Procardia  calcium blocker (trade name Procardia); appears to increase the risk of recurrent heart attacks
     subtype:  verapamil__Calan__Isoptin  a drug (trade names Calan and Isoptin) used as an oral or parenteral calcium blocker in cases of hypertension or congestive heart failure or angina or migraine
  subtype:  carminative  medication that prevents the formation of gas in the alimentary tract or eases its passing
  subtype:  clofibrate__Atromid-S  a drug (trade name Atromid-S) that reduces lipids in the blood serum; used to treat some cardiovascular diseases
  subtype:  cold_medicine  medicine intended to relieve the symptoms of the common cold
  subtype:  counterirritant  a medicine applied locally to produce superficial inflammation in order to reduce deeper inflammation
  subtype:  cytotoxic_drug__cytotoxicdrug  any drug that has a toxic effect on cells; commonly used in chemotherapy to inhibit the proliferation of cancerous cells
     subtype:  antineoplastic_drug__antineoplastic__cancer_drug  any of several drugs that control or kill neoplastic cells; used in chemotherapy to kill cancer cells; all have unpleasant side effects that may include nausea and vomiting and hair loss and suppression of bone marrow function
        subtype:  alkalating_agent  an antineoplastic drug used to treat some forms of cancer
           subtype:  chlorambucil__Leukeran  an alkalating agent (trade name Leukeran) used to treat some kinds of cancer
        subtype:  antimetabolite  an antineoplastic drug that inhibits the utilization of a metabolite
           subtype:  fluorouracil  an antimetabolite used to treat certain cancers
           subtype:  mercaptopurine__Purinethol  a drug (trade name Purinethol) that interferes with the metabolism of purine and is used to treat acute lymphocytic leukemia
           subtype:  methotrexate_sodium__methotrexate__amethopterin  toxic antimetabolite that limits cellular reproduction by acting as an antagonist to folic acid; used to treat certain cancers and psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis
        subtype:  antineoplastic_antibiotic  an antibiotic drug used as an antineoplastic in chemotherapy
        subtype:  asparaginase__Elspar  antineoplastic drug (trade name Elspar) sometimes used to treat lymphoblastic leukemia
        subtype:  floxuridine  antineoplastic drug used to treat some cancers; can cause loss of hair
        subtype:  lomustine  an antineoplastic drug often used to treat brain tumors or Hodgkin's disease
        subtype:  melphalan__Alkeran  antineoplastic drug (trade name Alkeran) used to treat multiple myeloma and some other malignancies
        subtype:  periwinkle_plant_derivative  an antineoplastic drug used to treat some forms of cancer
           subtype:  vinblastine__Velban  periwinkle plant derivative used as an antineoplastic drug (trade name Velban) that disrupts cell division
           subtype:  vincristine__Oncovin  periwinkle plant derivative used as an antineoplastic drug (trade name Oncovin); used to treat cancer of the lymphatic system
        subtype:  procarbazine  an antineoplastic drug used to treat Hodgkin's disease
        subtype:  thioguanine  an antineoplastic drug used to treat acute leukemias
        subtype:  thiotepa  an antineoplastic drug used to treat certain malignancies
  subtype:  decongestant  a drug that decreases pulmonary congestion
     subtype:  nasal_decongestant__nasaldecongestant  a decongestant that provides temporary relief of nasal symptoms of the common cold and rhinitis and upper respiratory infections
        subtype:  Actifed  trade name for a drug containing an antihistamine and a decongestant; used to treat upper respiratory conditions and minor allergies
        subtype:  Dimetapp  trade name for a drug containing an antihistamine and a decongestant; used to relieve nasal congestion and to treat rhinitis
        subtype:  naphazoline__Privine__Sudafed  vasoconstrictor (trade names Privine and Sudafed) used in nasal sprays to treat symptoms of nasal congestion and in eyedrops to treat eye irritation
  subtype:  demulcent  a medication (in the form of an oil or salve etc.) that soothes inflamed or injured skin
  subtype:  diaphoretic  used to produce perspiration
  subtype:  disulfiram__Antabuse  a drug (trade name Antabuse) used in the treatment of alcoholism; causes nausea and vomiting if alcohol is ingested
  subtype:  dose  a measured portion of medicine taken at any one time
     subtype:  booster_dose__boosterdose__booster__booster_shot__boostershot__recall_dose  an additional dose that makes sure the first dose was effective
     subtype:  draft.dose__draught  a dose of liquid medicine; "he took a sleeping draft"
     subtype:  hit.dose  a dose of a narcotic drug
     subtype:  lethal_dose  the size dose that will cause death
     subtype:  pill.dose__lozenge__tablet  a dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet
        subtype:  bolus__bolu  a large pill; used especially in veterinary medicine
        subtype:  capsule  a pill in the form of a small rounded container with medicine inside
        subtype:  dragee  pill that is a sugar-coated medicated candy
        subtype:  sleeping_pill__sleeping_tablet__sleeping_capsule__sleeping_draught  a soporific drug in the form of a pill (or tablet or capsule)
        subtype:  vitamin_pill__vitaminpill  a pill containing one or more vitamins; taken as a dietary supplement
           subtype:  multivitamin_pill__multivitamin  a pill or tablet containing several vitamins
  subtype:  Drixoral  the trade name for a drug used to treat upper respirator congestion; it contains an antihistamine and a bronchodilator and a vasoconstrictor
  subtype:  emetic__vomit__vomitive__nauseant  a medicine that induces nausea and vomiting
     subtype:  ipecac  a medicinal drug used to evoke vomiting (especially in cases of drug overdose or poisoning)
  subtype:  expectorant__expectorator  a medicine promoting expectoration
     subtype:  Robitussin  trade name of an expectorant that loosens phlegm and makes it easier to cough up
  subtype:  fixed-combination_drug__fixedcombinationdrug  drug containing fixed amounts of two or more ingredients
  subtype:  gemfibrozil__Lopid  medication (trade name Lopid) used to lower the levels of triglyceride in the blood
  subtype:  hematinic__haematinic  a medicine that increases the hemoglobin content of the blood; used to treat iron-deficiency anemia
  subtype:  histamine_blocker__histamineblocker  a medicine used to treat the gastric effects of histamine in cases of peptic ulcers and gastritis and gastroesophageal reflux; works by blocking the effects of histamine on the receptor site known as H2
     subtype:  cimetidine__Tagamet  a drug (trade name Tagamet) used to treat peptic ulcers by decreasing the secretion of stomach acid
     subtype:  famotidine__Pepcid  a histamine blocker (trade name Pepcid) used to treat peptic ulcers and gastritis and esophageal reflux
     subtype:  ranitidine__Zantac  a histamine blocker and antacid (trade name Zantac) used to treat peptic ulcers and gastritis and esophageal reflux
  subtype:  immunosuppressant__immunosuppressive_drug__immunosuppressivedrug__immune_suppressant_drug  a drug that lowers the body's normal immune response
     subtype:  mercaptopurine__Purinethol  a drug (trade name Purinethol) that interferes with the metabolism of purine and is used to treat acute lymphocytic leukemia
     subtype:  methotrexate_sodium__methotrexate__amethopterin  toxic antimetabolite that limits cellular reproduction by acting as an antagonist to folic acid; used to treat certain cancers and psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis
  subtype:  inhalant  a medication to be taken by inhalation
  subtype:  isoproterenol__Isuprel  drug (trade name Isuprel) used to treat bronchial asthma and to stimulate the heart
  subtype:  isosorbide__Isordil__isordil  drug (trade name Isordil) used to treat angina pectoris and congestive heart failure
  subtype:  lipid-lowering_medicine__lipid-lowering_medication__statin_drug__statin  a medicine that lowers blood cholesterol levels by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase
     subtype:  atorvastatin__Lipitor  an oral drug (trade name Lipitor) that is effective in lowering triglycerides; potent in reducing LDL cholesterol because higher doses can be given
     subtype:  cerivastatin__Baycol  an oral drug (trade name Baycol) to reduce blood cholesterol levels
     subtype:  fluvastatin__Lescol  least expensive statin drug (trade name Lescol); usually taken orally at bedtime
     subtype:  lovastatin__Mevacor  an oral drug (trade name Mevacor) to reduce blood cholesterol levels; used when dietary changes have proved inadequate
     subtype:  pravastatin__Pravachol  an oral drug (trade name Pravachol) administered to reduce blood cholesterol levels; recommended after nonfatal heart attacks
     subtype:  simvastatin__Zocor  an oral lipid-lowering medicine (trade name Zocor) administered to reduce blood cholesterol levels; recommended after heart attacks
  subtype:  methacholine__Mecholyl  parasympathomimetic drug (trademark Mecholyl) that stimulates secretions and smooth muscle activity
  subtype:  nux_vomica__nuxvomica  a medicine made from the seeds of an Asiatic tree; contains strychnine and brucine; formerly used as a stimulant
  subtype:  over-the-counter_drug__over-the-counter_medicine  a drug that is sold without a prescription
  subtype:  oxytocic_drug__oxytocic  a drug that induces labor by stimulating contractions of the muscles of the uterus
  subtype:  paregoric__camphoratedtinctureofopium  medicine used to treat diarrhea
  subtype:  patent_medicine  medicine that is protected by a patent and available without a doctor's prescription
     subtype:  nostrum  patent medicine whose efficacy is questionable
  subtype:  penicillamine__Cuprimine  a drug (trade name Cuprimine) used to treat heavy metal poisoning and Wilson's disease and severe arthritis
  subtype:  pentylenetetrazol__pentamethylenetetrazol__Metrazol  a drug used as a circulatory and respiratory stimulant; larger doses cause convulsions in shock therapy; Metrazol is a trademark
  subtype:  pharmaceutical  drug or medicine that is prepared or dispensed in pharmacies and used in medical treatment
     subtype:  radiopharmaceutical  pharmaceutical consisting of a radioactive compound used in radiation therapy
     subtype:  thrombolytic_agent__thrombolytic__clot_buster  a kind of pharmaceutical that can break up clots blocking the flow of blood to the heart muscle
        subtype:  tissue_plasminogen_activator__Activase  a thrombolytic agent (trade name Activase) that causes fibrinolysis at the site of a blood clot; used in treating acute myocardial infarction
  subtype:  placebo.medicament  an innocuous or inert medication; given as a pacifier or to the control group in experiments on the efficacy of a drug
     subtype:  active_placebo  a placebo used in experimental tests of a drug that has noticeable side effects; "an active placebo mimics the side effects of the experimental drug"
  subtype:  poultice__cataplasm__plaster  medicine consisting of a soft heated mass of meal or clay that is spread on a cloth and applied to the skin to treat inflamed areas or improve circulation etc.
     subtype:  mustard_plaster__mustardplaster__sinapism  a plaster containing powdered black mustard; applied to the skin as a counterirritant or rubefacient
  subtype:  powder.toiletry  any of various cosmetic or medical preparations dispensed in the form of a powder
     subtype:  araroba__Goa_powder__chrysarobin  a bitter yellow powder used to treat skin diseases
     subtype:  aspirin_powder__aspirinpowder__headache_powder  a powdered form of aspirin
     subtype:  baby_powder  powder used to prevent a baby's diaper from chafing
     subtype:  Dover's_powder  a medicinal powder made essentially of ipecac and opium, formerly used to relieve pain and induce perspiration
     subtype:  face_powder  cosmetic powder for the face
     subtype:  toilet_powder__bath_powder__dusting_powder__dustingpowder  a fine powder for spreading on the body (as after bathing)
        subtype:  talcum_powder__talcum  a toilet powder made of purified talc and usually scented; absorbs excess moisture
  subtype:  prescription_drug__prescription__prescription_medicine__ethical_drug__ethicaldrug  a drug that is available only with written instructions from a doctor or dentist to a pharmacist; "he told the doctor that he had been taking his prescription regularly"
     subtype:  refill.prescription_drug  a prescription drug that is provided again; "he got a refill of his prescription"; "the prescription specified only one refill"
  subtype:  probenecid  drug that reduces the level of uric acid in the blood; used to treat gout
  subtype:  purgative__cathartic__physic__aperient  a purging medicine; stimulates evacuation of the bowels
     subtype:  bitter_aloes__aloes__aloe  a purgative made from the leaves of aloe
     subtype:  castor_oil  a purgative extracted from the seed of the castor plant; used in paint and varnish as well as medically
     subtype:  Epsom_salts  hydrated magnesium sulfate used as a laxative
     subtype:  laxative  a mild cathartic
        subtype:  phenolphthalein  a laxative used in many preparations under various trade names; also used as an acid-base indicator in titrations involving weak acids and strong bases because it is brilliant red at high alkalinity and colorless below pH 8
     subtype:  milk_of_magnesia__magnesium_hydroxide__magnesiumhydroxide  purgative consisting of a milky white liquid suspension of magnesium hydroxide; used as a laxative and (in smaller doses) as an antacid
     subtype:  Seidlitz_powder__Seidlitz_powders__Rochelle_powder  an effervescing salt containing sodium bicarbonate and Rochelle salt and tartaric acid
  subtype:  remedy__curative__cure  a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve pain
     subtype:  acoustic  a remedy for hearing loss or deafness
     subtype:  antidote__counterpoison  a remedy that stops or controls the effects of a poison
     subtype:  lenitive  remedy that eases pain and discomfort
     subtype:  lotion.remedy__application  liquid preparation having a soothing or antiseptic or medicinal action when applied to the skin; "a lotion for dry skin"
        subtype:  calamine_lotion  a lotion consisting of a liquid preparation containing calamine; used to treat itching or mild skin irritations
        subtype:  eye-lotion__eyelotion__eyewash  lotion consisting of a solution used as a cleanser for the eyes
        subtype:  liniment__embrocation  a medicinal liquid that is rubbed into the skin to relieve muscular stiffness and pain
        subtype:  menthol  a lotion containing menthol which gives it a mint flavoring
        subtype:  rubbing_alcohol__rubbingalcohol  lotion consisting of a poisonous solution of isopropyl alcohol or denatured ethanol alcohol for external use
        subtype:  witch_hazel__wych_hazel  lotion consisting of an astringent alcoholic solution containing an extract from the witch hazel plant
     subtype:  magic_bullet__magicbullet  remedy (a drug or therapy or preventive) that cures or prevents a disease: "there is no magic bullet against cancer"
     subtype:  unction__ointment__unguent__balm__salve  semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation
        subtype:  arnica  an ointment used in treating bruises
        subtype:  baby_oil  an ointment for babies
        subtype:  balsam.unction  a fragrant ointment containing a balsam resin
        subtype:  carron_oil  an ointment formerly used to treat burns
        subtype:  cerate  a hard medicated paste made of lard or oil mixed with wax or resin
           subtype:  camphor_ice  a cerate made of camphor and wax and spermaceti and castor oil
        subtype:  chrism__chrisom__sacramental_oil__sacramentaloil__holy_oil  a consecrated ointment consisting of a mixture of oil and balsam
        subtype:  lip_balm__lipbalm  a balm applied to the lips
        subtype:  mentholated_salve__mentholatedsalve  a salve containing menthol
        subtype:  mercurial_ointment__mercurialointment  an ointment containing mercury
        subtype:  zinc_ointment  an ointment containing zinc that is used to treat certain skin diseases
     subtype:  palliative__alleviant__alleviator  remedy that alleviates pain without curing
     subtype:  panacea__nostrum__cure-all  hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemists
        subtype:  elixir  a substance believed to cure all ills
           subtype:  elixir_of_life  a hypothetical substance believed to maintain life indefinitely; once sought by alchemists
     subtype:  prophylactic__preventive__preventative  remedy that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease; "the doctor recommended several preventatives"
  subtype:  rubefacient  a medicine for external application that produces redness of the skin
  subtype:  sedative_drug__sedative__depressant__downer  a drug that reduces excitability and calms a person
     subtype:  bromide.sedative_drug  a sedative in the form of sodium or potassium bromide
     subtype:  chloral_hydrate__chloralhydrate  a colorless crystalline drug used as a sedative; irritates the stomach and can be addictive
        subtype:  knockout_drops__Mickey_Finn  chloral hydrate in combination with alcohol; usually administered surreptitiously to make the drinker unconscious
     subtype:  glutethimide__Doriden  sedative (trade name Doriden) used to treat some sleep disorders
     subtype:  sedative-hypnotic_drug__sedative-hypnotic  a sedative that depresses activity of the central nervous system and reduces anxiety and induces sleep
        subtype:  barbiturate  organic compound having powerful soporific effect; overdose can be fatal
           subtype:  amobarbital  a barbiturate with sedative and hypnotic effects; used to relive insomnia and as an anticonvulsant
              subtype:  amobarbital_sodium__amobarbitalsodium__blue__blue_angel__Amytal  the sodium salt of amobarbital that is used as a barbiturate; used as a sedative and a hypnotic
           subtype:  barbital__veronal__diethylbarbituric_acid__diethylbarbituricacid__diethylmalonylurea  a barbiturate used as a hypnotic
           subtype:  mephobarbital__Mebaral  a long-acting crystalline barbiturate (trade name Mebaral) used as a sedative and as an anticonvulsant in the treatment of epilepsy
           subtype:  pentobarbital_sodium__pentobarbitalsodium__Nembutal__yellow_jacket  a barbiturate (trade name Nembutal) used as a sedative and hypnotic and anti-spasmodic
           subtype:  secobarbital_sodium__secobarbital__Seconal__red_devil__reddevil  barbiturate that is a white odorless slightly bitter powder (trade name Seconal) used as a sodium salt for sedation and to treat convulsions
           subtype:  sodium_thiopental__phenobarbital__phenobarbitone__Luminal__purple_heart  a long-acting barbiturate used as a sedative
           subtype:  thiopental_sodium__thiopental__thiopentobarbital_sodium__thiopentobarbitalsodium__Pentothal  barbiturate that is a hygroscopic powder (trade name Pentothal) that is a strong barbiturate that acts rapidly; induces a relaxed state when injected as a general anesthetic
        subtype:  ethchlorvynol__Placidyl  a mild sedative-hypnotic drug (trade name Placidyl)
        subtype:  methaqualone__Quaalude  sedative-hypnotic drug (trade name Quaalude) that is a drug of abuse
        subtype:  thalidomide  a sedative and hypnotic drug; withdrawn from sale after discovered to cause severe birth defects because it inhibits angiogenesis
        subtype:  tranquilizer__tranquillizer__tranquilliser__antianxiety_agent__antianxietyagent__ataractic_drug__ataracticdrug__ataractic_agent__ataracticagent__ataractic  a drug used to reduce stress or tension without reducing mental clarity
           subtype:  major_tranquilizer__majortranquilizer__major_tranquillizer__majortranquillizer__antipsychotic_drug__antipsychoticdrug__antipsychotic_agent__antipsychoticagent__antipsychotic__neuroleptic_drug__neurolepticdrug__neuroleptic_agent__neurolepticagent__neuroleptic  tranquilizer used to treat psychotic conditions when a calming effect is desired
              subtype:  chlorpromazine__Thorazine  a drug (trade name Thorazine) derived from phenothiazine that has anti-psychotic effects and is used as a sedative and tranquilizer
              subtype:  diphenylbutyl_piperidine__diphenylbutylpiperidine  a group of antipsychotic drugs used mainly in the treatment of schizophrenia
                 subtype:  pimozide  the most commonly used diphenylbutyl piperidine
              subtype:  fluphenazine  tranquilizer used to treat psychotic disorders
              subtype:  haloperidol__haldol  tranquilizer (trade name Haldol) used to treat some psychotic disorders and Tourette's syndrome
              subtype:  loxapine__Loxitane  a tranquilizer (trade name Loxitane) used to treat schizophrenia
              subtype:  molindone__Moban  antipsychotic drug (trade name Moban) used in the treatment of schizophrenia
              subtype:  prochlorperazine  antipsychotic and antiemetic drug used to treat schizophrenia and to combat nausea and vomiting
              subtype:  thioridazine__Mellaril  a tranquilizer (trade name Mellaril) used to treat schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
              subtype:  thiothixene__Navane  a tranquilizer (trade name Navane) used to treat schizophrenia
              subtype:  lithium_carbonate__lithiumcarbonate__Lithane__Lithonate__Eskalith  a white powder (LiCO3) used in manufacturing glass and ceramics and as a drug; the drug (trade names Lithane or Lithonate or Eskalith) is used to treat some forms of depression and manic episodes of manic-depressive disorder
           subtype:  minor_tranquilizer__minortranquilizer__minor_tranquillizer__minortranquillizer__antianxiety_drug__antianxietydrug__anxiolytic__anxiolytic_drug  a tranquilizer used to relieve anxiety and reduce tension and irritability
              subtype:  benzodiazepine  any of several similar lipophilic amines used as tranquilizers or sedatives or hypnotics or muscle relaxants; chronic use can lead to dependency
                 subtype:  alprazolam__Xanax  an antianxiety agent (trade name Xanax) of the benzodiazepine class
                 subtype:  chlordiazepoxide__Librium__librium__Libritabs  a tranquilizer (trade names Librium and Libritabs) used in the treatment of alcoholism
                 subtype:  diazepam__Valium  a tranquilizer (trade name Valium) used to relieve anxiety and relax muscles; acts by enhancing the inhibitory actions of the neurotransmitter GABA
                 subtype:  estazolam__ProSom  a frequently prescribed sleeping pill (trade name ProSom)
                 subtype:  lorazepam__Ativan  tranquilizer (trade name Ativan) used to treat anxiety and tension and insomnia
                 subtype:  midazolam__Versed  an injectable form of benzodiazepine (trade name Versed) useful for sedation and for reducing pain during uncomfortable medical procedures
                 subtype:  nitrazepam  a hypnotic and sedative drug of the benzodiazepine type
                 subtype:  temazepam__Restoril  a frequently prescribed benzodiazepine (trade name Restoril); takes effect slowly and lasts long enough to help those people who wake up frequently during the night
                 subtype:  triazolam__Halcion  a form of benzodiazepine (trade name Halcion) frequently prescribed as a sleeping pill; usually given to people who have trouble falling asleep
              subtype:  buspirone__BuSpar  a drug (trade name BuSpar) designed specifically for anxiety
              subtype:  flurazepam_hydrochloride__flurazepam__Dalmane  tranquilizer (trade name Dalmane) used to treat insomnia
              subtype:  hydroxyzine_hydrochloride__hydroxyzinehydrochloride__hydroxyzine__Atarax__Vistaril  a drug (trade names Atarax and Vistaril) used as a tranquilizer to treat anxiety and motion sickness
              subtype:  meprobamate__Miltown__Equanil__Meprin  a sedative and tranquilizer (trade name Miltown and Equanil and Meprin) used to treat muscle tension and anxiety
              subtype:  oxazepam__Serax  a tranquilizing drug (trade name Serax) used to treat anxiety and insomnia and alcohol withdrawal
              subtype:  perphenazine__Triavil  tranquilizer and antidepressant (trade name Triavil) sometimes used as an antiemetic for adults
  subtype:  soothing_syrup  medicine in the form of a syrup that has a calming effect
  subtype:  specific  a medicine that has a mitigating effect on a specific disease; "quinine is a specific for malaria"
  subtype:  sucralfate__Carafate  medicine consisting of a tablet (trade name Carafate) used to treat peptic ulcers; said to bind to the ulcer site and coat it
  subtype:  suppository  a small plug of medication designed for insertion into the rectum or vagina where it melts
  subtype:  tincture  (pharmacology) a medicine consisting of an extract in an alcohol solution
     subtype:  tincture_of_iodine__iodine  a tincture consisting of a solution of iodine in ethyl alcohol; applied topically to wounds as an antiseptic
     subtype:  arnica.tincture  used especially in treating bruises
  subtype:  restorative  a medicine that strengthens and invigorates
     subtype:  bracer__pick-me-up  a tonic or restorative (especially a drink of liquor)
  subtype:  tyrosine_kinase_inhibitor  a drug used in cases of chronic myeloid leukemia
  subtype:  vermicide  an agent that kills worms (especially those in the intestines)
  subtype:  vermifuge__anthelmintic__anthelminthic__helminthic  a medication capable of causing the evacuation of parasitic intestinal worms
     subtype:  mebendazole  an anthelmintic used to treat hookworm and pinworm and roundworm infestations
     subtype:  piperazine  vermifuge used to treat infestations by roundworms or pinworms
     subtype:  quinacrine_hydrochloride__quinacrine__mepacrine__Atabrine  a drug (trade name Atabrine) used to treat certain worm infestations and once used to treat malaria
     subtype:  tetrachlorethylene__tetrachloroethylene__ethylene_tetrachloride__carbon_dichloride  anthelmintic agent used against hookworm and other nematodes
     subtype:  thiabendazole  an antifungal agent and anthelmintic
     subtype:  gentian_violet__gentianviolet__crystal_violet__crystalviolet  a green crystal (violet in water) used as a dye or stain or bactericide or fungicide or anthelmintic or burn treatment

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