#leader  a person who rules or guides or inspires others
  exclusion:  myrmidon
  supertype:  person__individual__someone__somebody__mortal__human__human_being__humanbeing__soul  a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
  subtype:  spiritual_leader__spiritualleader  a leader in religious or sacred affairs
     subtype:  cantor__hazan  the official of a synagogue who conducts the liturgical part of the service and sings or chants the prayers intended to be performed as solos
     subtype:  clergyman__reverend__man_of_the_cloth  a member of the clergy and a spiritual leader of the Christian Church
        subtype:  archdeacon  (Anglican Church) an ecclesiastical dignitary usually ranking just below a bishop
        subtype:  archpriest__hierarch__high_priest__prelate__primate  a senior clergyman
           instance:  William_Ralph_Inge__Inge__the_Gloomy_Dean  Francisco_Jimenez_de_Cisneros__Jimenez_de_Cisneros  John_Henry_Newman__Newman__Cardinal_Newman  Cardinal_Richelieu__Richelieu__Duc_de_Richelieu__Armand_Jean_du_Plessis  Desmond_Tutu__Tutu  James_Ussher__Ussher__Usher__James_Usher  William_of_Wykeham__Wykeham__wykeham  Stefan_Wyszynski__Wyszynski
        subtype:  chaplain  a clergyman ministering to some institution
           subtype:  hospital_chaplain  a chaplain in a hospital
           subtype:  military_chaplain__padre__Holy_Joe__sky_pilot__skypilot  a chaplain in one of the military services
           subtype:  prison_chaplain  a chaplain in a prison
        subtype:  cleric__churchman__divine__ecclesiastic  a clergyman or other person in religious orders
           subtype:  bishop  a clergyman having spiritual and administrative authority; appointed in Christian churches to oversee priests or ministers; considered in some churches (Anglican Communion and Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic) to be successors of the twelve apostles of Christ
              subtype:  archbishop  a bishop of highest rank
                 instance:  Saint_Anselm__Anselm__St_Anselm  Saint_Thomas_a_Becket__Becket__Thomas_a_Becket__St_Thomas_a_Becket
              subtype:  cardinal  (Roman Catholic Church) one of a group of more than 100 prominent bishops in the Sacred College who advise the Pope and elect new Popes
                 subtype:  dean.cardinal  (Roman Catholic) the head of the College of Cardinals
                 instance:  Roberto_Francesco_Romolo_Bellarmine__Bellarmine__Bellarmino__Cardinal_Bellarmine  Cesare_Borgia__Borgia
              subtype:  diocesan  a bishop having jurisdiction over a diocese
              subtype:  primus  the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church of Scotland
              subtype:  suffragan_bishop__suffraganbishop__suffragan  an assistant or subordinate bishop of a diocese
              subtype:  vicar_apostolic  a titular Roman Catholic bishop in a non-Catholic area
              instance:  Bishop_Berkeley__Berkeley__George_Berkeley  Saint_Ignatius__Ignatius__St_Ignatius  St_Martin__Martin  Bishop_Ulfilas__Ulfilas__Ulfila__Bishop_Ulfila__Wulfila__Bishop_Wulfila
           subtype:  ordainer  a cleric who ordains; a cleric who admits someone to holy orders
           subtype:  pardoner  a medieval cleric who raised money for the church by selling papal indulgences
              subtype:  absolver  someone who grants absolution
           instance:  Thomas_a_Kempis__a_Kempis
        subtype:  curate__minister__parson__pastor__rector  a person authorized to conduct religious worship
           subtype:  ministrant  someone who serves as a minister
        subtype:  Catholic_deacon__deacon  a cleric ranking just below a priest in Roman Catholic churches
        subtype:  dominus__dominu__dominie__domine__dominee  a clergyman; especially a settled minister or parson
        subtype:  officiant  a clergyman who officiates at a religious ceremony or service
        subtype:  ordinand  a person being ordained
        subtype:  ordinary.clergyman  a clergyman appointed to prepare condemned prisoners for death
        subtype:  postulator.clergyman  (Roman Catholic Church) someone who proposes or pleads for a candidate for beatification or canonization
        subtype:  preacher_man__preacher__sermonizer  someone who occupation is preaching the gospel
           subtype:  evangelist__revivalist__gospeler__gospeller  a preacher of the Christian gospel
              subtype:  televangelist  an evangelist who conducts services on television
              instance:  William_Franklin_Graham__Graham__Billy_Graham  Aimee_Semple_McPherson__McPherson  Dwight_Lyman_Moody__Moody  Oral_Roberts__Roberts
           instance:  John_Bunyan__Bunyan
        subtype:  priest  a clergyman in many Christian churches who has the authority to perform or administer various religious rites
           subtype:  canon.priest  a priest who is a member of a cathedral chapter
              subtype:  prebendary  a canon who receives a prebend for serving the church
           subtype:  celebrant  an officiating priest celebrating the Eucharist
           subtype:  confessor  a priest who hears confession and gives absolution
           subtype:  Father__Padre  `Father' is a term of address for priests in some churches (especially Roman or Orthodox Catholic); `Padre' is frequently used in the military
           subtype:  Monsignor  (Roman Catholic Church) an ecclesiastical title of honor bestowed on some priests
           subtype:  pontifex  (ancient Rome) a member of the highest council of priests in ancient Rome
           subtype:  priestess__priestes  a woman priest
           subtype:  vicar  a Roman Catholic priest who acts for another higher-ranking clergyman
           instance:  Aaron  Saint_Dominic__Dominic__St_Dominic__Domingo_de_Guzman
        subtype:  shepherd  a clergyman who watches over a group of people
        subtype:  Church-of_England_vicar__vicar  (Church of England) a clergyman appointed to act as priest of a parish
        subtype:  US-Episcopal-Church_vicar__vicar  (US Episcopal Church) a clergyman in charge of a chapel
        instance:  Henry_Ward_Beecher__Beecher  John_Donne__Donne  John_Keble__Keble  Martin_Luther_King_Jr.__King__Martin_Luther_King  John_Wesley__Wesley  Roger_Williams__Williams
     subtype:  Evangelist  any of the spiritual leaders who re assumed to be authors of the New Testament Gospels
        instance:  Saint_John_the_Apostle__John__Saint_John__St_John__St_John_the_Apostle__John_the_Evangelist__John_the_Divine  Saint_Luke__Luke__St_Luke  Saint_Mark__Mark__St_Mark  Saint_Matthew_the_Apostle__Matthew__Saint_Matthew__St_Matthew__St_Matthew_the_Apostle__Levi
     subtype:  pope__pontiff__Holy_Father__Vicar_of_Christ  the head of the Roman Catholic Church
        instance:  Pope_Alexander_VI__Alexander_VI__Borgia__Rodrigo_Borgia  Calixtus_III__Borgia__Alfonso_Borgia  Gregory_the_Great__Gregory__Gregory_I__Saint_Gregory_I__St_Gregory_I  Gregory_VII__Gregory__Hildebrand  Gregory_XIII__Gregory__Ugo_Buoncompagni  Innocent_III__Lotario_di_Segni  John_Paul_I__Albino_Luciano  John_Paul_II__Karol_Wojtyla  St_Leo_I__Leo_I__Leo_the_Great  Leo_III  Leo_X__Giovanni_de_Medici  Pius_II__Aeneas_Silvius__Enea_Silvio_Piccolomini  Pius_V__Antonio_Ghislieri  Pius_VII__Luigi_Barnaba_Gregorio_Chiaramonti  Pius_X__Giuseppe_Melchiorre_Sarto  Pius_XI__Achille_Ratti__Ambrogio_Damiano_Achille_Ratti  Pius_XII__Eugenio_Pacelli  Urban_II__Odo_of_Lagery  Urban_VI__Bartolomeo_Prignano
     subtype:  non-Christian_priest__priest  a spiritual leader in a non-Christian religion
        subtype:  hoodoo.vodoun  a practitioner of voodoo
        subtype:  druid  a pre-Christian priest among the Celts of ancient Gaul and Britain and Ireland
        subtype:  flamen  a priest who served a particular deity in ancient Rome
        subtype:  lama  a Tibetan or Mongolian priest of Lamaism
           subtype:  Dalai_Lama__Grand_Lama  chief lama and once ruler of Tibet
           subtype:  Panchen_Lama  the lama next in rank to the Dalai Lama
        subtype:  magus__magu  a member of the Zoroastrian priesthood of the ancient Persians
        subtype:  shaman__priest-doctor  in societies practicing shamanism: one acting as a medium between the visible and spirit worlds; practices sorcery for healing or divination
           subtype:  medicine_man  a Native American shaman
              subtype:  rainmaker  American indian medicine man who attempt to make it rain
        subtype:  votary  a priest or priestess (or consecrated worshipper) in a non-Christian religion or cult: "a votary of Aphrodite"
           subtype:  vestal_virgin  (Roman mythology) one of the virgin priestesses consecrated to the Roman goddess Vesta and to maintaining the sacred fire in her temple
           subtype:  bacchant  (Greek and Roman mythology) a priest or votary of Bacchus
           subtype:  bacchante  (Greek and Roman mythology) a priestess or votary of Bacchus
     subtype:  rabbi  spiritual leader of a Jewish congregation; qualified to expound and apply Jewish law
     instance:  Mohandas_Karamchand_Gandhi__Gandhi__Mahatma_Gandhi
  subtype:  aristocrat__blue_blood__patrician  a member of the aristocracy
     subtype:  Baronet__Bart  a member of the British order of honor; ranks below a baron but above a knight; "since he was a baronet he had to be addressed as Sir Henry Jones, Bart."
     subtype:  Brahman__Brahmin  a member of a social and cultural elite especially a descendant of an Old New England family: "a Boston Brahmin"
     subtype:  female_aristocrat  a woman who is an aristocrat
        subtype:  czarina__tsarina__tzarina__czaritza__tsaritsa  the wife or widow of a czar
        subtype:  Lady__noblewoman__peeress__peeres  a woman of aristocratic family
           subtype:  baroness  a noblewoman who holds the rank of baron or who is the wife or widow of a baron
           subtype:  countess  female equivalent of a count or earl
           subtype:  duchess__duches  the wife of a duke or a woman holding ducal title in her own right
              subtype:  grand_duchess__grandduches  the wife of a grand duke or a woman holding that rank in her own right
           subtype:  Lady-in-waiting  a lady appointed to attend to a queen or princess
           subtype:  marquise__marchioness  a noblewoman ranking below a duchess and above a countess
              instance:  Marquise_de_Maintenon__Maintenon__Francoise_d'Aubigne__Madame_de_Maintenon  Marquise_de_Montespan__Montespan__Francoise-Athenais_de_Rochechouart  Pompadour__Marquise_de_Pompdour__Jeanne_Antoinette_Poisson
           subtype:  Milady  an English noblewoman
           instance:  Lucrezia_Borgia__Borgia__Duchess_of_Ferrara  Lady_Godiva__Godiva  Lady_Emma_Hamilton__Hamilton__Amy_Lyon
        subtype:  queen_regnant__queenregnant__queen__female_monarch  a female sovereign ruler
           subtype:  Queen_of_England  the sovereign ruler of England
              instance:  Elizabeth_I__Elizabeth  Elizabeth_II__Elizabeth  Lady_Jane_Grey__Grey  Mary_I__Mary_Tudor__Bloody_Mary  Mary_II  Queen_Victoria__Victoria
           instance:  Cleopatra  Isabella_I__Isabella_the_Catholic  Lydia_Kamekeha_Paki_Liliuokalani__Liliuokalani  Mary_Queen_of_Scots__Mary_Stuart
        subtype:  queen  the wife or widow of a king
           subtype:  queen_consort__queenconsort  the wife of a reigning king
           subtype:  queen_dowager__queendowager  the widow of a king
              subtype:  queen_mother__queenmother  a queen dowager who is mother of the reigning sovereign
           subtype:  queen_regent__queenregent  a queen who serves as ruler when the king cannot
           instance:  Anne_Boleyn__Boleyn  Catherine_de_Medicis  Eleanor_of_Aquitaine  Esther.Jewess__esther  Catherine_Howard__Howard  Jezebel  Marie_Antoinette  Nefertiti  Catherine_Parr__Parr  Jane_Seymour__Seymour__seymour
        instance:  Lady_Diana_Frances_Spencer__Diana__Princess_Diana__Princess_of_Wales  Diane_de_Poitiers__Duchesse_de_Valentinois
     subtype:  Highness  (Your Highness or His Highness of Her Highness) title used to address a royal person
     subtype:  male_aristocrat  a man who is an aristocrat
        subtype:  cavalier__chevalier  a gallant or courtly gentleman
        subtype:  knight  originally a person of noble birth trained to arms and chivalry; today in Great Britain a person honored by the sovereign for personal merit
           subtype:  carpet_knight  a knight who spends his time in luxury and idleness (knighted on the carpet at court rather than on the field of battle)
           subtype:  knight_bachelor__bachelor-at-arms__bachelor  a knight of the lowest order; could display only a pennon
           subtype:  knight_banneret__knight_of_the_square_flag__banneret  a knight honored for valor; entitled to display a square banner and to hold higher command
           subtype:  knight-errant  a wandering knight travelling in search of adventure
           subtype:  Templar__Knight_Templar  a knight of a religious military order established in 1118 to protect pilgrims and the Holy Sepulcher
           instance:  Sir_Geraint__Geraint
        subtype:  Lord__noble__nobleman  a titled peer of the realm
           subtype:  armiger  a nobleman entitled to bear heraldic arms
           subtype:  Baron.Lord__baron  a nobleman (in various countries) of varying rank
           subtype:  burgrave.Lord  a nobleman ruling a German castle and surrounding grounds by hereditary right
           subtype:  count.Lord  a nobleman (in various countries) having rank equal to a British earl
              subtype:  count_palatine__countpalatine  a count who exercised royal authority in his own domains
              subtype:  landgrave  a count who had jurisdiction over a large territory in medieval Germany
           subtype:  Duke.Lord__duke  a nobleman (in various countries) of high rank
           subtype:  grandee  a nobleman of highest rank in Spain or Portugal
           subtype:  margrave  a German nobleman ranking above a count (corresponding in rank to a British marquess)
           subtype:  marquis__marqui__marquess  nobleman (in various countries) ranking above a count
           subtype:  mesne_lord__mesnelord  a feudal lord who was lord to his own tenants on land held from a superior lord
           subtype:  milord  a term of address for an English lord
           subtype:  palsgrave__palatine  (medieval) the lord of a palatinate who exercised sovereign powers over his lands
           subtype:  peer.Lord  (British) a nobleman (duke or marquis or earl or viscount or baron) who is a member of the British peerage
              subtype:  Baron  a British peer of the lowest rank
              subtype:  Duke  a British peer of the highest rank
              subtype:  Earl  a British peer ranking below a Marquess and above a Viscount
                 instance:  Simon_de_Montfort__Montfort__Earl_of_Leicester
              subtype:  Earl_Marshal  an officer of the English peerage who organizes royal processions and other ceremonies
              subtype:  life_peer  a British peer whose title lapses at death
              subtype:  Marquess  a British peer ranking below a duke and above an earl
              subtype:  peer_of_the_realm  (British) a peer who is entitled to sit in the House of Lords
              subtype:  Viscount  a British peer who ranks below an earl and above a baron
              subtype:  viscountess__viscountes  a noblewoman holding the rank of viscount in her own right
                 instance:  Nancy_Witcher_Astor__Astor__Viscountess_Astor
              instance:  First_Marquess_Cornwallis__Cornwallis__Charles_Cornwallis
           subtype:  sire.Lord  a title of address formerly used for a man of rank and authority
           subtype:  thane.Lord  a feudal lord or baron in Scotland
           subtype:  viscount  (in various countries) a son or younger brother or a count
           instance:  Don_Juan.Lord__donjuan  Roger_de_Mortimer__Mortimer
        subtype:  Sir  (British) a title used before the name of knight or baronet
     subtype:  prince  a male member of a royal family other than the sovereign (especially the son of a sovereign)
        subtype:  crown_prince__crownprince  a male heir apparent to a throne
        subtype:  dauphin  formerly, the eldest son of the King of France and direct heir to the throne
        subtype:  Archduke  a sovereign prince of the former ruling house of Austria
           instance:  Francis_Ferdinand__Franz_Ferdinand
        subtype:  grand_duke__grandduke  a prince who rules a territory
           instance:  Ivan_III_Vasilievich__Ivan_III__Ivan_the_Great
        subtype:  maharaja__maharajah  a great raja; a Hindu prince or king in India ranking above a raja
        subtype:  Elector  any of the German princes who were entitled to vote in the election of new Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire
           instance:  Frederick_William__the_Great_Elector
        subtype:  prince_consort  a prince who is the husband of a reigning female sovereign
           instance:  Albert_Francis_Charles_Augustus_Emmanuel__Albert__Prince_Albert
        subtype:  Prince_of_Wales  the male heir apparent of the British sovereign
           instance:  Prince_Charles__Charles  Edward__Black_Prince
        instance:  Cyrus_the_Younger__Cyrus  Edward_Antony_Richard_Louis__Edward__Prince_Edward  Prince_Philip__Philip__Duke_of_Edinburgh  Prince_Rupert__Rupert
     subtype:  princess  a female member of a royal family other than the queen (especially the daughter of a sovereign)
        subtype:  crown_princess  a female heir apparent to a throne
        subtype:  Archduchess  a wife or widow of an archduke or a princess of the former ruling house of Austria
        subtype:  maharani__maharanee  a great rani; a princess in India or the wife of a maharaja
        subtype:  princess_royal  the eldest daughter of a British sovereign
        subtype:  Sleeping_Beauty  fairy story: princess under an evil spell who could be awakened only by a prince's kiss
        instance:  Dido
     subtype:  raja__rajah  a Hindu prince or king in India
     subtype:  rani__ranee  (the feminine of raja) a Hindu princess or the wife of a raja
  subtype:  bellwether.leader  someone who assumes leadership of a movement or activity
  subtype:  caller.leader  the person who convenes a meeting; "who is the caller of this meeting?"
     subtype:  convener  (British) the member of a group whose duty it is to convene meetings
  subtype:  chieftain__captain  the leader of a group of people; "a captain of industry"
  subtype:  military_leader  a leader of military forces
     subtype:  warlord  supreme military leader exercising civil power in a region especially one accountable to nobody when the central government is weak
     instance:  Jeanne_d'Arc__Joan_of_Arc__Saint_Joan
  subtype:  cheerleader  someone who leads the cheers by spectators at a sporting event
  subtype:  chieftan  the leader of a clan or tribe
     subtype:  Indian_chief__Indian_chieftan  the leader of a group of native Americans
        subtype:  sagamore__sachem  a chief of a North American tribe or confederation (especially an Algonquian chief)
        instance:  Cochise  Crazy_Horse__Tashunca-Uitco  Geronimo  Hiawatha  Chief_Joseph__Joseph  Keokuk  Massasoit  Wahunsonacock__Powhatan  Red_Cloud  Sequoya__Sequoyah__George_Guess  Sitting_Bull
     instance:  Owen_Glendower__Glendower  Rollo__Rolf__Hrolf
  subtype:  choragus  leader of a group or festival; (ancient Greece) leader of a chorus
  subtype:  civic_leader__civicleader__civil_leader__civilleader  a leader in municipal affairs
  subtype:  commander  someone in an official position of authority who can command or control others
  subtype:  superman__demigod__Ubermensch  a person with great powers and abilities
  subtype:  Duce  leader; "Mussolini was called Il Duce"
  subtype:  employer  a person or firm that employs workers
     subtype:  hirer__boss  a person responsible for hiring workers; "the boss hired three more men for the new job"
        subtype:  guvnor  (British slang) boss
        subtype:  old_man.hirer  (American slang) boss
     subtype:  master  directs the work of other
        subtype:  postmaster  the person in charge of a post office
           subtype:  postmistress  a woman postmaster
        subtype:  stationmaster__station_agent__stationagent  the person in charge of a railway station
     subtype:  mistress  a woman master who directs the work of others
        subtype:  chatelaine.mistress  the mistress of a chateau or large country house
     subtype:  padrone  an employer who exploits Italian immigrants in the U.S.
     subtype:  slave_driver.employer__slavedriver__simonlegree  a cruel employer who demands excessive work from the employees
  subtype:  father.leader  a person who holds an important or distinguished position in some organization; "the tennis fathers ruled in her favor"; "the city fathers endorsed the proposal"
  subtype:  boss  a person who exercises control and makes decisions; "he is his own boss now"
  subtype:  inspirer__galvanizer  a leader who stimulates and excites people to action
  subtype:  guide  someone who shows the way by leading or advising
     subtype:  cicerone  a guide who conducts and informs sightseers
     subtype:  tour_guide  a guide who leads others on a tour
  subtype:  guru.leader  a recognized leader in some field or of some movement; "a guru of genomics"
  subtype:  top_dog__topdog__head__chief  a person who is in charge; "the head of the whole operation"
     subtype:  administrator.top_dog__executive  someone who manages a government agency or department
        subtype:  commissioner  a government administrator
           subtype:  bank_commissioner  a commissioner appointed to supervise banks; a state superintendent of banks
           subtype:  housing_commissioner__housingcommissioner  a commissioner in charge of public housing
           subtype:  park_commissioner  a commissioner in charge of public parks
           subtype:  police_commissioner  a civil commissioner appointed to supervise the duties and discipline of the police
        subtype:  prefect  a chief officer or chief magistrate; "the prefect of Paris police"
        subtype:  Secretary_General  a person who is a chief administrator (as of the United Nations)
        subtype:  triumvir  one of a group of three sharing public administration or civil authority especially in ancient Rome
        instance:  Sir_Thomas_Stamford_Raffles__Raffles__Sir_Thomas_Raffles  Petrus_Stuyvesant__Stuyvesant__Peter_Stuyvesant
     subtype:  decision_maker__administrator  someone who administers a business
        subtype:  academic_administrator  an administrator in a college or university
           subtype:  dean  an administrator in charge of a division of a university or college
           subtype:  president.academic_administrator  the head administrative officer of a college or university
           subtype:  provost  a high-ranking university administrator
           subtype:  registrar  the administrator responsible for student records
        subtype:  managing_director__director__manager  someone who controls resources and expenditures
           subtype:  bank_manager  manager of a branch office of a bank
           subtype:  district_manager  a manager who supervises the sales activity for a district
           subtype:  manageress  a woman manager
           instance:  Konstantin_Sergeevich_Stanislavsky__Stanislavsky__Konstantin_Stanislavsky__Konstantin_Sergevich_Alekseev
        subtype:  executive_director__executivedirector__executive  a person responsible for the administration of a business
           subtype:  corporate_executive__corporateexecutive__business_executive  an executive in a business corporation
              subtype:  chairman_of_the_board  the chairman of the board of directors of a corporation
              subtype:  chief_executive_officer__chiefexecutiveofficer__CEO__chief_operating_officer__chiefoperatingofficer  the corporate executive responsible for the operations of the firm; reports to a board of directors; may appoint other managers (including a president)
              subtype:  insider  an officer of a corporation or others who have access to private information about the corporation's operations
              subtype:  president  an executive officer of a firm or corporation
           subtype:  government_minister__minister  a person appointed to a high office in the government; "Minister of Finance"
              subtype:  cabinet_minister__cabinetminister  a person who is a member of the cabinet
                 subtype:  Prime_Minister__PM__premier  the person who holds the position of head of state in England
                 subtype:  Chancellor_of_the_Exchequer  the British cabinet minister responsible for finance
                 subtype:  Chief_Secretary__chiefsecretary  a member of the British Cabinet
                 subtype:  Home_Secretary__Secretary_of_State_for_the_Home_Department  the British cabinet minister who is head of the Home Office
                 subtype:  Lord_Chancellor__Lord_High_Chancellor  the British cabinet minister who is head of the judiciary and Speaker of the House of Lords
                 subtype:  Lord_Privy_Seal  the senior cabinet minister in the British Cabinet who has no official duties
                 subtype:  First_Lord_of_the_Treasury__Treasury  the British cabinet minister responsible for economic strategy
              subtype:  finance_minister__financeminister__minister_of_finance  the minister responsible for state finances
              subtype:  foreign_minister__foreignminister__secretary_of_state  a government minister for foreign relations
              subtype:  Haman  (Old Testament) the minister of the Persian emperor who hated the Jews and was hanged for plotting to massacre them
              instance:  Ahmed_Zoki_Yamani__Yamani
           subtype:  rainmaker.executive_director  (informal) executive who is very successful in bringing in business to his company or firm
           subtype:  surgeon_general.executive_director  the head of the United States Public Health Service
           subtype:  vice_president__V.P.  an executive officer ranking immediately below a president; may serve in the president's place under certain circumstances
              subtype:  executive_vice_president  a vice president holding executive power
              subtype:  senior_vice_president  the ranking vice president in a firm that has more than one
              instance:  Albert_Gore_Jr.__Gore__Al_Gore
        subtype:  hotelier__hotelkeeper__hotel_manager__hotelmanager__hotelman__hosteller  an owner or manager of hotels
           instance:  Cesar_Ritz__Ritz
        subtype:  land_agent  (British) a person who administers a landed estate
        subtype:  security_director  head of a private security force working for a business or industry
        subtype:  vice_chancellor  a deputy or assistant to someone bearing the title of chancellor
     subtype:  capo  the head of a branch of an organized crime syndicate
     subtype:  department_head  the head of a department
     subtype:  general_manager__generalmanager  the highest ranking manager
     subtype:  paterfamilias__paterfamilia__patriarch__head_of_household  the head of family or tribe
     subtype:  secretary  a person who is head of an administrative department of government
        subtype:  Attorney_General  the person who holds the position of secretary of the Justice Department; "Edmund Randolph was the first Attorney General, appointed by President Washington"
        subtype:  Agriculture_Secretary__Secretary_of_Agriculture  the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Agriculture; "the first Secretary of Agriculture was Norman J. Colman, who was appointed by Cleveland"
        subtype:  Commerce_Secretary__Secretary_of_Commerce  the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Commerce; "the first Commerce Secretary was William C. Redfield who was appointed by Wilson"
        subtype:  Defense_Secretary__Secretary_of_Defense  the person who holds the secretaryship of the Defense Department; "the first Defense Secretary was James V. Forrestal who was appointed by Truman"
        subtype:  Education_Secretary__Secretary_of_Education  the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Education; "Carter appointed Shirley Hufstedler as the first Secretary of Education"
        subtype:  Energy_Secretary__Secretary_of_Energy  the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Energy; "the first Secretary of Energy was James R. Schlesinger who was appointed by Carter"
        subtype:  Secretary_of_Health_and_Human_Services.secretary__secretaryofhealthandhumanservice  the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Health and Human Services; "the first Secretary of Health and Human Services was Patricia Roberts Harris who was appointed by Carter"
        subtype:  Secretary_of_Housing_and_Urban_Development.secretary__secretaryofhousingandurbandevelopment  the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Housing and Urban Development; "the first Secretary of Housing and Urban Development was Robert C. Weaver who was appointed by Johnson"
        subtype:  Labor_Secretary__Secretary_of_Labor  the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Labor; "the first Labor Secretary was William B. Wilson who was appointed by President Wilson"
        subtype:  Secretary_of_State.secretary__secretaryofstate  the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of State; "the first Secretary of State was Thomas Jefferson"
        subtype:  Interior_Secretary__Secretary_of_the_Interior  the person who holds the secretaryship of the Interior Department; "President Taylor appointed Thomas Ewing as the first Secretary of the Interior"
        subtype:  Treasury_Secretary__Secretary_of_the_Treasury  the person who holds the secretaryship of the Treasury Department; "Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of the Treasury"
        subtype:  Transportation_Secretary__Secretary_of_Transportation  the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Transportation; "Johnson appointed Alan S. Boyd as the first Transportation Secretary"
        subtype:  Secretary_of_Veterans_Affairs.secretary__secretaryofveteransaffair  the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Veterans Affairs; "Bush appointed Edward J. Derwinski as the first Secretary of Veterans Affairs"
        subtype:  undersecretary  a secretary immediately subordinate to the head of a department of government
  subtype:  headman__tribalchief  the head of a tribe or clan
     subtype:  pendragon  the supreme war chief of the ancient Britons
  subtype:  imam__imaum  (Islam) the man who leads prayers in a mosque
  subtype:  initiator__instigator  a person who initiates a course of action
     subtype:  aggressor  a confident assertive person who acts as instigator
  subtype:  labor_leader__laborleader  a leader of a labor movement
     instance:  Harry_Bridges__Bridges  Cesar_Estrada_Chavez__Chavez__Cesar_Chavez  Samuel_Gompers__Gompers  William_Green__Green  William_Dudley_Haywood__Haywood__Big_Bill_Haywood  James_Riddle_Hoffa__Hoffa__Jimmy_Hoffa  Mary_Harris_Jones__Jones__Mother_Jones  John_Llewelly_Lewis__Lewis__John_L._Lewis  George_Meany__Meany  John_Mitchell__Mitchell  Lech_Walesa__Walesa
  subtype:  lawgiver__lawmaker  a maker of laws; someone who gives a code of laws
     subtype:  legislator  someone who makes or enacts laws
        subtype:  backbencher  a member of the House of Commons of Great Britain who is not a party leader
        subtype:  congressman__congresswoman__representative  a member of the United States House of Representatives
           subtype:  rep  informal abbreviation of `representative'
        subtype:  crossbencher  a member of the House of Commons of Great Britain who does not vote regularly with either the Government or the Opposition
        subtype:  deputy  a member of the lower chamber of a legislative assembly (such as in France)
        subtype:  filibusterer__filibuster  a legislator who gives long speeches in an effort to delay or obstruct legislation that he (or she) opposes
        subtype:  floor_leader__floorleader  the legislator who organizes his party's strategy
        subtype:  frontbencher  a member of the House of Commons of Great Britain who is a minister or an ex-minister
        subtype:  majority_leader  leader of the majority party in a legislature
        subtype:  minority_leader  leader of the minority party in a legislature
        subtype:  Parliamentarian__Member_of_Parliament  an elected member of the British Parliament: a member of the House of Commons
        subtype:  senator  a member of a senate
           subtype:  state_senator__statesenator  a member of a state senate
           instance:  James_William_Fulbright__jameswilliamfulbright__Fulbright__William_Fulbright  John_Herschel_Glenn_Jr.__Glenn__John_Glenn
        subtype:  party_whip__partywhip__whip  a legislator appointed by the party to enforce discipline
        instance:  Old_Bullion__Benton__Thomas_Hart_Benton
     subtype:  promulgator  one who promulgates laws (announces a law as a way of putting it into execution)
     instance:  Draco
  subtype:  misleader  someone who leads astray (often deliberately)
  subtype:  role_model__model  someone worthy of imitation; "every child needs a role model"
     subtype:  paragon__ideal__nonpareil__saint__apotheosis__nonesuch__nonsuch  model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal
        subtype:  jimdandy__jimhickey__crackerjack  someone excellent of their kind; "he's a jimdandy of a soldier"
        subtype:  humdinger  someone of remarkable excellence: "a humdinger of a secretary"
     subtype:  trend-setter__trendsetter__tastemaker__fashion_arbiter  someone who popularizes a new fashion
  subtype:  hero.leader  a man distinguished by exceptional courage and nobility and strength; "RAF pilots were the heroes of the Battle of Britain"
     instance:  Arminius__Armin__Hermann  Job.hero__job
  subtype:  nationalist_leader__nationalistleader  the leader of a nationalist movement
     subtype:  American_Revolutionary_leader  a nationalist leader in the American Revolution and in the creation of the United States
        instance:  Samuel_Adams__Adams__Sam_Adams  William_Dawes__Dawes  Benjamin_Franklin__Franklin  Nathan_Hale__Hale  Hancock__John_Hancock  Patrick_Henry__Henry  Francis_Hopkinson__Hopkinson  Samuel_Huntington__Huntington  Henry_Laurens__Laurens  Richard_Henry_Lee__Lee  Robert_R._Livingston__Livingston  George_Mason__Mason  Robert_Morris__Morris  Thomas_Paine__Paine__Tom_Paine  Robert_Treat_Paine__Paine  William_Patterson__Paterson  Josiah_Quincy__Quincy  Paul_Revere__Revere  Benjamin_Rush__Rush  Haym_Salomon__Salomon  Roger_Sherman__Sherman  Baron_Friedrich_Wilhelm_Ludolf_Gerhard_Augustin_von_Steuben__Steuben  Jonathan_Trumbull__Trumbull  James_Wilson__Wilson  John_Witherspoon__Witherspoon
     instance:  Mohandas_Karamchand_Gandhi__Gandhi__Mahatma_Gandhi  Nelson_Rolihlahla_Mandela__Mandela__mandela__Nelson_Mandela  Charles_Stewart_Parnell__Parnell__parnell
  subtype:  point_man.leader__pointman  someone who is the forefront of an important enterprise; "he is the president's point man on economic issues"
  subtype:  point_woman__pointwoman  a woman who is the forefront of an important enterprise
  subtype:  politico__politician__pol__political_leader__politicalleader  a person active in party politics
     subtype:  campaigner__candidate__nominee  a politician who is running for public office
        subtype:  dark_horse.campaigner__darkhorse  a political candidate who is not well known but could win unexpectedly
        subtype:  favorite_son__favourite_son__favouriteson  a politician favored mainly in his or her home state
        subtype:  running_mate__runningmate  a nominee for the lesser of two closely related political offices
        subtype:  spoiler.campaigner  a candidate with no chance of winning but who may draw enough votes to prevent one of the leading candidates from winning
        subtype:  stalking-horse.campaigner__stalkinghorse  a candidate put forward to divide the opposition or to mask the true candidate
        subtype:  write-in_candidate  a candidate for public office whose name does not appear on the ballot and so must be written on the ballot by the voters
     subtype:  Communist  a member of the communist party
     subtype:  Democrat  a member of the Democratic Party
     subtype:  Federalist  a member of a former political party in the United States that favored a strong centralized federal government
     subtype:  Labourite  a member of the British Labour Party
     subtype:  machine_politician__machinepolitician__ward-heeler__political_hack__politicalhack__hack  a politician who belongs to a small clique that controls a political party for private rather than public ends
     subtype:  Mugwump  someone who bolted from the Republican Party during the U.S. presidential election of 1884
     subtype:  noncandidate  someone who has announced they are not a candidate; especially a politician who has announced that he or she is not a candidate for some political office
     subtype:  party_boss__political_boss__boss  a leader in a political party who controls votes and dictates appointments; "party bosses have a reputation for corruption"
     subtype:  party_man__partyman__party_liner__partyliner  a member of a political party who follows strictly the party line
     subtype:  Republican  a member of the Republican Party
     subtype:  sachem  a political leader (especially of Tammany Hall)
     subtype:  socialist  a political advocate of socialism
        subtype:  communist__commie  a socialist who advocates communism
           subtype:  Bolshevist__Bolshevik  a Russian member of the left-wing majority group that followed Lenin and eventually became the Russian communist party
              instance:  Nikolai_Ivanovich_Bukharin__Bukharin  Vladimir_Ilyich_Lenin__Lenin__Vladimir_Lenin__Nikolai_Lenin__Vladimir_Ilich_Lenin__Vladimir_Ilyich_Ulyanov__Vladimir_Ilich_Ulyanov  Leon_Trotsky__Trotsky__Lev_Davidovich_Bronstein
           subtype:  Comrade  a fellow member of the Communist Party
           subtype:  revisionist  a Communist who tries to rewrite Marxism to justify a retreat from the revolutionary position
           instance:  Mao_Tsetung__Mao__Mao_Zedong  John_Reed__Reed  Joseph_Stalin__Stalin__Iosif_Vissarionovich_Dzhugashvili  Zhou_En-lai__Chou_En-lai
        subtype:  Fabian  a member of the Fabian Society in Britain
        subtype:  internationalist  a member of a socialist or communist international
        subtype:  Menshevik  a Russian member of the liberal minority group that advocated gradual reform and opposed the Bolsheviks before and during the Russian Revolution
        subtype:  collectivist__leftist__left-winger  a person who belongs to the political left
        instance:  Fidel_Castro__Castro  Friedrich_Engels__Engels  William_Dudley_Haywood__Haywood__Big_Bill_Haywood  Pierre_Joseph_Proudhon__Proudhon  Norman_Mattoon_Thomas__Thomas__Norman_Thomas
     subtype:  standard-bearer  an outstanding leader of a political movement
     subtype:  statesman__solon__national_leader  a man who is a respected leader in national or international affairs
        subtype:  elder_statesman__elderstatesman  an elderly statesman whose advice is sought be government leaders
        subtype:  Founding_Father  a member of the Constitutional Convention that drafted the United States Constitution in 1787
        subtype:  stateswoman  a woman statesman
           instance:  Baroness_Thatcher_of_Kesteven__Thatcher__Margaret_Thatcher__Margaret_Hilda_Thatcher__Iron_Lady
        instance:  Dean_Gooderham_Acheson__Acheson__Dean_Acheson  Konrad_Adenauer__Adenauer  Marcus_Vipsanius_Agrippa__Agrippa  Alcibiades  Clement_Richard_Attlee__Attlee__Clement_Attlee__1st_Earl_Attlee  Augustus__Gaius_Octavianus__Gaius_Julius_Caesar_Octavianus__Octavian  Francis_Bacon__Bacon__Baron_Verulam__1st_Baron_Verulam__Viscount_St._Albans  1st_Earl_Baldwin_of_Bewdley__Baldwin__Stanley_Baldwin  Arthur_James_Balfour__Balfour__1st_Earl_of_Balfour  Menachem_Begin__Begin  David_Ben_Gurion__Ben_Gurion__David_Grun  Ernest_Bevin__Bevin  Prince_Otto_Eduard_Leopold_von_Bismarck__Bismarck__von_Bismarck__Otto_von_Bismarck__Prince_Otto_von_Bismarck__Iron_Chancellor  Simon_Bolivar__Bolivar__bolivar__ellibertador  Willy_Brandt__Brandt  Leonid_Ilyich_Brezhnev__Brezhnev__Leonid_Brezhnev  Marcus_Junius_Brutus__Brutus  Edmund_Burke__Burke  Gaius_Julius_Caesar__Caesar__Julius_Caesar  Gaius_Cassius_Longinus__Cassius__Cassius_Longinus  Arthur_Neville_Chamberlain__Chamberlain__Neville_Chamberlain  Francois_Rene_Chateaubriand__Chateaubriand__Vicomte_de_Chateaubriand  Fourth_Earl_of_Chesterfield__Chesterfield__Philip_Dormer_Stanhope  Chiang_Kai-shek__Chiang_Chung-cheng  Sir_Winston_Leonard_Spenser_Churchill__Churchill__Winston_Churchill__Winston_S._Churchill  Marcus_Tullius_Cicero__Cicero__Tully  Lucius_Quinctius_Cincinnatus__Cincinnatus  Georges_Eugene_Benjamin_Clemenceau__Clemenceau__Georges_Clemenceau  Baron_Clive_of_Plassey__Clive__Robert_Clive__Baron_Clive  Cosimo_de_Medici__Cosimo_the_Elder  Oliver_Cromwell__Cromwell__Ironsides  Jefferson_Davis__Davis  Moshe_Dayan__Dayan  Charles_Andre_Joseph_Marie_de_Gaulle__de_Gaulle__Charles_de_Gaulle  Demosthenes  Deng_Xiaoping__Teng_Hsiaoping  Eamon_de_Valera__de_Valera  Benjamin_Disraeli__Disraeli__First_Earl_of_Beaconsfield  Flaminius__Gaius_Falminius  Charles_James_Fox__Fox  Indira_Nehru_Gandhi__Gandhi__Indira_Gandhi__Mrs._Gandhi  William_Ewart_Gladstone__Gladstone__William_Gladstone  Mikhail_Sergeyevich_Gorbachev__Gorbachev__Mikhail_Gorbachev  Second_Earl_Grey__Grey__Charles_Grey  First_Viscount_Haldane_of_Cloan__Haldane__Richard_Haldane__Richard_Burdon_Haldane  Alexander_Hamilton__Hamilton  Vaclav_Havel__Havel  Paul_Ludwig_von_Beneckendorff_und_von_Hindenburg__Hindenburg__Paul_von_Hindenburg  Ho_Chi_Minh__Nguyen_That_Thanh  Mikhail_Ivanovich_Kalinin__Kalinin__kalinin__Mikhail_Kalinin  Kenneth_David_Kaunda__Kaunda__Kenneth_Kaunda  Kemal_Ataturk__Kemal_Pasha__Mustafa_Kemal  Jomo_Kenyata__Kenyata  Aleksandr_Feodorovich_Kerensky__Kerensky  Sir_Seretse_Khama__Khama  Nikita_Sergeyevich_Khrushchev__Khrushchev__Nikita_Khrushchev  Prince_Fumimaro_Konoe__Konoe__Fumimaro_Konoe__Konoye__Fumimaro_Konoye__Prince_Fumimaro_Konoye  Stephanus_Johannes_Paulus_Kruger__Kruger__Oom_Paul_Kruger  Lorenzo_de_Medici__Lorenzo_the_Magnificent  Niccolo_Machiavelli__Machiavelli  Nelson_Rolihlahla_Mandela__Mandela__mandela__Nelson_Mandela  George_Catlett_Marshall__Marshall__George_Marshall  Golda_Meir__Meir  Prince_Klemens_Wenzel_Nepomuk_Lothar_von_Metternich__Metternich__Klemens_Metternich  Francois_Maurice_Marie_Mitterand__Mitterand__Francois_Mitterand  Vyacheslav_Mikhailovich_Molotov__Molotov  Sir_Thomas_More__More__Thomas_More  Gouverneur_Morris__Morris  Hosni_Mubarak__Mubarak  Fridtjof_Nansen__Nansen  Gamal_Abdel_Nasser__Nasser  Jawaharlal_Nehru__Nehru  Frederick_North__North__Second_Earl_of_Guilford  Daniel_Ortega_Saavedra__Ortega__Daniel_Ortega  Ignace_Jan_Paderewski__Paderewski  Pericles  Pitt_the_Elder__Pitt__William_Pitt__First_Earl_of_Chatham  Pitt_the_Younger__Pitt__William_Pitt__Second_Earl_of_Chatham  Pompey_the_Great__Pompey__Gnaeus_Pompeius_Magnus  Cardinal_Richelieu__Richelieu__Duc_de_Richelieu__Armand_Jean_du_Plessis  Second_Marquis_of_Rockingham__Rockingham__Charles_Watson-Wentworth  Anwar_el-Sadat__Sadat  Helmut_Heinrich_Waldemar_Schmidt__Schmidt__Helmut_Schmidt  Lucius_Annaeus_Seneca__Seneca  Ian_Douglas_Smith__Smith__Ian_Smith  Jan_Christian_Smuts__Smuts  Suharto  Achmad_Sukarno__Sukarno  Duc_de_Sully__Sully__Maxmilien_de_Bethune  Sun_Yat-sen__Sun_Yixian  Charles_Maurice_de_Talleyrand__Talleyrand  Themistocles  Marshal_Tito__Tito__Josip_Broz  Getulio_Dornelles_Vargas__Vargas  Hendrik_Frensch_Verwoerd__Verwoerd__Hendrik_Verwoerd  Kurt_Waldheim__Waldheim  Lech_Walesa__Walesa  Sir_Robert_Walpole__Walpole__Robert_Walpole__First_Earl_of_Orford  Earl_of_Warwick__Warwick__Richard_Neville__the_Kingmaker  Chaim_Azriel_Weizmann__Weizmann__Chaim_Weizmann  First_Duke_of_Wellington__Wellington__Duke_of_Wellington__Arthur_Wellesley__the_Iron_Duke  William_of_Wykeham__Wykeham__wykeham
     subtype:  technocrat  an advocate of technocracy
     subtype:  Whig.politico__whig  a member of the Whig Party in the United States in pre-Civil-War times
     instance:  Nancy_Witcher_Astor__Astor__Viscountess_Astor  Alben_William_Barkley__Barkley__barkley__albenbarkley  1st_Baron_Beaverbrook__Beaverbrook__William_Maxwell_Aitken  Thomas_Bradley__Bradley__Tom_Bradley  William_Jennings_Bryan__Bryan__the_Great_Commoner__The_Boy_Orator_of_the_Platte  Aaron_Burr__Burr  Charles_Joseph_Clark__Clark__Joe_Clark  Henry_Clay__Clay  DeWitt_Clinton__Clinton  David_Crockett__Crockett__Davy_Crockett  Stephen_Arnold_Douglas__Douglas__Stephen_A._Douglas__The_Little_Giant  Samuel_Houston__Houston__Sam_Houston  Jesse_Louis_Jackson__Jackson__Jesse_Jackson  Glenda_Jackson__Jackson  Andre_Maginot__Maginot  Joseph_Raymond_McCarthy__McCarthy__Joseph_McCarthy  Sir_Robert_Peel__Peel__Robert_Peel  Jeannette_Rankin__Rankin  Nellie_Tayloe_Ross__Ross__Nellie_Ross  William_Henry_Seward__Seward  Daniel_Webster__Webster
  subtype:  politician  a leader engaged in civil administration
     subtype:  governor  the head of a state government
        subtype:  bey  the governor of a district or province in the Ottoman Empire
        subtype:  military_governor  the head of a government established by the military (as in a defeated country)
           subtype:  burgrave  the military governor of a German town in the 12th and 13th centuries
           subtype:  margrave.military_governor  the military governor of a frontier province in medieval Germany
        subtype:  governor_general  a governor of high rank
        subtype:  proconsul.governor  a provincial governor of consular rank in the Roman Republic and Roman Empire
        subtype:  satrap  a governor of a province in ancient Persia
        subtype:  viceroy__vicereine  governor of a country or province who rules as the representative of his or her king or sovereign
     subtype:  legislator  someone who makes or enacts laws
     subtype:  mayor__city_manager  the head of a city government
        subtype:  ex-mayor  a former mayor
        subtype:  burgomaster  a mayor of a municipality in Germany or Holland or Flanders or Austria
        subtype:  mayoress  a woman mayor
  subtype:  presiding_officer__presidingofficer  the leader of a group meeting
     subtype:  moderator.presiding_officer  someone who presides over a forum or debate
     subtype:  chairman__president__chairwoman__chair  the officer who presides at the meetings of an organization
        subtype:  vice_chairman  one ranking below or serving in the place of a chairman
     subtype:  Speaker  the presiding officer of a deliberative assembly; "the leader of the majority party is the Speaker of the House of Representatives"
  subtype:  religious_leader__religiousleader  leader of a religious order
     subtype:  guru  a Hindu or Sikh religious leader and personal teacher
     instance:  Joshua  Ayatollah_Ruholla_Khomeini__Khomeini__Ruholla_Khomeini__Ayatollah_Khomeini  Nanak  Saint_Elizabeth_Ann_Bayley_Seton__Seton__Elizabeth_Seton__Mother_Seton  Isaac_Mayer_Wise__Wise  Stephen_Samuel_Wise__Wise  Brigham_Young__Young
  subtype:  scoutmaster  the leader of a troop of Scouts
  subtype:  spearhead.leader  someone who leads or initiates an activity (attack or campaign etc.)
  subtype:  strike_leader  someone who leads a strike
  subtype:  higher-up__superior__superordinate  one of greater rank or station or quality
     subtype:  god  a man of such superior qualities that he seems like a deity to other people; "he was a god among men"
     subtype:  supervisor  one who supervises or has charge and direction of
        subtype:  bell_captain  the supervisor of bellboys in a hotel
        subtype:  counsellor__counselor  someone who has supervisory duties at a summer camp
        subtype:  theater_director__theaterdirector__director__theatre_director__theatredirector  someone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a show
           subtype:  film_director  the person who directs the making of a film
              instance:  Ingmar_Bergman__Bergman  Luis_Bunuel__Bunuel  Alfred_Joseph_Hitchcock__Hitchcock__Alfred_Hitchcock__Sir_Alfred_Hitchcock
           subtype:  stage_director__stagedirector  someone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a stage show
              subtype:  art_director__artdirector  the director in charge of the artistic features of a theatrical production (costumes and scenery and lighting)
           instance:  Harley_Granville-Barker__Granville-Barker
        subtype:  chief__foreman__gaffer__honcho__boss  a person who exercises control over workers; "if you want to leave early you have to ask the foreman"
           subtype:  baas  South African term for `boss'
           subtype:  ganger  the foreman of a work gang
           subtype:  straw_boss__assistant_foreman__assistantforeman  a member of a work gang who supervises the other workers
        subtype:  forewoman  a woman in charge of a group of workers
        subtype:  overseer__superintendent  a person who directs and manages an organization
           subtype:  ramrod.overseer  a harshly demanding overseer
           subtype:  school_superintendent  the superintendent of a school system
        subtype:  oyabun  a Japanese supervisor
        subtype:  proctor__monitor  someone who supervises (an examination)
           subtype:  invigilator  (British) someone who watches examination candidates to prevent cheating
        subtype:  research_director__director_of_research  a supervisor in a research center
        subtype:  stage_manager__stagemanager__stager  someone who supervises the physical aspects in the production of a show and who is in charge of the stage when the show is being performed
        subtype:  taskmaster  someone who imposes hard or continuous work
           subtype:  slave_driver__slavedriver  a supervisor of slaves at work
           subtype:  taskmistress  a woman taskmaster
        subtype:  trail_boss  the person responsible for driving a herd of cattle
  subtype:  torchbearer  a leader in a campaign or movement
  subtype:  trainer  one who trains other persons or animals
     subtype:  coach__manager  (sports) someone in charge of training an athlete or a team
        subtype:  baseball_coach__baseball_manager  a coach of baseball players
           subtype:  batting_coach__battingcoach  someone who teaches batters how to bat better
           subtype:  pitching_coach  an assistant baseball coach in charge of pitchers
           instance:  Charles_Dillon_Stengel__Stengel__Casey_Stengel
        subtype:  basketball_coach  a coach of basketball players
        subtype:  conditioner.coach  a trainer of athletes
        subtype:  football_coach  a coach of football players
           subtype:  line_coach  an assistant football coach in charge of the linemen
        subtype:  hockey_coach  a coach of hockey players
        subtype:  tennis_coach  a coach of tennis players
        instance:  John_Joseph_McGraw__McGraw__John_McGraw
     subtype:  animal_trainer__handler  one who trains or exhibits animals
        subtype:  tamer  an animal trainer who tames wild animals

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