#info__information  a message received and understood that reduces the recipient's uncertainty
  supertype:  subject_matter__subjectmatter__message__content__substance  what a communication that is about something is about
  subtype:  factoid.info  something resembling a fact; unverified (often invented) information that is given credibility because it appeared in print
  subtype:  misinformation  information that is incorrect
  subtype:  material  information (data or ideas or observations) that can be reworked into a finished form; "the archives provided rich material for a definitive biography"
     subtype:  rehash  old material that is slightly reworked and used again; "merely a dull rehash of his first novel"
     subtype:  copy.material  material suitable for a journalistic account; "catastrophes make good copy"
  subtype:  details__detail__inside_information  true confidential information; "after the trial he gave us the real details"
     subtype:  poop__dope__the_skinny__theskinny__low-down__lowdown  slang terms for inside information; "is that the straight dope?"
  subtype:  fact.info  a statement or assertion of verified information about something that is the case or has happened; "he supported his argument with an impressive array of facts"
     subtype:  recordbook__record__book  a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone; "Al Smith used to say, `Let's look at the record'"; "his name is in all the recordbooks"
        subtype:  logbook  a book in which the log is written
           subtype:  bell_book  a logbook in which all orders concerning the main engines of a ship are recorded
        subtype:  won-lost_record  (sports) a record of win versus losses
        subtype:  scorecard__card  a record of scores (as in golf); "you have to turn in your card to get a handicap"
     subtype:  basics__rudiments__rudiment  a statement of fundamental facts or principles
     subtype:  index_number__indexnumber__index__indicant__indicator  a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts; can reveal relative changes as a function of time
        subtype:  business_index  a statistical compilation that provides a context for economic or financial conditions; "this business index is computed relative to the base year of 1995"
        subtype:  leading_indicator__leadingindicator  one of 11 indicators for different sections of the economy; used by the Department of Commerce to predict economic trends in the near future
        subtype:  price_index__priceindex__price_level__pricelevel  an index that traces the relative changes in the price of an individual good (or a market basket of goods) over time
           subtype:  retail_price_index  an index of changes in retail prices
           subtype:  producer_price_index__wholesale_price_index__wholesalepriceindex  an index of changes in wholesale prices
           subtype:  consumer_price_index__CPI__cost-of-living_index  an index of the cost of all goods and services to a typical consumer
        subtype:  short_account__shortaccount  the aggregate of short sales on an open market
        subtype:  stock_index__stockindex__stock_market_index  index based on a statistical compilation of the share prices of a number of representative stocks
           subtype:  Dow_Jones__Dow-Jones_Industrial_Average  an indicator of stock market prices; based on the share values of 30 leading companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange
           subtype:  Standard_and_Poor's_Index__Standard_and_Poor's  a broadly based stock market index
  subtype:  data_format__format__formatting__data_formatting  the organization of information according to preset specifications (usually for computer processing)
     subtype:  high-level_formatting  (computer science) the format for the root directory and the file allocation tables and other basic configurations
     subtype:  low-level_formatting__lowlevelformatting__initialization__initialisation  (computer science) the format of sectors on the surface of a hard disk drive so that the operating system can access them and setting a starting position
     subtype:  purpose_related_format__purposerelatedformat
        subtype:  executable_format
           subtype:  bin
           subtype:  exe
        subtype:  archive_format__archiveformat
           subtype:  tar
           subtype:  gtar
           subtype:  shar
           subtype:  sit
           subtype:  hqx
        subtype:  compressed_data_format
           subtype:  zip
           subtype:  gz
           subtype:  Z
     subtype:  media_dependant_format__mediadependantformat
  subtype:  gen  (British) informal term for information; "give me the gen on your new line of computers"
  subtype:  database  an organized body of related information
     subtype:  listing__list  a database containing an ordered array of items (names or topics)
        subtype:  agendum__agenda__order_of_business  a list of matters to be taken up (as at a meeting)
           subtype:  order_of_the_day  the order of business for an assembly on a given day
              subtype:  order_paper__order_book__orderbook  a printed copy of the order of the day
        subtype:  bibliography  a list of writings with time and place of publication (such as the writings of a single author or the works referred to in preparing a document etc.)
        subtype:  bill.listing  a list of particulars (as a playbill or bill of fare)
           subtype:  bill_of_fare__menu__card__carte_du_jour__carte  a list of dishes available at a restaurant; "the menu was in French"
              subtype:  a_la_carte  a menu having individual dishes listed with separate prices
              subtype:  prix_fixe  a menu listing fixed meals at fixed prices
              subtype:  table_d'hote__tabled'hote  a menu offering a complete meal with limited choices at a fixed price
           subtype:  playbill  a theatrical program; "he couldn't find her name on the playbill"
        subtype:  blacklist__black_book__blackbook  a list of people who are out of favor
        subtype:  calendar  a list or register of events (appointments or social events or court cases etc); "I have you on my calendar for next Monday"
           subtype:  docket  (law) the calendar of a court; the list of cases to be tried or a summary of the court's activities
        subtype:  calorie_chart__caloriechart  a list of foods and information about their caloric content
        subtype:  canon.listing  a complete list of saints that have been recognized by the Roman Catholic Church
        subtype:  catalogue__catalog  a complete list of things; usually arranged systematically; "it does not pretend to be a catalogue of his achievements"
           subtype:  card_catalog__card_catalogue  an enumeration of all the resources of a library
           subtype:  parts_catalog__partscatalog__parts_catalogue__partscatalogue  a list advertising parts for machinery along with prices
           subtype:  seed_catalog__seed_catalogue  a list advertising seeds and their prices
        subtype:  character_set__characterset  an ordered list of characters that are used together in writing or printing
           subtype:  alphabet  a character set that includes letters
              subtype:  phonetic_alphabet__sound_alphabet__soundalphabet  an alphabet of characters intended to represent specific sounds of speech
                 subtype:  visible_speech.phonetic_alphabet__visiblespeech  a phonetic alphabet invented by Alexander Melville Bell in the 19th century
              subtype:  manual_alphabet__finger_alphabet  an alphabet used by the deaf; letters are represented by finger positions
              instance:  Roman_alphabet  Hebrew_alphabet__Hebraic_alphabet__Aramaic_alphabet  Greek_alphabet  Cyrillic_alphabet__Cyrillic  Arabic_alphabet
           subtype:  alphanumerics__alphanumeric  a character set that includes letters and digits and punctuation marks
           instance:  ASCII_character_set
        subtype:  checklist  a list of items (names or tasks etc.) to be checked or consulted
        subtype:  class_list__classlist__honours_list__honourslist  (British) a list issued by examiners that categorizes students according to the class of honours they achieved in their degree examinations
        subtype:  codex.listing  an official list of chemicals or medicines etc.
        subtype:  table_of_contents__contents  a list of divisions (chapters or articles) and the pages on which they start
        subtype:  corrigenda  a list of printing errors in a book along with their corrections
        subtype:  criminal_record__record  a list of crimes for which an accused person has been previously convicted; "he ruled that the criminal record of the defendant could not be disclosed to the court"; "the prostitute had a record a mile long"
        subtype:  directory.listing  (computer science) a listing of the files stored in memory (usually on a hard disk)
           subtype:  subdirectory  (computer science) a directory that is listed in another directory
        subtype:  distribution_list  list of names to whom a communication should be sent
        subtype:  enumeration__numbering  a numbered list
        subtype:  free_list  a list of commodities that are not subject to tariffs
        subtype:  grocery_list.listing__grocerylist__shoppinglist  a list of heterogenous items that someone wants; "the union came to the table with a whole grocery list of demands"
        subtype:  hit_list__hitlist  a list of victims to be eliminated (as by murder)
        subtype:  index.listing  an alphabetical listing of names and topics along with page numbers where they are discussed
           subtype:  concordance  an index of all main words in a book along with their immediate contexts
        subtype:  key.listing  a list of words or phrases that explain symbols or abbreviations
           subtype:  key_word.key__keyword  a word that is used as a pattern to decode an encrypted message
        subtype:  stock_list__stocklist__inventory  a detailed list of all the items in stock
           subtype:  parts_inventory__partsinventory  an inventory of replacement parts
        subtype:  mailing_list__mailinglist  a list of names and addresses to which advertising material is mailed
           subtype:  IS_mailing_list
              subtype:  KM_mailing_list
                 subtype:  CG_mailing_list
                 subtype:  FCA_mailing_list
        subtype:  computer_menu__menu  (computer science) a list of options available to a computer user
           subtype:  hierarchical_menu__cascading_menu__cascadingmenu__submenu  (computer science) a secondary menu that appears while you are holding the cursor over an item on the primary menu
        subtype:  necrology  a list of people who died recently
        subtype:  portfolio.listing  a list of the financial assets held by an individual or a bank or other financial institution
        subtype:  posting  (bookkeeping) a listing on the company's records; "the posting was made in the cash account"
        subtype:  price_list__pricelist  a listing of prices for different goods or services
        subtype:  push-down_list__push-down_stack__stack  a list in which the next item to be removed is the item most recently stored (LIFO)
        subtype:  queue.listing  (information processing) an ordered list of tasks to be performed or messages to be transmitted
           subtype:  push-down_queue  a last-in first-out kind of queue (LIFO)
        subtype:  roster__roll  a list of names; "his name was struck off the rolls"
           subtype:  batting_order__battingorder__card__lineup  (baseball) a list of batters in the order in which they will bat; "the managers presented their cards to the umpire at home plate"
           subtype:  death-roll__deathroll  a list of persons killed in a war or other disaster
           subtype:  muster_roll  a list of names of officers and men in a military unit or ship's company
           subtype:  church_roll  a list of the members of church
           subtype:  rota  (British) a roster of names showing the order in which people should perform certain duties
           subtype:  waiting_list__waitinglist  a roster of those waiting to obtain something
        subtype:  schedule  an ordered list of times at which things are planned to occur
           subtype:  network_programming  the schedule of programs to be broadcast on a network
           subtype:  timetable.schedule  a schedule of times of arrivals and departures
           subtype:  timetable  a schedule listing events and the times at which they will take place
        subtype:  shopping_list  a list of items to be purchased
           subtype:  grocery_list__grocerylist  a list of groceries to be purchased
        subtype:  short_list__shortlist  (British) a list of applicants who have been deemed suitable and from which the successful person will be chosen
        subtype:  sick_list  a list of those who are ill (e.g. on a warship or in a regiment etc)
        subtype:  slate.listing  a list of candidates to be considered for nomination or election to public offices
        subtype:  wish_list  a list of events that you wish would occur
     subtype:  electronic_database__on-line_database__computer_database__electronic_information_service  (computer science) a database that can be accessed by computers
        subtype:  relational_database  a database in which relations between information items are explicitly specified as accessible attributes; "in a relational database the data are organized as a number of differently sized tables"
           subtype:  Medical_Literature_Analysis_and_Retrieval_System__MEDLARS  relational database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine for the storage and retrieval of bibliographical information concerning the biomedical literature
        subtype:  object-oriented_database  a database in which the operations carried out on information items (data objects) are considered part of their definition
        subtype:  lexical_database__lexicaldatabase  a database of information about words
           subtype:  machine_readable_dictionary__MRD__electronic_dictionary  a machine-readable version of a standard dictionary; organized alphabetically
           subtype:  WordNet  (trademark) a machine-readable lexical database organized by meanings; developed at Princeton University
           subtype:  wordnet  any of the machine-readable lexical databases modeled after the Princeton WordNet
     subtype:  subdata_base__subdatabase  a subset of data in a database that are used in a specific application
  subtype:  tidings__tiding__news__intelligence__word  new information about specific and timely events; "they awaited news of the outcome"
     subtype:  good_word  good news
     subtype:  update  news that updates your information
  subtype:  news  new information of any kind; "it was news to me"
  subtype:  nuts_and_bolts  detailed practical information about how something works or how something can be accomplished
  subtype:  intelligence.info  secret information about an enemy (or potential enemy); "we sent out planes to gather intelligence on their radar coverage"
  subtype:  confirmation  information that confirms or verifies
     subtype:  reinforcement__reenforcement  information that makes more forcible or convincing; "his gestures provided eloquent reinforcement for his complaints"
     subtype:  corroboration__documentation__certification  confirmation that some fact or statement is true
  subtype:  insider_information__insiderinformation  important information about the plans or condition of a corporation that has not been released to the public; use for personal profit is illegal
  subtype:  arcanum__secret  information known only to a special group; "the secret of Cajun cooking"
     subtype:  esoterica  secrets known only to an initiated minority
     subtype:  cabala__cabbala__cabbalah__kabala__kabbala__kabbalah  an esoteric or occult matter that is traditionally secret
     subtype:  password__watchword__word__parole__countersign  a secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group; "he forgot the password"
  subtype:  secret  something that should remain hidden from others (especially information that is not to be passed on); "the combination to the safe was a secret"; "he tried to keep his drinking a secret"
     subtype:  confidence.secret  a secret that is confided or entrusted to another; "everyone trusted him with their confidences"; "the priest could not reveal her confidences"
     subtype:  open_secret  something that is supposed to be secret but is generally known; "their love affair was an open secret"
     subtype:  trade_secret__tradesecret  a secret (method or device or formula) that gives a manufacturer an advantage over the competition
  subtype:  propaganda  information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause
     subtype:  agitprop  political propaganda (especially Communist propaganda) communicated via art and literature and cinema
  subtype:  course_of_study__program__curriculum__syllabus  a course of academic studies; "he was admitted to a new program at the university"
     subtype:  reading_program  a program designed to teach literacy skills
     subtype:  degree_program  a course of study leading to an academic degree
  subtype:  news.info  information reported in a newspaper or news magazine; "the news of my death was greatly exaggerated"
     subtype:  business_news  news about businesses and investments
     subtype:  news_report__report__story__write_up__writeup  a short account of the news; "the report of his speech"; "the story was on the 11 o'clock news"; "the account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious"
        subtype:  newsletter__newssheet  report or open letter giving informal or confidential news of interest to a special group
           subtype:  market_letter  a newsletter written by an analyst of the stock market and sold to subscribers
        subtype:  bulletin  a brief report especially an official statement issued for immediate publication or broadcast
           subtype:  news_bulletin__newsflash__flash  a short news announcement concerning some on-going news story
           subtype:  information_bulletin__informationbulletin  a bulletin containing the latest information
        subtype:  communique__dispatch__despatch  an official report (usually sent in haste)
        subtype:  exclusive__scoop  a news report that is reported first by one news organization; "he got a scoop on the bribery of city officials"
     subtype:  newscast  a broadcast of news
        subtype:  radio_news  a radio broadcast of news
        subtype:  television_news  a television broadcast of news
     subtype:  reporting__coverage__reportage  the news as presented by reporters for newspapers or radio of television; "they accused the paper of biased coverage of race relations"
     subtype:  stop_press  late news that is inserted into the newspaper at the last minute
  subtype:  evidence.info  (law) all the means by which any alleged matter of fact whose truth is investigated at judicial trial is established or disproved
     subtype:  exhibit  an object or statement produced before a court of law and referred to while giving evidence
     subtype:  testimony  a solemn statement made under oath
        subtype:  witness.testimony  testimony by word or deed to your religious faith
        subtype:  declaration.testimony  unsworn statement in a legal transaction
        subtype:  affidavit__attestation  written declaration made under oath; a written statement sworn to be true before someone legally authorized to administer an oath
     subtype:  corpus_delicti  the body of evidence that constitute the offence; the objective proof that a crime has been committed (sometimes mistakenly thought to refer to the body of a homicide victim)
     subtype:  direct_evidence  evidence (usually the testimony of a witness) directly related to the fact in dispute
     subtype:  circumstantial_evidence__indirect_evidence  evidence providing only a basis for inference about the fact in dispute
     subtype:  corroborating_evidence__corroboratingevidence  additional evidence or evidence of different kind that supports a proof already offered in a proceeding
     subtype:  hearsay_evidence__hearsayevidence  evidence based on what someone has told the witness and not of direct knowledge
     subtype:  state's_evidence__state'sevidence  evidence for the prosecution in criminal proceedings
  subtype:  tabular_matter__tabularmatter__tabulation  information set out in tabular form
  subtype:  report__study  a written document describing the findings of some individual or group; "this accords with the recent study by Hill and Dale"
     subtype:  case_study.report__casestudy  a careful study of some social unit (as a corporation or division within a corporation) that attempts to determine what factors led to its success or failure
     subtype:  white_book__whitebook__white_paper__whitepaper  a government report; bound in white
     subtype:  blue_book.report__bluebook  a report published by the British government; bound in blue
     subtype:  progress_report__progressreport  a report of work accomplished during a specified time period
     subtype:  medical_report__medicalreport  a report of the results of a medical examination of a patient
     subtype:  PhD_thesis
  subtype:  stuff.info  information in some unspecified form; "it was stuff I had heard before"; "there's good stuff in that book"
  subtype:  report_card__report  a written evaluation of a student's scholarship and deportment; "his father signed his report card"
  subtype:  publication  a printed work offered for distribution
     subtype:  reissue__reprint__reprinting  a publication (such as a book) that is reprinted without changes or editing and offered again for sale
     subtype:  new_edition__newedition  a publication (such as a book) that has been modified or updated and offered again for sale
     subtype:  book  a copy of a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together); "I am reading a good book on economics"
        subtype:  authority.book  an authoritative written work; "this book is the final authority on the life of Milton"
           subtype:  last_word  an authoritative statement; "my doctor has the last word on the medicines I take"
        subtype:  trade_book__tradebook__tradeedition  a book intended for general readership
           subtype:  best_seller  a book that has had a large and rapid sale
        subtype:  bestiary  a medieval book (usually illustrated) with allegorical and amusing descriptions of real and fabled animals
        subtype:  catechism.book  an elementary book summarizing the principles of a Christian religion; written as questions and answers
        subtype:  tome  a (usually) large and scholarly book
        subtype:  booklet__brochure__folder__leaflet__pamphlet  a small book usually having a paper cover
           subtype:  blue_book  a blue-covered booklet used in universities for writing examinations
           subtype:  ticket_book  a book of tickets that can be torn out and used
        subtype:  textbook__text__text_edition__schoolbook__school_text  a book prepared for use in schools or colleges; "his economics textbook is in its tenth edition"; "the professor wrote the text that he assigned students to buy"
           subtype:  crammer  a textbook designed for cramming
           subtype:  introduction.textbook  a basic or elementary instructional text
           subtype:  primer  an introductory textbook
              subtype:  speller  an introductory textbook to teach spelling
           subtype:  reader.textbook  one of a series of texts for students learning to read
              subtype:  McGuffey_Eclectic_Readers  readers that combined lessons in reading with moralistic messages
        subtype:  workbook  a student's book or booklet containing problems with spaces for solving them
        subtype:  copybook  a book containing models of good penmanship; used in teaching penmanship
        subtype:  appointment_book__appointmentbook__appointment_calendar__appointmentcalendar  a book containing a calendar and space to keep a record of appointments
        subtype:  catalog__catalogue  a book or pamphlet containing an enumeration of things; "he found it in the Sears catalog"
           subtype:  course_catalog__course_catalogue__prospectus  a catalog listing the courses offered by a college or university
        subtype:  phrase_book  a book containing common expressions in a foreign language along with their translations
        subtype:  prayer_book__prayerbook  a book containing prayers
           subtype:  breviary  (Roman Catholic Church) a book of prayers to be recited daily certain priests and members of religious orders
           subtype:  missal  (Roman Catholic Church) a book containing all the prayers and responses needed to celebrate Mass throughout the year
           subtype:  Psalter__Book_of_Psalms  a collection of Psalms for liturgical use
        subtype:  reference_book__referencebook__reference__reference_work__referencework__book_of_facts  a book to which you can refer for authoritative facts; "he contributed articles to the basic reference work on that topic"
           subtype:  cookbook__cookery_book__cookerybook  a book of recipes and cooking directions
           subtype:  instruction_book__instructionbook  a book of directions for using or operating some piece of equipment
           subtype:  source_book  a collection of historically important documents published together as a book
           subtype:  wordbook  a reference book containing words (usually with their meanings)
              subtype:  dictionary__lexicon  a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them
                 subtype:  bilingual_dictionary__bilingualdictionary  a dictionary giving equivalent words in two languages
                 subtype:  desk_dictionary__deskdictionary__collegiate_dictionary  an abridged dictionary of a size convenient to hold in the hand
                 subtype:  etymological_dictionary  a dictionary giving the historical origins of each word
                 subtype:  gazetteer  a geographical dictionary (as at the back of an atlas)
                 subtype:  learner's_dictionary__learner'sdictionary__schooldictionary  a dictionary specially written for those learning a foreign language
                 subtype:  pocket_dictionary__little_dictionary  a dictionary that is small enough to carry in your pocket
                 subtype:  spell-checker__spellchecker__spelling_checker  an electronic dictionary in a word processor that can be used to catch misspelled words
                 subtype:  unabridged_dictionary  a dictionary that is claimed to be complete
                    subtype:  Oxford_English_Dictionary__O.E.D.__OED  an unabridged dictionary constructed on historical principles
              subtype:  onomasticon  a list of proper nouns naming persons or places
              subtype:  vocabulary  a listing of the words used in some enterprise
              subtype:  glossary__gloss__glos  an alphabetical list of technical terms in some specialized field of knowledge; usually published as an appendix to a text on that field
              subtype:  thesaurus__thesauru__synonym_finder__synonymfinder  a book containing a classified list of synonyms
                 subtype:  word_finder  a thesaurus organized to help you find the word you want but cannot think of
           subtype:  handbook__enchiridion__vade_mecum  a concise reference book providing specific information about a subject or location
              subtype:  manual  a small handbook
                 subtype:  consuetudinary__consuetudinal  a manual describing the customs of a particular group (especially the ceremonial practices of a monastic order)
                 subtype:  grimoire  a manual of black magic (for invoking spirits and demons)
                 subtype:  instruction_manual__instructionmanual__instructions__book_of_instructions__operating_instructions  a manual usually accompanying a technical device and explaining how to install or operate it
                 subtype:  reference_manual__referencemanual  a manual containing information organized in a summary manner
                 subtype:  sex_manual__sexmanual  a manual containing instruction in sexual techniques; intended to enhance the reader's sexual life
              subtype:  bible  a book regarded as authoritative in its field
              subtype:  guidebook__guide  something that offers basic information or instruction
                 subtype:  field_guide  a guidebook describing natural objects of some type that might be encountered in the field; "a field guide to mushrooms"
                 subtype:  roadbook  a guidebook describing the roads of a country; contains maps and (sometimes) a gazetteer
                 subtype:  travel_guidebook__itinerary  a guidebook for travelers
                    subtype:  baedeker  any of a series of travel guidebooks published by the German firm founded by Karl Baedeker
           subtype:  directory  an alphabetical list of names and addresses
              subtype:  phonebook__telephonebook__telephone_directory__telephonedirectory  a directory containing an alphabetical list of telephone subscribers and their telephone numbers
                 subtype:  Yellow_Pages__yellow_pages  a telephone directory or section of a directory (usually printed on yellow paper) where business products and services are listed alphabetically by field along with classified advertising
              subtype:  blue_book.directory__bluebook  a register of persons who are socially prominent
           subtype:  yearbook__annual  a reference book that is published regularly once every year
              subtype:  almanac  an annual publication containing tabular information in a particular field or fields arranged according to the calendar of a given year
              subtype:  farmer's_calendar__almanac  an annual publication including weather forecasts and other miscellaneous information arranged according to the calendar of a given year
              subtype:  ephemeris__ephemeri  an annual publication containing tables that give the positions of the celestial bodies throughout the year; "today computers calculate the ephemerides"
           subtype:  atlas__atla__book_of_maps__map_collection__mapcollection  a collection of maps in book form
              subtype:  dialect_atlas__dialectatla__linguisticatla  an atlas showing the distribution of distinctive linguistic features
           subtype:  encyclopedia__cyclopedia__encyclopaedia__cyclopaedia  a reference work (often in several volumes) containing articles on various topics (often arranged in alphabetical order) dealing with the entire range of human knowledge or with some particular specialty
              subtype:  book_of_knowledge  an elementary encyclopedia dealing with general knowledge
        subtype:  review_copy  a copy of a newly published book that is sent for review to a writer or periodical
        subtype:  songbook  a book containing a collection of songs
           subtype:  hymnal__hymnbook__hymnary  a songbook containing a collection of hymns
        subtype:  Das_Kapital__Capital  a book written by Karl Marx (1867) describing his economic theories
        instance:  New_Latin_Utopia__Utopia
     subtype:  volume.publication  a publication that is one of a set of several similar publications; "the third volume was missing"; "he asked for the 1989 volume of the Annual Review"
     subtype:  read  something that is read; "the article was a very good read"
     subtype:  impression.publication__printing  all the copies of a work printed at one time; "they ran off an initial printing of 2000 copies"
        subtype:  edition  the form in which a text (especially a printed book) is published
           subtype:  limited_edition__limitededition  an edition that is restricted to a specific number of copies
           subtype:  variorum_edition__variorum  an edition containing various versions of a text or notes by various scholars or editors
        subtype:  test_copy__proof  (printing) a trial impression made to check for errors
           subtype:  galley_proof  a proof taken before the type is broken up to print pages
           subtype:  foundry_proof__foundryproof  a proof taken from a form before duplicate plates are made
        subtype:  mackle  a printed impression that is blurred or doubled
     subtype:  collection__compendium  a publication containing a variety of works
        subtype:  anthology  a collection of selected literary passages
           subtype:  divan.anthology__diwan  a collection of Persian or Arabic poems (usually by one author)
           subtype:  florilegium__garland  an anthology of short literary pieces and poems and ballads etc.
        subtype:  archives  collection of records especially about an institution
        subtype:  compilation__digest  something that is compiled (as into a single book or file)
     subtype:  periodical  a publication that appears at fixed intervals
        subtype:  digest  a periodical that summarizes the news
        subtype:  pictorial  a periodical (magazine or newspaper) containing many pictures
        subtype:  serial_publication__series__serial  a periodical that appears at scheduled times
           subtype:  monthly  a periodical that is published every month
           subtype:  quarterly  a periodical that is published every quarter
           subtype:  weekly  a periodical that is published every week
        subtype:  organ.periodical  a periodical that is published by a special interest group; "the organ of the communist party"
           subtype:  house_organ  a periodical published by a business firm for its employees and customers
        subtype:  issue.periodical__number  one of a series published periodically; "she found an old issue of the magazine in her dentist's waitingroom"
           subtype:  edition.issue  an issue of a newspaper; "he read it in yesterday's edition of the Times"
        subtype:  journal  a periodical dedicated to a particular subject; "he reads the medical journals"
           subtype:  annals  reports of the work of a society or learned body etc
        subtype:  review.periodical  a periodical that publishes critical essays on current affairs or literature or art
           subtype:  literary_review  a review devoted to literary criticism
     subtype:  dope_sheet__scratch_sheet__scratchsheet  a racing publication giving information on horses
     subtype:  reference.publication__source  a publication (or a passage from a publication) that is referred to; "he carried an armful of references back to his desk"; "he spent hours looking for the source of that quotation"
     subtype:  article  nonfictional prose forming an independent part of a publication
        subtype:  newspaper_column__newspapercolumn__column__editorial  an article giving opinions or perspectives
           subtype:  agony_column__agonycolumn  a newspaper column devoted to personal problems
        subtype:  feature_article__featurearticle__feature  a special or prominent article in a newspaper or magazine; "they ran a feature on retirement planning"
        subtype:  magazine_article  an article published in a magazine
        subtype:  news_article__news_story__newspaper_article__newspaperarticle  an article reporting news
           subtype:  lead_story__lead  a news story of major importance
           subtype:  personal  a short newspaper article about a particular person or group
           subtype:  sidebar  a short news story presenting sidelights on a major story
        subtype:  offprint__reprint__separate  a separately printed article that originally appeared in a larger publication
        subtype:  paper.article  a scholarly article describing the results of observations or stating hypotheses; "he has written many scientific papers"

47 statements are about indirect instances of info: graph1_on_publication, graph1_on_report, graph35_on_article, graph1_on_article, graph2_on_article, graph3_on_article, graph4_on_article, graph5_on_article, graph6_on_article, graph7_on_article, graph8_on_article, graph9_on_article, graph10_on_article, graph11_on_article, graph12_on_article, graph13_on_article, graph14_on_article, graph15_on_article, graph16_on_article, graph17_on_article, graph18_on_article, graph1_on_PhD_thesis, graph1_on_book, graph19_on_article, graph20_on_article, graph21_on_article, graph22_on_article, graph23_on_article, graph24_on_article, graph2_on_PhD_thesis, graph25_on_article, graph26_on_article, graph27_on_article, graph28_on_article, graph29_on_article, graph30_on_article, graph3_on_PhD_thesis, graph31_on_article, graph32_on_article, graph33_on_article, graph34_on_article, graph1_on_description, graph1_on_file, graph1_on_written_material, graph1_on_research_staff, graph7_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, graph1_on_f.modave@gu.edu.au click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

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