#indicant__indication  a signal that serves to indicate or suggest something; "an indication of foul play"; "indications of strain"; "symptoms are the prime indicants of disease"
  supertype:  signal__sign__signaling  any communication that encodes a message; "signals from the boat suddenly stopped"
  subtype:  gesture.indicant  something done as an indication of intention; "a political gesture" or "a gesture of defiance"
     subtype:  beau_geste  a gracious (but usually meaningless) gesture
  subtype:  evidence  an indication that makes something evident; "his trembling was evidence of his fear"
     subtype:  clue__clew__cue  evidence that helps to solve a problem
        subtype:  footprint__footmark__step  a mark of a foot or shoe on a surface; a clue that someone was present; "the police made casts of the footprints in the soft earth outside the window"
        subtype:  sign__mark  a perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened); "he showed signs of strain"; "they welcomed the signs of spring"
        subtype:  vestige__shadow  a clue that something has been present; "there wasn't a trace of evidence for the claim"
     subtype:  record  anything (such as a document or a phonograph record or a photograph) providing permanent evidence of or information about past events; "the film provided a valuable record of stage techniques"
        subtype:  written_record__writtenrecord__written_account__writtenaccount  a written document preserving knowledge of facts or events
           subtype:  worksheet.written_record  a piece of paper recording work planned or done on a project
           subtype:  interlingual_rendition__translation__rendering__version  a written communication in a second language having the same meaning as the written communication in a first language
              subtype:  subtitle__caption  translation of foreign dialogue of a movie or TV program; usually displayed at the bottom of the screen
              subtype:  supertitle__surtitle  translation of the words of a foreign opera (or choral work) projected on a screen above the stage
              subtype:  mistranslation  an incorrect translation
              subtype:  crib__pony__trot  a literal translation used in studying a foreign language (often used illicitly)
           subtype:  casebook  a book in which detailed written records of a case are kept and which are a source of information for subsequent work
           subtype:  voyage_log__log  a written record of events on a voyage (of a ship or plane)
           subtype:  radio_log__radiolog__log  a written record of the transmissions by a radio station
           subtype:  timecard.written_record  a card recording an employee's starting and quitting times each work day
           subtype:  time_sheet  a record of the hours worked by employees
           subtype:  entry  an item inserted in a written record
              subtype:  lexical_entry__lexicalentry__dictionary_entry  the entry in a dictionary of information about a word
              subtype:  nolle_prosequi__nolleprosequi__nol_pros  an entry in the court record to the effect that the plaintiff or prosecutor will not proceed
              subtype:  notebook_entry  an entry in a notebook
           subtype:  transcript__copy  a reproduction of a written record (e.g. of a legal or school record)
           subtype:  police_blotter__blotter__daybook__chargesheet  the daily written record of events (as arrests) in a police station
           subtype:  note  a brief written record; "he made a note of the appointment"
              subtype:  jotting__jot  a brief (and hurriedly handwritten) note
              subtype:  memo__memorandum__memoranda  a written proposal or reminder
                 subtype:  aide-memoire  a memorandum summarizing the items of an agreement
              subtype:  minute.note  a short note; "the secretary keeps the minutes of the meeting"
           subtype:  registry__register  an official written record of names or events or transactions
              subtype:  cadaster__cadastre  a public register showing the details of ownership and value of land; made for the purpose of taxation
              subtype:  studbook  official record of the pedigree of purebred animals especially horses
              subtype:  rent-roll  a register of rents; includes the names of tenants and the amount of rent they pay
           subtype:  minutes__minute__proceedings__proceeding__transactions  a written account of what transpired at a meeting
              subtype:  Congressional_Record  a published account of the speeches and debates and votes of the U.S. Congress
              subtype:  Hansard  the official published verbatim report of the proceedings of a parliamentary body; originally of the British Parliament; "the Canadian Hansard is published in both English and French"
           subtype:  minute_book  a book in which minutes have been written
           subtype:  dossier  a collection of papers containing detailed information about a particular person or subject (usually a person's record)
           subtype:  chronology.written_record  a record of events in the order of their occurrence
           subtype:  statute_book__statutebook  a record of the whole body of legislation in a given jurisdiction
           instance:  Domesday_Book
        subtype:  memorabilia  a record of things worth remembering
        subtype:  check_stub__checkstub__stub__counterfoil  the part of a check that is retained as a record
        subtype:  chronicle__history__account  a record or narrative description of past events: "a history of France"; "he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president"; "the story of exposure to lead"
           subtype:  ancient_history.chronicle__ancienthistory  a history of the ancient world
           subtype:  etymology.chronicle  a history of a word
           subtype:  case_history  detailed record of the background of a person or group under study or treatment
              subtype:  family_history  part of a patient's medical history in which questions are asked in an attempt to find out whether the patient has hereditary tendencies toward particular diseases
              subtype:  medical_history__medicalhistory__medical_record__medicalrecord__anamnesis__anamnesi  the case history of a medical patient
           subtype:  historical_document__historical_paper__historical_record  writing having historical value (as opposed to fiction or myth etc.)
           subtype:  chronological_record__chronologicalrecord__annals  a chronological account of events in successive years
           subtype:  biography__life__life_story__life_history  an account of the series of events making up a person's life
              subtype:  autobiography  a biography of yourself
                 subtype:  memoir  an account of the author's personal experiences
              subtype:  hagiography  a biography that idealizes or idolizes the person
              subtype:  profile.biography  biographical sketch
           subtype:  recital.chronicle  a detailed account or description of something; "he was forced to listen to a recital of his many shortcomings"
     subtype:  testimonial  something that serves as evidence; "his effort was testimony to his devotion"
        subtype:  good_authority  testimony by someone who should know; "I have it on good authority"
        subtype:  testament.testimonial  strong evidence for something; "his easy victory was a testament to his skill"
     subtype:  argument__statement  a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true; "it was a strong argument that his hypothesis was true"
        subtype:  proof  (logic or mathematics) a formal series of statements showing that if one thing is true something else necessarily follows from it
           subtype:  mathematical_proof  proof of a mathematical theorem
           subtype:  logical_proof__logicalproof  proof of a logical theorem
           subtype:  demonstration.proof__monstrance  proof by a process of argument or a series of proposition proving an asserted conclusion
        subtype:  pro  an argument in favor of a proposal
        subtype:  con  an argument opposed to a proposal
        subtype:  case.argument  a statement of facts and reasons used to support an argument; "he stated his case clearly"
        subtype:  clincher__determiner__determining_factor__determiningfactor  an argument that is conclusive
        subtype:  adducing  citing as evidence or proof
        subtype:  last_word.argument__lastword  the final statement in a verbal argument; "she always gets the last word"
        subtype:  specious_argument  an argument that appears good at first view but is really fallacious
           subtype:  vicious_circle__viciouscircle  an argument that assumes that which is to be proved
           subtype:  straw_man__strawman  a weak argument set up to be easily refuted
           subtype:  special_pleading.specious_argument__specialpleading  an argument that ignores all unfavorable evidence
     subtype:  attestation  the evidence by which something is attested
     subtype:  identification  evidence of identity; something that identifies a person or thing
        subtype:  identification_number__number  a numeral or string of numerals that is used for identification; "she refused to give them her Social Security number"
           subtype:  bank_identification_number__BIN__ABA_transit_number  an identification number consisting of a two-part code assigned to banks and savings associations; the first part shows the location and the second identifies the bank itself
           subtype:  license_number__licensenumber__registration_number  the number on the license plate that identifies the car that bears it
           subtype:  Social_Security_number  the number of a particular individual's social security account
        subtype:  fingerprint.identification  any identifying characteristic
        subtype:  green_card__greencard  a card that identifies the bearer as an alien with permanent resident status in the United States; "he was surprised to discover that green cards are no longer green"
        subtype:  ID__I.D.  a card or badge used to identify the bearer
        subtype:  PIN_number__personal_identification_number__PIN  a number you choose and use to gain access to various accounts
  subtype:  symptom.indicant  anything that accompanies X and is regarded as an indication of X's existence
  subtype:  signalization__signalisation  a conspicuous indication
  subtype:  pointing_out  indication by demonstration
  subtype:  manifestation.indicant  a manifest indication
  subtype:  mark  a visible indication made on a surface; "some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks"
     subtype:  footprint__footmark__step  a mark of a foot or shoe on a surface; a clue that someone was present; "the police made casts of the footprints in the soft earth outside the window"
     subtype:  stroke.mark  a mark made by a writing implement (as in cursive writing)
        subtype:  downstroke  a stroke normally made in a downward direction
        subtype:  upstroke  a stroke normally made in an upward direction
        subtype:  underscore__underline  a line drawn underneath (especially under written matter)
     subtype:  hoofprint__hoofmark  a visible impression on a surface made by the hoof of an animal
     subtype:  line_like_mark__line  a mark that is long relative to its width; "He drew a line on the chart"; "The substance produced characteristic lines on the spectroscope"
        subtype:  cross_hair__crosshair__cross_wire__crosswire  either of two fine mutually perpendicular lines that cross in the focus plane of an optical instrument and are use for sighting or calibration; "he had the target in his cross hairs"
        subtype:  dotted_line  a line made up of dots or dashes; often used to indicate where you are supposed to sign a contract; "just sign on the dotted line"
        subtype:  ascender  (printing) the part of tall lowercase letters that extends above the other lowercase letters
        subtype:  bar_line__barline  a vertical line marking the boundary between musical bars
           subtype:  double_bar  notation marking the end of principal parts of a musical composition; two adjacent bar lines
        subtype:  descender  (printing) the part of lowercase letters that extends below the other lowercase letters
        subtype:  curlicue__squiggle  a short twisting line
        subtype:  spectrum_line  an isolated component of a spectrum formed by radiation at a uniform frequency
        subtype:  trend_line__trendline  a line on a graph indicating a statistical trend
        subtype:  contour_line__contourline__contour  a line drawn on a map connecting points of equal height
           subtype:  thalweg  a line following the lowest points of a valley
        subtype:  guideline.line  a light line that is used in lettering to help align the letters
        subtype:  hairline.line  a very thin line
        subtype:  shaft  a line that forms the length of an arrow pointer
        subtype:  serif__seriph  (printing) a short line at the end of the main strokes of a character
        subtype:  staff_line__staffline  any of the 5 horizontal marks comprising a staff
        subtype:  ledger_line__leger_line__legerline  a short line; a notation for extending the range above or below the staff
  subtype:  glimpse.indicant  a vague indication; "he caught only a glimpse of the professor's meaning"
  subtype:  harbinger__forerunner__herald__precursor  an indication of the approach of something or someone
  subtype:  hint__clue  a slight indication
  subtype:  smoke.indicant  an indication of some hidden activity; "with all that smoke there must be a fire somewhere"

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