#freshwater_fish  flesh of fish from fresh water used as food
  supertype:  #seafood  edible fish (broadly including freshwater fish) or shellfish or roe etc
  subtype:  #bream__freshwater_bream  flesh of any of various freshwater fishes of the families Centrarchidae of North America or Cyprinidae of Europe
  subtype:  #freshwater_bass.freshwater_fish__freshwaterbas__bass  any of various North American freshwater fish with lean flesh (especially of the genus Micropterus)
     subtype:  #largemouth_bass  flesh of largemouth bass
     subtype:  #smallmouth_bass  flesh of smallmouth bass
  subtype:  #carp.freshwater_fish  the lean flesh of a fish that is often farmed; can be baked or braised
  subtype:  #buffalofish  large carp-like North American fish
  subtype:  #pike.freshwater_fish  highly valued northern freshwater fish with lean flesh
     subtype:  #muskellunge  flesh of very large North American pike; a game fish
     subtype:  #pickerel.pike  flesh of young or small pike
  subtype:  #sucker.freshwater_fish  flesh of any of numerous North American food fishes with toothless jaws
  subtype:  #catfish__mudcat  flesh of scaleless food fish of the southern United States; often farmed
  subtype:  #perch.freshwater_fish  any of numerous fishes of America and Europe
  subtype:  #sunfish  the lean flesh of any of numerous American perch-like fishes of the family Centrarchidae
     subtype:  #crappie.sunfish  small sunfishes of the genus Pomoxis of central United States rivers
  subtype:  #brook_trout__speckled_trout  freshwater fish
  subtype:  #lake_trout  flesh of large trout of northern lakes
  subtype:  #whitefish.freshwater_fish  flesh of salmon- or trout-like cold-water fish of cold lakes of the northern hemisphere
     subtype:  #lake_herring__cisco  cold-water fish caught in Lake Superior and northward

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