#family_Cruciferae__Cruciferae__Brassicaceae__family_Brassicaceae__mustard_family__mustardfamily  plants with four-petaled flowers
  supertype:  dilleniid_dicot_family__dilleniiddicotfamily  family of more or less advanced dicotyledonous trees and shrubs and herbs
  member of:  order_Rhoeadales
  member:  crucifer__cruciferous_plant__cruciferousplant  any of various plants of the family Cruciferae
  member:  cress_plant__cress  any of various plants of the family Cruciferae having edible pungent-tasting leaves
  member:  watercress  any of several water-loving cresses
  member:  genus_Aethionema__Aethionema  Old World genus of the family Cruciferae
     member:  stonecress__stone_cress__stonecres  any Old World herb of the genus Aethionema; native of sunny limestone habitats
  member:  genus_Alliaria__Alliaria  a genus of herbs of the family Cruciferae; have broad leaves and whit flowers and long siliques
     member:  garlic_mustard__hedge_garlic__hedgegarlic__sauce-alone__saucealone__jack-by-the-hedge__Alliaria_officinalis  European herb that smells like garlic
  member:  genus_Alyssum__Alyssum  a genus of the family Cruciferae
     member:  alyssum__madwort  any garden plant of the genus Alyssum having clusters of small yellow or white flowers
  member:  genus_Arabidopsis__Arabidopsis  a genus of the mustard family having white or yellow or purplish flowers; closely related to genus Arabis
  member:  genus_Arabis__Arabis  annual to perennial woody herbs of temperate North America, Europe and Asia: rockcress
     member:  rock_cress__rockcress__rockcres  any of several rock-loving cresses of the genus Arabis
     member:  Arabis_Canadensis__sicklepod  North American rock cress having very long curved pods
     member:  Arabis_turrita__tower_cress__tower_mustard__towermustard  European cress having stiff erect stems; sometimes placed in genus Turritis
  member:  genus_Armoracia__Armoracia  horseradish
     member:  horse_radish__horseradish__red_cole__redcole__Armoracia_rusticana  coarse Eurasian plant cultivated for its thick white pungent root
  member:  genus_Barbarea__Barbarea  biennial or perennial herbs of north temperate regions: winter cress
     member:  St._Barbara's_herb__winter_cress__scurvy_grass  any plant of the genus Barbarea: yellow-flowered Eurasian cresses; widely cultivated for winter salad
  member:  genus_Berteroa__Berteroa  hoary alyssum
     member:  hoary_alison__hoaryalison__hoary_alyssum__hoaryalyssum__Berteroa_incana  tall European annual with downy gray-green foliage and dense heads of small white flowers followed by hairy pods; naturalized in North America; sometimes a troublesome weed
  member:  genus_Biscutella__Biscutella  genus of Eurasian herbs and small shrubs: buckler mustard
     member:  buckler_mustard__bucklermustard__Biscutalla_laevigata  plant of southeastern Europe having yellow flowers like those of mustard and pods with open valves resembling bucklers
  member:  genus_Brassica__Brassica  mustards: cabbages; cauliflowers; turnips; etc.
     member:  wild_cabbage__Brassica_oleracea  wild original of cultivated cabbages; common in western coastal Europe
     member:  cultivated_cabbage__cabbage__Brassica_oleracea  any of various cultivars of the genus Brassica oleracea grown for their edible leaves or flowers
     member:  Brassica_oleracea_italica__broccoli  plant with dense clusters of tight green flower buds
     member:  borecole__kale__kail__cole__colewort__Brassica_oleracea_acephala  a hardy cabbage with coarse curly leaves that do not form a head
     member:  kohlrabi__Brassica_oleracea_gongylodes  plant cultivated for its enlarged fleshy turnip-shaped edible stem
     member:  Brassica_rapa__turnip__white_turnip__whiteturnip  widely cultivated plant having a large fleshy edible white or yellow root
     member:  rutabaga_plant__rutabaga__turnip_cabbage__swede__Swedish_turnip__Brassica_napus_napobrassica  a cruciferous plant with a thick bulbous edible yellow root
     member:  Brassica_rapa_ruvo__broccoli_raab__broccoli_rabe  plant grown for its pungent edible leafy shoots
     member:  mustard  any of several cruciferous plants of the genus Brassica
     member:  chinese_mustard__chinesemustard__indian_mustard__leaf_mustard__gai_choi__gaichoi__Brassica_juncea  Asiatic mustard used as a potherb
     member:  Chinese_cabbage__celery_cabbage__napa__pe-tsai__Brassica_rapa_pekinensis  plant with an elongated head of broad stalked leaves resembling celery; used as a vegetable in east Asia
     member:  pakchoi__bok_choy__bokchoy__bok_choi__bokchoi__Chinese_white_cabbage__Brassica_rapa_chinensis  Asiatic plant grown for its cluster of edible white stalks with dark green leaves
     member:  tendergreen__spinach_mustard__spinachmustard__Brassica_perviridis__Brassica_rapa_perviridis  Asiatic plant cultivated for its swollen root crown and edible foliage
     member:  black_mustard__blackmustard__Brassica_nigra  widespread Eurasian annual plant cultivated for its pungent seeds; a principal source of table mustard
     member:  colza__rape__Brassica_napus  Eurasian plant cultivated for its seed and as a forage crop
  member:  genus_Cakile__Cakile  small genus of succulent annual herbs found on sandy shores of North America and Europe
     member:  sea-rocket__searocket__Cakile_maritima  salt-tolerant seashore annual grown for its fragrant rose or violet flowers and fleshy gray-green foliage
  member:  genus_Camelina__Camelina  annual and biennial herbs of Mediterranean to central Asia
     member:  gold_of_pleasure__Camelina_sativa  annual European false flax having small white flowers; cultivated since Neolithic times as a source of fiber and for its oil-rich seeds; widely naturalized in North America
  member:  genus_Capsella__Capsella  shepherd's purse
     member:  shepherd's_purse__shepherd's_pouch__Capsella_bursa-pastoris  white-flowered annual European herb bearing triangular notched pods; nearly cosmopolitan as an introduced weed
  member:  genus_Cardamine__Cardamine  bittercress, bitter cress
     member:  bittercress__bittercres__bittercres  any of various herbs of the genus Cardamine, having usually pinnate leaves and racemes of white, pink or purple flowers; cosmopolitan except Antarctic
  member:  genus_Dentaria__Dentaria  usually included in genus Cardamine; in some classifications considered a separate genus
  member:  genus_Cheiranthus__Cheiranthus  Old World perennial plants grown for their showy flowers
     member:  Cheiranthus_cheiri__wallflower__Erysimum_cheiri  perennial of southern Europe having clusters of fragrant flowers of all colors especially yellow and orange; often naturalized on old walls or cliffs; sometimes placed in genus Erysimum
     member:  prairie_rocket__prairierocket  any of several western American plants of the genus Cheiranthus having large yellow flowers
  member:  genus_Cochlearia__Cochlearia  a genus of the family Cruciferae
     member:  common_scurvy_grass__scurvy_grass__Cochlearia_officinalis  a widely distributed arctic cress reputed to have value in treatment or prevention of scurvy; a concentrated source of vitamin C
  member:  genus_Crambe__Crambe  annual or perennial herbs with large leaves that resemble the leaves of cabbages
     member:  sea_kale__seakale__sea_cole__seacole__Crambe_maritima  perennial of coastal sands and shingles of northern Europe and Baltic and Black Seas having racemes of small white flowers and large fleshy blue-green leaves often used as potherbs
  member:  genus_Descurainia__Descurainia  includes annual or biennial herbs of America and Europe very similar to and often included among those of genera Sisymbrium or Hugueninia; not recognized in some classification systems
     member:  tansy_mustard__Descurainia_pinnata  North American herb with bitter-tasting pinnate leaves resembling those of tansy
  member:  genus_Diplotaxis__Diplotaxis  wall rocket
     member:  wall_rocket__Diplotaxis_muralis__Diplotaxis_tenuifolia  yellow-flowered European plant that grows on old walls and in waste places; an adventive weed in North America
     member:  white_rocket__whiterocket__Diplotaxis_erucoides  from Mediterranean region; a naturalized weed throughout southern Europe
  member:  genus_Draba  large genus of low tufted herbs of temperate and arctic regions
     member:  draba  any of numerous low-growing cushion-forming plants of the genus Draba having rosette-forming leaves and terminal racemes of small flowers with scapose or leafy stems; fruit is a dehiscent oblong or linear silique
  member:  genus_Eruca__Eruca  annual to perennial herbs of the Mediterranean region
     member:  garden_rocket__rocket__roquette__rocket_salad__arugula__erucasativa__erucavesicariasativa  erect European annual often grown as a salad crop to be harvested when young and tender
  member:  genus_Erysimum__Erysimum  large genus of annual or perennial herbs some grown for their flowers and some for their attractive evergreen leaves; Old World and North America
     member:  wallflower  any of numerous plants of the genus Erysimum having fragrant yellow or orange or brownish flowers
     member:  prairie_rocket.flower__prairierocket  any of several North American plants of the genus Erysimum having large yellow flowers
     member:  Siberian_wall_flower__Erysimum_allionii__Cheiranthus_allionii  showy erect biennial or short-lived perennial cultivated for its terminal racemes of orange-yellow flowers; sometimes placed in genus Cheiranthus
     member:  western_wall_flower__Erysimum_asperum__Cheiranthus_asperus__Erysimum_arkansanum  biennial or short-lived perennial prairie rocket having orange-yellow flowers; western North America to Minnesota and Kansas; sometimes placed in genus Cheiranthus
     member:  wormseed_mustard__Erysimum_cheiranthoides  slender yellow-flowered European mustard often troublesome as a weed; formerly used as an anthelmintic
  member:  genus_Heliophila  genus of South African flowering herbs and subshrubs
     member:  heliophila  any of various South African herbs and subshrubs cultivated for long showy racemes of bright blue flowers with white eyes
  member:  genus_Hesperis__Hesperis  biennial or perennial erect herbs having nocturnally fragrant flowers
     member:  damask_violet__Dame's_violet__sweet_rocket__sweetrocket__Hesperis_matronalis  long-cultivated herb having flowers whose scent is more pronounced in the evening; naturalized throughout Europe to Siberia and into North America
  member:  genus_Iberis__Iberis  Old World herbs and subshrubs: candytuft
     member:  candytuft  any of various flowering plants of the genus Iberis cultivated for their showy clusters of white to red or purple flowers; native to Mediterranean region
  member:  genus_Isatis__Isatis  Old World genus of annual to perennial herbs: woad
     member:  woad  any of several herbs of the genus Isatis
     member:  dyer's_woad__Isatis_tinctoria  European biennial formerly grown for the blue coloring matter yielded by its leaves
  member:  genus_Lepidium__Lepidium  cosmopolitan genus of annual and biennial and perennial herbs: cress
     member:  common_garden_cress__garden_pepper_cress__pepper_grass__pepperwort__Lepidium_sativum  annual herb used as salad green and garnish
  member:  genus_Lesquerella__Lesquerella  genus of low-growing hairy herbs: bladderpods
     member:  bladderpod  any of several hairy North American herbs having yellow racemose flowers and inflated pods
  member:  genus_Lobularia__Lobularia  sweet alyssum
     member:  sweet_alyssum__sweetalyssum__sweet_alison__sweetalison__Lobularia_maritima  perennial European plant having clusters of small fragrant usually white flowers; widely grown in gardens
  member:  genus_Lunaria__Lunaria  small genus of European herbs: honesty
     member:  honesty__silverdollar__money_plant__moneyplant__satin_flower__satinflower__satinpod__Lunaria_annua  southeastern European plant cultivated for its fragrant purplish flowers and round flat papery silver-white seedpods that are used for indoor decoration
  member:  genus_Malcolmia__Malcolmia  genus of plants usually found in coastal habitats; Mediterranean to Afghanistan
     member:  Malcolm_stock__stock  any of various ornamental flowering plants of the genus Malcolmia
  member:  genus_Matthiola__Matthiola  genus of Old World plants grown as ornamentals
     member:  gillyflower  any of several Old World plants cultivated for their brightly colored flowers
     member:  brompton_stock__Matthiola_incana  European plant with racemes of sweet-scented flowers; widely cultivated as an ornamental
  member:  genus_Nasturtium__Nasturtium  aquatic herbs
     member:  common_watercress__Rorippa_nasturtium-aquaticum__Nasturtium_officinale  perennial Eurasian cress growing chiefly in springs or running water having fleshy pungent leaves used in salads or as a potherb or garnish; introduced in North America and elsewhere
  member:  genus_Physaria__Physaria  small genus of western North American herbs similar to Lesquerella: bladderpods
     member:  Physaria_bladderpod__bladderpod  any of several plants of the genus Physaria having racemose yellow flowers and inflated pods
  member:  genus_Pritzelago__Pritzelago  chamois cress
  member:  Raphanus__genus_raphanus  radish
     member:  radish_plant  a cruciferous plant of the genus Raphanus having a pungent edible root
     member:  jointed_charlock__jointedcharlock__wild_radish__wild_rape__runch__Raphanus_raphanistrum  Eurasian weed having yellow or mauve or white flowers and podlike fruits
     member:  Raphanus_sativus__radish  Eurasian plant widely cultivated for its edible pungent root usually eaten raw
  member:  genus_Rorippa__Rorippa  annual and perennial herbs of damp habitats; cosmopolitan except Antarctica
     member:  marsh_cress__marshcres__yellow_watercress__Rorippa_islandica  annual or biennial cress growing in damp places sometimes used in salads or as a potherb; troublesome weed in some localities
     member:  great_yellowcress__greatyellowcres__Rorippa_amphibia__Nasturtium_amphibium  perennial herb found on streams and riversides throughout Europe except extreme north and Mediterranean; sometimes placed in genus Nasturtium
  member:  genus_Schizopetalon  small genus of South American herbs grown for its flowers
     member:  schizopetalon__Schizopetalon_walkeri  a dainty South American annual having deeply pinnatifid leaves and racemes of fringed almond-scented purple-white flowers
  member:  genus_Sinapis__Sinapis  small genus of Old World herbs usually included in genus Brassica
  member:  genus_Sisymbrium  genus of Old World annual or biennial or perennial herbs with racemose flowers; many are considered to be weeds
     member:  hedge_mustard__hedgemustard__Sisymbrium_officinale  stiffly branching Old World annual with pale yellow flowers; widely naturalized in North America; formerly used medicinally
  member:  genus_Stanleya__Stanleya  prince's plume
     member:  desert_plume__prince's-plume__Stanleya_pinnata__Cleome_pinnata  perennial of southwestern United States having leathery blue-green pinnatifid leaves and thick plumelike spikes of yellow flowers; sometimes placed in genus Cleome
  member:  genus_Stephanomeria__Stephanomeria  malheur wire lettuce
     member:  malheur_wire_lettuce__Stephanomeria_malheurensis  a small plant of Oregon resembling mustard; a threatened species
  member:  genus_Subularia__Subularia  small genus of herbs of north temperate regions and mountains of tropical Africa
     member:  awlwort__Subularia_aquatica  small aquatic plant having tufted awl-shaped leaves in a basal rosette and minute white flowers; circumboreal
  member:  genus_Thlaspi__Thlaspi  herbs of temperate regions: pennycress
     member:  pennycress  any of several plants of the genus Thlaspi
     member:  field_pennycress__French_weed__fanweed__pennygras__mithridate_mustard__Thlaspi_arvense  foetid Eurasian weed having round flat pods; naturalized throughout North America
  member:  genus_Thysanocarpus__Thysanocarpus  small genus of herbs of upland regions of North American Pacific coast
     member:  fringepod__lacepod  annual herb having pinnatifid basal leaves and slender racemes of small white flowers followed by one-seeded winged silicles
  member:  genus_Turritis__Turritis  closely related to and often included in genus Arabis
     member:  tower_mustard__towermustard__tower_cress__Turritis_glabra__Arabis_glabra  or genus Arabis: erect cress widely distributed throughout Europe
  member:  genus_Vesicaria__Vesicaria  small genus of chiefly Mediterranean herbs: bladderpods
     member:  bladderpod.herbaceous_plant  annual or perennial herbs with inflated seed pods; some placed in genus Lesquerella

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