#deity__divinity__god  any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force
  supertype:  #spiritual_being__spiritualbeing__supernatural_being  an incorporeal being believed to have powers to affect the course of human events
  subtype:  #Demogorgon  #demigod  #sea-god  #sun-god  #Celtic_deity  #Egyptian_deity  #Semitic_deity  #Hindu_deity  #Persian_deity  #Bodhisattva  #Arhat  #Chinese_deity  #Japanese_deity  #goddess  #earth-god  #demiurge  #Greco-Roman_deity  #Greek_deity  #Roman_deity  #Norse_deity  #Teutonic_deity  #Anglo-Saxon_deity  #Phrygian_deity  #Quetzalcoatl  #saint  #war_god  #snake_god
  instance:  #Hypnos  #Morpheus  #the_Fates
  member of:  #pantheon  all the gods of a religion

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