#deity__divinity__god  any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force
  supertype:  spiritual_being__spiritualbeing__supernatural_being  an incorporeal being believed to have powers to affect the course of human events
  instance:  Hypnos  Morpheus  the_Fates
  member of:  pantheon
  subtype:  Demogorgon  (Greek mythology) a mysterious and terrifying deity of the underworld
  subtype:  demigod__daemon  a person who is part mortal and part god
     instance:  Adonis
  subtype:  sea-god  a deity believed to live in or to control the sea
  subtype:  sun-god__sungod  a god associated with the sun
  subtype:  Celtic_deity  a deity worshipped by the Celts
     instance:  Amaethon  Ana  Angus_Og__Aengus__Oengus__Angus  Arawn  Arianrhod__Arianrod  Boann  Brigit  Dagda  Danu__Dana  Don.Celtic_deity__don  Dylan  Epona  Fomor__Fomorian  Gwydion  Gwyn  Lir__Ler  Llew_Llaw_Gyffes  LLud  Llyr  Lug  Manannan  Manawydan__Manawyddan  Morrigan__Morrigu__morrigu  Tuatha_De_Danann__Tuatha_de_Danann__Tuatha_De
  subtype:  Egyptian_deity  a deity worshipped by the ancient Egyptians
     instance:  Amen__Amon  Amen-Ra__Amon-Ra  Anubis  Bast  Geb__Keb  Horus  Isis  Khepera  Min  Nephthys  Nut  Osiris  Ptah  Ra__Re  Sekhet__Eye_of_Ra  Set__Seth  Thoth
  subtype:  Semitic_deity  a deity worshipped by the ancient Semites
     instance:  Adad  Adapa  Anshar  Antum  Anu  Anunnaki__Enuki  Apsu  Aruru  Ashur__Ashir  Ashtoreth  Astarte  Ishtar__Mylitta  Baal  Bel  Dagon  Dagan  Damkina__Damgalnunna  Dumuzi__Tammuz  Ea  Enki  Enlil__En-lil  Ereshkigal__Eresh-kigal__Ereshkigel  Girru  Gula  Igigi  Inanna  Ki  Kishar  Lilith  Mama  Marduk__Merodach__Baal_Merodach__Bel-Merodach  Molech__Moloch  Nabu__Nebo  Nammu  Namtar__Namtaru  Nanna  Nergal  Nina  Ningal  Ningirsu  Ningishzida  Ninkhursag__Ninhursag__Ninkharsag  Ninurta__Ninib  Nusku  Ramman  Sarpanitu__Zirbanit__Zarpanit  Shamash  Sin  Tashmit__Tashmitum  Tiamat  Utnapishtim  Utu__Utug  Zu__Zubird
  subtype:  Hindu_deity  a deity worshipped by the Hindus
     subtype:  avatar  the manifestation of a Hindu deity (especially Vishnu) in human or superhuman or animal form; "the Buddha is considered an avatar of the god Vishnu"
        subtype:  Rama  avatar of Vishnu; any of three incarnations: Ramachandra or Parashurama or Balarama
           instance:  Ramachandra  Balarama  Parashurama
        instance:  Jagannath__Jagannatha__Jagganath__Juggernaut  Kalki  Krishna
     instance:  Aditi  Aditya  Agni  Asura  Ahura  Asvins  Bhaga  Brahma  Brihaspati  Bhumi_Devi  Devi  Chandi  Dharma  Durga  Dyaus-pitar__Dyaus  Ganesa__Ganesha__Ganesh__Ganapati  Garuda  Gauri  Hanuman  Indra  Ka  Kali  Kama  Mara  Kartikeya__Karttikeya  Lakshmi  Marut  Mitra  Parjanya  Parvati__Anapurna__Annapurna  Prajapati  Pushan  Rahu  Ribhus__Rhibhus  Rudra  Sarasvati  Savitar  Shakti__Sakti  Siva__Shiva  Skanda  Soma  Surya  Uma  Ushas  Vajra  Varuna  Vayu  Vishnu  Yama
  subtype:  Persian_deity  a deity worshiped by the ancient Persians
     instance:  Mithras__Mithra  Ormazd__Ormuzd__Ahura_Mazda  Ahriman
  subtype:  Bodhisattva__Boddhisatva  Buddhist worthy of nirvana who postpones it to help others
     subtype:  Avalokitesvara__Avalokiteshvara  a male Bodhisattva; widely associated with various gods and people
     instance:  Maitreya
  subtype:  Arhat__Arhant__lohan  a Buddhist who has attained nirvana
  subtype:  Chinese_deity  a deity worshipped by the ancient Chinese
     subtype:  Kwan-yin__Kuan_Yin  (Buddhism) a female Bodhisattva; often called Goddess of Mercy and considered an aspect of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara; identified with Japanese Kwannon
     instance:  Chang_Kuo-lao__Chang_Kuo  Wen_Ch'ang__Wen-Ti  Taoist_Trinity  Tien-pao__Heavenly_Jewel  Ling-pao__Mystic_Jewel  Shen-pao__Spiritual_Jewel
  subtype:  Japanese_deity  a deity worshipped by the Japanese
     instance:  Amaterasu_Omikami__Amaterasu  Hachiman  Hotei  Izanagi  Izanami  Kami  Kwannon  Ninigi__Ninigino-Mikoto
  subtype:  goddess__goddes  a female deity
     subtype:  earth-goddess__earthgoddes  a goddess of fertility and vegetation
        subtype:  earth_mother__earthmother  the earth conceived of as the female principle of fertility
  subtype:  earth-god__earthgod  a god of fertility and vegetation
  subtype:  demiurge  a subordinate deity, in some philosophies the creator of the universe
  subtype:  Greco-Roman_deity__Graeco-Roman_deity  a deity of classical mythology
     subtype:  nymph  (classical mythology) a minor nature goddess usually depicted as a beautiful maiden; "the ancient Greeks believed that nymphs inhabited forests and bodies of water"
        subtype:  Oread  (Greek mythology) one of the mountain nymphs
        subtype:  Asterope__Sterope  (Greek mythology) one of the 7 Pleiades
        subtype:  water_nymph__waternymph  (Greek mythology) any nymph of the water
           subtype:  sea_nymph__seanymph  (Greek mythology) a water nymph who was the daughter of Oceanus or Nereus
              subtype:  Nereid  (Greek mythology) any of the 50 sea nymphs who were daughters of the sea god Nereus
                 instance:  Thetis
              subtype:  Siren  a sea nymph (part woman and part bird) supposed to lure sailors to destruction on the rocks where the nymphs lived; "Odysseus ordered his crew to plug their ears so they would not hear the Siren's fatal song"
                 subtype:  Lorelei  a siren of German legend who lured boatmen in the Rhine to destruction
              instance:  Calypso  Oceanid
           subtype:  naiad  (Greek mythology) a nymph of lakes and springs and rivers and fountains
        subtype:  dryad__woodnymph  a deity or nymph of the woods
           subtype:  hamadryad  the nymph or spirit of a particular tree
           instance:  Napaea__Napea
        instance:  Echo  Hesperides__Atlantides  Hyades  Pleiades.nymph__pleiade  Daphne  Salmacis
     instance:  Aesculapius  Bacchus  Priapus  Leto__Latona
  subtype:  Greek_deity  a deity worshipped by the ancient Greeks
     subtype:  Grace  (Greek mythology) one of three sisters who were the givers of beauty and charm; a favorite subject for sculptors
        instance:  Aglaia  Euphrosyne  Thalia
     subtype:  forest_god__satyr  one of a class of woodland deities; attendant on Bacchus; identified with Roman fauns
        instance:  Silenus
     subtype:  silenus__silenu  any of the minor woodland deities who were companions of Dionysus (similar to the satyrs)
     subtype:  Olympic_god__Olympian  a classical Greek god after the overthrow of the Titans
     subtype:  Muse  in ancient Greek mythology any of 9 daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne; protector of an art or science
        instance:  Calliope  Clio  Erato  Euterpe  Melpomene  Polyhymnia  Terpsichore  Thalia.Muse__thalia  Urania
     subtype:  Titan  (Greek mythology) any of the primordial giant gods who ruled the Earth until overthrown by Zeus; the Titans were offspring of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaea (Earth)
        instance:  Cronus  Hyperion  Oceanus  Cocus  Crius  Iapetus  Atlas  Epimetheus  Prometheus
     subtype:  Titaness  (Greek mythology) any of the primordial giant goddesses who were offspring of Uranus (heaven) and Gaea (earth) in ancient mythology
        instance:  Thea__Theia  Rhea  Themis  Mnemosyne  Phoebe  Tethys
     instance:  Aeolus  Aether  Phoebus_Apollo__Apollo__Phoebus  Aphrodite__Cytherea  Ares  Eris  Thanatos  Nyx  Artemis__Cynthia  Boreas  Ate  Pallas_Athena__Athena__Athene__Pallas__Pallas_Athene  Chaos  Demeter  Dionysus  Doris  Erebus  Eros  Gaea__Gaia__Ge  Hebe  Helios  Hecate  Hephaestus__Hephaistos  Hermes  Hermaphroditus  Hygeia  Hera__Here  Hestia  Hymen  Minos  Ariadne  Moirai__Moirae  Clotho  Lachesis  Atropos  Momus__Momos  Nemesis  Nereus  Nike  Ouranos__Uranus  Pan__the_goat_god  Pasiphae  Pontos__Pontus  Poseidon  Proteus  Persephone__Despoina__Kore__Cora  Phaethon  Hades__Pluto__Aides__Aidoneus  Pythia__Pythoness  Rhadamnathus  Selene  Eos  Triton  Tyche  Zephyr  Zeus
  subtype:  Roman_deity  a deity worshipped by the ancient Romans
     subtype:  faun  ancient Italian deity in human shape, with horns, pointed ears and a goat's tail; equivalent to Greek satyr
     instance:  Venus.Roman_deity__venu__Urania  Mors  Mars  Diana  Minerva  Saturn.Roman_deity__saturn  Ceres.Roman_deity__cere  Nox__Night  Cupid__Amor  Sol  Vulcan  Mercury.Roman_deity__mercury  Janus  Juno  Vesta.Roman_deity__vesta  Parcae  Nona  Decuma  Morta  Victoria.Roman_deity__victoria  Faunus  Neptune  Proserpina__Proserpine  Dis__Orcus  Luna  Aurora  Tellus  Fortuna  Jove__Jupiter  Ops  Sylvanus__Silvanus
  subtype:  Norse_deity  a deity worshipped by the ancient Norsemen
     subtype:  Aesir  (Norse mythology) the chief race of gods living at Asgard
     subtype:  Vanir  (Norse mythology) race of ancient gods sometimes in conflict with the Aesir
     subtype:  Norn  any of the three Fates or goddesses of destiny; identified with Anglo-Saxon Wyrd; similar to Greek Moirae and Roman Parcae
        instance:  Urd__Urth  Verdandi__Verthandi  Skuld
     instance:  Balder__Baldr  Bragi__Brage  Elli  Forseti  Frey__Freyr  Freya__Freyja  Frigg__Frigga  Heimdall__Heimdal__Heimdallr  Hela__Hel  Hoenir  Hoth__Hothr__Hoder__Hodr  Idun__Ithunn  Loki  Nanna.Norse_deity__nanna  Njord__Njorth  Odin  Sif  Sigyn  Thor  Tyr__Tyrr  Ull__Ullr  Vali  Vitharr__Vithar__Vidar
  subtype:  Teutonic_deity  (Teutonic mythology) a deity worshipped by the ancient Teutons
     instance:  Donar  Nerthus__Hertha  Wotan
  subtype:  Anglo-Saxon_deity  (Anglo-Saxon mythology) a deity worshipped by the Anglo-Saxons
     instance:  Tiu  Woden__Wodan  the_Weird_Sisters__the_Three_Weird_Sisters  Wyrd__Weird
  subtype:  Phrygian_deity  deity of the ancient Phrygians of west central Asia Minor
     instance:  Cybele__Dindymene__Great_Mother__Magna_Mater__Mater_Turrita
  subtype:  Quetzalcoatl  an Aztec deity represented as a plumed serpent
  subtype:  saint  a person who has died and has been declared a saint by canonization
     subtype:  patron_saint  a saint who is considered to be a defender of some group or nation
        subtype:  Santa_Claus__Kriss_Kringle__Father_Christmas__Saint_Nick__St_Nick  the legendary patron saint of children
        instance:  Saint_Bridget__Bridget__St_Bridget__Brigid__Saint_Brigid__St_Brigid__Bride__Saint_Bride__St_Bride  St_Christopher__Christopher__Saint_Christopher
     instance:  Saint_Crispin__Crispin__St_Crispin  Saint_David__David__St_David  Saint_Francis_of_Assisi__Francis_of_Assisi__St_Francis_of_Assisi__Saint_Francis__St_Francis__Giovanni_di_Bernardone  Saint_Nicholas__Nicholas__St_Nicholas
  subtype:  war_god__god_of_war  a god worshipped as giving victory in war
  subtype:  snake_god__snakegod__zombi__zombie  a god of voodoo cults of African origin worshipped especially in West Indies

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