#cognitive_process__cognitiveproces__process__proces__cognitive_operation__cognitiveoperation__act  the performance of some composite cognitive activity; an operation that affects mental contents; "the process of thinking"; "the act of remembering"
  supertype:  process (pm)  process (sumo)
  subtype:  basic_cognitive_process__basiccognitiveproces  cognitive processes involved in obtaining and storing knowledge
     subtype:  attending__attention  the process whereby a person concentrates on some features of the environment to the (relative) exclusion of others
        subtype:  heed__attentiveness__attentivenes__paying_attention  paying particular notice (as to children or helpless people); "his attentiveness to her wishes"; "he spends without heed to the consequences"
           subtype:  advertence__advertency  the process of being heedful
        subtype:  clock-watching__clockwatching  paying excessive attention to the clock (in anticipation of stopping work)
        subtype:  ear.attending  attention to what is said; "he tried to get her ear"
        subtype:  eye.attending  attention to what is seen; "he tried to catch her eye"
        subtype:  observance__notice__observation  the act of noticing or paying attention; "he escaped the notice of the police"
           subtype:  mind.observance  attention; "don't pay him any mind"
           subtype:  remark__observation  explicit notice; "it passed without remark"
        subtype:  notice.attending  polite or favorable attention; "his hard work soon attracted the teacher's notice"
     subtype:  inattention  lack of attention
        subtype:  heedlessness__inattentiveness  a lack of attentiveness (as to children or helpless people)
        subtype:  distraction.inattention  an obstacle to attention
        subtype:  neglect__disregard  lack of attention and due care
           subtype:  omission.neglect  neglecting to do something; leaving out or passing over something
              subtype:  inadvertence__oversight  an unintentional omission resulting from failure to notice something
              subtype:  pretermission__disregard  letting pass without notice
              subtype:  exception.omission__elision  a deliberate act of omission; "with the exception of the children, everyone was told the news"
     subtype:  intuition  instinctive knowing (without the use of rational processes)
        subtype:  feeling.intuition  an intuitive understanding of something; "he had a great feeling for music"
        subtype:  gnosis  intuitive knowledge of spiritual truths; said to have been possessed by ancient Gnostics
        subtype:  sixth_sense__sixthsense__insight  grasping the inner nature of things intuitively
        subtype:  immediate_apprehension__immediateapprehension__immediacy  immediate intuitive awareness
        subtype:  inspiration.intuition  a sudden intuition as part of solving a problem
     subtype:  perception  the process of perceiving
        subtype:  constancy  the tendency for perceived objects to give rise to very similar perceptual experiences in spite of wide variations in the conditions of observation
           subtype:  brightness_constancy  the tendency for a visual object to be perceived as having the same brightness under widely different conditions of illumination
           subtype:  color_constancy__colour_constancy  the tendency for a color to look the same under widely different viewing conditions
           subtype:  shape_constancy  the tendency to perceive the shape of a rigid object as constant despite differences in the viewing angle (and consequent differences in the shape of the pattern projected on the retina of the eye)
           subtype:  size_constancy  the tendency to perceive the veridical size of a familiar object despite differences in their distance (and consequent differences in the size of the pattern projected on the retina of the eye)
        subtype:  detection__sensing  the perception that something has occurred or some state exists; "early detection can often lead to a cure"
        subtype:  visual_perception__beholding__seeing  perception by means of the eyes
           subtype:  contrast.visual_perception  the perceptual effect of the juxtaposition of very different colors
           subtype:  face_recognition  the visual perception of familiar faces
           subtype:  object_recognition  the visual perception of familiar objects
           subtype:  visual_space  the visual perception of space
           subtype:  optical_fusion__opticalfusion__fusion  the combining of images from the two eyes to form a single visual percept
        subtype:  auditory_perception__sound_perception__soundperception  the perception of sound as a meaningful phenomenon
           subtype:  speech_perception  the auditory perception (and comprehension) of speech
           subtype:  musical_perception__musicalperception  the auditory perception of musical sounds
              subtype:  melody__tonal_pattern__tonalpattern  the perception of pleasant arrangements of musical notes
        subtype:  somesthesia__somatesthesia__somatic_sensation  the perception of tactual or proprioceptive or gut sensations; "he relied on somesthesia to warn him of pressure changes"
           subtype:  feeling.somesthesia  a physical sensation that you experience; "he had a queasy feeling"; "I had a strange feeling in my leg"; "he lost all feeling in his arm"
           subtype:  prickling__tingle__tingling  a prickling somatic sensation as from many tiny pricks
              subtype:  pins_and_needles  a sharp tingling sensation from lack of circulation
           subtype:  pressure_sensation__pressure  the somatic sensation of pressure; "the sensitivity of his skin to pressure and temperature was normal"
           subtype:  painful_sensation__painfulsensation__pain  a somatic sensation of acute discomfort; "as the intensity increased the sensation changed from tickle to pain"
              subtype:  mittelschmerz  pain in the area of the ovary that is felt at the time of ovulation (usually midway through the menstrual cycle)
              subtype:  phantom_limb_pain  pain felt by an amputee that seems to be located in the missing limb
              subtype:  twinge  a sharp stab of pain
           subtype:  temperature.somesthesia  the somatic sensation of cold or heat
              subtype:  heat__warmth  the sensation caused by heat energy
              subtype:  cold__coldness  the sensation produced by low temperatures; "he shivered from the cold"; "the cold helped clear his head"
              subtype:  comfort_zone__comfortzone  the temperature range (between 28 and 30 degrees Centigrade) at which the naked human body is able to maintain a heat balance without shivering or sweating
        subtype:  touch_sensation__touch__tactual_sensation__tactualsensation__tactile_sensation__tactilesensation__feeling  the sensation produced by pressure receptors in the skin; "she likes the touch of silk on her skin"; "the surface had a greasy feeling"
           subtype:  cutaneous_sensation__cutaneoussensation__haptic_sensation__skin_sensation  a sensation localized on the skin
              subtype:  tickle  a cutaneous sensation often resulting from light stroking
              subtype:  itchiness__itchines__itching  an irritating cutaneous sensation that produces a desire to scratch
                 subtype:  pruritus  an intense itching sensation that can have various causes (as by allergies or infection or lymphoma or jaundice etc.)
                    subtype:  pruritus_ani  chronic itching of the skin around the anus
                    subtype:  pruritus_vulvae  persistent itching of the external female genitalia
              subtype:  topognosia__topognosis  recognition of the location of a stimulus on the skin
     subtype:  apperception  the process whereby perceived qualities of an object are related to past experience
     subtype:  believing  the cognitive process that leads to convictions; "seeing is believing"
        subtype:  doublethink  believing two contradictory ideas at the same time
     subtype:  classification.basic_cognitive_process__categorization__categorisation__sorting  the basic cognitive process of arranging into classes or categories
        subtype:  appraisal__assessment  the classification of someone or something with respect to its worth
           subtype:  critical_appraisal__critical_analysis  an appraisal based on careful analytical evaluation
              subtype:  critique__criticism  a serious examination and judgment of something; "constructive criticism is always appreciated"
                 subtype:  examen  a critical study (as of a writer's work)
                 subtype:  knock.critique__roast  negative criticism
                 subtype:  self-criticism  criticism of yourself
           subtype:  valuation__evaluation__rating  an appraisal of the value of something
              subtype:  overvaluation  too high a value or price assigned to something
              subtype:  undervaluation  too low a value or price assigned to something
              subtype:  pricing  the evaluation of something in terms of its price
                 subtype:  price_gouging__pricegouging  pricing above the market when no alternative retailer is available
              subtype:  reevaluation  the evaluation of something a second time (or more)
              subtype:  mark.valuation__grade__score  a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance); "she made good marks in algebra"; "grade A milk"; "what was your score on your homework?"
                 subtype:  percentile__centile  (statistics) any of the 99 numbered points that divide an ordered set of scores into 100 parts each of which contains one-hundredth of the total
                 subtype:  decile  (statistics) any of nine points that divided a distribution of ranked scores into equal intervals where each interval contains one-tenth of the scores
                 subtype:  quartile  (statistics) any of three points that divide an ordered distribution into four parts each containing one quarter of the scores
              subtype:  bond_rating  an evaluation by a rating company of the probability that a particular bond issue will default; bonds of the highest quality are said to have AAA ratings
           subtype:  assay  an appraisal of the state of affairs; "they made an assay of the contents"; "a check on its dependability under stress"
              subtype:  diagnostic_test__test__diagnostic_assay  an assay conducted for diagnostic purposes
                 subtype:  biopsy  examination of tissues or liquids from the living body to determine the existence or cause of a disease
                    subtype:  blood_test__bloodtest  a serologic analysis of a sample of blood
                       subtype:  agglutination_test__agglutinationtest  a blood test used to identify unknown antigens; blood with the unknown antigen is mixed with a known antibody and whether or not agglutination occurs helps to identify the antigen; used in tissue matching and blood grouping and diagnosis of infections
                          subtype:  heterophil_test__heterophiltest  a blood test to detect heterophil antibodies that agglutinate sheep red blood cells; positive result indicates infectious mononucleosis
                          subtype:  Widal_test__Widal's_test  a test for detecting typhoid fever and other salmonella infections
                       subtype:  complement_fixation_test  a blood test in which a sample of serum is exposed to a particular antigen and complement in order to determine whether or not antibodies to that particular antigen are present; used as a diagnostic test
                          subtype:  Wassermann_test__wassermanntest__Wasserman_reaction__Wassermann  a blood test to detect syphilis; a complement fixation test is used to detect antibodies to the syphilis organism treponema; a positive reaction indicates the presence of antibodies and therefore syphilis infection
                       subtype:  PSA_blood_test  a blood test that measures levels of a protein called prostate specific antigen that is manufactured exclusively by the prostate gland; men with prostate problems usually have elevated levels of PSA
                    subtype:  chorionic_villus_sampling__chorionic_villus_biopsy  a prenatal test to detect birth defects at an early stage of pregnancy; tissue from the chorionic villi is assayed
                    subtype:  needle_biopsy  biopsy of deep tissue that is obtained through a hollow needle
                 subtype:  cloze_procedure__clozeprocedure__cloze_test__clozetest  a test for diagnosing reading ability; words are deleted from a prose passage and the reader is required to fill in the blanks
                 subtype:  fecal_occult_test__faecal_occult_test__stool_test__stooltest  a take-home test in which you collect specimens of your stool that are tested for traces of blood; used to detect colorectal cancers
                 subtype:  GI_series  diagnostic tests of the alimentary canal; usually involves inserting a contrast medium (such as barium sulfate) and taking an X-ray
                 subtype:  glucose_tolerance_test__glucosetolerancetest  test of the body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates; used in the diagnosis of hypoglycemia and diabetes mellitus
                 subtype:  Pap_test__Papanicolaou_test__smear_test__smeartest  a method of examining stained cells in a cervical smear for early diagnosis of uterine cancer
                 subtype:  PKU_test  a test of newborn infants for phenylketonuria
                 subtype:  Queckenstedt's_test  a test to determine whether there is a blockage of the spinal canal
                 subtype:  radioactive_iodine_test  test of thyroid function in which the patient is give an oral does of radioactive iodine-131
                    subtype:  radioactive_iodine_excretion_test  radioactive iodine test that measures the amount of radioactive iodine excreted in the urine
                    subtype:  radioactive_iodine_uptake_test__RAIU  radioactive iodine test that measures the amount of radioactive iodine taken up by the thyroid gland
                 subtype:  Rubin_test  test to determine the patency of the Fallopian tubes
                 subtype:  skin_test  any test to determine immunity or sensitivity to a disease by introducing small amounts on or into the skin
                    subtype:  Dick_test  a skin test to determine your susceptibility to scarlet fever
                    subtype:  patch_test__patchtest  a test to determine allergic sensitivity by applying small pads soaked with allergen to the unbroken skin
                    subtype:  Schick_test  a skin test for immunity to diphtheria
                    subtype:  scratch_test__scratchtest  a test to determine allergic sensitivity to various substances by applying them to scratches in the skin
                    subtype:  tuberculin_test__tuberculin_skin_test  a skin test to determine past or present infection with the tuberculosis bacterium; based on hypersensitivity of the skin to tuberculin
                       subtype:  Mantoux_test  tuberculin (a derivative of tubercle bacillus) is injected intradermally; a red area appearing 1-3 days later signifies an exposure (past or present) to tubercle bacilli and the need for further testing
                       subtype:  tine_test  a tuberculin test in which a disk with several tines bearing tuberculin antigen is used to puncture the skin; development of a hard red area indicates past or present exposure to tubercle bacilli and the need for further testing
                    subtype:  intradermal_test__intradermaltest__subcutaneous_test  a form of skin test in which the suspected allergen is injected into the skin
                 subtype:  tissue_typing  a series of diagnostic tests before an organ transplant to determine whether the tissues of a donor and recipient are compatible
              subtype:  Apgar_score  an assessment of the physical condition of a newborn infant; involves heart rate and muscle tone and respiratory effort and color and reflex responsiveness
              subtype:  bioassay  appraisal of the biological activity of a substance by testing its effect on an organism and comparing the result with some agreed standard
                 subtype:  immunoassay__immunochemical_assay  identification of a substance (especially a protein) by its action as an antigen; "PSA in the blood can be measured with an immunochemical assay"
                    subtype:  radioimmunoassay  immunoassay of a substance that has been radioactively labeled
              subtype:  paternity_test__paternitytest  a test based on blood groups to determine whether a particular man could be the biological father of a particular child; negative results prove he was not the father but positive results show only that he could be
              subtype:  pregnancy_test__pregnancytest  a physiological test to determine whether a person is pregnant
                 subtype:  Friedman_test__rabbit_test  pregnancy test that involves injecting some of the woman's urine into an unmated female rabbit and later examining the ovaries of the rabbit; presence of corpora lutea indicates that the woman is pregnant
              subtype:  Snellen_test  a test of visual acuity using a Snellen chart
              subtype:  stress_test  a test measuring how the system functions when subjected to controlled amounts of stress
                 subtype:  treadmill_test__treadmilltest  a stress test in which the patient walks on a moving treadmill while the heart and breathing rates are monitored
           subtype:  acid_test  a rigorous or crucial appraisal
           subtype:  reappraisal__revaluation__review__reassessment  a new appraisal or evaluation
              subtype:  stocktaking  reappraisal of a situation or position or outlook
           subtype:  underevaluation  an appraisal that underestimates the value of something
        subtype:  attribution__ascription  assigning to a cause or source
           subtype:  animatism  the attribution of consciousness and personality to natural phenomena such as thunderstorms and earthquakes and to objects such as plants and stones
           subtype:  imputation  the attribution to a source or cause; "the imputation that my success was due to nepotism meant that I was not taken seriously"
           subtype:  externalization__externalisation  attributing to outside causes
        subtype:  cross-classification__crossclassification__cross-division__crossdivision  classification according to more than one attribute at the same time; "the cross-classification of cases was done by age and sex"
        subtype:  subsumption  incorporating something under a more general category
     subtype:  discrimination__secernment  the cognitive process whereby two or more stimuli are distinguished
        subtype:  differentiation.discrimination__distinction  a discrimination between things as different and distinct; "it is necessary to make a distinction between love and infatuation"
           subtype:  contradistinction  a distinction drawn on the basis of contrast; "sculpture in contradistinction to painting"
           subtype:  dividing_line__line__demarcation  a conceptual separation or demarcation: "there is a narrow line between sanity and insanity"
              subtype:  point_of_no_return__Rubicon  a line that when crossed permits of no return and typically results in irrevocable commitment
           subtype:  hairsplitting__word-splitting  making too fine distinctions of little importance; "they didn't take his hairsplitting seriously"
        subtype:  individualization__individuation  discriminating the individual from the generic group or species
        subtype:  taste.discrimination__appreciation__discernment__perceptivenes  delicate discrimination (especially of aesthetic values); "arrogance and lack of taste contributed to his rapid success"; "to ask at that particular time was the ultimate in bad taste"
           subtype:  connoisseurship__vertu  love of or taste for fine objects of art
           subtype:  vogue__trend__style  the popular taste at a given time; "leather is the latest vogue"; "he followed current trends"; "the 1920s had a style of their own"
              subtype:  fashion.vogue  the latest and most admired style in clothes and cosmetics and behavior
                 subtype:  cult_of_personality  intense devotion to a particular person
                 subtype:  cut.fashion  the style in which a garment is cut; "a dress of traditional cut"
                 subtype:  haute_couture__hautecouture__high_fashion__high_style  trend-setting fashions
                 subtype:  fad__craze__furor__furore__cult__rage  an interest followed with exaggerated zeal: "he always follows the latest fads"; "it was all the rage that season"
                 subtype:  retro  a fashion reminiscent of the past
              subtype:  bandwagon.vogue  a popular trend that attracts growing support; "when they saw how things were going everybody jumped on the bandwagon"
           subtype:  delicacy__discretion  refined taste; tact
           subtype:  culture.taste  the tastes in art and manners that are favored by a social group
              subtype:  counterculture  a culture with lifestyles and values opposed to those of the established culture
                 subtype:  flower_power  a counterculture of young people in the US during the 1960s and 70s
              subtype:  mass_culture  the culture that is widely disseminated via the mass media
              subtype:  letters__letter  the literary culture; "this book shows American letters at its best"
     subtype:  learning__acquisition  the cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge; "the child's acquisition of language"
        subtype:  study__work  applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading); "mastering a second language requires a lot of work"; "no schools offer graduate study in interior design"
        subtype:  internalization__internalisation__incorporation  learning (of values or attitudes etc.) that is incorporated within yourself
           subtype:  introjection  (psychology) unconscious internalization of aspects of the world (especially aspects of persons) within the self in such a way that the internalized representation takes over the psychological functions of the external objects
           subtype:  introjection.internalization  (psychoanalysis) the internalization of the parent figures and their values; leads to the formation of the superego
        subtype:  imprinting  a learning process in early life whereby species specific patterns of behavior are established
        subtype:  language_learning  learning to use a language
           subtype:  audio_lingual_acquisition__audiolingualacquisition  system of language acquisition focusing intensively on listening and speaking
        subtype:  memorization__memorisation__committal_to_memory  learning so as to be able to remember verbatim; "the actor's memorization of his lines"
           subtype:  rote_learning__rote  memorization by repetition
        subtype:  developmental_learning__developmentallearning  learning that takes place as a normal part of cognitive development
           subtype:  accommodation.developmental_learning  in the theories of Jean Piaget: the modification of internal representations in order to accommodate a changing knowledge of reality
           subtype:  assimilation  in the theories of Jean Piaget: the application of a general schema to a particular instance
        subtype:  transfer_of_training__transfer__carry-over__carryover__generalization__generalisation  generalization of a skill learned in one situation to a different but similar situation
        subtype:  education.learning  the gradual process of acquiring knowledge; "education is a preparation for life"; "a girl's education was less important than a boy's"
           subtype:  acculturation__assimilation  the process of assimilating new ideas into an existing cognitive structure
           subtype:  mastering.education  becoming proficient in the use of something; having mastery of; "his mastering the art of cooking took a long time"
           subtype:  self-education__self-cultivation  the process of educating yourself
           subtype:  school.education__schooling  the process of being formally educated at a school; "what will you do when you finish school?"
           subtype:  special_education__specialeducation  education of physically or mentally handicapped children whose needs cannot be met in an ordinary classroom
           subtype:  vocational_training__vocational_education  training for a specific vocation in industry or agriculture or trade
        subtype:  conditioning  a learning process in which an organism's behavior becomes dependent on the occurrence of a stimulus in its environment
           subtype:  aversive_conditioning  conditioning to avoid an aversive stimulus
           subtype:  classical_conditioning__classicalconditioning  conditioning that pairs a neutral stimulus with a stimulus that evokes a reflex; the stimulus that evokes the reflex is given whether or not the conditioned response occurs until eventually the neutral stimulus comes to evoke the reflex
           subtype:  operant_conditioning__operantconditioning  conditioning in which an operant response is brought under stimulus control by virtue of presenting reinforcement contingent upon the occurrence of the operant response
              subtype:  instrumental_conditioning  operant conditioning that pairs a response with a reinforcement in discrete trials; reinforcement occurs only after the response is given
        subtype:  experimental_extinction__extinction  a learning process in which the reinforcer is removed and a conditioned response becomes independent of the conditioned stimulus
        subtype:  learning
           subtype:  face-to-face_learning
           subtype:  distance_learning
              subtype:  e-learning__elearning__electronic_learning__electroniclearning
                 subtype:  web-based_learning__webbasedlearning
                 subtype:  e-learning_with_highly_embedded_devices
                    subtype:  pervasive_learning__pervasivelearning
                    subtype:  ubiquitous-learning
                 subtype:  e-learning_with_not_highly_embedded_devices
                    subtype:  desktop_learning__desktoplearning
                    subtype:  mobile_learning
                 subtype:  e-learning_with_highly_mobile_devices
                    subtype:  mobile_learning
                    subtype:  ubiquitous-learning
                    subtype:  RTRP_e-learning__right_time_right_place_e-learning
                    subtype:  ATAP_e-learning__any_time_any_place_e-learning
                 subtype:  e-learning_with_not_highly_mobile_devices
                    subtype:  desktop_learning__desktoplearning
                    subtype:  pervasive_learning__pervasivelearning
           subtype:  blended_learning__blendedlearning
           subtype:  adaptive_learning
     subtype:  remembering__memory  the cognitive processes whereby past experience is remembered; "he can do it from memory"; "he enjoyed remembering his father"
        subtype:  short-term_memory__STM__immediate_memory__immediatememory  what you can repeat immediately after perceiving it
        subtype:  working_memory__workingmemory  memory for intermediate results that must be held during thinking
        subtype:  long-term_memory__LTM  your general store of remembered information
           subtype:  episodic_memory__personal_memory  memory for episodes in your own life
           subtype:  semantic_memory  your memory for meanings and general (impersonal) facts
           subtype:  motor_memory__motormemory__muscle_memory  your memory for motor skills
        subtype:  retrieval  the cognitive operation of accessing information in memory; "my retrieval of people's names is very poor"
        subtype:  recall.remembering__recollection__reminiscence  the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort)
           subtype:  mind.recall  recall or remembrance; "it came to mind"
           subtype:  reconstruction.recall  recall via mental reconstruction
        subtype:  recognition__identification  the process of recognizing something or someone by remembering
           subtype:  identity  collective aspect of the set of characteristics by which a thing is recognizable or known
           subtype:  speaker_identification__speakeridentification__talker_identification  identification of a person from the sound of their voice
        subtype:  association.remembering__connection__connexion  the process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination; "conditioning is a form of learning by association"
           subtype:  colligation  the connection of isolated facts by a general hypothesis
              subtype:  inductive_reasoning__inductivereasoning__generalization__generalisation__induction  reasoning from detailed facts to general principles
        subtype:  retrospection  memory for experiences that are past; "some psychologists tried to contrast retrospection and introspection"
     subtype:  representational_process  any basic cognitive process in which some entity comes to stand for or represent something else
        subtype:  typification__exemplification  a representational or typifying form or model
        subtype:  depicting__depiction__portraying__portrayal  a representation by picture or portraiture
           subtype:  mirror.depicting  a faithful depiction or reflection; "the best mirror is an old friend"
        subtype:  anthropomorphism__theanthropism  the representation of objects (especially a god) as having human form or traits
        subtype:  imaging__imagination__mental_imagery  the ability to form mental images of things or events; "he could still hear her in his imagination"
           subtype:  mind's_eye  the imaging of remembered or invented scenes; "I could see her clearly in my mind's eye"
           subtype:  vision  a vivid mental image; "he had a vision of his own death"
              subtype:  retrovision  a vision of events in the distant past
           subtype:  picturing__envisioning  visual imagery
           subtype:  dream  a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep; "I had a dream about you last night"
              subtype:  nightmare  a terrifying or deeply upsetting dream
              subtype:  wet_dream  an erotic dream (usually at night) accompanied by the (nocturnal) emission of semen
           subtype:  chimera  a grotesque product of the imagination
           subtype:  evocation  imaginative re-creation
           subtype:  pretense__pretence__make-believe  imaginative intellectual play
  subtype:  higher_cognitive_process  cognitive processes that presuppose the availability of knowledge and put it to use
     subtype:  search.higher_cognitive_process  the examination of alternative hypotheses; "his search for a move that would avoid checkmate was unsuccessful"
        subtype:  hunt  an instance of searching for something; "the hunt for submarines"
        subtype:  pursuit__quest  a search for an alternative that meets cognitive criteria; "the pursuit of love"; "life is more than the pursuance of fame"; "a quest for wealth"
     subtype:  thinking__thought__cerebration__intellection__mentation  the process of thinking (especially thinking carefully); "thinking always made him frown"; "she paused for thought"
        subtype:  free_association  a thought process in which ideas (words or images) suggest other ideas in a sequence
        subtype:  mental_synthesis__construction  the creation of a construct; the process of combining ideas into a congruous object of thought
        subtype:  reasoning__logical_thinking__logicalthinking__abstract_thought  thinking that is coherent and logical
           subtype:  analytic_thinking__analysis  the abstract separation of a whole into its constituent parts for study
              subtype:  partitioning__breakdown  an analysis into mutually exclusive categories
                 subtype:  resolving__resolution  analysis into clear-cut components
                    subtype:  factorization__factorisation__factoring  (mathematics) the resolution of an integer or polynomial into factors such that when multiplied together they give the integer or polynomial
                    subtype:  diagonalization__diagonalisation  (matrix algebra) changing a square matrix to diagonal form (with all non-zero elements on the principal diagonal); "the diagonalization of a normal matrix by a unitary transformation"
              subtype:  cost-benefit_analysis  an analysis of the cost effectiveness of different alternatives in order to see whether the benefits outweigh the costs
              subtype:  dissection.analytic_thinking  a minute and critical analysis
              subtype:  reasoning_by_elimination__elimination  analysis of a problem into alternative possibilities followed by the systematic elimination of unacceptable alternatives
              subtype:  reductionism  the analysis of complex things into simpler constituents
              subtype:  systems_analysis  analysis of all aspects of a project along with ways to collect information about the operation of its parts
           subtype:  argumentation__logical_argument__logicalargument__line_of_reasoning__line  methodical reasoning; "I can't follow your line of reasoning"
              subtype:  line_of_inquiry__line_of_questioning__lineofquestioning  an ordering of questions so as to develop a particular argument
              subtype:  casuistry.argumentation  argumentation that is specious or excessively subtle and intended to be misleading
              subtype:  policy  a line of argument rationalizing the course of action of a government; "they debated the policy or impolicy of the proposed legislation"
                 subtype:  plank  an endorsed policy in the platform of a political party
                 subtype:  economic_policy  a government policy for maintaining economic growth and tax revenues
                    subtype:  fiscal_policy  a government policy for dealing with the budget (especially with taxation and borrowing)
                    subtype:  New_Deal  the economic policy of F. D. Roosevelt
                    subtype:  control.economic_policy  the economic policy of controlling or limiting or curbing prices or wages etc.; "they wanted to repeal all the legislation that imposed economic controls"
                       subtype:  price_control__pricecontrol  restriction on maximum prices that is established and maintained by the government (as during periods of war or inflation)
                       subtype:  ceiling.control__cap  an upper limit on what is allowed: "they established a cap for prices"
                       subtype:  floor.control__base  a lower limit: "the government established a wage floor"
                          subtype:  price_floor  floor below which prices are not allowed to fall; "the government used price supports to maintain the price floor"
                          subtype:  wage_floor  floor below which wages are not allowed to fall
                    subtype:  perestroika  an economic policy adopted in the former Soviet Union; intended to increase automation and labor efficiency but it led eventually to the end of central planning in the Russian economy
                    subtype:  protectionism  the policy of imposing duties or quotas on imports in order to protect home industries from overseas competition
                       subtype:  trade_barrier__tradebarrier__import_barrier  any regulation or policy that restricts international trade
                          subtype:  quota.trade_barrier  a limitation on imports; "the quota for Japanese imports was negotiated"
                          subtype:  trade_embargo__tradeembargo__embargo__trade_stoppage__tradestoppage  a government order imposing a trade barrier
                 subtype:  social_policy  a policy of for dealing with social issues
                    subtype:  apartheid  the former official policy of racial segregation in South Africa
                    subtype:  glasnost  a policy of the Soviet government allowing freer discussion of social problems
                    subtype:  social_action  a policy of socioeconomic reform
                       subtype:  affirmative_action__affirmativeaction  a policy designed to redress past discrimination against women and minority groups through measures to improve their economic and educational opportunities; "affirmative action has been extremely controversial and was challenged in 1978 in the Bakke decision"
                    subtype:  nativism.social_policy  the policy of perpetuating native cultures (in opposition to acculturation)
                 subtype:  party_line.policy__partyline  the policy of a political group; "He won in a vote along party lines"
                 subtype:  foreign_policy__foreignpolicy  a policy governing international relations
                    subtype:  brinkmanship  the policy of pushing a dangerous situation to the brink of disaster (to the limits of safety)
                    subtype:  imperialism.foreign_policy  a policy of extending your rule over foreign countries
                       subtype:  manifest_destiny  a policy of imperialism rationalized as inevitable (as if granted by God)
                    subtype:  intervention.foreign_policy__interference  a policy of intervening in the affairs of other countries
                    subtype:  nonintervention__noninterference  a foreign policy of staying out of other countries' disputes
                    subtype:  nonaggression  a policy of not initiating hostilities; "they signed a nonaggression pact"
                    subtype:  isolationism  a policy of nonparticipation in international economic and political relations
                    subtype:  Monroe_doctrine  an American foreign policy opposing interference in the Western hemisphere from outside powers
                    subtype:  Truman_doctrine  President Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology
                    subtype:  neutralism  a policy of neutrality or nonalignment in international affairs
                    subtype:  trade_policy__tradepolicy__nationaltradingpolicy  a government's policy controlling foreign trade
                       subtype:  open-door_policy__open_door  the policy of granting equal trade opportunities to all countries
                 subtype:  Zionism  a policy for establishing and developing a national homeland for Jews in Palestine
           subtype:  conjecture  reasoning that involves the formation of conclusions from incomplete evidence
              subtype:  theorization__theorisation  the production or use of theories
                 subtype:  ideology  imaginary or visionary theorization
                 subtype:  generalisation__abstraction  the process of formulating general concepts by abstracting common properties of instances
              subtype:  supposition  the cognitive process of supposing
                 subtype:  presupposition  the act of presupposing; a supposition made prior to having knowledge (as for the purpose of argument)
           subtype:  deductive_reasoning__deductivereasoning__deduction__synthesis__synthesi  reasoning from the general to the particular (or from cause to effect)
              subtype:  syllogism  deductive reasoning in which a conclusion is derived from two premises
           subtype:  inference__illation  the reasoning involved in making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation
              subtype:  analogy.inference  an inference that if things agree in some respects they probably agree in others
              subtype:  corollary  (logic) an inference that follows directly from the proof of another proposition
              subtype:  derivation.inference  a line of reasoning that shows how a conclusion follows logically from accepted propositions
              subtype:  entailment__deduction__implication  something that is inferred (deduced or entailed or implied); "his resignation had political implications"
              subtype:  presumption.inference  (law) an inference of the truth of a fact from other facts proved or admitted or judicially noticed
           subtype:  prediction__anticipation__prevision  the act of predicting (as by reasoning about the future)
              subtype:  projection.prediction  a prediction made by extrapolating from past observations
              subtype:  prognostication__vaticination  knowledge of the future (usually said to be obtained from a divine source)
                 subtype:  crystal_gazing__crystalgazing  staring into a crystal ball to arouse visions of future or distant events
                 subtype:  prevision  a prophetic vision (as in a dream)
                 subtype:  divination__foretelling__fortune_telling__fortunetelling  prophecy (or the pretense of prophecy) by supernatural means
                    subtype:  dowse__dowsing__rhabdomancy  searching for underground water or minerals by using a dowsing rod
                    subtype:  geomancy  divination by means of signs connected with the earth (as points taken at random or the arrangement of particles thrown down at random or from the configuration of a region and its relation to another)
                    subtype:  hydromancy  divination by water (as by patterns seen in the ebb and flow of the tides)
                    subtype:  lithomancy  divination by means of stones or stone talismans
                    subtype:  necromancy  conjuring up the dead, especially for prophesying
                    subtype:  onomancy  divination by the letters of a name
                    subtype:  palmistry__palmreading__chirology  telling fortunes by lines on the palm of the hand
                    subtype:  pyromancy  divination by fire or flames
              subtype:  prefiguration__foreshadowing__adumbration  providing vague advance indications
           subtype:  ratiocination  logical and methodical reasoning
           subtype:  reasoning_backward__reasoningbackward__regress__regres  the reasoning involved when you assume the conclusion is true and reason backward to the evidence
           subtype:  synthesis__synthesi__synthetic_thinking__syntheticthinking  the combination of ideas into a complex whole
        subtype:  line_of_thought  a particular way of thinking that is characteristic of some individual or group
        subtype:  train_of_thought__thread  the connections that link the various parts of an event or argument together; "I couldn't follow his train of thought"; "he lost the thread of his argument"
        subtype:  cogitation__study  attentive scrutiny and thought; "after much cogitation he rejected the offer"
           subtype:  lucubration  laborious cogitation
        subtype:  mysticism  obscure or irrational thought
        subtype:  ideation  the process of forming and relating ideas
        subtype:  consideration  the process of giving careful thought to something
           subtype:  weighing__deliberation__advisement  careful consideration; "a little deliberation would have deterred them"
              subtype:  think  (informal) an instance of deliberate thinking: "I need to give it a good think"
           subtype:  exploration.consideration  a systematic consideration; "he called for a careful exploration of the consequences"
           subtype:  meditation__contemplation__reflection__reflexion__rumination__musing__thoughtfulness  a calm lengthy intent consideration
              subtype:  introspection__self-contemplation__self-examination  the contemplation of your own thoughts and desires and conduct
                 subtype:  soul-searching__self-analysis  a penetrating examination of your own beliefs and motives
                 subtype:  examen.introspection__examination  examination of conscience (as done daily by Jesuits)
              subtype:  omphaloskepsis  contemplation of one's navel
              subtype:  retrospect  contemplation of things past; "in retrospect"
        subtype:  excogitation  thinking something out with care in order to achieve complete understanding of it
        subtype:  explanation  thought that makes something comprehensible
           subtype:  interpreting__interpretation__rendition__rendering  an explanation of something that is not immediately obvious; "the edict was subject to many interpretations"; "he annoyed us with his interpreting of parables"
              subtype:  broad_interpretation__broadinterpretation__judicial_activism  an interpretation of the U.S. constitution holding that the spirit of the times and the needs of the nation can legitimately influence judicial decisions (particularly decisions of the Supreme Court)
           subtype:  rationalization.explanation__rationalisation  the cognitive process of making something seem consistent with or based on reason
        subtype:  provision__planning__preparation  the cognitive process of thinking about what you will do in the event of something happening; "his planning for retirement was hindered by several uncertainties"
           subtype:  agreement.provision__arrangement  the thing arranged or agreed to
              subtype:  collusion  secret agreement
              subtype:  prearrangement  an arrangement in advance
           subtype:  applecart.provision  the planning that is disrupted when someone "upsets the applecart"
           subtype:  mens_rea__malice_aforethought  (law) criminal intent; the thoughts and intentions behind a wrongful act (including knowledge that the act is illegal)
           subtype:  calculation__deliberation  planning something carefully and intentionally; "it was the deliberation of his act that was insulting"
           subtype:  premeditation  planning or plotting in advance of acting
        subtype:  problem_solving  the thought processes involved in solving a problem
           subtype:  enquiry__inquiry__research  a search for knowledge; "their pottery deserves more research than it has received"
              subtype:  nature_study  the study of animals and plants in the natural world (usually at an elementary level)
              subtype:  experimentation__experiment  the testing of an idea; "it was an experiment in living"; "not all experimentation is done in laboratories"
                 subtype:  pilot_experiment__pilotexperiment  a preliminary experiment whose outcome can lead to a more extensive experiment
                 subtype:  trial_run__trialrun__trial__test__tryout  trying something to find out about it; "a sample for ten days free trial"; "a trial of progesterone failed to relieve the pain"
                    subtype:  field_trial__fieldtrial  a test to display the performance of some new product
                    subtype:  alpha_test__alphatest  a first test of an experimental product (such as computer software) carried out by the developer
                    subtype:  beta_test  a second test of an experimental product (such as computer software) carried out by an outside organization
                    subtype:  road_test  a test to insure that a vehicle is roadworthy
                       subtype:  test_drive  test of the roadworthiness of a vehicle one is considering buying
                    subtype:  trial_balloon__trialballoon  a test of public opinion
              subtype:  empirical_research__empiricalresearch  an empirical search for knowledge
              subtype:  investigation__probe  an inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities; "there was a congressional probe into the scandal"
              subtype:  public_opinion_poll__poll__opinion_poll__opinionpoll__canvass  an inquiry into public opinion conducted by interviewing a random sample of people
                 subtype:  straw_vote__strawvote__straw_poll__strawpoll  an unofficial vote taken to determine opinion on some issue
              subtype:  heraldry.enquiry  the study and classification of armorial bearings and the tracing of genealogies
           subtype:  figuring__calculation__computation__reckoning  problem solving that involves numbers or quantities
              subtype:  extrapolation  (mathematics) calculation of the value of a function outside the range of known values
              subtype:  interpolation  (mathematics) calculation of the value of a function between the values already known
              subtype:  conversion.figuring  a change in the units or form of an expression: "conversion from Fahrenheit to Centigrade
                 subtype:  data_conversion__dataconversion  conversion from one way of encoding data to another way
                 subtype:  digitization__digitisation  conversion of analog information into digital information
              subtype:  estimation__estimate__approximation__idea  an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth; "an estimate of what it would cost"; "a rough idea how long it would take"
                 subtype:  guesswork__guess__gues__shot__dead_reckoning  an estimate based on little or no information
                 subtype:  guesstimate__guestimate  an estimate that combines reasoning with guessing
                 subtype:  overrating__overestimate__overestimation__overreckoning  a calculation that results in an estimate that is too high
                 subtype:  underestimate__underestimation__underrating__underreckoning  a calculation that results in an estimate that is too low
              subtype:  derived_function__derivedfunction__derivative__differential_coefficient__differential__first_derivative__firstderivative  the result of mathematical differentiation; the instantaneous change of one quantity relative to another; df(x)/dx
                 subtype:  curvature  the rate of change (at a point) of the angle between a curve and a tangent to the curve
              subtype:  integral  the result of a mathematical integration; F(x) is the integral of f(x) if dF/dx = f(x)
                 subtype:  indefinite_integral  the set of functions F(x) + C, where C is any real number, such that F(x) is the integral of f(x)
                 subtype:  definite_integral  the integral of a function over a definite interval
     subtype:  decision_making__deciding  the cognitive process of reaching a decision; "a good executive must be good at decision making"
        subtype:  eclecticism__eclecticmethod  making decisions on the basis of what seems best instead of following some single doctrine or style
        subtype:  settlement.decision_making__resolution  something settled or resolved; the outcome of decision making; "the finally reached a settlement with the union"; "they never did achieve a final resolution of their differences"
        subtype:  judging__judgement  the cognitive process of reaching a decision or drawing conclusions
           subtype:  prejudgment__prejudgement  a judgment reached before the evidence is available
        subtype:  change_of_mind__reversal__flip-flop__turnabout__turnaround  a decision to reverse an earlier decision
           subtype:  second_thought__reconsideration__rethink  thinking again about a choice previously made; "he had second thoughts about his purchase"
        subtype:  choice__pick__selection  the person or thing chosen or selected; "he was my pick for mayor"
           subtype:  pleasure.choice  a formal expression; "he serves at the pleasure of the President"
           subtype:  favorite__favourite  something regarded with special favor or liking; "that book is one of my favorites"
           subtype:  way.choice  doing as one pleases or chooses: "if I had my way"
        subtype:  cull__reject  the person or thing rejected or set aside as inferior in quality
        subtype:  alternative__option__choice  an alternative action; "what option did I have?"; "there no other alternative"; "my only choice is to refuse"
           subtype:  obverse  the more conspicuous of two alternatives or cases or sides: "the obverse of this issue"
           subtype:  druthers__preference  the right or chance to choose: "given my druthers, I'd eat cake"
              subtype:  wish  the particular preference that you have; "it was his last wish"; "they should respect the wishes of the people"
           subtype:  default_option__defaultoption__default  an option that is selected automatically unless an alternative is specified
           subtype:  possible_action__possibility  a possible alternative; "bankruptcy is always a possibility"
              subtype:  possible  something that can be done; "politics is the art of the possible"
           subtype:  impossible_action__impossibility  an alternative that is not available
              subtype:  impossible  something that cannot be done; "his assignment verged on the impossible"
           subtype:  Hobson's_choice  the choice of taking what is offered or nothing at all
     subtype:  knowing  clear and certain mental apprehension
        subtype:  awareness.knowing__consciousness__consciousnes__knowingness  having knowledge of; "he had no awareness of his mistakes"; "his sudden consciousness of the problem he faced"; "their intelligence and general knowingness was impressive"
           subtype:  self-awareness  awareness of your own individuality
              subtype:  orientation.self-awareness  a person's awareness of self with regard to position and time and place and personal relationships
              subtype:  self-consciousness  self-awareness plus the additional realization that others are similarly aware of you
           subtype:  feel  an intuitive awareness; "he has a feel for animals" or "it's easy when you get the feel of it"
           subtype:  sense  a general conscious awareness; "a sense of security"; "a sense of happiness"; "a sense of danger"; "a sense of self"
              subtype:  sense_of_direction  an awareness of your orientation in space
              subtype:  sense_of_responsibility  an awareness of your obligations
        subtype:  cognizance.knowing__ken  range of what one can know or understand; "beyond my ken"
        subtype:  foresight__prevision  knowing in advance; foreseeing
        subtype:  savvy__understanding__apprehension__discernment  the cognitive condition of someone who understands; "he has virtually no understanding of social cause and effect"
           subtype:  comprehension.savvy  an ability to understand the meaning or importance of something (or the knowledge acquired as a result); "how you can do that is beyond my comprehension"; "he was famous for his comprehension of American literature"
           subtype:  self-knowledge  an understanding of yourself and your goals and abilities
           subtype:  smattering  a slight or superficial understanding of a subject
           subtype:  appreciation.savvy__grasp__hold  understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something; "he has a good grasp of accounting practices"
              subtype:  sense.appreciation  a natural appreciation or ability; "a keen musical sense"; "a good sense of timing"
           subtype:  grasping  understanding with difficulty; "the lecture was beyond his most strenuous graspings"
           subtype:  hindsight  understanding the nature of an event after it has happened; "hindisght is always better than foresight"
           subtype:  brainstorm__insight__brainwave  the clear (and often sudden) understanding of a complex situation
              subtype:  light.brainstorm  mental understanding as an enlightening experience; "he finally saw the light"; "can you shed light on this problem?"
              subtype:  revelation  an enlightening or astonishing disclosure
              subtype:  find__discovery__breakthrough  a productive insight
              subtype:  flash.brainstorm  a sudden brilliant understanding; "he had a flash of intuition"
           subtype:  realisation__realization__recognition  coming to understand something by thinking about it; "a growing realization of the risk involved"; "a sudden consciousness of the problem he faced"
     subtype:  linguistic_process.higher_cognitive_process__linguisticproces  the cognitive processes involved in producing and understanding linguistic communication; "he didn't have the language to express his feelings"
        subtype:  reading  the cognitive process of understanding a written linguistic message; "he enjoys reading books"
           subtype:  speed-reading__speedreading  reading at speeds significantly faster than normal
           subtype:  perusal__perusing__poring_over__studying  reading carefully with intent to remember
           subtype:  browsing__browse  reading superficially or at random
           subtype:  skim__skimming  reading or glancing through quickly
  subtype:  information_sciences_task__information_management_task__information_management__informationmanagement  may be "_subtask" would be more appropriate than "_task" here and in the subtypes
     subtype:  IR_task__information_indexation_or_search__information_retrieval__informationretrieval__IR
        subtype:  information_indexation__informationindexation
           subtype:  information_structuring  increasing the number of relations between objects
              subtype:  increasing_the_number_of_relations_between_document_elements
                 subtype:  document_structuring
                 subtype:  increasing_the_number_of_relations_between_documents
              subtype:  reducing_the_size_of_document_elements
              subtype:  information_normalization__informationnormalization
                 subtype:  data_normalization
                 subtype:  representing_information_in_a_formal_or_semi_formal_way
                    subtype:  knowledge_representation__knowledgerepresentation__representing_knowledge__KR__knowledge_modelling  representing information in a more or less formal way
                       subtype:  knowledge_normalization  representing knowledge in a precise, organized and scalable manner; this implies reducing the number of non-automatically comparable ways information is or can be written, and increasing the number of relations between objects (especially common/important relations such as generalization relations, partOf relations and case relations)
                          subtype:  use_of_a_normalizing_KRL
                          subtype:  re-use_of_a_top_level_or_large_ontology
                             subtype:  following_of_an_ontological_principle
                                subtype:  following_of_a_principle_of_the_Ontoclean_methodology
                          subtype:  following_of_a_category_naming_principle  lexical normalization involves following object naming rules such as "using English singular nouns or nominal expressions" and "avoiding the Intercap style"
                             subtype:  following_of_the_InterCap_style_for_naming_categories
                             subtype:  following_of_an_underscore_based_style_for_naming_categories
                             subtype:  use_of_nouns_or_nominal_forms_for_naming_categories
                                subtype:  use_of_singular_nouns_or_nominal_forms_for_naming_categories
                          subtype:  following_of_a_phrasing_principle_for_category_annotations
                          subtype:  following_of_a_knowledge_organization_principle  Structural and ontological normalization involves following rules such as "when introducing an object into an ontology, relate it to all its already represented direct generalizations, specializations, components and containers", "use subtypeOf relations instead of or in addition to instanceOf relations when both cases are possible", "avoid the use of non binary relations" and "do not represent processes via relations"
                             subtype:  use_of_a_graph-oriented-reading_convention
                             subtype:  limiting_the_number_of_relation_types
                             subtype:  following_of_an_ontological_principle
                       subtype:  representing_knowledge_in_a_concise/organized/precise/readable_way
                          subtype:  representing_knowledge_in_a_concise_way
                          subtype:  representing_knowledge_in_an_organized_way  setting or presenting many relations between categories or statements
                             subtype:  increasing_the_number_of_explicit_conceptual_relations_between_conceptual_objects
                                subtype:  increasing_the_number_of_explicit_conceptual_relations_between_relation_types
                                subtype:  increasing_the_number_of_explicit_conceptual_relations_between_concept_types
                                subtype:  increasing_the_number_of_explicit_conceptual_relations_between_objects_from_different_users
                          subtype:  representing_knowledge_in_a_readable_way
                          subtype:  representing_knowledge_in_a_precise_way  precise or explicit
                       subtype:  knowledge_modelling/classification/extraction__knowledgemodelling/classification/extraction__knowledge_acquisition__knowledgeacquisition__KA_task__KA  this is "knowledge acquisition" in its restricted sense; in its broader sense, it is equivalent to "knowledge management"
                          subtype:  KA_from_people
                          subtype:  KA_from_data
                             subtype:  semi_automatic_KA_from_data__knowledge_discovery__knowledgediscovery__data_mining
                                subtype:  semi_automatic_KA_from_data_by_classification
                                   subtype:  concept_clustering_from_data
                                subtype:  knowledge_extraction_from_documents
                                   subtype:  semantic_web_mining
                                   subtype:  knowledge-oriented_NLP
                                      subtype:  CG_extraction_by_NLP
                                   subtype:  ontology_extraction_from_documents
                                      subtype:  terminological_analysis
                                   subtype:  document_structure_analysis_or_discovery
                                subtype:  knowledge_extraction_from_databases__knowledge_discovery_in_databases__KDD
                                   subtype:  FCA_based_KDD
                          subtype:  classification
                             subtype:  conceptual_clustering__concept_clusterization__conceptclusterization  it can be used both for KA and IR, from knowledge or data
                                subtype:  conceptual_clustering_via_a_generalization_hierarchy
                                   subtype:  conceptual_clustering_via_a_category_generalization_hierarchy
                                      subtype:  FCA_based_conceptual_clustering
                                         subtype:  FCA_attribute_exploration  FCA technique addressing the problem of a context where the object set is not completely known a priori, or too large to be listed
                                         subtype:  FCA_concept_exploration  FCA technique addressing the problem of a context where both the object set and the attribute set are not completely known a priori, or too large to be listed
                                      subtype:  type_classification
                                      subtype:  instance_classification__instance_learning  assignement of instances to types of concepts/relations
                                   subtype:  conceptual_clustering_via_a_CG_generalization_hierarchy
                                subtype:  conceptual_clustering_from_data
                                   subtype:  conceptual_clustering_from_database
                                   subtype:  conceptual_clustering_from_documents
                                      subtype:  conceptual_clustering_from_emails
                             subtype:  classification_by_semantic_grids
                       subtype:  language/structure_specific_knowledge_representation
                          subtype:  CG_based_KR
                       subtype:  methodology_specific_knowledge_representation_or_modelling
                          subtype:  task_related_to_the_creation/update_of_the_KB_conceptual_model
                             subtype:  creation/update_of_the_KB_conceptual_model
                             subtype:  combination_and_instantiation_of_generic_task_models
                             subtype:  selection_and_adaptation_of_domain_ontologies
           subtype:  information_precising__informationprecising
              subtype:  information_explicitation
                 subtype:  representing_information_in_a_formal_or_semi_formal_way
                 subtype:  making_an_informal_sentence_less_contextual
                 subtype:  information_normalization__informationnormalization
           subtype:  data_indexation__informal_object_indexation
              subtype:  document_indexation
              subtype:  data_indexation_in_database
        subtype:  information_search__informationsearch
           subtype:  document_search
           subtype:  lexical_search__lexicalsearch__stringsearch  search of a string of character
              subtype:  regular_expression_based_search
              subtype:  keyword_based_statistical_search__keywordbasedstatisticalsearch
           subtype:  informal_index_based_search
           subtype:  knowledge_based_information_search__knowledgebasedinformationsearch
              subtype:  knowledge_based_document_search
                 subtype:  conceptual_clustering_from_documents
              subtype:  knowledge_search_task
                 subtype:  specialization_search__implication_search__implicationsearch
                    subtype:  specialization_structural_search
                    subtype:  complete_specialization_search
                 subtype:  generalization_search
                    subtype:  generalization_structural_search
                       subtype:  generalization_structural_search_of_FOL_statements
                    subtype:  complete_generalization_search
                 subtype:  analogy_search__analogysearch
                 subtype:  structure_only_based_search
                    subtype:  specialization_structural_search
                    subtype:  generalization_structural_search
                 subtype:  complete_knowledge_search
                 subtype:  incomplete_knowledge_search
                 subtype:  consistent_knowledge_search
                 subtype:  inconsistent_knowledge_search
        subtype:  information_presentation__informationpresentation
           subtype:  knowledge_representation__knowledgerepresentation__representing_knowledge__KR__knowledge_modelling  representing information in a more or less formal way
        subtype:  document_indexation_or_search__document_search__document_structuration  "indexation" also refers to structuring with via markup tags
           subtype:  document_indexation
           subtype:  document_search
           subtype:  keyword_based_document_indexation_or_search
           subtype:  metadata_based_structuration_or_search
           subtype:  knowledge_based_document_indexation_or_search
              subtype:  knowledge_based_document_search
        subtype:  data_indexation_or_search_in_a_database
           subtype:  data_indexation_in_database
     subtype:  database_management_task__database_management  a DB management (sub)task
        subtype:  data_indexation_or_search_in_a_database
        subtype:  mapping/merging/federation_of_DBs
     subtype:  document_management_task__document_management
        subtype:  document_indexation_or_search__document_search__document_structuration  "indexation" also refers to structuring with via markup tags
     subtype:  distributed_system_management_task__distributed_system_management
     subtype:  supporting_cooperation
        subtype:  supporting_synchronous_cooperation
        subtype:  supporting_asynchronous_cooperation
        subtype:  information_sharing__informationsharing
           subtype:  data_sharing
           subtype:  knowledge_sharing__knowledgesharing
              subtype:  synchronous_knowledge_sharing__synchronousknowledgesharing
              subtype:  asynchronous_knowledge_sharing
              subtype:  private_module_based_knowledge_sharing
              subtype:  fully_shared_knowledge_based_sharing
           subtype:  information_publishing__informationpublishing
     subtype:  software_engineering_task__software_engineering
        subtype:  software_classification
        subtype:  graphical_interface_engineering__graphicalinterfaceengineering
     subtype:  teaching_an_IS_related_subject
        subtype:  teaching_a_KM_related_subject
           subtype:  teaching_CGs
     subtype:  IS_methodology_task  a task of a methodology in Information Sciences
        subtype:  distributed_system_methodology_task
     subtype:  KM_task  a K.M. (sub)task
        subtype:  knowledge_management__knowledgemanagement__km__knowledge_engineering__knowledgeengineering__KE__conceptual_knowledge_processing__CKP__knowledge_acquisition__knowledgeacquisition__KA  KM is a KM_task itself, the one that any other KM_tasks are a subtask of
           subtype:  prototype_based_KA
           subtype:  model_based_KA
        subtype:  knowledge_comparison__knowledgecomparison
           subtype:  graph_matching__graphmatching
              subtype:  CG_matching
        subtype:  knowledge_inference/reasoning/generation__knowledgeinference/reasoning/generation
           subtype:  generalizing__generalization__generalising__generalisation
              subtype:  deduction
              subtype:  abduction
              subtype:  induction
           subtype:  specializing__specialization__specialising__specialisation
           subtype:  analogy_making__analogymaking
              subtype:  case_base_reasoning__CBR
           subtype:  monotonic_reasoning__monotonicreasoning
           subtype:  non_monotonic_reasoning__nonmonotonicreasoning
              subtype:  belief_revision__beliefrevision
                 subtype:  permissive_belief_revision
           subtype:  consistent_inference
              subtype:  consistent_knowledge_search
           subtype:  inconsistent_inference
              subtype:  inconsistent_knowledge_search
           subtype:  complete_inference
              subtype:  complete_knowledge_search
           subtype:  incomplete_inference
              subtype:  incomplete_knowledge_search
           subtype:  structure-only_based_inference
              subtype:  structure_only_based_search
           subtype:  rule_based_inference
        subtype:  knowledge_validation__knowledgevalidation
           subtype:  validation_of_KB_conceptual_model
           subtype:  KB_validation
           subtype:  validation_of_knowledge_implementation
           subtype:  consistency_checking__consistencychecking
           subtype:  completeness_checking
        subtype:  knowledge_representation__knowledgerepresentation__representing_knowledge__KR__knowledge_modelling  representing information in a more or less formal way
        subtype:  knowledge_search_task
        subtype:  knowledge_sharing__knowledgesharing
        subtype:  knowledge_mapping/merging/federation__knowledgemapping/merging/federation  mapping refers to the setting of semantic links between some categories of the different KBs
           subtype:  mapping/merging/federation_of_ontologies
           subtype:  mapping/merging/federation_of_CG_based_KBs
           subtype:  mapping/merging/federation_of_FCA_based_KBs
        subtype:  knowledge_import/export__knowledgeimport/export
           subtype:  knowledge_translation__knowledgetranslation
              subtype:  conversion_between_CG_and_other_models_or_notations
                 subtype:  conversion_between_RDF_and_CG
                 subtype:  FCA_based_storage_of_CGs
              subtype:  conversion_between_FCA_and_other_models_or_notations
                 subtype:  FCA_based_storage_of_CGs
                 subtype:  conversion_from_EGs_to_concept_graphs_with_cuts
        subtype:  knowledge_evaluation__knowledgeevaluation
        subtype:  collecting_knowledge_for_modelling
           subtype:  eliciting_knowledge_from_a_person
        subtype:  teaching_a_KM_related_subject
        subtype:  language/structure_specific_task
           subtype:  CG_task
              subtype:  CG_extraction_by_NLP
              subtype:  CG_based_KR
              subtype:  mapping/merging/federation_of_CG_based_KBs
              subtype:  CG_matching
              subtype:  conversion_between_CG_and_other_models_or_notations
              subtype:  teaching_CGs
              subtype:  CG_methodology_task
           subtype:  FCA_task  a FCA (sub)task
              subtype:  FCA_based_KDD
              subtype:  mapping/merging/federation_of_FCA_based_KBs
              subtype:  FCA_based_conceptual_clustering
              subtype:  FCA_methodology_task
           subtype:  language/structure_specific_knowledge_representation
        subtype:  KM_methodology_task  a task advised by a KM methodology
           subtype:  KR_methodology_task  lexical/ontological/structural rules/conventions for a better checking/search/exploitation/re-use/sharing of the knowledge
              subtype:  ontology_building_methodology_task
              subtype:  Peirce_based_KR_methodology_task
           subtype:  KA_methodology_task__knowledge_acquisition_methodology_task__knowledgeacquisitionmethodologytask__knowledge_modelling_methodology_task__knowledgemodellingmethodologytask
              subtype:  prototype_based_KA_methodology_task  km#prototype_based_KA or any substask of it
                 subtype:  prototype_based_KA
              subtype:  model_based_KA_methodology_task__modelbasedkamethodologytask  km#model_based_KA or any substask of it
                 subtype:  model_based_KA
                 subtype:  task_related_to_the_creation/update_of_the_KB_conceptual_model
                 subtype:  creation/update_of_the_KBS_design_model
                 subtype:  use_of_the_KBS_design_model_to_create/update_the_KBS
                 subtype:  KADS_task  a task of Knowledge Acquisition and Design Structuring
                    subtype:  KADS-I__KADS-1__KADS1
                    subtype:  CommonKADS__Common-KADS__KADS-II__KADS-2__KADS2
           subtype:  methodology_specific_knowledge_representation_or_modelling

28 statements are about indirect instances of cognitive_process: graph1_on_article, graph2_on_article, graph4_on_article, graph5_on_article, graph6_on_article, graph8_on_article, graph9_on_article, graph11_on_article, graph12_on_article, graph13_on_article, graph14_on_article, graph15_on_article, graph16_on_article, graph17_on_article, graph18_on_article, graph1_on_PhD_thesis, graph1_on_book, graph19_on_article, graph20_on_article, graph21_on_article, graph22_on_article, graph24_on_article, graph2_on_PhD_thesis, graph25_on_article, graph26_on_article, graph30_on_article, graph34_on_article, graph6_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

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