#celestial_body__celestialbody__heavenly_body  natural objects visible in the sky
  supertype:  #natural_object__naturalobject  an object occurring naturally; not made by man
  part of:  #existence
  subtype:  #planet  any of the celestial bodies (other than comets or satellites) that revolve around the sun in the solar system
     subtype:  #asteroid__minor_planet__minorplanet__planetoid  any of numerous small celestial bodies composed of rock and metal that move around the sun (mainly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter)
        subtype:  #Pallas  a large asteroid; the second asteroid to be discovered
        instance:  #Apollo_asteroid  #Ceres  #Vesta
     subtype:  #evening_star__eveningstar__Hesperus__Vesper  a planet (usually Venus) seen at sunset in the western sky
     subtype:  #morning_star__morningstar__daystar__phosphoru  a planet (usually Venus) seen just before sunrise in the eastern sky
     subtype:  #superior_planet  any of the planets whose orbit lies outside the earth's orbit
        subtype:  #Jovian_planet__gas_giant__gasgiant  any of the four outermost planets in the solar system; much larger than Earth and gaseous in nature (like Jupiter)
           instance:  #Jupiter  #Neptune.Jovian_planet__neptune  #Saturn  #Uranus
        instance:  #Red_Planet__Mars  #Pluto
     subtype:  #terrestrial_planet__terrestrialplanet  a planet having a compact rocky surface like the Earth's; the four innermost planets in the solar system
        subtype:  #inferior_planet  any of the planets whose orbit lies inside the earth's orbit
           instance:  #Mercury  #Venus
        instance:  #Earth.terrestrial_planet__earth__globe  #Red_Planet__Mars
  subtype:  #planetesimal  one of many small solid celestial bodies thought to have existed at an early stage in the development of the solar system
  subtype:  #quasar__quasi-stellar_radio_source__quasistellarradiosource  a starlike object that may send out radio waves and other forms of energy; large red shifts imply enormous recession velocities
  subtype:  #satellite  any celestial body orbiting around a planet or star
     subtype:  #Deimos  the smaller of the two satellites of Mars
     subtype:  #Galilean_satellite__Galilean  one of the four satellites of Jupiter that were discovered by Galileo
        instance:  #Callisto  #Europa  #Ganymede  #Io
     subtype:  #moon.satellite  any natural satellite of a planet; "Jupiter has sixteen moons"
     subtype:  #moon  the natural satellite of the Earth; "the average distance to the moon is 384,400 kilometers"; "men first stepped on the moon in 1969"
     subtype:  #Phobos  the larger of the two satellites of Mars
     instance:  #Titan.satellite__titan
  subtype:  #star  (astronomy) a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior
     subtype:  #binary_star__binary__double_star  a system of two stars that revolve around each other under their mutual gravitation
        subtype:  #Altair  double star 15.7 light years from Earth; the brightest star in the Aquila constellation
        subtype:  #Sirius__Dog_Star__Canicula__Sothis  the brightest star in the sky; in Canis Major
        instance:  #Aldebaran  #Algol  #Alpha_Centauri__Rigil_Kent__Rigil  #Antares  #Epsilon_Aurigae  #Procyon  #Rigel__Beta_Orionis  #Vega
     subtype:  #Deneb  the brightest star in Cygnus
     subtype:  #Denebola  a star in Leo approximately 43 light years from Earth
     subtype:  #fixed_star__fixedstar  any star in the Ptolemaic theory of planetary motion
     subtype:  #giant_star__giantstar__giant  a very bright star of large diameter and low density (relative to the Sun)
        instance:  #Arcturus  #Capella
     subtype:  #loadstar__lodestar  guiding star; a star that is used as a reference point in navigation of astronomy
        instance:  #Polaris__North_Star__polar_star__polarstar__polestar
     subtype:  #multiple_star  a system of three or more stars associated by gravity
        instance:  #Castor__Alpha_Geminorum  #the_Trapezium__Trapezium
     subtype:  #neutron_star__neutronstar  a star that has collapsed under its own gravity; it is composed of neutrons
        subtype:  #pulsar  a degenerate neutron star; small and extremely dense; rotates very fast and emits regular pulses of polarized radiation
     subtype:  #nova  a star that ejects some of its material in the form of a cloud and become more luminous in the process
     subtype:  #red_dwarf_star__reddwarfstar__red_dwarf__reddwarf  a small cool star; approximately 100 times the mass of Jupiter
        subtype:  #flare_star__flarestar  a red dwarf star in which luminosity can change several magnitudes in a few minutes
           instance:  #Proxima_Centauri__Proxima
     subtype:  #red_giant_star__redgiantstar__red_giant__redgiant  a large cool star; has a relatively low surface temperature and a diameter large relative to the sun
     subtype:  #sun  a typical star that is the source of light and heat for the planets in the solar system; "the sun contains 99.85% of the mass in the solar system"
     subtype:  #sun.star  any star around which a planetary system evolves
     subtype:  #supergiant  an extremely bright star of very large diameter and low density
        subtype:  #Canopus  supergiant star 650 light years from Earth; second brightest star in the sky
        instance:  #Betelgeuse__Alpha_Orionis
     subtype:  #supernova  a star that explodes and becomes extremely luminous in the process
        instance:  #Crab_Nebula
     subtype:  #variable_star__variable  a star that varies noticeably in brightness
        instance:  #Polaris__North_Star__polar_star__polarstar__polestar
     subtype:  #white_dwarf_star__whitedwarfstar__white_dwarf__whitedwarf  a faint star of enormous density
     instance:  #Alpha_Crucis  #Beta_Centauri  #Beta_Crucis  #Pollux  #Regulus  #Spica  #Sterope__Asterope
  subtype:  #star.celestial_body  any celestial body visible (as a point of light) from the Earth at night

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