#airplane_pilot__pilot  someone who is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight
  supertype:  #aviator__aeronaut__airman__flier__flyer  someone who operates an aircraft
  subtype:  #stunt_flier__stuntflier__barnstormer__stunt_pilot__stuntpilot  a pilot who travels around the country giving exhibits of stunt flying and parachuting
  subtype:  #senior_pilot__captain  the pilot ins charge of an airship
     subtype:  #group_captain__groupcaptain  a commissioned officer (especially one in the Royal Air Force) equivalent in rank to a colonel in the army
  subtype:  #combat_pilot  airplane pilot who fights in an action between two military forces
     subtype:  #fighter_pilot__fighterpilot  a military or naval pilot of fighter planes
        subtype:  #dogfighter  a fighter pilot who engages in an aerial dogfights
     instance:  #Edward_Vernon_Rickenbacker__Rickenbacker__Eddie_Rickenbacker
  subtype:  #copilot  a relief pilot on an airplane
  subtype:  #test_pilot  a pilot hired to fly experimental airplanes through maneuvers designed to test them
  subtype:  #wingman  the pilot who positions his aircraft outside and behind (on the wing of) the leader of a flying formation

1 statement is about a direct instance of #airplane_pilot: pm#graph1_on_flight
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