#advocator__advocate__proponent__exponent  a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea
  supertype:  #person__individual__someone__somebody__mortal__human__human_being__humanbeing__soul  a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
  subtype:  #apologist__vindicator__justifier  a person who argues to defend or justify some policy or institution; "an apologist for capital punishment"
  subtype:  #constitutionalist  an advocate of constitutional government
  subtype:  #Darwinian  an advocate of Darwinism
  subtype:  #democrat__populist  an advocate of democratic principles
  subtype:  #federalist  an advocate of federalism
  subtype:  #gnostic  an advocate of gnosticism
  subtype:  #humanist.advocator  an advocate of the principles of humanism
  subtype:  #ideologist__ideologue  an advocate of some ideology
  subtype:  #internationalist.advocator  an advocate of internationalism
  subtype:  #irredentist  an advocate of irredentism
  subtype:  #isolationist  an advocate of isolationism in international affairs
  subtype:  #Jansenist  an advocate of Jansenism
  subtype:  #Maoist  an advocate of Maoism
  subtype:  #Marxist  an advocate of Marxism
  subtype:  #nationalist  an advocate of national independence of or a strong national government
     subtype:  #nationalist_leader__nationalistleader  the leader of a nationalist movement
        subtype:  #American_Revolutionary_leader  a nationalist leader in the American Revolution and in the creation of the United States
           instance:  #Samuel_Adams__Adams__Sam_Adams  #William_Dawes__Dawes  #Benjamin_Franklin__Franklin  #Nathan_Hale__Hale  #Hancock__John_Hancock  #Patrick_Henry__Henry  #Francis_Hopkinson__Hopkinson  #Samuel_Huntington__Huntington  #Henry_Laurens__Laurens  #Richard_Henry_Lee__Lee  #Robert_R._Livingston__Livingston  #George_Mason__Mason  #Robert_Morris__Morris  #Thomas_Paine__Paine__Tom_Paine  #Robert_Treat_Paine__Paine  #William_Patterson__Paterson  #Josiah_Quincy__Quincy  #Paul_Revere__Revere  #Benjamin_Rush__Rush  #Haym_Salomon__Salomon  #Roger_Sherman__Sherman  #Baron_Friedrich_Wilhelm_Ludolf_Gerhard_Augustin_von_Steuben__Steuben  #Jonathan_Trumbull__Trumbull  #James_Wilson__Wilson  #John_Witherspoon__Witherspoon
        instance:  #Mohandas_Karamchand_Gandhi__Gandhi__Mahatma_Gandhi  #Nelson_Rolihlahla_Mandela__Mandela__mandela__Nelson_Mandela  #Charles_Stewart_Parnell__Parnell__parnell
  subtype:  #neoclassicist  an advocate of neoclassicism
  subtype:  #neutralist  an advocate of neutrality in international affairs
  subtype:  #nullifier  an advocate of nullification; someone who believes that a state can resist federal laws
  subtype:  #partisan__zealot  a fervent and even militant proponent of something
     subtype:  #bigot  a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own
        subtype:  #chauvinist  a person with a prejudiced belief in the superiority of his or her own kind
        subtype:  #antifeminist  someone who does not believe in the social or economic or political equality of men and women
           subtype:  #male_chauvinist__sexist  a man with a chauvinistic belief in the inferiority of women
        subtype:  #homophobe  a person who hates or fears homosexual people
        subtype:  #racist__racialist  a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others
        subtype:  #sectarian  a member of a sect who is intolerant of the views of any other sect
        subtype:  #segregator__segregationist  someone who believes the races should be kept apart
     subtype:  #dogmatist__doctrinaire  an stubborn person of arbitrary or arrogant opinions
  subtype:  #partitionist  an advocate of partitioning a country
  subtype:  #Platonist  an advocate of Platonism
  subtype:  #pro-lifer__prolifer  an advocate of full legal protection for embryos and fetuses; someone opposed to legalized induced abortion
  subtype:  #sponsor__presenter  an advocate who presents a person (as for an award or a degree or an introduction etc.)
  subtype:  #protectionist  an advocate of protectionism
  subtype:  #republican  an advocate of a republic (usually in opposition to a monarchy)
  subtype:  #ritualist.advocator  an advocate of strict observance of ritualistic forms
  subtype:  #ruralist  an advocate of rural living
  subtype:  #secessionist  an advocate of secessionism
  subtype:  #secularist  an advocate of secularism; someone who believes that religion should be excluded from government and education
  subtype:  #separatist  an advocate of secession or separation from a larger group (such as an established church or a national union)
  subtype:  #spokesperson__interpreter__representative__voice  an advocate who represents someone else's policy or purpose; "the meeting was attended by spokespersons for all the major organs of government"
     subtype:  #ambassador  an informal representative; "an ambassador of good will"
     subtype:  #flak_catcher__flak__flack_catcher__flackcatcher__flack  a slick spokesperson who can turn any criticism to the advantage of their employer
     subtype:  #mouthpiece.spokesperson__mouth  (informal) a spokesperson (as a lawyer)
     subtype:  #spin_doctor  a spokesperson for a political party or candidate who tries to forestall negative publicity
     subtype:  #spokesman  a male spokesperson
     subtype:  #spokeswoman  a female spokesperson
     subtype:  #traveling_salesman__travelingsalesman__travelling_salesman__commercial_traveler__commercial_traveller__roadman  a salesman who travels to call on customers
        subtype:  #tallyman  (Brit) one who sells goods on the installment plan
  subtype:  #suffragist  an advocate of the extension of voting rights (especially to women)
     subtype:  #suffragette  a woman advocate of women's right to vote (especially a militant advocate in the United Kingdom at the beginning of the 20th century)
     instance:  #Susan_Brownell_Anthony__Anthony__Susan_Anthony__Susan_B._Anthony  #Julia_Ward_Howe__juliawardhowe__Howe  #Mary_Ashton_Rice_Livermore__Livermore  #Esther_Hobart_McQuigg_Slack_Morris__Morris__Esther_Morris  #Lucretia_Coffin_Mott__Mott  #Jeannette_Rankin__Rankin  #Anna_Howard_Shaw__Shaw  #Julia_Evelina_Smith__Smith  #Elizabeth_Cady_Stanton__Stanton  #Lucy_Stone__Stone  #Frances_Elizabeth_Caroline_Willard__Willard  #Victoria_Clafin_Woodhull__Woodhull
  subtype:  #supporter__protagonist__champion__admirer__friend  a person who backs a politician or a team etc.; "all their supporters came out for the game"; "they are friends of the library"
     subtype:  #anglophile__anglophil  an admirer of England and things English
     subtype:  #truster__believer  a supporter who accepts something as true
        subtype:  #abiogenist  a believer in abiogenesis
        subtype:  #apostle  an ardent early supporter of a cause or reform; "an apostle of revolution"
        subtype:  #colonialist  a believer in colonialism
        subtype:  #Confucian  a believer in the teachings of Confucius
        subtype:  #imperialist  a believer in imperialism
        subtype:  #Malthusian  a believer in Malthusian theory
        subtype:  #vitalist  one who believes in vitalism
     subtype:  #Boswell  a devoted admirer and recorder of another's words and deeds
     subtype:  #Confederate  a supporter of the Confederate States of America
        subtype:  #Confederate_soldier  a soldier in the Army of the Confederacy during the American Civil War
           subtype:  #bushwhacker  a Confederate guerrilla during the American Civil War
           subtype:  #Rebel__Reb__Johnny_Reb__Johnny__grayback  (informal) `johnny' was applied as a nickname for Confederate soldiers by the Federal soldiers in the American Civil War; `grayback' derived from their gray Confederate uniforms
     subtype:  #convert  one who has been converted to another religious or political belief
        subtype:  #proselyte  a new convert; especially a gentile converted to Judaism
     subtype:  #enthusiast__partisan__partizan  an ardent and enthusiastic supporter of some person or activity
        subtype:  #freak__addict__nut  someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction; "a golf addict"; "a car nut"; "a control freak"
        subtype:  #backslapper  someone who demonstrates enthusiastic or excessive cordiality
        subtype:  #balletomane  a ballet enthusiast
        subtype:  #fanatic__fiend  a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm (as for a cause)
        subtype:  #gadgeteer  a person who delights in designing or building or using gadgets
        subtype:  #shutterbug  a photography enthusiast
        subtype:  #sports_fan__fan  an enthusiastic devotee of sports
           subtype:  #aficionado.sports_fan  a fan of bull fighting
           subtype:  #railbird  a fan of racing who watches races from the outer rail of the track
     subtype:  #Francophile__Francophil  an admirer of France and everything French
     subtype:  #free_trader  an advocate of unrestricted international trade
     subtype:  #functionalist  an adherent of functionalism
     subtype:  #loyalist__stalwart  a person who is loyal to their allegiance (especially in times of revolt)
     subtype:  #New_Dealer  a supporter of the economic policies in the United States known as the New Deal
     subtype:  #philhellene__philhellenist__Graecophile  an admirer of Greece and everything Greek
     subtype:  #pillar.supporter__mainstay  a prominent supporter; "he is a pillar of the community"
     subtype:  #Roundhead  a supporter of Parliament and Oliver Cromwell during the English Civil War
     subtype:  #seconder  someone who endorses a motion or petition as a necessary preliminary to a discussion or vote
     subtype:  #Shavian  an admirer of G. B. Shaw or his works
     subtype:  #ratifier__subscriber__endorser  someone who expresses strong approval
     subtype:  #well-wisher__sympathizer  expresses hope that something will be successful
        subtype:  #fellow_traveler__fellow_traveller  a communist sympathizer (but not a member of the Communist Party)
     subtype:  #wassailer__toaster  someone who proposes a toast; someone who drinks to the health of success of someone or some venture
     subtype:  #upholder__maintainer__sustainer  someone who upholds or maintains; "firm upholders of tradition"; "they are sustainers of the idea of democracy"
     subtype:  #verifier__voucher  someone who vouches for another or for the correctness of a statement
     subtype:  #Whig.supporter__whig  a supporter of the American Revolution
     instance:  #Jacobite
  subtype:  #supremacist  a person who advocates the supremacy of some particular group over all others
     subtype:  #white_supremacist__whitesupremacist  a person who believes that the white race is or should be supreme
  subtype:  #teleologist  advocate of teleology
  subtype:  #unilateralist  an advocate of unilateralism

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